





Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent

and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the

proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A New Way to Learn Languages

Nowadays, the Internet is changing the way people learn languages. There is still no way

to avoid the hard work through vocabulary lists and grammar rules, but since the birth of the

Internet, books, tapes and even CDs 1 (replace) by email, video chat and social


Livemocha, a Seattle-based company, has created a website helping people learn more

than 38 languages by exchanging messages over the Internet and then 2 (correct) each

other’s messages. The lessons, 3 form they are in, are delivered online.

The CEO of Livemocha says the website’s advantage is the context 4 you may

practice speaking with a real person. “The great irony is that even if you have learned a

foreign language in the classroom for years, you are not confident 5 (go) into a

restaurant, striking up a conversation,” he said. The casual connections with real people

throughout the world are not just fun and surprising but reveal more about 6 the

language is really used.

Livemocha is now experimenting with many ways that resemble the games 7

(find) on other social websites to motivate people. Besides, each person can set up a profile

8 includes a short self-description and what language he or she would like to learn.

Therefore, if you want to learn one language, you will easily find many people fluent in this

language. And it becomes 9 (challenging) to find a study partner. An email or two is

all it takes.

There are more and more companies like Livemocha offering online language learning

to students throughout the world. 10 merely helping people practice different

languages, they also enable people to share interests and make new friends



Direction: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be

used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.



C. attend


E. cautions

F. correspond

G. extended

H. hesitancy

I. packages

J. regardless

K. rigid

Top work-life balance benefits for 2023“Flexibility is the gold standard of work-life

balance benefits,” says Jonathan Pas, health care leader at consulting firm Mercer.

It’s no surprise then that two years after the pandemic forced most office workers to

perform their jobs remotely. 78% of employers say they’ll allow employees to continue doing

so regularly in 2023, according to a Mercer survey. But there’s still some 11 : only 9%

say they will allow employees to work remotely daily.

12 , flexibility around when employees work is just as important as where. In the

survey, 66% of employers said they would offer flexible work schedules over the course of a

typical work day, such as specific times during the week to 13 to personal matters

and four-day work weeks. Employees no longer want to organize their personal life around

a(n) 14 work schedule but instead want the two interwoven, so they can decide what

to prioritize and when.

Pas 15 against making hollow promises about a company’s commitment to

work-life balance. “If employees feel a disconnection between programs that are rolled out

and what senior leaders really expect, credibility is questioned, and the goodwill created

through the program is denied.” He cites paid time off to volunteer, which almost half (45%)

of companies say they will add to their benefits 16 next year.

Other benefits requiring a broader organizational buy-in are sabbaticals(公休假) and

unlimited vacation days. Both benefits encourage employees to pursue interests outside of

work with 17 periods off. Still, if they feel a dishonour associated with taking

advantage of them, they’ll be hesitant to do so. The relatively low 18 rates for 2023,

though—only 12% for sabbaticals and 15% for unlimited vacation—indicate that employers

are still against paying employees not to work.

Instead, they prefer to find new ways to give employees more money, with the rise of

employer-funded lifestyle accounts, which are often reserved for big-ticket items that might

otherwise require some 19 . Nevertheless, only 12% of employers said they would


add lifestyle accounts in 2023, and 70% said they are considering them, which could indicate

a trend on the horizon.

But perhaps the most telling statistic about the importance of 20 work-life

balance is the number of companies that said they don’t plan to offer any additional benefits

to support work-life balance: a mere 5%.


The teenage years of an individual is marked by evaluating one’s values, experiencing a

shift in outlooks, and a tendency to act rebellious. It can also be a time when someone

becomes extremely 21 to negative influences, and is drawn towards dangerous

situations. On the other hand, for parents, the period of their children’s adolescence means

regularly worrying about their safety and formation as a citizen. Thus, a method of


teenagers’ security is needed, and curfews(宵禁)are often seen as such a measure, since they

have proved their 23 . At the same time, certain peculiarities exist about establishing

curfews for children.

The issue of teenage curfews is widely debated in the United States, where this method

is still rather 24 , and in European democracies, where this measure is yet not so widely

used. The first and foremost reason for establishing curfews is children’s security. 25

curfews require teenagers under 17 years to stay out of streets starting from 11 p. m. or

midnight. This is believed to protect them from crimes committed after nightfall, as well as

from breaking the law, and there exists serious evidence 26 this belief. For example,

when New Orleans enabled a dusk-till-dawn curfew in 1994, the rates of juvenile crime were

reported to fall more than 20 percent. Even more impressive 27 were recorded in Dallas,

which reported a 30-percent decrease in violent juvenile crime, and a 21-percent decrease in

the overall rates of crimes committed by young people(The New York Times).

