



1. out of spite 出于怨恨

spite sb. 欺负某人

2. be primarily concerned with 主要有关···

3. plea for sth. 恳求···

4. decent behavior 高雅的行为

a decent salary 相当不错的薪水

5. authorize sb. to do 授权某人做···

6. instruct sb. in sth. / doing sth. 指导,教导某人做

7. have a consensus on··· 在···上达成一致意见

8. sponge off 依赖他人生活

sponge away sth. 用海绵擦掉···

9. strike a chord 激起共鸣,触动心弦

eg. The speaker obviously struck a chord with his audience.


10. sparkle with··· 闪烁着···

11. the repression of desire 克制欲望

12. ensue from··· 因···而产生,由···引起

13. a sprinkle of(salt) 一点点(盐)

14. have a(great)faculty for doing 对···有(很强的)能力

15. clutch at 企图抓住

16. reclaim sth. from sb. 从某人那里收回···

17. deviate from 背离,偏离

18. discriminate between A and B 区分A和B

discriminate against 歧视

19. a touch of glamour 几分魅力

本文标签: 打动词组句型触动怨恨