



Art of Chinese seal engraving

Chinese seal engraving is a seal-making art combining Chinese calligraphy

(mainly the seal character) and engraving (including iron and casting) with a history

over 3,000 years. The combination of writing structure of a conventional calligraphy

with the artistic expression embodied in engraving with knife and stone can

manifest better the aesthetic feeling of the Chinese characters and is favored by

people from all levels of society.




Chinese seal carving first appeared in ancient times and was used throughout

the Qin Dynasty. It was initially employed as an imperial seal named Xi. These

imperial seal carvings were used only by the royalty.

中国的印章篆刻(seal carving)始于古代,贯穿于整个秦朝。篆刻的印帝最初是作为皇

帝的玉玺(imperial seal)来使用的。皇家的印章被称为玺(Xi)并且只能由皇室成员使用。

Following this dynasty, more different kinds of seals appeared and were used

by private folks as personalized stamps. These non-official stamps were called Yin.

During the Tang Dynasty, the seals was renamed Bao as a result of superstition

since the pronunciation of Xi is similar to that of another Chinese charactcr which

means death.




A perfect seal is very much determined by the engraver's speed and strength

of his wrist and finger movements, as well as the particular tool he uses. Also he

should be very familiar with the various materials- jade, gold, brass, stone, wood

and etc-so that he can apply his tool with the right exertion and rhythm.




Today, stone is the most widely used material in seal engraving. Among all the

stones, Shoushan stones, which come from the northern outskirts of Shoushan

County, Fuzhou City, are the most famous. The most valuable for engravers is

Tianhuang Stone, a kind of Shoushan stone. It is said that the emperors of the Qing

Dynasty used to put a piece of Tianhuang on the table for wealth and good luck

when they held a ceremony to worship heaven.

本文标签: 印章使用中国篆刻镌刻