


*** Input query options (one of them has to be provided):


name of file with the nucleotide sequence in FASTA format

(more than one sequence is allowed)

Default = `'


Accession or gi number of the nucleotide sequence

(ignored, if the file name is provided)

Default = `'

*** Query sequence details:


Start address of sequence fragment to be processed

Default = `1'


Stop address of sequence fragment to be processed (0 - to the end of the


Default = `0'


Is the sequence circular? (t/f) *** Under development

Default = `false'

*** Search parameters:


Genetic code to use (1-31)

see /Taxonomy/Utils/ for details

Default = `1'


ORF start codon to use:

0 = "ATG" only

1 = "ATG" and alternative initiation codons

2 = any sense codon

Default = `1'


Minimal length of the ORF (nt)

Value less than 30 is automatically changed by 30.

Default = `75'


Ignore nested ORFs (completely placed within another)

Default = `false'


Output ORFs on specified strand only (both|plus|minus)

Default = `both'

*** Output options:


Output file name


Output options:

0 = list of ORFs in FASTA format

1 = CDS in FASTA format

2 = Text ASN.1

3 = Feature table

Default = `0'


ORFfinder -in -s 2 -ml 100 -out -outfmt 3


本文标签: 阅读开放序列