


威尼斯商人人物简介(A brief account of businessmen in Venice)

Sherlock: on usury charge high interest rates for a living, and

he bent solely on profit cunning, vengeful, greedy, stubborn

and cruel in this city is very unpopular

Shylock:, he, earned, a, living, usury, charge, high, interest,

he, is, mercenary, cunning, vengeful, greedy, stubborn,, cruel,

and, very, by, unpopular, in, the, city

Bocia: she is intelligent, witty and decisive. She is calm, kind,

kind and full of human brilliance

Portia:, she, is, intelligent, witty, and, to, act, resolutely,

calm, kind-hearted, full, of, the,, glory, of, human, nature

Antonio: charitable, creditors not interest, treasure

friendship, at the sacrifice of life.

Antonio:he, is, generous, lend, money, do, not, take, interest,

treasure, friendships, very, much.

II. Analyzing, the, Heroes, in, the, Play

In this play, Shakespeare portrays many roles. The proportion

that male figures taking is much more notable than female 's.

So,' s necessary to narrate it and display their nature

character and symbol.

A. Antonio

Although the play s title refers to him ", Antonio is a rather

lackluster character. He emerges in Act I scene I as a hopeless,

depressive someone, who cannot name the source of his

melancholy and who, throughout the course of the play, devolves

into a self-pitying lump, unable to muster the energy required

to defend himself against execution. Antonio never names the

cause of his melancholy, but the evidence seems to point to his

being in love, and the most likely object of his affection is


Antonio has risked the entirety of his fortune on oversea

trading ventures, yet he agrees to guarantee the potentially

lethal loan Bassanio secures from Shylock. He is willing to

offer up a pound of flesh, signifying a union that grotesquely

alludes to the rite of marriage, where two partners become "one

flesh" Further evidence of the nature of. Antonio 's feelings

for Bassanio appears later in the play when Antonio s

proclamations resonate with the "hyperbole and

self-satisfaction of a doomed lover" s declaration: "pray God

Bassanio come/ To see me pay his debt, and then I care not 2

(Act III, Scene III, 35-36 without, a mate, he is) indeed the"

tainted wether "- or castrated ram - of the flock, and he will

likely return To his favorite pastime of moping about the

streets of Venice 2 (Act IV, Scene I, 113). After all, he has

effectively disabled himself from pursuing hid hobby - abusing

Shylock - by insisting that the Jew convert to Christianity.

Although a 16th century audience might have seen this demand

as merciful, as Shylock is saving himself from eternal

damnation by converting, we are less likely to be convinced.


































Sherlock to loan three thousand pieces of gold, and Antonio side

has no money, only to Sherlock in that he have not yet returned

to Hong Kong ship as collateral. Unfortunately, his merchant

did not come back in time, so he could not pay the money back

to Sherlock in time. Sherlock took him to court and asked for

a pound of flesh on Antonio's body. Poor Antonio was before he

has no money, can't help his explanation with Bassanio, but for

friendship, he generously, even at the risk of his own life.

For friendship, you can sacrifice everything, whether it's

money or life. This quality is admirable.

Sherlock - hateful poor people. Have to say this is the most

personal play, is also worth pondering the characters. In my

opinion, he is hateful, but also poor. He's in the business of

lending, and that's understandable for life. But when he owed

Antonio the money, and Antonio's friends were willing to pay

him several times the principal, he insisted on cutting

Antonio's pound of flesh on the contract. It was tantamount to

killing Antonio. It makes him feel bad. Maybe there's too much

hatred in his heart. Said he is poor because he was a Jew, he

received those non Jewish discrimination including Antonio,

maybe Sherlock is going to buy Antonio to death, determined to

cut a pound of his flesh because of the discrimination and the

accumulation of hatred that he wanted to retaliate against the.

A person in the impression to me -- Basaniao is not very profound.

He is courageous in his pursuit of love and he is very witty

in his pursuit of love. He is intelligent and brave. But it was

because of his love that the conflict between Sherlock and

Antonio broke out. It is because there is a conflict, drama is

a plot of the The path winds along mountain ridges. and his love,

he actually promoted the development to a certain extent. It

must be said that this seemingly extraordinary character is

essential in the play.

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