




(6)标点 P4

a. How do you spell the word “Renaissance”?

b. The movie is adapted from Charles Dickens’ novel “Great Expectations”.

c. The coach yelled “Shoot!” when the clock had run down to only three


d. He said, “Alas! How foolish I have been!”

e. “I know,” he said, “but I can’t wait.”

f. The addressing me, she said, with enforced calmness: “My son is ill.”

g. “These,” said Eden, taking some sheets of paper clipped together: “are

some things I wrote in Italy.”

h. Mr. Jones said, “I remember Roosevelt’s words, „The only thing to fear is

fear itself.‟ ”

i. After the lecture he had but one comment: “Useless.”

j. Was it Mr. Pickwick who said, “If the lay says that, sire, then the law’s an



1. Henry said, “There is a phone call for you.”

2. “There is a phone call for you,” he said.

3. “There is,” said Henry, “a phone call for you.”

4. “There is a phone call for you. It’s your sister,” said Henry.

5. “There is a phone call for you,” he said. “It’s your sister.”

6. I asked him, “Where is the phone?”

7. “Where is the phone?” she asked.

8. When the police officer came over to my car, he said, “Let me see your

driver‟s license, please.”

“What‟s wrong, officer?” I asked, “Was I speeding?”

“No, you weren’t speeding,” he replied. “You went through a red light at the

corner of Fifth Avenue and Main Street. You almost caused an accident.”

“Did I really do that?” I said. “I didn’t see the red light.”



a. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to take on any further responsibilities.

b. The French pianist who had been praised very highly turned out to be a

great disappointment.

c. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of

money would make up for.

d. Then the speaker went into the various factors leading to the present

economic crises.

e. The student was just about to give up the question when suddenly he found

the answer.

f. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon got

over it.

g. The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of

problems in his absence.

h. Young children soon pick up words they hear their elders use.

i. If you suspect the illness might be serious, you should not put off going to

the doctor.

j. The test consists of four sections, namely, listening, reading, vocabulary, and

composition with a time limit for each.

k. Without my glasses I can hardly make out what has been written in the


l. Tom never gets up early and he doesn’t like to be called on by

m. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally called off

because of the bed weather.

n. Obviously, the lazy girl would never live up to her teacher’s expectation.

o. The city has run out of daily supplies due to the difficulty in shipment.


a. Rachel Carson’s The Sea Around Us is as famous as or perhaps even more

famous that her Silent Spring.

b. Some ecology-minded readers appreciate Rachel Carson better than other


writer because of her fine style.

c. She is remembered not only for her warning about the dangers of insecticide

poisoning but also for her charming studies of the sea.

d. Her death from cancer in 1964, perhaps as a result of her experiments with in

insecticides, was both a tragedy and an irony.

e. Another ecological writer whose fame is well established and whose words

are widely read is Barry Commoner.

f. Barry Commoner is especially interested in and skilful t describing the

dangers of fallout from nuclear testing.

g. People have said and probably will say for many years to come that

Commoner’s Science and Survival should be read by anyone concerned about


h. Fallout from nuclear testing, he claims, will be much a threat in the future as

in the past because radioactive pollutants will be around for generation.

i. The world people live in in the future is determined by what we do to it


j. Clearly a malfunction of a nuclear reactor is more serious than that of a steam


k. An explosion involving nuclear power may affect people in other counties as

well as in the United States.

l. Barry Commoner does not call for a halt to scientific progress but rather for

evaluation of the risks involved in a scientific development before action is



1. I can’t seem to get rid of the cockroaches in my apartment.

2. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park.

3. I prefer to drive rather than take a plane.

4. This street always has heavy traffic, especially in the rush hours.

5. Modern cars have systems which/that protect us from being inconvenience

or hurt by our own carelessness.


6. Having already spent all of his last paycheck, he doesn’t have any money to

live on for the rest of the month.

7. My brother and sister were arguing about something when I walked in the


8. The world where people live in the future is determined but what we do to it


9. Watching the children’s energetic play, I felt like an old man even though I

am only forty.

