


Previously on The Big 《生活大爆炸》前情提要

Want to grab some lunch? 想去吃午饭吗

You know what? I don't think so. 你猜怎么着 不去

Oh, let me guess, you're not eating 我来猜猜看 你不吃饭

because the mean girls circled your chubby bits in marker? 是因为刻薄女们用


No. That, that right there. 不 是这个 你刚才说的这个

That's the reason. You're always making fun of me. 这就是原因 你总是在取笑

Those are just jokes. 那些都是玩笑话而已

It's my way of saying that we're friends, 我用这种方式来表达我们是朋友

and it wouldn't hurt you to drop a few. 再说你减个几斤又不会死

15 years of constant ridicule. 15年来你总是在奚落我

I-I think our relationship has become toxic. 我觉得我们的关系已经变得有毒了

What are you saying? 你这是什么意思

I think you and I need to spend some time away from each other. 我觉得我们


Look, I... 听着 我...

I can see you're upset, 看得出你不开心 但是...

I'm gonna need some ground rules. 我需要知道一些基本规则

While we're apart, can I see other needy Indian men? 分开期间 我能否约其他


Get out! 滚出去

Get out! 时至今日

Oh, Stuart, two questions: 斯图尔特 我有两个问题

Do you have the new Aquaman, 你有最新的《水行侠》漫画吗

and do you mind if I use your back room to smoke some meat? 还有你介不介


Well, since it's you asking, 鉴于问的人是你

I'm gonna guess that's not a euphemism. 我猜熏肉应该没有别的隐晦含义

Why are you smoking meat? 所以你为什么要熏肉啊

And why are you reading Aquaman? 还有你为什么开始看《水行侠》这种玩意了

I am trying to make Amy a historically accurate 我想给艾米做一顿符合历史的

Little House on the Prairie dinner for her birthday, 《草原小屋》风格生

日晚餐 至于漫画...

