








Ⅰ.Multiple Choice

Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully.

Decide which one of the four choices best completes the

statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the


famous quotation from Shakespeare’s play “Romeo

and Juliet”: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

well illustrates _______.( )

conventional nature of language creative

nature of language

universality of language big difference

between human language and animal communication

the following sound combinations, only _______ is

permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )

sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a

_______ formula “S→NP VP”。( )

chical diagram al

is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case

assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( )

Condition ter

nt Parameter

ation analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning.

nt Condition

e ce

ing to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point

is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are

called _______.( )

ives ives sives atives

term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of

referring to the approach which studies language change over

various periods of time and at various historical stages.



way in which people address each other depends on

their age, sex, social group and personal relationship. The English

system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last

name, title+last name, _______, and kin term. +first

name +title alone name+last name+title

ge and thought may be viewed as two independent

circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought

are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard

thought as “subvocal speech,” and speech as “_______”。( )

thought al thought thought


of the following best states the behaviorist view of

child language acquisition _______.( )

ge acquisition is a process of habit formation

ge acquisition is the species-specific property of

human beings

en are born with an innate ability to acquire language

are equipped with the neural prerequisites for

language and language use

Ⅱ.Blank Filling

onic ative ical

Directions:Fill in the blank in each of the following

statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given

as a that you are to fill in ONE word only,and you are

not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)

the course of time, the study of language has come

to establish close links with other branches of s________ studies,

such as sociology and psychology.

[1] and dark[]are allophones of the same one

phoneme /1/.They never take the same position in sound

combinations, thus they are said to be in c________ distribution.

13.A r________ is often seen as part of a word, but it can

never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite meaning.

14.A c________ sentence contains two or more clauses, one of

which is incorporated in the other.

the denial of one member of two words implies the

assertion of the other is the characteristic of c________ antonyms.

the meaning of a sentence is abstract and

decontextualized, that of an u________ is concrete and context-

dependent. 17. Phonological rules may move phonemes

from one place in the string to another. For example, Modern

English verb ask was Old English askian, with the /k/preceding

the/s/.Sound change as a result of sound movement is known as

m________. many societies of the world, we find a large

number of people who speak more than one language. As a

characteristic of societies, b________ inevitably results from the

coming into contact of people with different cultures and

different languages. brain’s neurological

specialization for language is called linguistic I ________, which

is specific to human beings. order to acquire a second

language, learners will subconsciously use their first language

knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as

language t________.

Ⅲ.True of False question

Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements

is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in

front of each statement. I (2%×10=20%)

the history of any language the writing system always

came into being before the spoken form.

( ) English, long vowels are also tense vowels because

when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a

state of tension.

( )23.A compound is the combination of only two words.

( )24.“The student” in the sentence “The student liked the

linguistic lecture.”,and “The linguistic lecture” in the

sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student.”belong to

the same syntactic category.

( )stic forms having the same sense may have

different references in different situations while linguistic forms

with the same reference always have the same sense.

( ) important difference between presupposition and

entailment is that presupposition,unlike entailment,is not

vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated,

the original presupposition is still true.

( ) division of English into Old English, Middle English,

and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.

( )ge reflects sexism in society. Language itself is

not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist

attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism.

( ) a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or

she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.

本文标签: 考试自学测试题