



热点18 交通强国与交通发展治理



Urban Transportation in Canada

Public transportation & Transit passes

All cities and most major towns in Canada have a public transportation system with one

or more modes of transportation (bus, subway, train, etc.). The bus is the most common form

of urban transportation in Canada. To use public transportation, you must purchase a ticket or

a transit pass. Transit passes allow you unlimited use of public transportation for a specific

period (one month or more). They are usually cheaper than buying many tickets if you plan to

use public transportation often.

Transportation for people with disabilities

Public transportation often has features to assist people with disabilities. In many cities

and towns, there are also transportation services available specifically for people with limited

mobility, such as specially equipped buses. You can find out about these services in the same

way you would learn more about other public transportation options.

Etiquette on public transportation

When taking public transportation such as a bus or train, it is important to understand the

unspoken rules of conduct in the shared space. Here are a few things to note:

◆ Be polite and respectful to others around you. For example, maintain an appropriate

noise level when talking or making a phone call.

◆ If you are carrying a backpack or a large shoulder bag in a crowded public transit

vehicle, keep it close to you, preferably at your feet to avoid hitting people with it as you walk


◆ Avoid pushing or touching others in order to make more room for yourself. Sometimes

public transit can become very crowded, but it is important to keep calm and give others

appropriate personal space.

◆ Have your proof of payment accessible in case you are asked to show it.

1. What is the advantages of using transit passes over buying tickets?

A. Lower costs. B. Safer trips.

C. Longer service hours. D. More use of transport.

2. How does the transportation system help people with disabilities?

本文标签: 交通阅读强国