10. Last week I was sick with the flu, and I didn’t have enough energy to get

out of bed.


a. Riding the horse was were the two girls, Valerie and Therese.

b. Blood, Sweat & Tears appeals to many age groups because of its effective

combination of rock and jazz.

c. The archeology section, sitting apart from the rest, was were drinking their

chocolate milk and discussing the plan of a dig near Poway.

d. Rabies狂犬病 are is always fatal if it is not treated immediately.

e. Mill stresses the importance of originally as the catalyst for social progress

and insisted insists that individuality should not be repressed.

f. If one is you are to read Beckett’s plays intelligently, you should first

familiarize yourself himself with Beckett’s novels.

g. It is all too easy to get lost inside a complex sentence and to make

grammatical errors which won’t seem obvious at a glance but which impedes

impede (will impede) comprehension.

h. She took advantage of anyone or anything who or which that could further

her career.

i. Deciding that they could reach no decision that night, the jury retired to its

their rooms to get some sleep.

j. The foreman shouted at both of us, Peter and I me, before we had a chance to



k. The soldier told his friends that his barracks兵营 were was a lively place.

l. A pilot reclamation project was under way for the planting of eight specieses

species of plants.

m. It took them one and a half days to complete the work.

n. These astronomical phenomenon单 phenomena复have been a mystery to

astronomers for centuries.

o. He hurried because he knew his family was were waiting for him anxiously.

p. His uncle showed him the pastures where the cattle was were grazing.

q. Jack made a friend friends with Jill at the dance party a couple of years ago.

r. Although a contagious disease, measles are is fairly rate in adults.

(3)选词填空 P44

a. Turkey and dressing (is / are) a popular dish at Thanks-giving.

b. Every bramble and thorn (is / are) a menace to bare feet.

c. Either the counselor or I (am / is / are) responsible.

d. In the new building there (is / are) a library, which has no books, and a music

practice room, which has no musical instruments.

e. Roy is the only one of our athletes who (has / have) won a gold medial.

f. None (is / are) so sure of his knowledge as one who has only a little learning.

g. None of the writers (has / have) captured the immigrant experience as

eloquently as Elia Kazan.

h. A thousand bushels (is / are) a good yield.

i. Acoustics (is / are) an interesting study.

J. (This / These) (habit / habits), which in itself (is / are) harmless, (is / are)

likely to lead to others that (is / are) decidedly harmless.


a. Leonardo de Vince was known both as an inventor and painting pictures


b. To swim Swimming in a pool is not as much fun as swimming in a river.


To swim in a pool is not as much fun as swimming to swim in a river.

c. Knowing how to study and learning how to learn to budget time are

important to college students.

d. Dentists advise brushing your teeth after every meal and avoiding to avoid

sugar in your diet.

advise doing something

e. My orders said that I was assigned to Alaska and that I should leave within

two weeks.

f. My uncle spoke with warmth and in a humorous way humor.

g. We met a Frenchman who had lived in Brazil, but who but he knew very

little about his own country.

h. Alberto was away for ten years before he was able to return home and to see

saw his family.

i. The hurricane was more of a threat to the tourist that to the native

j. Our instructor suggested several books for supplementary reading that we

read several and that we should do research on the subject.

(3)改不平衡句 P50

a. The zircon, a semiprecious stone, occurs in many shades of red, green, and

bluish blue.

b. The replacement and to keep up upkeep of old books represents a sizable

portion of Yale University’s $19 million library budget.

c. The League of Women Voters of the United States identifies certain local,

state, and nation national issues for study and action.

d. The shakers, a religious sect that flourished in early nineteenth-century North

America, are noted for their peaceful villages, fine furniture, and distinctively

singing and dancing distinctive song and dances.

e. Jimmy Davis was an amateur country music singer, a governor of Louisiana,

and wrote songs too a song writer.

f. Sound waves entering enter the ear and are changed into nerve signals that

are subsequently sent to the brain.

g. Like jazz, raps are lively and spontaneously spontaneous, but unlike jazz,

they are just now starting to receive recognition.


h. The Hawaiian coastline is bordered by many coral reefs, some living, but

most of them are dead.

i. Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but

also how also on how you participate in class.

j. Matty has the ability, the desire, the tenacity, and in addition, he is

determined the determination to win.