美国大西部拓荒风格儿童小说 1932年出版的背景设在1870到80年间的

I want to be able to say I was reading it before it was cool. 则是以防日后它火


Wow, well, that's actually really sweet. 还真是有心呢

The dinner thing. The Aquaman thing's dumb. 我是说晚餐的事 《水行侠》的


直到新的电影中找了型男演出才翻身 水行侠曾是人气低又总被漫迷吐槽的弱鸡侠

Isn't Halley's birthday the same as Amy's? 对了 哈雷的生日跟艾米生日同天对吧

Yeah, but we're not doing anything big 'cause she's one,

庆祝 她才一岁

Bernadette's on bed rest, and 伯纳黛特在卧床养胎

I'm lazy. 而我是懒蛋

Hey, guys. 你们好啊

- Hello. - Hey. -你好啊 -你来啦

Howard. 霍华德兄

Raj. 拉杰同志

Excuse me. 失陪了

Really? Is this still happening? 不是吧 你们还在闹别扭啊


I'm willing to make up, but someone's being a baby. 我很乐意重修旧好 但某人


Ooh! I do love a riddle. Oh, let me see. 我最爱谜语了 我来猜猜

See, my first guess would be Halley, 我第一个会猜哈雷

but that'd be strange to accuse her of being a baby 不过骂她像个婴儿有点不合

'cause she is a baby. Um... 因为她本来就是婴儿

I suppose it could be Stuart; 我想或许是斯图尔特

his head does have a certain milky scent. 他的小脑袋有某种婴儿奶香


I-It's me, Sheldon. He-He's calling me a baby. 是我 谢尔顿 他是在骂我闹婴儿


No, I don't know. I saw Leonard put his keys in his mouth today. 不好说 我今


You're a grown man; act like it. 你都是个成年人了 别那么幼稚

Big talk coming from a guy holding an Archie comic book. 一个读《阿奇漫画》

的人 真好意思说这种大话

Big talk coming from a guy holding an Archie comic book. 内容是一个高中生


Hey, werewolf Jughead is not your dad's Jughead. 《狼人加戈》比你老爸生的


Hey, werewolf Jughead is not your dad's Jughead. 这是阿奇的挚友加戈.佐纳斯


Come on, you guys have been friends forever. Quit fighting. 别这样 你们都当

朋友那么多年了 别吵了

I have an extra ticket 我有两张去

to the opening of The Last Jedi tonight. 今晚《星球大战》新电影首映的票

It was gonna be Howard's, but you can have it. 本来一张要给霍华德 现在给你

You two had a good run. 过去虽美 缘分已尽

Uh, who wants to go see Last Jedi again tonight? 今晚谁想再去看一次《星战8》

- Mm, I'm in. - Me, too. -我要去 -我也要

It'll be nice to see the parts I missed while I was blinking. 这样能补上我眨眼时


Hey, guys, there's a change of plans. 各位 计划有变

We are having a party for Halley's birthday after all. 我们最终还是决定为哈雷


Turns out Bernadette and "Anyone who's not a heartless monster" 原来伯纳黛


thinks that's the right thing to do. 都会觉得应该举办

I don't like kids, but I do like birthday cake. 我不喜欢小孩 不过我喜欢生日蛋糕

Oh, wait, will there be sugary icing flowers on it? 等等 蛋糕上会有糖霜裱花吗

I don't know. 我不知道

I'll risk it. 我愿意以身犯险

But if I have a tantrum and have to leave early, you'll know why. 如果我闹脾气

又提早走 原因不说你也懂

- Here you go. - Here you go. -给你 -给你

See you two there. 两位到时候见

Are you kidding me? 你不是吧

You're not gonna invite me to Halley's birthday? 你不邀请我去哈雷的生日派对

I'm her godfather; that means something. 我是她的干爸 这可不是白叫

Or-- hear me out on this-- it doesn't. 或者... 听我说... 就是白叫

Okay, that's enough. 好了 够了

This fight either has to end or get way more entertaining. 你们俩要么别吵了


Don't worry about it 'cause I'm done putting up with him! 没事 我受够他了

I know you have a lot on your mind, 我知道你有很多事要烦

but when do you think we'll have an answer on those cake flowers? 但你觉得


What you reading? 你在看什么

Oh, it's your brother's Christmas letter. 是你哥哥的圣诞卡片

If there's a picture of his wife and his kids 如果里面有他跟他老婆孩子

and his dogs and his horses all in matching pajamas, 还有他家的狗与马 全部


I beg you to burn it. 我求你烧了它

Aw, the people's pajamas have little horses on them, 他们穿的睡衣上有小马

and the horses' have little people. 而他家的马穿的衣服上有小人

It's just his chance to brag about how great his life is. 他就是趁机炫耀他生活多


Oh, come on, it's nice. 别这样 挺好的啊

You know that nonprofit he works with? 你知道他合作的公益机构吗

They built a hospital in Rwanda. 他们在非洲卢旺达盖了医院呢

Look at me. I built a hospital in Rwanda. 快来看我 我在卢旺达盖了医院呢

That is a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way. 好有道理啊 我都没这么想


- Hello. - Hey. -两位好 -好

So this is for Amy's birthday. Can I leave it here? 这是艾米生日要用的 我能先放


Sure. What is it? 行啊 那是什么

A butter churn. 黄油搅拌筒

Aw, that's what I got her. 我也要送她那个呢

It's for her surprise frontier birthday dinner. 这是我给她的拓荒者惊喜生日晚餐


I am making hardtack, boiled salt pork, 我要做压缩饼干 盐煮猪肉

and because it's a special day, a chewable gob of tree sap. 因为是特殊的日子


Is that good? 那个味道好吗

Uh, compared to other foods, no. 跟其他食物相比 不好

Compared to other parts of a tree? 跟树的其他部位相比嘛...

