




1.1 词义解析

"clutch" 是一个动词,主要意为“抓住”、“握紧”,也可表示“急需”或是形容名词,如“离合器”。在本文中,我们将重点讨论“clutch”作为动词的用法和搭配。

1.2 动词用法

作为动词,"clutch" 可以有以下几种用法和含义:

- "clutch at something":努力想抓住某物;

- "clutch someone/something tightly": 紧紧握住某人或某物;

- "clutch something in one's hand": 用手紧握某物。



2.1 搭配方式与名词

使用 "clutch" 时,通常会与一些名词搭配使用。下面列举了一些常见的搭配方式以及实例应用:

A. clutch at straws:画蛇添足

- 示例:Feeling desperate, he clutched at straws and tried another method.


B. clutch of something:一群,几个

- 示例:They managed to escape from the clutch of their captors.


C. clutch player:关键时刻发挥出色的人

- 示例:He is known as a clutch player who always performs well in high-pressure



2.2 搭配方式与动词

除了与名词搭配外,"clutch" 还可以与一些动词搭配使用,以加强其表达能力。以下是几种常见的动词搭配方式:

A. clutch tightly: 紧紧抓住

- 示例:She clutched tightly onto her purse while walking through the dark alley.


B. clutch desperately: 绝望地抓住

- 示例:The drowning man clutched desperately at the lifeguard's arm.


C. clutch instinctively: 本能地握住

- 示例:When the car suddenly hit the brakes, she instinctively clutched the

dashboard for support.



为了更好地理解 "clutch" 的用法和搭配,以下将给出一些实际案例。

3.1 抄袭丑闻中的紧张时刻


When the plagiarism scandal broke out, John, a renowned author, found himself in a

state of panic. His entire career was hanging by a thread. He knew he had to do

something to salvage his reputation and save his job.

Desperate, John clutched at straws by frantically searching for evidence that could

prove his innocence. He contacted experts and searched through countless books and

articles, hoping to find any shred of proof that would vindicate him.

Furthermore, John realized the importance of being a clutch player under such

circumstances. He needed to prepare meticulously for interviews and press conferences,

so as not to worsen the situation. He sought advice from public relations professionals

and coached himself tirelessly on how to handle tough questions with confidence.

With each passing day, the clutches of anxiety tightened around John's heart. But he

refused to give up hope. Through intense dedication and unwavering resilience, he

gradually managed to escape the clutch of doubt that had surrounded him.

In those difficult moments, where every decision counted, John instinctively clutched

onto every opportunity given to him. He seized every chance to speak out through media

channels, making sincere apologies while promising personal growth and change.

Eventually, John emerged from the storm with dignity intact. While some remained

skeptical about his innocence, many admired his ability to confront adversity head-on and

his clutch performance during those critical times.


通过本文的讨论,我们了解了 "clutch" 这个动词在不同语境中的用法和搭配方式。无论是抓住希望、摆脱困境还是关键时刻的发挥,"clutch" 都承载着紧急行动、反应迅捷以及坚定决心的意义。

在生活中,我们也会遇到与 "clutch" 相关的情境,或许没有抄袭丑闻的压力那般巨大,但通过积极主动地面对问题、竭尽全力地争取机会,我们也能够在关键时刻做出令人瞩目的表现,并最终成功战胜困难。

因此,在任何突发事件或重要考验中,我们都应该学会正确地运用 "clutch" 的用法和搭配方式,并以勇敢的态度迎接挑战。只有如此,我们才能够稳步前进,并成就更好的自己。

本文标签: 搭配用法关键时刻方式反应