


Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Section A Multiple Choice

1. The family gathered together to ___ the holiday meals.

A. divide B. share C. receive D. smell

2. Jenny ___ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt.

A. managed B. controlled C. handled D. regulated

3. I had to work hard to ___ the other students.

A. keep away from B. keep up with C. keep back D. keep out

4. Helen asked me ___ the film called “Star War”.

A. have I seen B. had I seen C. whether I have seen D. if I had seen

5. This was the place ___ .

A. about that I was telling you B. where I was telling you

C. about which I was telling you D. that I was telling you

6. When the teacher ___ the classroom, all the students stood up.

A. came B. appeared C. arrived D. entered

7. He doesn’t ___ to take a holiday this summer.

A. suggest B. acquire C. plan D. pursue

8. The reason ___ we should learn a foreign language is very clear.

A. when B. why C. which D. where

9. He was asked to speak louder ___ all the students in the classroom could hear him.

A. so as to B. so that C. since D. than

10. He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays ___ to know.

A. Neither I cared B. Nor did I care C. I didn’t care D. Neither did I care

Part ⅡBlank Filling

11. We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in (real) ____ they were thieves.

12. Last night she told me that she (go) ____ to the United States next week.

13. It would be a good idea if British Railway started (simple) ____ their timetables.

14. Any increase in the cost of transporting goods will be passed on to the (consume) ____.

15. This medicine is (poison) ____ if taken in large quantities.

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

Anna was from Germany. When she and her husband arrived in America, he went out West

in search of gold. While he was gone, he died. When she found out that he was dead, Anna moved

to Seattle with her five children.

She was 55 years old when she first climbed over Chilkoot Pass in 1894. She took with her

a sewing machine. She wore a heavy shirt, a blouse, warm jacket, cap, and heavy shoes.

She came to the Klondike to search for her youngest son, George. He had gone to Alaska 6

years before.

On the way she asked everyone she found for news of her son. When she arrived in Circle

City she was forced by the weather to wait out the winter. That winter she sewed everything for

other people to make a living.

In 1896, she decided to give up her search for her son. She told her sewing machine and

moved to San Francisco. When she exchanged for money the gold that she had received for her

work in the West, she had over 1,200 dollars. Though that might not sound like a lot to people of

today, it was quite a lot of money then.

In 1897, she returned to the Klondike again in search of he son. By this time she was 60

years old. She bought another sewing machine and went north once more. She left Alaska for good

in 1917, never knowing what had happened to her son. She died at the age of 91 in San Fransisco.

16. When did Anna begin to search for her son?

A. In 1894 B. In 1896 C. In 1897 D. In 1917

17. Where did her son go?

A. Seattle B. Klondike C. Alaska D. San Francisco

18. From the passage we can learn that _____.

A. Anna sold her sewing machine for over 1,200 dollars

B. Anna first climbed over Chilkoot Pass at the age of 60

C. Anna went to the Klondike more than one.

D. Anna was born in American

19. Why was Anna’s first search of her son delayed ?

A. Because she was too old to move.

B. Because the weather was very bad.

C. Because she didn’t have enough money.

D. Because she had to sew things for another people.

20. Which of the following is true about Anna’s search of her son?

A. She searched for her son till her death.

B. She gave up her search of her son because he was dead.

C. She searched for her son twice and failed both times.

D. She got to know something about her son but didn’t see him.

Passage 2

An old couple walked slowly into McDonald’s one cold winter evening. Some of the customers

looked at them and thought, “ Look, thee is a couple who have been through a lot together,

probably for 60 years or more!”

The little old man walked right up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and

then paid for their meal. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. After

sitting at a table near the back wall, the little old man carefully cut the hamburger in half. He

placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them

into two piles and placed one pile in front of his wife.

As the man began to eat his few bites of the hamburger, one young man came over to the old

couple’s table. He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat. The old man

replied that they were used to sharing everything.

Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady hadn’t eaten a bite. She just sat there watching

her husband eat and sometimes taking turns drinking a little bit.

Again the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them something to eat. This

time the little old lady explained that they were used to sharing everything together.

