



Unit 1 How can I get there? 我能怎么到那里?

Hey, Robin. Where is the science museum? 你好,罗宾,科学博物馆在哪里?

It’s near the library. 在图书馆旁边。

I see. How can I get there? 我知道了,我能怎么去那里?

Turn right at the school. Then go straight. 在学校那里右拐,然后直走

OK. Let’s go. 好的,让我们走吧

Excuse me. Can you help me? 打扰了,你能帮助我么?

Sure. 当然可以

How can I get to the science museum? 我能怎样去科学博物馆?

It’s over there. 在那里

Thanks. 谢谢

Oh, where is Robin? 哦,罗宾在哪里?

Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. 吴一凡和罗宾正在看一些机器人

Where are they? 他们在哪里?

In the museum. 在博物馆里

In the bookstore. 在书店里

Is Grandpa there? 爷爷在那里么?

Yes, he is. 是的,他在

No, he isn’t. 不,他不在

Robin, where is the museum shop? 罗宾,博物馆商店在哪里?

I want to buy a postcard. 我想买张明信片

It’s near the door. 在门边

Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. 谢谢,邮局在哪里?我想今天寄出它

I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, sir. 我不知道。我要问下。打扰了,先生

Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! 哇,一个会说话的机器人。多壮观的博物馆啊!

Where is the post office ? 邮局在哪里?

It’s next to the museum. 在博物馆旁边

Thanks. 谢谢

Where is the museum shop/ post office? 博物馆商店/邮局在哪里?

Talk about the places in your city / town / village. 谈论在你的城市里或镇上或农村里的地点

Is there a …? 那里有。。。?

Where is it? 它在哪里?

It’s near/ next to / behind … 在。。。旁边/相邻/后面

Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪里?

It’s next to the bookstore. 在书店旁边(与书店相邻)

Make a map and talk 做一份地图并谈论

There is a pet hospital in my city. 在我的城市里有一个宠物医院。

Where is it? 它在哪里?


It’s near the park. 在公园旁

They want to go to the bookstore. 他们想去书店

The cinema is next to the bookstore. 电影院在书店旁边

What an interesting film! 多有趣的电影呀!

Yes, but I’m hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. 是的,但是我现在很饿。我知道有一


Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? 好吃!我喜欢披萨!餐厅在哪里?

It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street. 在东方街道的公园旁边

How can we get there? 我们怎样能到那里?

Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 在书店左拐。

OK. Let’s go! 好的,让我们走

How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? 吴一凡和迈克怎样去餐厅?

Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? 谈论你喜欢的电影院或餐


I like …我喜欢。。。

How can I get to the …? 我怎样去。。。?

Turn left/ right at …在。。。左拐/右拐

Where is Italian restaurant? Turn right here? 意大利餐厅在哪里?在这里右拐么?

No, turn left. 不,左拐

Be a tour guide. 做一名导游

Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her? 陈洁尝试为欧力佛


Now we are in front of Tian’anmen. 现在我们在天安门前。

Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. 直走你能看见故宫博物院。

You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? 你在车里。这里的哪些能帮到你找到


Robin has GPS! 罗宾有一个全球定位系统。

Wu Yifan’s grandpa gave Robin a new feature. 吴一凡的爷爷给罗宾一个新东西

How now has GPS. 他现在有一个全球定位系统

He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 他能帮助男孩们找到意大利餐厅

We’re in front of the cinema. 我们在电影院前

Let’s go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! 让我们直走并且在书店左拐。


Is it far? 它远么?

No. Now we are behind the hospital. Let’s turn right and then turn right again. 不远。现在我们在


There is the restaurant! 那里有一个餐厅

My new GPS works! 我的新全球定位系统有用!


本文标签: 罗宾博物馆餐厅意大利喜欢