


Business Negotiation Skills in English


Phases of Negotiation

According to Robert Maddux, author of

Successful Negotiation

, negotiation is

the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want.

In business negotiations, the two parties endeavor to obtain their business goals

through bargaining with their counterparts. Business negotiations are conducted

in the following four phases: the preparation phase, opening phase, bargaining

phase and closing phase.

Preparation phase

1. Choosing your team

The negotiation team should include members in the following areas:

✓ Commercial: responsible for the negotiation on price, delivery terms, and

commercial policy of risk taking.

✓ Technical: responsible for specifications, programs, and methods of work.

✓ Financial: terms of payment, credit insurance and financial guarantees.


✓ Legal: contract documents, terms and conditions of contract, insurance and

legal interpretation.

✓ Interpreter: familiar with the foreign language needed as well as the

negotiation-related knowledge, and having certain communication skills.

The most important role in the team is the chief negotiator (CN), who is

supposed to possess the following qualities: sociability, shrewdness, adaptability,

patience, endurance. Other than that, extensive knowledge, clear oral expression

as well as strong leadership are also important for a CN.

2. Gathering and analyzing information

Valuable information covers the areas in political, legal as well as business

system, market research, financial policies, infrastructure and logistics. The

knowledge on the counterpart is also necessary. With the information at hand, it is

time do a feasibility study to adjust our goals to be achieved.

3. The negotiation plan

The plan defines the negotiating objectives, sets the minimum acceptable

level for each term, and states the time control, initial strategy, the tactics and

others including the location, personnel and facilities needed. A well-designed

plan allows more flexibility in different situations and guides the negotiators

through the negotiation process without getting off track.


本文标签: 谈判技巧商务英语