


《使命召唤4现代战争》攻略(Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare)

Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare:

Bugprologue prologue:


SAS special forces

This is a training, mainly to teach everyone familiar with the

FPS game that went to the table in accordance with the following

objectives, F picked up the gun, to right the first shot out

of the window shooting target, a terrorist target and then turn

off the mirror out of the fight, and across the wood board once,

at last with the fastest speed of the target down, pick up a

pistol, 1 and 2 for the gun, finally put on the table a

watermelon knife head (V), you can go out to find price.

Price will let you climb the ladder, picked up the table MP5,

ready in the next press F to slide down the rope, to move forward

with digital guidance on the ground, all the way to listen to

the price password, in the number 1 position shooting, No. 2

shooting, No. three, No. four. Throw flash, number four

shooting, No. five shooting, six position towards the room

still flash, shooting, all the way down to it in 1 minutes, can

never fail, over

MISSION2:Crew Expendble

SAS special forces

Finally started the fight! The video seen here should be very

familiar with, since the helicopter down basically with

training off to walk almost another head back to the ship deck

after the helicopter, waiting for clearance of two floor

terrorists, his teammates will open the door, then follow

teammate Finally, a container

with a bomb will Press F to pick up the

files and run with your teammates. On the way, the ship gets

blown up and gets up and runs. As long as it's tight, don't be

dizzy. Finally, go to the helicopter and jump in the blanks.




Cutscenes, look at the shot is


MISSION1:Black Out

SAS special forces

This is the night, put on your M21 sniper rifle, along with

teammates forward, try to strike the enemy at a distance,

finally met Calov and his soldiers in a lawn, he will ask you

to provide help with thermal aggregation, price arrived at the

designated location, with a sniper gun below the room window

and kill the people inside on the line, and then follow the price

go, there will be a large number of bandits on

Finally reached the edge of the cliff, providing a sniper

Then go to the cliff side of the power station

and wait for price to threaten Calov, learn the location of

Nikolai, and use the ropes at F from the edge of

Just follow price along the path, and in the target room, turn

on the night vision, kill and rescue Nikolai, and take him

outside to board the helicopter, over

MISSION2 Charlie Don't Surf


This is known as imitating Black Hawk falling! It'

Take a helicopter to the designated building, go in search, from

another door out, did not find AL sad, and then follow the

captain to the TV station. There are a lot of enemies on the

road, and be careful to destroy snipers and RPG on the roof.

Arriving at the television station, on the first floor lobby,

there are a large number More use of cover,

gradually cleared, and then followed his teammates to the two

floor, Everything is a trap, over


Nothing is said, the demo scene has been played hundreds of

Move forward to the target building, turn on the

night vision, go up to the two floor, and operate the machine

gun to clear the fire points opposite. Continue to follow the

teammate down the stairs, will destroy the courtyard of the

enemy, will come from the overpass, three tanks, pick up the

javelin missile killed teammates, tanks destroyed, the enemy

will retreat. Advance to the side of the tank, a large number

of Take care to eliminate RPG first.

Then, according to the map instructions, destroy an

anti-aircraft gun, press F on C4, and go out to

Finally, press the F call helicopter at the designated site,

clear the enemy's base, and return to the side of the tank, over


SAS special forces

Continue the story of the SAS team, come up, the helicopter was

shot down by the missile, and when you get up, hands empty, don't

worry, die, teammates have two guns, take

Follow the escape kill team go, kill a few enemies in a small

village, and then escape the patrol helicopter lying in the

grass, grass to another head into the basement and out of the

house on the other side, there is Be careful in

dogs will bite out, according to V Along with

teammates advance finally came to a barn, picked up the table

to the helicopter air defense missile shot down (to play two

rounds to hit), finally saw the enemy troops, don't worry, AC130

artillery destroyed Over

mission5: death from above


这次我们该从空中支援了...... 按2可以在25mm, 40mm和100mm炮

之间切换, 这里推荐用100mm炮观察敌情, 用40mm炮打人.按f将在

夜视模式之间切换, 看着那些身体会闪光的就是自己人, 其他的是

敌人, 掩护他们占领教堂, 在公路边上看着他们截下两辆车 (不要

打那些车), 路过一个村子时提前消灭那些bmp和rpg, 最后在一个

好像停车场的地方有大批敌人, 尽情用40mmgun屠杀吧 最后小队安

全乘上直升机, over!

mission6: war pig


又是一场巷战! 紧接着bog的地点, 这次我们有m1a2掩护前进了!

路上跟着他, 边走边消灭楼上的火力点就可以.然后坦克会去绕道,

所以我们要穿过几个街区...... 进屋之前不要忘了扔手雷就行, 最

后会看见一辆t72坦克被m1a2隔墙屠杀...... 唉, 老毛子东西就是

不行, 到指定位置上直升机, 撤!

mission7: shock and awe


继续抓捕al sat! 不过这次我们乘坐直升机操作机炮啦.进入城市后

尽情向那些装甲车和rpg防空炮啥的开枪, 稍微慢一点就会被打下

来 (还有一次被汽车炸死了, 诡异......), 直升机降落, 再次起飞,

在降落以后需要你下去等待直升机加油, 别闲着, 去前面的街区绕

一圈...... 敌人四处都是火力点, 尽量不要漏头逐步为营就很轻松

了, 回来以后上直升机起飞, 路上会有另一架直升机被击落, 操纵

机炮消灭冲向它的敌人, 降落以后下去按f把驾驶员背起来回自己

直升机 (限时一分半), 就在大功告成之时, 核爆, 真的over


mission8: aftermath


挂了, 可以爬出处看看核爆以后的景色...... 真恐怖....... 最后

听着自己心跳停止....... over了......