As the little old man finished eating, the young man could stand it no longer. Again he came

over to their table and offered to buy some food.

After being politely refused again, he finally asked a question to the little lady, “Ma’am, why

aren’t you eating? You said that you sharing everything. What is it that you are waiting?”

She answered, “The teeth. I can’t eat without the false teeth that my husband was using. ”

21. How many times did the young man offer to buy some food for the old couple?

A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times

22. What was the old lady doing when her husband was eating?

A. She was waiting for her food

B. She was cutting the hamburger.

C. She was drinking a little bit.

D. She was dividing the French fries in two piles.

23. The old couple refused the young man’s offer because _______ .

A. they were too poor to pay the money

B. they couldn’t eat up more food

C. they didn’t want to be helped by others.

D. they were used to sharing everything

24. The old lady wasn’t eating with her husband because__________.

A. she wanted her husband to eat more.

B. she was waiting for the false teeth from her husband

C. she didn’t like the food.

D. she enjoyed watching her husband eat.

25. What do you think of the end of the story?

A. Very surprising B. Very happy C. Very sad. D. Very exciting.

Passage 3

I began to swim when I was very young. Now I swim without even thinking, but there has to

be one day that you are brave enough to swim without being helped by others. Mine came when I

was four.

I still remember that day we got to the swimming pool and mother helped me into my little

duck armbands. Then she went and let me stay in the water by myself. Everyone else had only one

armband on and I was the odd one out, so I stood there looking sheepish.

“Perhaps I could swim a little way with just one,” I thought, and so took one off as I looked

around at all the kids swimming in the other groups. They were really confident; I wanted to be

like them.

However, once I took off one armband, I felt really uncomfortable. You know, when you

have something holding up one shoulder, it feels odd on the other side. I wasn’t going to put up

with this, so I took the other armband off.

Well, Mum was shocked to see what I was doing. The child she had brought swimming was

going to swim without any armband at all!

I was getting into the water thinking, “It can’t be that far; the others do it really quickly.” All

of the other children were standing on the side watching. I plucked up my courage and swam. It

was wonderful. It was like being free. I reached the other side in no time and my t4eacher was

smiling his really big smile. I looked at the other little ones and they looked really impressed and I

felt great.

By the time Mum had already come over to see me. She was smiling and I smiled back. I

could swim without armbands now. Mum, as always, was really happy for me.

word “mine”(Line 3 Para. 1) refers to _______.

A. the little duck armbands that the writer’s mother helped him into.

B. The day when the writer was brave enough to swim on his own

C. the writer’s little friends from whom he learned how to swim

D. the writer’s teacher who was encouraging him all the time

27. How did the writer feel when he found that he was the only kid wearing armbands?

A. Very confident B. Really happy C. A bit shy D. Much surprised

28. The wrier took off both his armbands because ______.

A. he wanted to be just like the other kids

B. he hoped he could do a better job.

C. he already had someone holding one shoulder

D. he felt uncomfortable wearing one armband

29. Why was the writer’s Mum shocked?

A. Because the writer had decided to swim without a single armband.

B. Because the writer was left alone in the swimming pool.

C. Because the writer was being laughed at by the other kids

D. Because the writer just stood on the side looking sheepish.

30. It can be learned from the 6 paragraph that _______.

A. it took the writer less time and effort than the other kids to each the other side.

B. it was a painful experience for the writer to swim with no armbands

C. the writer felt great that he had swum to the other side all by himself

D. the writer lost courage in the middle of swimming

Passage 4

We have heard it repeatedly: most people do not get enough exercise. Yet when we look at

our dogs, we say we do not give them enough exercise either.

Do dogs enjoy exercise? Of course they do. Just ask people who have asked their dog if he

wants to go for a walk. What has happened from then on whenever they have said the word walk?

Dogs usually get so excited about going for a walk.

The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is getting them started. Never begin

taking your under-exercised dog for extremely long walks all of a sudden. Dogs, just like people,

need to warm up before they start to exercise and they should start a program slowly.