And then after dinner, we will have birthday coitus. 在晚餐过后 我们会进行生


Do you think that will also be historically accurate? 你觉得这部分符合历史吗

I assume like the rest of frontier life, 我猜会像其他开拓者的生命一样

it'll be exhausting and short. 既累人又简短

You're exhausting and short. 你才又累人又短小呢

Hey, Stuart, you're coming to Halley's party, right? 斯图尔特 你会来哈雷的生日


You bet. 那当然

Plus, I live there and I was invited, 而且 我住在那里又收到邀请

so it's already better than my tenth birthday party. 这已经比我十岁生日派对还


Great. Can you bring a few things? 太好了 你能带几样东西来吗

Sure. What do you need? 行啊 你要什么

Balloons, streamers, 气球 彩带

ice, snacks, a bounce house, face painter, 冰块 零食 蹦跳城堡 脸部彩绘颜料

and a couple kids whose parents are willing to lie and say 还有几个小孩 他们


they know me from the Daddy and Me class I've never been to. 说他们是在我


Where do you and Halley go every week? 那你每周都跟哈雷去哪里了啊

The important thing is we're together, 反正重要的是我一直陪在她身边

and if the movie gets too violent, I cover her eyes. 电影太暴力时 我都会捂上她


Don't stress about this party. 别太紧张这个派对

She's one; she's not gonna remember. 她才一岁 她什么都不会记得

The other day I showed her her toe, and she was shocked. 之前我让她看自己

的脚趾 她吓坏了

It's not for the baby; it's for Bernadette. 派对不是为了孩子 是为了孩子她妈

She's feeling guilty 她对错过

about all the stuff she's missing with Halley. 哈雷的成长点滴感到愧疚

All right. 好吧

Uncle Stuart's got your back. 斯图尔特叔叔帮你忙

Ain't no party like a Stuart party 斯图尔特式派对绝对与众不同

because Stuart's never invited to parties. 因为斯图尔特从没被邀请去过派对

Did the electricity go out? 停电了吗

I don't know what you mean by "electricity," Ma'am. 女士 我不知道你说的"电"


I am just a farmer boy living in a little house on the prairie. 我只是一个住在草


I'm glad you're happy. 你开心就好

I wanted to do something special for your birthday. 我想在你生日的时候做点特


Oh, you did, you did! It's perfect! 有 很特别 太完美了

You do know that my birthday's tomorrow, right? 但你知道我生日是明天的吧

This is just step one of your birthday weekend. 这只是你的生日周末第一阶段

Now, would you care to join me 你愿意坐下与我一同享用

for an authentic frontier dinner 正宗拓荒者晚餐吗

made entirely from scratch? 全部手工做的呢

I can't believe you did this. It's amazing! 真不敢相信你做了这些 太棒了

Oh, it's not a big deal. 没什么大不了的啦

Just to be clear, it was a big deal. 怕你误会 这的确是有大不了

I was being modest. You got that, right? 我刚才只是谦虚 你有听懂的吧

Loud and clear. 如雷贯耳

Well, I hope you're hungry. 希望你已经饿了

Oh, I'm starving. 我饿死了

Oh, good. Starvation is authentic to the time period. 太好了 饥饿的确也符合那


If you also have malaria 如果你还得了疟疾

and a deep distrust of Native Americans, 与十分不信任美洲原住民

we're really cooking with a woodstove. 我们就真是有地道的拓荒者风了

Is that butter? 那是黄油吗

Yes. But don't blow it all on one biscuit. 是啊 但配饼干省着点抹啊

Took me nine hours to make that. 我花了9小时才搅出那么多

I think I got churner's elbow. 可能都得了搅拌者肘

I know we only have coitus on my birthday, 我知道我们只在生日那天交媾

but I don't know if I can wait until midnight. 但我都不知道我能不能忍到午夜过


Oh, well, you'll be glad you did. 你到时候会庆幸你忍住了的

Everyone knows the best foreplay 全天下谁不知道最棒的前戏

is rigid adherence to a strict schedule. 就是严格遵守时间表

Hey. What are you doing? 你在干嘛

Oh, I've decided to write my own Christmas letter. 我决定也设计一封我的圣诞


So I'm gonna make a list of all the cool things we did this year. 我正在列下我


Oh, fun. Can I help? 有意思 能帮忙吗

Yes. Can you think of a single cool thing we did this year? 可以啊 你想到今年


Uh, well, both of our jobs are going great. 我们的工作都进展不错啊

Sure. I mean, my Air Force project got taken away, 大概吧 我的空军项目被拿回

and you're not crazy about selling pharmaceuticals. 你也不是真的很爱当药代

I'll just write down "Still employed." 我就写"工作还在"

Oh, we had our second anniversary. 我们结婚两周年了

Uh, yeah, but we did kind of forget about it, 不过我们也没怎么记得它

so maybe just write "Still married." 就写"婚姻还在"

