



The phrase "花里胡哨" in Chinese means flashy or gaudy.

It refers to something that is overly decorated or showy,

often in a negative connotation. In a sentence, one could

say, "她的新房子装饰得太花里胡哨了,让人觉得有些不舒服"

(Her new house is decorated too flashy, making people feel


When something is described as "花里胡哨," it usually

implies that it is excessive or ostentatious. This can

apply to various aspects of life, such as clothing,

decorations, or behavior. For example, one might say, "那个

女孩的穿着总是花里胡哨的,引人注目" (That girl's outfits

are always flashy and attention-grabbing).

In a more general sense, "花里胡哨" can be used to

criticize anything that is overly elaborate or showy

without substance. It can be seen as a form of

superficiality or a lack of authenticity. For instance,

someone might comment, "这家餐厅的装修太花里胡哨,但菜品却

很一般" (The decoration of this restaurant is too flashy,

but the food is just average).

The concept of "花里胡哨" can also be applied to

people's personalities or actions. It can describe someone

who is trying too hard to impress others or seeking

attention through superficial means. For example, one could

say, "他的言行总是花里胡哨的,让人感觉不真诚" (His words

and actions are always flashy, making people feel


In conclusion, the term "花里胡哨" carries a negative

connotation of being overly flashy or showy without

substance. It can be used to criticize various aspects of

life, from material possessions to personal behaviors.

Ultimately, it serves as a reminder to prioritize

authenticity and simplicity over superficial displays of

wealth or status.

本文标签: 装饰穿着餐厅新房子