On the other hand, curfews can be seen as a preventive measure that rob young people of

their rights, 28 their freedom. This opinion is particularly supported by the fact that

curfew violations and the respective charges are among the most often committed juvenile

crimes in the United States. 29 , there were reports claiming that police arrested more

non-white teenagers for curfew violations.

All this can cause a teenager to believe they have crossed a psychological line dividing


them as 30 ; thus, such teenagers may start to see themselves as outlaws, which can

31 committing more serious crimes than a curfew offense.

What is important for a parent to remember when establishing a curfew for their children

is that a teenager’s misjudged view of certain 32 may cause them to misbehave in some

other way; this is proved by research conducted by the University of Minnesota, according to

which teens tend to protest against what they see as 33 . Considering this, parents

should 34 the authoritarian style of establishing curfews; instead, they should have a

conversation with their teenager that would be aimed at finding ideal conditions for a curfew

that would 35 both sides.





25.A.Typical place of



29.A.By contrast





B.Evident honor of


B.In addition






C.Critical case of



C.In conclusion


C.result from









D.Specific favor of



D.In general

D.protectors with





31.A.take charge of B.contribute to










As a boy, when Jonny Kinkead wasn’t making things using the tools in his dad’s garage,

he was messing about with a guitar. And the two pre-occupations have been his living for the

past four decades: building steel-string guitars by hand. “The guitar still appeals to me,” he

says. “Making a sound out of wood—it’s amazing what you can do.”

Jonny learned to play his brother’s guitar when he was eleven. Then, when he was


sixteen, he wanted to learn the bass guitar. “Some people would have got a holiday job and

saved up and bought one,” he says. “But I was of a mindset that if you wanted something,

you made it.”

Although the bass was the first instrument Jonny built from nothing, he and his brothers

had long been doing essentially the same thing with other items. “I made model boats and

aeroplanes as a child, so I was familiar with that process. My father had taught me and my

brothers how to use tools, and we had free materials in the garage.” Jonny had also been

customizing and repairing instruments for his mates.

Jonny’s bass guitar turned out well, but the idea of a career building guitars had yet to

cross his mind. “My ambition then was to be a sculptor,” he says. His interests evolved

further and on finishing school, he chose to study architecture at university. Halfway through

the course, however, he dropped out, but left with a clearer idea of what he wanted to do and

started to think seriously about guitar making. “I was still interested in painting and sculpture

but I realized that when you are building guitars, you’re actually sculpting sound.” In addition,

he explains, “I thought this might be more reliable than being an artist as it’s craft-based.”

Ever since then, Jonny has made guitars for a living. For the first ten years, he added to

his income by cleaning windows part-time. The first guitars he sold only went for the cost of

the materials, but as he developed a reputation as one of the best guitar-makers around, he

was able to charge a little more. But even now, almost forty years later, Jonny describes what

he does as “still scratching a living”. He admits he can never actually turn out more than ten

guitars a year, which inevitably restricts his earnings.

36.Why did Jonny choose to make a bass guitar for himself in his teens?

A.He regarded it as the natural thing to do.

B.He feared that he would not be able to afford one.

C.He saw it as good practice for making other guitars.

D.He thought he could ensure it was in the style he wanted.

37.In paragraph 3, “that process” refers to _____.

A.doing some favours for friends

C.creating something from nothing

B.cooperating with his brothers

D.getting tools and materials ready

38.What does Jonny say about the architecture course he attended?

A.It gave him the chance to explore different types of art.

B.It helped him become financially independent.


C.It provided him with ideas for guitar design.

D.It enabled him to decide on a career path.

39.Jonny suggests that the main reason for his low income is _____.

A.the high cost of the materials he makes guitars with

B.the small number of guitars that he produces

C.the limited demand for hand-made guitars

D.the competition between guitar-makers

Eight steps to refocus your anxiety

Thinking of issues that seem unfixable can lead to an anxious paralysis, but there’s hope.

This is some of the advice I give to those in need of help.

Take a break from the news.

Doomscrolling can be addictive and increase the tragic

nature of events. In one study, researchers found that those who were immersed in the Boston

Marathon bombing news for multiple hours a day in the week after the event experienced

higher stress than individuals who were on the scene. I advise those who are feeling

depressed by the headlines to read the news just once a day, turn off alerts on their phone and,

if possible, check social media less often.

Take care of yourself.