Walking is a great exercise for you and your dog alike. What is important is that the walking

becomes a routine and is done on a regular basis. Regular means twice a day or more if it is all

right with you. If you are tired of walking and your dog still wants to continue, then playing a

game with your dog or letting your dog go after a toy can finish the program for a dog.

To reduce any possible health risk, consider the following do’s and don’t for exercising your


Do warm your dog up with a gentle walk before starting any exercises.

Do have water available, but do not let him drink too much directly after a long walk.

Do make the exercise a routine event.


Don’t overdo it.

Don’t feed your dog immediately before or after exercise.

Don’t exercise your dog outside on the hottest part of a summer day or in very cold winter


31. According to the passage, how do we know dogs enjoy exercise?

A. Dogs, unlike people, don’t feel tired after vigorous exercise.

B. Dogs exercise outdoors in the heat of summer and cold of winter

C. Dogs get excited when we exercise them by taking them on a walk, for example.

D. Dogs, those under-exercised included, can walk for extremely long hours.

32. The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is _________.

A. warming them up B. chaining them up

C. dressing them up D. feeding them up

33. According to the writer, what is important about walking?

A. It should be stopped once you feel tired.

B. It should be started suddenly

C. It should be ended with a game or a toy.

D. It should be done on a regular basis.

34. What should you do if you are tired of walking but your dog wants to continue?

A. Walk it until it gets tired B. Play a game with him instead.

C. let him walk alone D. Go home immediately

35. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Dogs have better strength and endurance than humans.

B. Dogs are energetic, so we can never over-exercise them.

C. Dogs need more exercise than they get, but people don’t.

D. Dogs should not be fed shortly before or after exercise.

Part Ⅳ cloze

Human language is a system of symbols. No other animal has a complex symbolic language

that must be learned. Animal language is largely instinctive, 36 basic human language is

learned speech, composed 37 sounds that symbolize things, ideas, actions, and the like.

We learn to read, often with considerable effort, by noticing or 38 taught that groups of

letters stand for the sounds that we already know 39 to speak. We learn to write, with even

40 effort, by learning to form the letters, 41 are symbols of sounds, and to put them together

on paper so that others can read what we "say".

Since human language is a form of human behavior, 42 is nothing absolute about it. It has

43 lowly throughout human history and will continue to develop. In the English language there

are perhaps 600,000 44 , Possibly more, but most of them are 45 only to specialists and are

rarely used.

36. A. while

37. A. on

38. A. having

39. A. what

B. because

B. by

B. being

B. how

C. since

C. of

C. are

C. which

D. so

D. in

D. been

D. why

40. A. larger





A. they

A. there

A. developed

A. sounds

B. fewer

B. those

B. it

B. lasted

B. works

B. seen

C. less

D. greater

D. that

D. one

D. functioned

D. signs

D. known

C. which

C. which

C. survived

C. letters

C. felt 45. A. given

Part Ⅴ



:Choose the best translation for each of the following sentences.

46. She has put on a lot of weight since she got out of hospital.

A. 自从她出院以来她挑起了工作的负担。




47. .Everybody here is well taken care of, no matter what his position.

A. 每个人都在这里得到了很好的照料,不管他的位置。




48. .Without your help, I could have been kidnapped by that strong criminal.




D. 如果没有你的帮助,我可能早就被那个体格强壮的绑匪绑架了。

49..Most of us, from earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.





is self- evident that the education of the young is very important to the future of a country.





Part Ⅵ

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a

letter of invitation according to the following instructions given in Chinese.





1-5 BABDC 6-10 DCBBD

11. reality

12. would go

13. simplifying

14. consumer

15. poisonous

16-20 ACCBC 21-25 CCDBA 26-30 BCDAC

31-35 CADBD 36-40 ACBBD 41-45 CAAAD 46-50 BDDDA

Dear Mr. Brown,

We are going to have an English evening on June 15, at half past seven, in the reading-room

of our school. Both teachers and students are going to sing songs and perform some plays.

We’d very much like to have you come.

Please let us know if you’ll be able to join us.

Yours sincerely,

Zhou Ying

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