


Daur People Keep Thousand-year-old Traditions through

Festival Celebrations



主题语境:人与社会 子语境:传统文化

原文出处:Global Times 语篇类型:说明文








China, a united multi-ethnic

country, has 56 ethnic groups. Each of

the ethnic groups has its own distinctive

history and tradition, contributing to

the rich Chinese culture. The Global

Times is to publish a series of articles

focusing on the folk traditions of the

ethnic groups including costumes,

festivals and customs to show their

unique beauty.

On the 16th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, 40-year-old Yire got up very

early. She quickly and quietly crept to the room where the children were still sleeping on the kang

(traditional bed) and smeared black ash she had scraped from the bottom of the pot on their faces

and wished them a safe and healthy year. The children and grandchildren later also smeared the

ashes on their elders' faces. During this "smearing festival" the person with the most ash on their

face is believed to be the luckiest. The festival is considered a city-level intangible cultural

heritage, among the Daur people, one of the many Chinese ethic minority groups.

"The smearing is no longer limited to the elder generations, everyone can smear each other to

ward off evil spirits and pray for good blessings," Yire told the Global Times, expressing her pride

to be a Daur person.

Maintaining the heritage

In order to inherit and spread the traditional Daur culture to more people, Yire opened public

accounts on Chinese social media platforms and posted articles and videos about this unique

minority group. Her recent videos about the ice-piercing for fishing in Hulun Buir's first ice and

snow sports tourism season, in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, have captured

the attention of many viewers.

On the day of the event, the Daur people sang and danced around a burning bonfire. They

hold a traditional thousand-year-old fishing competition, and cooked the fish just out of the water

on the spot. Everyone seems to be fully emerged into the boisterous festivity. Meng Liying,

director general of the culture and tourism bureau of Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner in

Hulun Buir, told the Global Times that the ice fishing originated from their ancestors, the Khitan

or Qidan people, which has been proved by the historical record - people "chiseling the ice to get

fish" in winter. The place where the Daur people lived was surrounded by rivers and mountains,

contributing to a rich fish resources. Thanks to the fruitful natural environment and resources, the

Daur people were able to keep the tradition of ice-piercing until today.

Additionally, the local authority also launched traditional food appreciation events, a

festival themed New Year's goods, ice and snow sports competitions, immersive intangible

cultural heritage experiences and a winter carnival. According to Meng, the events attracted nearly

2,000 tourists from Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and surrounding areas, and nearly

20,000 people watched the live broadcast of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival. The Morin

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