


Book 1 Teenage experiences

Tapescripts and video scripts

Unit 2 Let’s talk teens

Integrated skills, B

Cynthia: Hi, Rebecca. This is Cynthia.

I understand your feelings. From your email, it sounds like you put a lot of

effort into your schoolwork. If your mother doesn’t value that, of course

you’re going to be unhappy!

But remember: every parent has high hopes for their children. Your mother

wants you to be successful but she probably fails to see how you struggle.

Try following these pieces of advice and see if they help improve your


First, talk to your mother. Make sure she understands your feelings. Choose

a good time and start the conversation politely. You can begin with

something like, “I know that you expect me to do well at school, but I’m

struggling sometimes. Can we please talk?” You should also try to meet in

the middle when talking to your mother. Of course, school matters, but

relaxation is good for you too. Tell your mother about your interests and

ask for more free time to spend on them. For example, if you like listening

to music, explain why you enjoy it and how it helps you. Why don’t you

make a deal that you are both satisfied with?

Second, put yourself in your mother’s shoes and try to understand what

she does. I know it isn’t easy, but you must be patient. When your mother

doesn’t let you go out with your friends, think about the reason why she

does so. When I was your age, I thought senior high school was tiring too.

I couldn’t understand why my parents were so strict with me. However,

when I grew up, I realized that they just wanted me to have the best

possible future. After that, I became so much closer to my mum and dad.

Everything will turn out all right, I promise.


King Lear

Act 1, Scene 1

Earl of Kent, a loyal officer, is standing near King Lear ready to serve him. The king’s three

daughters enter the room and upon seeing them, the king stands and begins the meeting.


Tapescripts and video scripts

King Lear: Alright, let’s get down to business. Give me that map over there.

An attendant brings a map which the king unrolls and lays flat on a table.

King Lear: I have decided to divide the kingdom into three parts as I plan to place



King Lear:

Regan: (


King Lear:


King Lear:


the burden of ruling on the younger generation. That way I can live my

last years in peace.

Tell me, my daughters, as I am to retire, which of you loves me most so

that I can give the greatest share of my kingdom to the most deserving.

Goneril, my eldest, you may speak first.

(She steps forward to address the king.) Sir, I love you more than words can

say. Dearer than eyesight, space and freedom. I love you beyond what

can be valued, rich or rare. I love you as much as life itself, with health,

beauty and honour. I love you as much as a child has ever loved a father.

My love is such that it leaves one breathless and speechless. Beyond all

these things, I love you.

(She whispers to herself as she turns to the audience.) What will I say? I can

only say that I love you and be silent.

(He points at the map and draws a line with his finger.) Of my kingdom

I give you this part, from this line to this one. You will have shadowy

forests, fertile fields, plentiful rivers, and wide meadows. This land will

belong to you and your children forever.

(To Regan) What do you have to say my second daughter? My dearest

Regan, speak.

She steps forward to address the king.) Sir, I am made of the same stuff as

my sister, so I am as worthy as her. In all honesty I agree wholeheartedly

with her words of love though she comes too short. I, however, love you

so much that I cannot find joy doing anything other than loving you.

Only your love can make me happy.

(To herself again) Oh, poor me! Though I am sure my love is bigger than

words can describe.

(Looking satisfied) To you and your children from this point on I give this

third of the kingdom. No less than what your sister has obtained.

(To Cordelia, with a bright smile) Now, the last, though not the least.

Cordelia, you will soon make ties with France or Burgundy. What can

you say that will make you outshine your sisters? Speak.

Nothing, my lord.


Book 1 Teenage experiences

Cordelia: Nothing.

King Lear: Nothing will come of nothing. Try again.

Cordelia: As sad as it is, I can’t put into words the feelings of my heart. I love Your

Majesty as a daughter should; no more nor less.

King Lear: What? Cordelia, fix your words or you may lose your inheritance.

Cordelia: You have made me, raised me, and loved me. I give back to you as you

King Lear:


King Lear:


King Lear:


King Lear:


King Lear:

have earned. I obey you, love you, and most of all honour you. How

can my sisters be married if they only love you? When I am married, I

will happily give half my love to you and half to care for my husband—

unlike my sisters who only love you.

Are these words from the heart?

Yes, my lord.

(Irritated and disgusted) So young but so cold-hearted?

So young but so true.

Furious) So be it! Your truth will be your inheritance! For by the sacred

powers that rule Heaven and Earth I disown you! There are no ties

between us and from now on you will be a stranger to me. Barbarians

who eat their own children will be closer family to you than you will

ever be to me, ex-daughter!