(1)纠正错误位置 P54

a. Ralph Nader has throughout our country become a well know name.

Ralph Nader has become a well know name throughout our country.

b. He is prone to whenever he senses a danger to the public speak out on

consumer goods.

He is prone to speak out on consumer goods whenever he senses a danger

to the public.

c. The automobile has been under attack by Nader for several years which he

feels is danger to the public.

The automobile which Nader feels is danger to the public has been under

his attack for several years.

d. Nader thinks that he automobile is both unsafe to the occupants of the car

and to the general public.

Nader thinks that he automobile is unsafe both to the occupants of the car

and to the general public.

e. Partly through his efforts safety devices were installed in cars such as seat


Partly through his efforts such as seat belts safety devices were installed in


f. Nader’s concern has been the automobile as a major air polluter lately.

Nader’s concern has lately been the automobile as a major air polluter.

g. Nader claims that automobiles “consistently and flagrantly violate the

Federal Air Pollution Standards” now coming off the assembly lines.

Nader claims that automobiles now coming off the assembly lines

“consistently and flagrantly violate the Federal Air Pollution Standards”.

h. According to Nader, the technology is available for the production of


automobiles that are both efficient and pollution-free now.

According to Nader, the technology is available now for the production of

automobiles that are both efficient and pollution-free.

i. Nader claims that facts are being suppressed about the technology available

for improving automobiles by the automobile by the industry and by the


Nader claims that facts are being suppressed by the industry and by the

government about by the industry and by the by the industry and by the


f. Nader claims that facts are being suppressed about the technolo gy available

for improving to au4uautomobiles by the automobile.

i. Nader says that today’s gasolines produce five major pollutants which are

labeled “clean”,

Nader says that today’s gasolines which are labeled “clean” produce five

major pollutant.

(4)更改位置有错的句子 P58

a. The folk singer only sang sang one song.

The folk singer sang only sang one song.

b. I gave my dress to Mary with the low neckline.

I gave my dress with the low neckline to Mary.

c. He bought the vest at a men’s clothing store which cost only five dollars.

At a men‟s clothing store, he bought the vest, which cost only five dollars.

d. She had decided to, in a moment of fear, get off the plane.

In a moment of fear, she had decided to get off the plane.

e. I decided on the next day to take a vacation.

I decided to take a vacation on the next day.

On the next day I decided to take a vacation.

(60)垂悬错误 P60 (第一句为垂悬错误句)

a. Shouldering our knapsacks, the hike began.

After we had shouldered our knapsacks, the hike began.


Shouldering our knapsacks, we began the hike.

b. On arriving at the river, the current was frightening by the current.

On arriving at the river, we were frightening.

When we arrived at the river, the current frightened us.

c. To hike well, endurance is needed.

If one is to hike well, endurance is needed.

To hike well, one needs endurance.

d. At the age of six months, her father taught her to swim.

When only a baby, she was taught to swim by her father.

When she was only a baby, her father taught her to swim.

e. Going through the red light, the traffic police on duty stopped him.

When he was gone through the red light, the traffic police stopped him.

Going through the red light, he was stopped by the traffic police on duty.

The traffic police on duty stopped him as he went through the red light.

f. After three hours of practice, a drink was what the thirsty dancers wanted.

Having practiced for three hours, the thirsty dancers wanted a drink.

A drink was what the thirsty dancers wanted after they had practiced

for three hours.

g. While visiting the Jungle Park, a baboon scrambled onto the hood of my car.

While visiting the Jungle Park, I was a baboon scrambling onto the hood

of my car.

While I was visiting the Jungle Park, a baboon scrambled onto the hood

of my car.

h. Once out of the practice room, the piping music no longer gave him a


Staying in the practice room, he had a headache because of the piping


Once he got out of the practice room, the piping music no longer gave

him a headache.

i. After four weeks at sea, my wife was happy to see me back.

After four weeks at sea, I became homesick as well as seasick.

After four weeks at sea, I was affectionately received by my wife.


j. Paid for with my last dollar, I drove the car away elated.

The car paid for with my last money, I drove the car away elated.