Great. Okay. 很好 行

Okay, that's a start. 这是个好开头

What else? 还有什么

You know, maybe this is enough. 其实或许这样就够了

Let's look at our pictures; that-that'll jog our memories. 来看看我们今年的照片

吧 有助于回忆

What is that a picture of? 那照片是干嘛的

Oh, uh, that's a mole on my back. 那是我背上的一个痣

I wanted to make sure it wasn't growing. 我想确定它不是黑色素瘤

How'd you get a picture of your own back? 你是怎么能拍到自己的背啊

Sheldon took it. We're kind of mole buddies. 谢尔顿拍的 我们是检查痣小伙伴

Hey, that's a cute picture. 这照片挺有爱啊

Isn't that the day we almost went to the beach? 这不是我们差点要去海边那次


Memorial Day? 阵亡将士纪念日吗

No, that was the day we almost went to the mountains. 不是 那天是我们差点


That's the great thing about California; 这就是加州的一个优点

you can almost go to the mountains 你能在同一天同时

and almost go to the beach in the same day. 差点去海边又差点去爬山

Yeah. 是啊

Look, I'm sorry about not inviting you 对不起 我故意不邀请你

to Halley's birthday. That wasn't cool. 来参加哈雷的生日派对 这太恶劣了

And of course we would love to have you. Here. 我们很希望你能来 给

Thank you. 谢谢

I'd really like to be there. 我也很乐意来参加

Great, 'cause it's tomorrow, and I need you to plan it. 太好了 因为派对是明天


What? 什么

Stuart was gonna help, 斯图尔特本来说好了帮忙

but the free clinic had an open spot for a colonoscopy, 但免费诊所有个免费结


and he jumped on it. 他毫不犹豫弃我而去

So-so-so you're just apologizing 所以你来道歉

because you need something? 是因为你需要帮忙吗

Yes, and I think it's pretty mature of me to admit it. 对啊 我觉得我敢承认是很


Well, that's very insulting. 这也太羞辱人了吧

Right again. Are you gonna help me or not? 是啊 你到底帮不帮忙

No, I will not help you. 不 我才不要帮你

But I will help Halley. 但我愿意帮哈雷

She's my goddaughter, and I love her. 她是我干女儿 我爱她

And I have a lot of party favors 而且我还有很多

left over from Cinnamon's birthday, so... 小桂子生日派对多余的派对道具...

I hope she likes things that squeak when you chew on them. 希望她会喜欢咬


Sh-She's a human being, not an animal. 她是人类 不是动物

But that actually would be a hit. 但感觉会很受欢迎呢

Can I get you anything else? 你还想要什么吗

No, thanks. I think I'm good. 不用了 谢谢 我吃饱了

You sure? There's still plenty of pork fat. 你确定吗 还剩很多猪油呢

Although, if we don't eat it, 不过如果我们不吃

I suppose we could turn it into soap. 我们是也可以把它做成肥皂啦

That might taste better. 那样说不定还会好吃点

I think I'm just gonna go over here and sit on the couch. 我想过去做在沙发上


Oh, great. 好啊

Then we will move on to stage two: 那我们进行第二阶段吧

the pitching of woo. 拨雨撩云

Ooh. 撩吧

Should I read you some bawdy 19th century limericks? 要我给你念念淫秽的19


Okay. 好吧

Oh, here. 来

"There once was a priest from Terre Haute "泰瑞豪特来了一牧师

who purchased a sheep and " 他买了一绵羊一山羊..."