mission1: safehouse


本关要抓捕al sat, 基本任务就是根据提示搜索所有房屋.按6可以

使用直升机支援, 建议每间房屋都在直升机掩护下进入...... 总体

上比较简单的, 最后在一个谷仓里面抓住al sat, price亲手枪毙掉,


mission2: all ghillied ip


又是爆强的一关! 扮演15年前的狙击手潜入切尔诺贝利暗杀! 哈哈

我们身边有麦克米兰长官, 跟着他走就行了, 他会要你杀掉那些

tango或者要你等待要你趴下总之只要照着他的话做, 就不会有什么

危险, 否则惊动了敌人会有狼狗伺候...... 来到一片草原上会有敌

人经过, 需要趴在地上躲避, 不要跟在麦克后面否则两个人都会被

发现...... 只要趴在地上躲开那些人就可以了...... 继续听从指

令前进, 跟着他跑, 爬过汽车底下, 打死四楼的一个狙击手, 前面

就没有敌人了, 跟着他走就可以......

mission3: one shot, one kill


现在两个人在楼上等待扎卡霍夫出现, 瞄准, 会有直升机挡住视野,

等待...... 看清楚目标 (就是那个老头), 听麦克一声令下, 狙杀!

顺便把直升机的驾驶员也做掉, 就可以跟着他从楼上撤离了......

路上会有大批敌人, 所以换上一把mp5吧 (不要丢掉狙)! 同样跟着

麦克走就可以, 最后在两栋楼中间, 狙杀追踪的直升机驾驶员, 直

升机会坠落并且把麦克砸伤...... ok, 现在我们要背着他前进了.

遇见敌人就把他放下当移动炮塔就行, 跟着目标指示前进 (小心路

上楼房里面的两只狼狗......), 最后到达摩天轮旁边, 把他放在指

定的草坪上, 自己去安装定向地雷.敌人会 从三个方向出现所以均

匀放置你的定向地雷! 然后...... 我们等待直升机救援吧......

敌人如潮水般涌来...... 顶住...... 没啥可说的了...... 直升机

来了把麦克背上去, 逃离, over

mission4: heat


好了, 回忆结束, 回到杀死alsad的地方.首先前进至海边悬崖边,

等待敌人过来后会引发爆炸...... 然后敌人用烟雾弹掩护, 我们撤

退...... 到直升机残骸里操纵minigun掩护队友,

After listening to the instructions, back into a room again,

the four mines detonated (F using the switch left to detonate),

okay, and then retreated to the Al sad farm, picked up the

javelin, to the outside of the 4 tanks to Then

press 7 to use air strikes, countdown, 5 minutes will start,

the target is rushed back to the beach, boarded the helicopter!

If you want to destroy the enemy, it is not enough time to

advance safely, so try to rush forward as fast as you can and

run yourself on the helicopter! (no matter what they'll follow),


MISSION5:The, Sin, of, The, Father

SAS task force

All right, now we're going to arrest Zakharov's son. First of

all, to remove an enemy checkpoints Gang upstairs Sentry can

Then put on clothes in the enemy station upstairs,

waiting for the small car appeared in blue Zacca Ralph,

sportswear, hear the password eradicate all other people who

just left him, but the watchtower After getting

up, little Zakharov ran after him with Just

chase, don't kill! Keep tight, or you'll fail. There will be

an armored car blocking the road from the road, on the left side

of the road around the past, follow the target direction,

finally pulled out in front of a waiting helicopter fire in a

building, layer by layer to suppress the enemy, seize the little

Zakharov in He



SAS task force

Well, we're finally going to finish it. After we airborne, we

found Griggs, the machine gunner, Go and

save him first, follow the instructions, and find no one in the

It was found in the F key

for him relaxed and leave, go to an outside tower, installed

in the four corner of the Well, the front will

be a tough battle, the enemy is everywhere and abnormal number

of explosive barrels to escape! Don't worry too much! Finally,

with the American sniper team round, see two nukes flying the



SAS task force

The next step was to enter the base, a hard battle, with three

enemy armored vehicles, first using 4 smoke bombs to cover them,

and charging them Then wait for the teammate to

cut the wire, the rope falls into the control center, a short

pass, and the final warm-up

MISSION3:No, fighting, in, the, war, room

SAS task force

Finally got to the Only 15 minutes! Follow

your partner out of the ventilation channel and the price round.

Then three people along the way, as many people on

The use of grenades and flash will save a lot

In a confined room, waiting for the door to open, rushed in!

Then wait for Griggs to blow up a wall and get into the control

room. Then you're going to save the lives of the American people!

In front of the computer, press F to enter the cancel command,

and then follow the price route to evacuate! There was a great

deal of enemy on No way, here has

Finally, get on Clear the enemy on the jeep's


MISSION4 Game Over

SAS task force

The last hurdle, let's run away in Behind is the

enemy's truck chase, pay attention to shooting above the enemy,

and then there will be a helicopter flying over, replaced by

RPA hit, it seems no hit, it does not matter, as long as it does

not At last he reached the bridge, but the bridge

Wake up, climb to safety, wait for the

rescue, and finally hit the ground by helicopter, watching

Griggs Here Slow motion

kills Then price drew a pistol, took it,

aimed Zakharov, killed him, and it was

From Ranger Forum

本文标签: 直升机敌人掩护等待