Paid for with my dollar, the car became my first piece of personal


After I paid for the car with my last dollar, I drove it away elated.

The car paid for with my last money, I drove it away elated.

(1)用介词短语连句 P70

a. Instead of writing the letter himself, he asked his friend to do it.

b. In spite of a growing tolerance of nonstandard variation in speech, standard

forms remain the norm for written English.

c. Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of task because of their

intelligence and devotion to their owners.

d. Besides producing cheaper cars, Ford also supplies American with better

ones year after year.

e. Despite their menacing appearance, most reptiles aren’t really vicious if you

leave them alone.

f. Contrary to the popular belief that leprosy is a thing of the past, there are at

least 12 million leprosy victims in the world today.

g. Thanks to (with) the invention of urethane wheels, today’s skateboarding

knows no limits.

h. For all its exuberant simplicity, Calder’s art represents a complex fusion of

many elements.

(2)运用并列结构 P71

a. The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds and not a single star

could be seen.

b. He had failed many times, yet he was confident that he would succeed in the


c. I cleaned the spot on the kitchen floor, but it still looked dirty.

d. We are watering the trees, for we don’t have any rain for a month.

e. The children started arguing, so I made them turn off the TV.


f. Girls are jealous of Marry, for Marry is very beautiful and successful.

g. It is raining heavily, so I will take an umbrella with me.

h. Donna was satisfied neither with her own achievement nor with the team’s


i. The conference on family planning was not attended by women but, much to

our disappointment, only by men.

j. Donna was happy with her achievement but, after three days of intense

competition, tired from the struggle.

k. The conference on unclear energy was attended by students from Stand-ford

and, predictably, teachers from Berkeley.


a. The torch which symbolizes the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic

ideas burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony.

b. These dwarf apple trees, which John Smith planted three years ago, have not

born any fruit.

c. The two screws, which could be used to hold the bicycle frame together,

were missing from the assembly kit.

d. The tall hedge that surrounded the house muffled the highway noise.

e. The guests were surprised by their host’s furniture which was made in Italy

especially for the new gallery.

f. For sixty years Edison was the world’s leading inventor, who patented over a

thousand inventions, and all these inventions changed our way of living.

g. Ludmilla Turkevich, who became a member of the faculty of Princeton

University during the Second World War, was known as a translator and

scholar in the field of Russian literature.

h. A gust of wind, which began as a faint sigh, suddenly broke the eerie silence.

The gust of wind which suddenly broke the eerie silence began as a faint


i. The Chinese character hao, which means good, combines the symbol for

“woman” with the symbol for “boy”.


The Chinese character hao, which combines the symbol for “woman” with

the symbol for “boy”, means good.

j. Walden Pond, which was once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is

now the site of many tourists stands.

Walden Pond, which is now the site of many tourists stands, was once

praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty.

k. Alcohol, a drying agent which evaporates rapidly and therefore has a

cooling effect, is frequently used un cosmetic.


a. Picked 15 times a year, these tea trees got tired only after 30 or 40 years.

b. He asked to read the instruction book once more, feeling sure that he was

suing the instruction improperly.

c. Approaching the island, I noticed a row of newly built house.

d. A beautiful city filled with flowers and tree, Beijing reminds us of our

home in Provo, Utah, in the heart of Rocky Mountains.

Beijing, a beautiful city filled with flowers and tree, reminds us of our home

in Provo, Utah, in the heart of Rocky Mountains.

e. Driving without a license, she was arrested and jailed by sheriff.

f. His sons killed during the Second World War, lie in cemeteries in France.

Killed during the Second World War, his sons lie in cemeteries in France.

g. I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday, trying to find a garage to

repair my car.

h. She was very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $5oo, not

realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.

i. A Sudden breeze shot though the window, driving the stuffiness out of the


j. The new storm swept from North Dakota through Ohio, sending

temperatures plummeting, and pilling drifts high across the roads.

Sweeping from North Dakota through Ohio, the new storm sent temperatures

plummeting, and piled drifts high across the road.

k. Stunned by the bizarre noise he had just heard upstairs, the janitor staggered

down the stairway, gasping for air as he hesitantly held on to he banister.

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