Hold on a second. 等等

Is it getting hot in here? 是不是有点越来越热啊

Well, I didn't even get to the dirty part yet. 我都还没读到淫秽的部分呢

No, I-I'm serious. 不是 我是说认真的

Do you think there was something wrong with that food? 你觉得会是食物有问


Frontier scallops? I shouldn't think so. 拓荒者扇贝吗 应该不会吧

My stomach's feeling a little weird. 我的肚子有点难受

Yeah. Uh, mine, too. 我的也有一点

I'm sure it's just the first sharp cramps of arousal. 我确定这只是情欲高涨前的剧


No. Th-This doesn't feel right. 不 这感觉不太对

Hey, hey, save that sexy talk for the bedroom. 别急 色色的话留到卧室里说

You know, if you'll excuse me, 不好意思 失陪一下

I am just going to go freshen up. 我去洗把脸

Sheldon? 谢尔顿

I'll be out in a minute. 给我一分钟

I don't have a minute! 我等不了一分钟

I can't believe you pulled this all together overnight. 真不敢相信你一个晚上就


Uh, if I had more time, I could have gotten the Blue Man Group. 如果有更多时

间 我能请来蓝人乐团呢

表演时会浑身涂成蓝色 国际知名的三人打击乐团

One of them goes to my dry cleaner. 其中一个跟我去同一个干洗店

Who, by the way, hates him. 顺带一说 超讨厌他

You really saved the day. 你真是帮了大忙了

Well, it's not for you. It's for Halley. 不是为了帮你 是为了哈雷

And I'm sure she'd appreciate it, 我也相信她一定会很感谢你

if she knew what's going on or who you are. 如果她能懂这是在干嘛与你是谁

Morning. 早安

Happy birthday. 生日快乐

Yeah, sure. 真够"快乐"的

Did you sleep at all? 你有睡觉吗

No. You? 没有 你呢

I passed out on the toilet once. 我在马桶上晕过去了一会

I don't know if that counts. 不知道这算不算

Feel any better? 你好点了吗

I feel terrible. 糟透了


should we make love now? 现在该做爱了吗

How can you even think about sex? 你怎么还有心思做爱呢

Hey, I'm a man; I have annual needs just like anyone. 我可是大老爷们 跟大家


And besides, it's our birthday tradition. 再说 这是我们的生日传统

You think you can do it 你觉得你能不能

while I lie perfectly still and you don't touch me? 在我躺尸不动 你也不碰我的


I can try. 我可以尽力一试

Want to do it again? 想再来一次吗

Morning. 早上好

Morning. 早上好

"Kept Fern alive"? Who's Fern? "养活了'杨弛'" 杨弛是谁啊

No, the fern. The one in the bathroom. 不 是羊齿 浴室里那盆羊齿蕨

We're really calling that brown thing alive? Okay. 我们真要硬说那盆褐色植物是

活的吗 好吧

So, how long have you been working on this? 你想这个想多久了

Oh, couple hours. 两个小时吧

I took a break to try to beat my high score on Mario Kart. 我中途休息了一会


Well, did you do it? 你打破了吗

Do you see it on the board? 你在板子上看到这一条了吗

Okay, this is silly. Our lives are great. 这太蠢了 我们的生活很美满啊

I think so, too. 我也这么觉得

So then why is this bugging you so much? 那你为什么如此烦恼

I guess it feels like everyone's moving forward 我想是因为 感觉大家都在前进

and we're stuck. 而我们却原地踏步

What do you mean? 什么意思

Well, we've been married two years. 我们已经结婚两年了

Should we think about what's next? 是否该考虑接下来的事了

Like buying a house or having a baby? 比如买栋房子 或是生个娃

Look, I want to do all those things someday, 有一天我想完成这些步骤

but there's a bunch of stuff I want to do first. 但在那之前我还有很多想做的事

Okay, like what? 好吧 比如什么事

I don't know, stay thin and have money. 我也不知道 保持苗条和有钱

No, no, I-I'm serious. 不 我是认真的

If there's things we want to do, let's start doing them. 如果有想做的事 我们就


Okay. Well, we've never been on a big trip together. 好吧 我们从来没有一起正


I would love that. 我很愿意去

Okay, there's something for your letter: 那你的信里可以写这个啦

"Considered going on a trip." "有考虑过去旅行"

It's just a day trip, 虽然只是一天游

but we could take the ferry out to Catalina. 但我们可以坐船到卡特琳娜岛

Great, let's do it. 很好啊 我们就去吧

Amy's in the bathroom and I ! 艾米占用了洗手间 我需要...