You have to be in good fighting shape to cope with the current

problems. That means boosting your resilience (韧性) by taking care of your nervous system

(sleep well, eat well, exercise wisely) and engaging in positive activities.

Focus on the present. Get in the habit of putting yourself in the here and now. Worrying

about the future is not helpful.

Try a breathing exercise. Taking a few deep breaths — for instance, breathing in into

the count of five and breathing out to the count of five — will help calm your sympathetic

nervous system (the fight or flight response) and lower your anxiety. At the very least,

breathing gives you something to do when your feel your heart rate pounding quickly.

Think about your victories.

Remind yourself of what’s working well in your own life

— whether it’s your job, friendships, or the array of houseplants you cultivated during the


Be your own therapist.

Ask yourself, what do I specifically feel hopeless about and

why? Being able to put into words what’s getting you down can help you feel less flooded by

emotions and better able to process the information rationally(理性地).


Take action.

Worrying doesn’t help one’s mental health, but taking action does. Look

around your community. Maybe your local playground would benefit from a basketball court,

or your church could sponsor a refugee family. When people engage in local issues, they have

a renewed sense of optimism.

Join forces with a friend.

Pick a cause. There are hundreds of nonprofits dedicated to

addressing some of the most biggest challenges on the planet. Donate money to an inspiring

organization or volunteer.

40.What’s the purpose of writing this passage?

A.To encourage people to help those in need.

B.To help those in need of help relieve anxiety.

C.To urge people to take action to help themselves.

D.To cheer readers up and boost a feeling of optimism.

41.What does the underlined part of the sentence mean?

A.“stopping moving and staying where you are”

B.“focusing on the present moment”

C.“placing yourself in a favorable environment”

D.“forgetting about the losses and gains”

42.Which of the following statements is in line with the author’s advice?

A.Only check social media once a day.

B.Involve oneself in activities that boost one’s nervous system.

C.Think of the past victories.

D.Engage in local issues and make contributions.

Back in 1964, in his book Games People Play, psychiatrist Eric Berne described a

pattern of conversation he called “Why Don’t You — Yes But”, which remains one of the

most annoying aspects of everyday social life. The person adopting the strategy is usually a

chronic complainer. Something is terrible about their relationship, job, or other situation, and

they complain about it endlessly, but find some excuse to dismiss any solution that’s proposed.

The reason, of course, is that on some level they don’t want a solution; they want to be

validated (认可) in their position that the world is out to get them. If they can “win” the game

— dismissing every suggestion until interlocutor (对话者) gives up in annoyance — they get

to feel pleasurably righteous (正当的) in their anger and excused from any obligation to



Part of the trouble here is the so-called responsibility/fault fallacy (谬误). When you’re

feeling hard done by — taken for granted by your partner, say, or obliged to work for a stupid

boss — it’s easy to become attached to the position that it’s not your job to address the matter,

and that doing so would be an admission of fault. But there’s a confusion here. For example,

if I were to discover a newborn at my front door, it wouldn’t be my fault, but it most certainly

would be my responsibility. There would be choices to make, and no possibility of avoiding

them, since trying to ignore the matter would be a choice. The point is that what goes for the

baby on the doorstep is true in all cases: even if the other person is 100% in the wrong, there’s

nothing to be gained, long-term, from using this as a justification to evade responsibility.

Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there’s a

clever way to shut it down — which is to agree with it. Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb

describes this as “over-validation”. For one thing, you’ll be spared further complaining, since

the other person’s motivation was to confirm her beliefs, and now you’re confirming them.

But for another, as Gottlieb notes, people confronted with over-validation often hear their

complaints afresh and start arguing back. The concept that they’re utterly powerless suddenly

seems unrealistic, not to mention rather annoying — so they’re prompted instead to generate

ideas about how they might change things.

“And then, sometimes, something magical might happen, ” Gotlieb writes. The other

person “might realize she’s not as trapped as you are saying she is, or as she feels. ” Avoiding

responsibility feels comfortable, but turns out to be a prison; whereas assuming responsibility

feels unpleasant, but ends up being freeing.

43.What is the characteristic of a chronic complainer, according to Eric Berne?

A.They are angry about their ill treatment and feel bitter towards whoever tries to help.

B.They are habitually unhappy and endlessly find fault with people around them.

C.They constantly dismiss others’ proposals while taking no responsibility for dealing with

the problem.

D.They lack the basic skills required for successful conversations with others.

44.What does the author try to illustrate with the example of the newborn on one’s doorstep?

A.People tend to think that one should not be held responsible for others’ mistakes.

