




bow plate 船艏外板

corrugated bulkhead plate 槽形舱壁板

bulwark plate 舷墙板

coaming plate 围板

connection plate 连续板

copper sheathing steel plate 铜钢复合板

deck stringer plate 甲板边板

slop plate 斜板

reinforcement plate 加强板

rudder plate 舵板

side plate 舷侧外板

skirt plate 裙板

stem plate 艏柱板

stern plate 艉柱板

platform 平台

engine-room platform 机舱平台

block 分段

bow block 艏段

midship block 舯段

stern block 艉段

girder 纵桁

bar girder 型材桁

bottom center girder 中底桁

bottom center line girder 中内龙骨

bottom girder 底桁材

bottom side girder 旁底桁


structure 结构

dockyard/shipyard 船厂

ship-owner 船东

quay 船码头

hold 船舱

ship’s registry 船籍

bow 船艏

ladder 船梯

stern 船尾

dock/boatyard 船坞

ship’s side 船舷

ship’s rail 船的栏杆

accommodation deck 住舱甲板

arch deck 梁拱甲板

cargo deck 货载甲板

hold deck 货舱甲板

bridge deck 桥楼甲板

watertight deck 水密甲板

navigation deck 驾驶甲板

boat deck 艇甲板

compass deck 罗经甲板

plate 板

bilge plate 舭板

bottom plate 船底板

shell side longitudinal 舷侧纵桁、舷侧纵骨

top longitudinal of double bottom 双层底顶纵骨

slopping bulkhead longitudinal 斜舱壁纵骨

structure 结构

accessory structure 附属结构

all-welded structure 全焊结构

amidships structure 舯部结构

berthing structure 泊位结构

bottom keel structure 底部龙骨结构

bow structure 船艏部结构

braced structure 支撑结构

bridge structure 桥楼结构

forecastle structure 艏楼结构

framed structure 构架结构

girder structure 纵桁结构

after tank 艉部水舱

auxiliary tank 辅助水柜

bilge tank 污水舱

bottom tank 底舱

bottom side tank 底边舱

cargo and ballast tank 货油压载舱

circulating lubricating oil tank 循环滑油舱

circulating flow water tank 循环水槽

clean ballast tank 清洁压载舱

condensate catch tank 冷凝水柜

dry tank 干舱

drinking tank 饮用水舱

dump tank 污水舱

deck girder 甲板纵桁

cross girder 横桁

horizontal girder 水平桁

hatch coaming girder 舱口边梁

engine girder 基座纵桁

under deck girder 甲板下纵桁

wing girder 舭纵桁

本文标签: 甲板结构英语词汇循环航海