



调节保安系统 governing and protection system

油系统 oil system

辅机系统 auxiliary system

安装要求 requirement for installation

技术规范 specification

辅助设备 auxiliary equipment

安装数据 data on installation

工况图 condition curves

凝汽式汽轮机 condensing steam turbine

转子部分 rotary part

主轴 main shaft

联轴器 coupling

主油泵 main oil pump

叶轮叶片 bladed wheels

盘车齿轮 turning gear

静子部分 stationary part

汽缸 casing

喷嘴组 nozzle blocks

隔板 diaphragm

汽封 gland

轴承 bearing

轴承座 bearing housing

油动机 servomotor

调节汽阀 steam governing valve

公用底盘 common chassis

单缸结构 single casing structure

前汽缸 inlet casing

后汽缸 exhaust casing

垂直中分面 vertical splits

主汽门 main stop valve


新蒸汽 live steam

碳素钢 welding carbon steel

铸钢 steel casting

排汽室 exhaust chamber

凝汽器 condenser

排气接管 exhaust adapter

膨胀节 expansion loop

汽轮机本体 steam turbine proper

猫爪 lugs

沿轴向的 axially

推力 thrusting force

底脚法兰 foot flanges

滑销系统 sliding key system

纵销 longitudinal keys

横销 cross keys

立销 vertical keys

润滑油槽 oil grooves

润滑油 lubricating oil

地脚螺栓 anchor bolts

压紧螺栓 hold-down bolts

调节级 control stage

汽缸筒体 casing barrel

挡板 damper

steam chamber of steam governing valve

测孔 gauging hole

温差 temperature differential

疏水口 drain ports

喷嘴组 nozzle block

喷油嘴 oil nozzle

悬挂销 suspension pins

密封键 sealing keys

定位销 securing keys

同流部分气封 flow passage glands

隔板汽封 diaphragm gland

前后汽封 front and rear gland

动叶 moving blades

围带 shroud band

隔板汽封环 diaphragm gland ring

压紧弹簧 hoedown spring

汽封套筒 gland sleeve

迷宫室汽封 labyrinth gland

排汽室 exhaust chamber

漏气 leak steam

套装转子 shrunk-on rotor

危急遮断器 emergency governor

刚性联轴器 butt-muff coupling

动平衡试验 dynamic test

推力轴承前轴承 thrust-journal bearing

主油泵环室 chamber of mail oil pump

危急遮断油门 emergency governor pilot valve

试验控制阀 trial control valve

启动阀 starting valve

前底板 front base plate

角销 angle pins

热膨胀监测保护仪 thermal expansion monitor

金属软管 metallic flexible hoses

油口 oil port

探头 probe

插头座 plug socket

铂热电阻 platinum thermostats

具体位置 practical position

联合轴承 combined bearing

可倾瓦式 pivoted shoe


小齿轮 pinion

套装 be shrunk on

螺旋槽 spiral grooves

静压力 fixed pressure

有孔帽罩 perforated cap

多压式汽轮机/补汽式汽轮机 multi-pressure turbine

启动阀 Starting valve

汽轮机安全监测装置 Safety monitor for steam turbine

电调装置 Electric governing system

油动机 Servomotor

调节汽阀及连杆 Steam governing valve with link lever

疏水管路 Drain piping

射汽抽气器蒸汽管路 Steam piping for steam ejector

汽封管路 Gland piping

抽空气管路 Air extraction piping

thrust pads

本文标签: 汽轮机汽封调节轴承部分