



Sleeping Beauty is a classic fairy tale that first appeared in

the late 1600s. The story follows a princess who is cursed by an

evil fairy and falls into a deep sleep that lasts for 100 years. The

tale has been retold many times throughout history and has

become a staple in literature and pop culture.

The story begins with the birth of a beautiful princess who is

named Aurora. Aurora's parents invite all the fairies in the

kingdom to a christening celebration except for one, who is

furious about being left out. The uninvited fairy arrives at the

celebration and puts a curse on Aurora, stating that she will prick

her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die on her 16th


One fairy, who has not yet given her gift to the newborn

princess, changes the curse so that Aurora will not die, but instead

fall into a deep sleep that will last for a hundred years until a

prince comes to rescue her. Aurora's parents destroy all the

spinning wheels in the kingdom, hoping to prevent the curse from

coming true.

Aurora grows up unaware of the curse and falls in love with a

handsome prince. On her 16th birthday, Aurora follows a trail of

lights into a hidden chamber where she finds a spinning wheel.

Despite warnings from her attendants, she touches the spindle

and finds herself in a deep sleep, along with everyone else in the


Over the years, the castle and its inhabitants become

overgrown and forgotten. The kingdom falls into chaos, and

rumors of a sleeping princess in the castle attract brave

adventurers who attempt to reach her. But all who attempt to

enter the castle are doomed to fail because of the thorns and

brambles that grow around it.

Centuries later, a prince hears the legend of the sleeping

princess and sets out to reach the castle. With the help of a fairy,

he fights his way through the thorns and brambles and enters the

castle. The prince finds Aurora in the hidden chamber and wakes

her with a kiss.

Aurora awakens from her long sleep and falls in love with the

prince. The two are married in a grand ceremony, and the

kingdom is restored to its former glory. The curse is lifted, and

Aurora's parents realize the importance of inviting all the fairies to


In conclusion, the story of Sleeping Beauty is a classic tale of

love and the triumph of good over evil. Its themes of love,

perseverance, and bravery have become timeless, inspiring

countless adaptations and retellings throughout history. The story

has become a beloved tale that continues to enchant audiences of

all ages.

本文标签: 睡美人概括故事