It's like I can hear the ocean already. 我仿佛已经听见了海的声音

Okay. Thanks for letting me know. 好的 谢谢告知

Hey, what's going on? 怎么了

Bernadette's sister's kids are sick and they're not coming. 伯纳黛特家人的孩子

们病了 他们不来了

But they're the whole reason the cupcakes are vegan! 但就是为了他们 杯子蛋


- How's the party coming? - Good! -派对布置得怎么样啦 -很好

Great! Our friends should be here any second! 超棒 亲友们马上就要到啦

Those are the only other people you invited? 除了我们 你只邀请了他们吗

What about the kids from the Daddy and Me class? "爸比与我"班上的那些孩子

Oh, grow up. 成熟点吧

- Uh-oh. - What? -糟了 -怎么了

I left the food out. 我没把食物放进冰箱

You afraid it's gonna go good? 你担心会变质成安全食品吗

How are you feeling? 你感觉怎么样了

Ugh. My stomach aches, I got the chills, 我胃疼 恶寒

my mouth tastes weird, 嘴巴里的味道怪怪的

it hurts to swallow, 吞口水都疼

and I've got a little double vision. 我看东西还有点重影

Yeah. 是的

I'm feeling better, too. 我也好多了

Well, this party's a disaster. 这派对简直是灾难

Don't blame the party! 别怪派对啊

You know how many favors I had to call in 你知道我托了多少关系

with my bounce house guy to get Wonder Woman? 才租到神奇女侠的蹦跳城


Is that Wonder Woman? 那是神奇女侠吗

Technically, it's a Chinese knockoff called 严格来说 那是个中国山寨版

Happy Strong Swimsuit Lady. 叫快乐强壮的泳衣女士

Then I take it back; it's a great party. 那我把话收回 这派对棒极了

Well, you can sit here and sulk if you want. 你自己坐在这儿生闷气吧

I'm gonna go celebrate Halley's first birthday. 我要去庆祝哈雷的第一个生日

Which I planned with no help from you. 这个派对是我计划的 你屁忙都没帮

What are you doing? 你要干什么

It's a bounce house! I'm gonna go bounce in it! 这是蹦跳城堡 我要进去蹦

You're supposed to take your shoes off before you go in there! 进去前 应该要


You know what? 你知道吗

I'm stressed about my daughter's birthday party. 我女儿的生日派对已经让我压


I don't need your attitude. 我不要再看你脸色

Well, I worked really hard on this, 我很努力把派对办起来

and you haven't even said thank you. 你连句谢谢都没说

Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you. 真抱歉 谢谢啊

Thank you for blaming me 谢谢你把你生活里

for everything that's wrong in your life! 一切不顺都怪到我头上

Thank you for walking out on our friendship! 谢谢你抛弃了我们的友谊

You are welcome! 不客气

And thank you for mocking me for all of these years! 我也谢谢你这些年来不断


Thank you for making it so easy! 谢谢你这么多槽点

Why are you being such a jerk? 你为什么这么混蛋

Because you're my best friend and you hurt my feelings! 因为你是我最好的朋

友 而你伤了我的心

Well, you're my best friend and you hurt my feelings! 你也是我最好的朋友 你


I can't believe you shoved me! 真不敢相信你居然推我

Well, I can't believe you shoved me! 我也不敢相信你居然推我

But it was kind of fun, wasn't it?! 但还挺好玩的 不是吗

- It was! Do it again! - Gladly! -是的 再推一次 -乐意至极

Okay, now at the same time! 好 现在同时互推

Oh, oh, that was awesome! 真是太赞了

Yeah, okay, this time, knees, then feet. 好 这次先膝盖着地 然后站起来

One, two, three. 一 二 三

Again! Again! 再来 再来

Hello. 大家好呀

You made it. 你们来了

How you two feeling? 你们俩感觉怎么样

Oh, a little better. 好点了

Those books should have been called 那些书应该叫

Little Outhouse on the Prairie. 《草原茅厕》才对

Halley's awake and ready for her party! 哈雷醒了 准备好参加派对啦

Be right up! 我这就上来

Ooh, I want to see the birthday girl. 我想看小寿星女

I'd love to see her. 我很想见她

Walk slow, it takes a while to get this bra back on. 别那么快 重新穿上这胸罩需



it's still your birthday. 你的生日还没过

It is. 确实

we feeling better. 我们两个 都感觉好多了

We are. 确实

And there's no one in that bounce house. 那间弹跳屋里没人

No. 哎

Great. 太棒了

Let's go jump for a bit, 我们去里面跳一会

and then find a bedroom to have coitus in. 再找个房间交媾吧

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