


2 keyways,24 widex8 deep displaced 112° accurate length decided by assembly

2键槽 24阔x8深 错位112° 精确长度在安装时决定

3 hole φ10 eq(equally)sp(space)on acetylene gas bottle 乙炔瓶

185pcd(pitch circle diameter) acoustic sensibility (起动)灵敏性

active outline 有效辊型长度


3-phase motor 三相交流电动机

3-roll-welding equipment 三辊矫直


4-high-five-stand fully continuous

tandem cold mill


5×45o chamfered on both front ends


5-stand tandem mill 五机架连轧机

12 holesφ23 bored by assembly


(all) rights reserved 版权所有

about 大约

abrasion 磨蚀、磨损

abrasive 磨料

abt. all 6m of pipe one welding bushing


abt.(about) 250 bar 约250巴

acceleration-time 加速时间

acceptance 验收

acceptance depute 验收负责人

acceptance schedule 验收内容(项目)

acceptance test certificate 验收试


accessibility 可接近性,装拆性

accessories 配件,附件

accessory 附件

according to 按照

according to international practice 按


according to plan 按照计划

according to requirement 按照需要

account for 解释,说明

accumulator 蓄势器

accuracy 精度

accurate dimension determine by

assembly 确尺寸安装时决定

actual size 实际尺寸

addendum circle 齿顶园

additive (油中的)添加剂

adhesive material 粘合材料

adjust 矫直,弄直,修整

adjust roll axles parallel at workshop

assembly tolerance ±0.03mm by 1m



adjustability 可调节性

adjustable 可调的

adjustable starting position by

displacement of the bolt guide


adjusted by erection 安装时调整

adjusting 装配,配合,调节

adjusting device (轧辊)压下装置,


adjusting screw 调节螺丝

adjustment 调节,调整

adjustment mark 调整记号

adjustment screw 固定螺钉,调节螺钉

advanced training 进修,深造

after the alignment of the balustrade

welded when erected


after welding annealed for free of

stress 焊后消除应力

against corrosion 防蚀

age 贮存,时效

align 矫直,弄直,修整

align 对准,校准,调准

alignment 矫直

alitizing (钢铁表面)渗铝法

all fillets r5 unless stated otherwise


all in metric system 全为公制

all pipings have to be fitted at the

building site


all radii r10 unless stated otherwise


all steel 全钢

all steel construction 全钢结构

all surfaces blacking 全部发黑

allowable stress 许用应力

allowance 余量

alloy 合金

alteration 修改

alternating current-commutatormotor


alternating load 交变负荷

alternating stress 交变应力,动应力

alternative 交变的

aluminum 铝

aluminize 渗铝

analog-digital converter 模拟数字转换

anchor bolt 地脚螺钉

anchor box (plate) 底板

anchoring parts 地脚螺钉及配件

angle 角,角度

angle bar 角钢

angle iron 角铁,角钢

angle sander (直) 角 (形) 砂轮,圆盘


angle valve 角焊

angle with equal legs 角钢

anneal 退火

annealing 退火

annex 附件,附录

announcement 通告,宣告,通知

annual output 年产量

annular seal 园垫圈

anticorrosive agent 防锈剂

anti-corrosive paint coat 防锈涂层

anti-crimping roll 抗弯卷辊(轧机后)

antifriction bearing 滚动轴承

apparatus 设备

apparatus 仪器,设备

applicability 应用可能性

application 采用

approximate formula 近似公式

approximate value 近似值

area 面积表面,平面

area load 单位面积荷重

argon arc welding 氩弧焊

arrangement 排列

asbestos 石棉

asbestos cord 石棉绳

aside platform 侧面平台

assemble the pipelines according to the

local 管道在安装时,按实际情况铺设

assembling shop 装配车间

assembly 安装,装配, 组件

assembly drawing 装配图

assembly production equipment 成套设

assembly supply 全套供应

a term of contract 本合同的一条款项

attachment 配件, 附件,装置

attention 注意

attention welding joint must be prepared

for x-ray examination 焊缝必须用x光


audlting 审计、审核

autogenous welding 气体熔焊

autogenous welding by pressure 热加压

automatic 自动的

automation 自动化

auxiliary 辅助的,附属的

auxiliary device 辅助设备

average 平均的,普通的

axial bearing 止推轴承

axial force 轴向力

axial or thrust load 轴向负荷

axial pressure 轴向和

axial stress 轴向压力

axis of gravity 重心轴线

axle 轴,车轴

axle guard or support 轴端挡板

back center (车床的)尾顶尖

back coat 背面涂层

back pressure 背压

back roll 下辊

back stroke 回程

本文标签: 调整装配应力安装调节