B.It is easy to become attached to the position of overlooking one’s own fault.

C.People are often at a loss when confronted with a number of choices.


D.A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault.

45.What does the author advise people to do to chronic complainers?

A.Stop them from going further by agreeing with them.

B.Listen to their complaints attentively and sympathetically.

C.Ask them to validate their beliefs with further evidence.

D.Persuade them to clarify the confusion they caused.

46.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.What is the responsibility/fault fallacy for chronic complainers?

B.How can you avoid dangerous traps in everyday social life?

C.Who are chronic complainers and how to deal with them?

D.Why should we stop being a chronic complainer and assume responsibility?


Lessons from Commencement Speeches

As a business owner, you probably don’t look to college commencement speeches as a

source of inspiration when you’re feeling frustrated or defeated — but you should. Here are

three university commencement speeches delivered by successful individuals from a variety

of fields. 47

.1. Get comfortable with change / Jimmy Iovine, USC, 2014

Music mogul (大亨) Jimmy Iovine’s main advice is to get comfortable with change and

the fear that comes with it. In his speech, Iovine explains that he learned his greatest life

lesson when he realized the successful record company, he built couldn’t compete with the

new industry model of downloading free music. He had a choice: get on board or get left

behind. 48

.2. Build businesses that do good / Bill Gates, Harvard University, 2007

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, uses this speech to pose a question he asks himself:

How can you do the most good for the greatest amount of people with the resources you


For years, Gates was unaware of the millions of people around the world living in

poverty and battling diseases. Once he realized he could help, he changed his approach to

business. Pursuing innovation and advancement is important. 49 Gates tells Harvard,


“Humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries—but in how those discoveries are

applied to reduce inequity.”

.3. Spend less time dreaming and more time doing / Shonda Rhimes, Dartmouth, 2014

If you feel beaten by the dreams you have for your business, this speech will set you


Author and TV show producer Shonda Rhimes tells the Dartmouth graduates, “While

some are busy dreaming, the really happy people, the really successful people, the really

interesting, engaged, powerful people, are busy doing.” 50 You don’t even need to

know exactly what you want to do. Rhimes says the most important thing is to stay open to

possibilities and just start somewhere.

A.Dreaming is only effective if you follow it up with action, whether you’re

brainstorming a new business model or imagining how to grow your company.

B.Failure can be a driving force: one that frees you from fear and encourages you to

pursue what you want most.

C.In today’s fast-moving world, one with great technological advancements and cultural

shifts still needs to be prepared to learn, adapt, and start over if necessary.

D.It’s more important to develop creative business models that turn profits and solve


E.The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

F.Their words are guaranteed to motivate you to think critically about your business.


51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)

of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Wearing Helmet

Some kids ride through city bicycle lanes like a professional, and others set out alone

down quiet country lanes. However, every day, an average of more than 500 children with

bike-related injuries are treated in U.S. emergency departments, according to an analysis of

injury data from 2006 to 2015. Those wearing helmets were significantly less likely to have

head and neck injuries, the study found. And although children tend to wear helmets more

consistently than adults, many still ride without one.


Along with calling for safer, more bike-friendly streets, it’s important to choose a helmet

that will help protect your child from injury in a fall or a crash. When you’re choosing a

helmet, focus primarily on ensuring the correct fit. “A poor fit will impact the protection a

helmet can provide,” says Angela Lumba-Brown, an emergency medicine physician at

Stanford Health Care.

The best way to find the right size is to take your child into a bike shop and have them

try on helmets with a sales associate who’s familiar with the options, says Brad Bowman,

product manager at Gregg’s Cycle. If you choose to buy online, Bowman suggests measuring

your child’s head with flexible measuring tape about an inch above the eyebrows before

choosing a size.

Helmet sizes are measured by head circumference (圆周), and helmets usually come

with adjustable dials to accommodate a range of circumferences. For example, a

3-to-5-year-old child might wear a helmet with a 50-to-52-centimeter circumference.

Bowman suggests choosing one that fits comfortably but also allows for a bit of growth. Once

a sales associate helps you identify the right-sized helmet, adjust the dial until the helmet

feels tight but isn’t causing the child discomfort. “After you dial in the fit, if you pull up

lightly on top of the helmet, it shouldn’t come off their head,” he says.









56.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the

instructions given below in Chinese.

假设你是明启中学高三学生李明,你校英语报计划腾出一个版面专门刊登学生摄影作品,计划第一期的主题从“My winter vacation”、“People around me”及“The best scene on







本文标签: 中学单词下学期专栏