(He steps forward to intervene.) But, my lord—

Quiet, Kent! Don’t get in my way when I’m angry. I loved her the most

and thought she would take care of me as I died.

(To Cordelia) Get out of my sight!

(To Kent) If she doesn’t love me then I will die alone. The remaining part

of my kingdom will be split between my other two daughters. If she

wants to be proud, which she calls plainness, then she can marry it!

(To Goneril and Regan) I give you both all the powers and authority of

kingship and all that I ask is that you give me a hundred troops to be

my guard and that I keep the title of king. I will stay with both of you

a month at a time in turns. The power, money, and decision-making of

this kingdom will be divided between your two families. To prove it, I

give you my crown to share.

(He steps forward again.) King Lear, whom I have honoured as my king,

loved as my father and served as my master—

I’m mad enough to kill someone. Don’t let it be you.



Tapescripts and video scripts

Kent: Kill me then! I think I can be rude if the king has become mad. What are

you doing, old man? Do you think that I will be too scared to speak up

when a man is making bad decisions? Truthfully, I am honour bound to

speak when kings are being stupid. Don’t do this. Check your rage and

don’t make this decision rashly.

(Pointing at Cordelia) I swear on my life that your youngest daughter

does not love you the least. Just because she doesn’t proclaim it loudly it

doesn’t mean that her heart is empty.

King Lear: Kent, if you want to live, shut up!

Kent: But I have always protected your interests—

King Lear: Get out of my sight! (With rage, he marches about the room looking for a


Kent: (Pleadingly) Let me remain with you so that you can look to me for


The king finds a sword and waves it at Kent. The other people in the room step forward

wondering if they should try to intervene.

Kent: Do it! Kill the person trying to help you and you’ll face the

consequences. Either take back the inheritance you have unfairly given

to your daughters, or, while I still have air to breathe, I will tell you that

you are doing an evil thing.

King Lear: (He continues to advance on Kent with his sword.) Listen to me, traitor! I

have never broken my word and I will not do so now, no matter how

you plead. I cannot bear this rudeness so this will be your sentence.

You have five days to prepare to leave and another five to get out of my

kingdom. If I see you in my lands after that then I will kill you. Get out!

By Jupiter, I will never take back this decision.

Kent: (He looks sad but bids the king goodbye with a bow.) Farewell, King Lear. If

this is what you wish.

(To Cordelia, in a sweet voice) Blessings on you dear. May you be sheltered

for thinking properly and speaking correctly.

(To Regan and Goneril, in a derisive tone) As for you, may your big words

be proved with equal deeds, and may good results come from your words

of love.

(To all) I now bid you all goodbye and go to make a new life in a new




Book 1 Teenage experiences


Unit 2 Let’s talk teens

Listening and writing, B1

Leo: My mum just doesn’t understand me! She only wants me to study for exams,

go to a famous university and find a good job. But there are other things in

life, like sport. Yesterday evening, when I was preparing to go to basketball

practice, she told me to stay at home and do my homework. I tried to

explain to her that my team would have a really important match next

week, and that I could finish my homework afterwards, but she didn’t care.

Later, she found me chatting with my friend on my phone and got very

angry with me. She said I had to go to bed because I had to get up early for

school the next day. Another thing that makes me really frustrated is that

Mum always believes I’m using my mobile phone too much. She thinks I’m

always playing mobile games or messaging my friends and she shouts at me

whenever my phone makes any noise. She doesn’t understand that using my

phone helps me relax.

Listening and writing, B2

Mum: I’m worried about Leo. He hasn’t been doing that well in school lately.

Dad: Yeah. His latest test scores ... They’re not terrible, but I know that he can do

much better than that.

Mum: Only if he would spend less time on sport! I think he’s having too much

basketball practice recently.

Dad: Yeah, the extra basketball practice ... He said his team would have a really

important match next week. I think we’ve got to support him, but he needs

to prove that the extra basketball practice won’t influence his performance

at school. Why not get him to make a timetable to strike a balance between

sport and schoolwork?

Mum: Good idea! I’m also worried that he’s using his smartphone too much. He’s

looking down at that little screen all the time! The other day, he was still up

chatting with his friend after on the phone. I told him to stop.

Dad: Yes, he needs to use his phone wisely. It is taking up too much of his time

and causes him to go to bed late. He needs to get enough sleep—he always

looks tired.

Mum: Well, he can’t go on like this. We need to have rules for phone use at home.


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