


人教版九年级上册英语Unit 2 I think that mooncakes

are delicious素养综合检测试卷



1. The song reminds me my old school days as soon as it is


2.—You don’t know him and you mustn’t talk with him.

—You’re right. Sometimes it’s dangerous to talk with .

s ates ves ers

3.—Look at the cookies my mother made! They are in the of

animals such as bears and pandas.

—They look cute and delicious.

4. You’ve drunk some wine. Remember that you mustn’t drive your car,

or you’ll be .

aged ed d

5. The teacher often us not to talk with strangers on our way to

school. We should learn to protect ourselves.


English teacher was a little disappointed when he knew that they

ended up about it in Chinese.

g talk

7.—Mom, can I help you?

—Good boy. Lunch is ready. Please the knives and forks on the


out on with up

第 1 页 共 13 页

8. After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually some weight

when they return to school.

on away


—Good idea! Let’s go.


person for your problem.



Many warm stories happened at Christmas. I had one, too. Several

years ago, 11 a cold winter morning, I was shopping alone. I tried to

buy some winter socks to 12 my cold feet warm. When I went around

the corner in the store, I saw a Christmas tree 13 paper angels (天使).

I felt 14 and wanted to know why there were so many paper angels.

Actually, on each angel was the name of a poor 15 whose family

couldn’t afford to buy him or her a gift that year. Shoppers who picked an

angel could 16 a simple toy or gift and the storekeeper would pack

(包装) it up and 17 it to the child that Christmas.

Around the tree, I saw a boy and a girl 18 several angels each.

Their mother was smiling while she was watching 19 . I walked up

next to her and started 20 with her. She told me that her children

21 this several years ago when she first explained to them what the

Charity (慈善) Angel Tree was for. Each offered to give up one of their

toys that year 22 a poor child could have one. From then on, the two

children 23 money the whole year in order to buy gifts for more

children. It became a 24 tradition.


10. Before you ask someone for help, find out he is the right

up off

9.— nice weather it is to go hiking! Would you like to go with

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When we finished talking, I smiled, walked over to the tree, and

picked out a few angels, too. I left the store, feeling 25 and love for

that Christmas.








g out

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Interesting festivals in the world

Throwing tomatoes—Spain

Spain takes the “tomato fight” to a whole new level. But the

tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place on the last

Wednesday in August. Trucks carry tomatoes to the square. People rush

to the tomatoes and throw them at the crowd.

Rolling cheese—The UK

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This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place

on Cooper’s Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper’s Hill.

The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the

rolling cheese. The first person to catch the cheese wins it.

Burning Man—The United States

The Burning Man Festival lasts eight days. It is usually from the

Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day (which falls on the first Monday

in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock

Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a


Pouring water—Thailand

The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in

Thailand. Rather than a single day, the Thai people celebrate the New

Year from April 13th to April 15th. The Thai people run after each other,

pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why

foreigners travel to the beautiful land.

many festivals are mentioned in the passage?

. .


. UK.

ng tomatoes.

g cheese.

g Man.

g water.

of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

tomatoes are thrown at the crowd to eat.

all the festivals above fall on the single day.

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. .

will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in

United States. nd.

of the following is held in the Black Rock Desert?

g a large real man is the best part of the festival.

an is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.

passage is most probably taken from .

A.a tour guide

B.a science report

C.a storybook

D.a fashion magazine


On the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar(农历), all Chinese people celebrate one of their traditional festivals, the

Dragon Boat Festival. Their celebrations include eating zongzi, rice

wrapped in reed leaves in the shape of a pyramid, racing dragon boats and

hanging mugwort leaves on their doors.

In 2007, the central government decided to add the Dragon Boat

Festival, together with two other traditional festivals—Tomb-Sweeping

Day (清明节) and the Mid-Autumn Festival—to the list of public


According to tradition, our ancestors (祖先) believed the hot weather

in midsummer might cause different kinds of diseases (疾病). So to keep

off diseases and drive out evil were the main purposes of the Dragon Boat

Festival. Parents used colorful threads to make necklaces and bracelets

(手镯) for children, gave them beautiful embroidered bags (荷包), and

painted the Chinese character for “king” (wang) on their foreheads to

drive away bad luck. The Dragon Boat Festival was also called “the kid

festival” in some places. Spending such happy hours with parents, young

children began to understand the festival as well as the traditions and

culture behind it. Repeating the customs year by year makes it possible

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for kids to learn the traditions, accept them and pass them on when they

become adults.

do people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival?

celebrate this festival by eating eggs.

celebrate this festival by eating zongzi, racing dragon boats and

hanging mugwort leaves on their doors.

celebrate this festival by sending cards.

celebrate this festival by singing and dancing.

is the Chinese meaning of “mugwort leaves” in the first


A.粽叶 B.红叶 C.艾草叶 D.松叶

many holidays were added to the list of public holidays by the

central government in 2007?



keep off diseases and drive out evil and bad luck.

spend happy time with parents.

make necklaces and bracelets for children.

have a long holiday with family members.

can read the passage from a magazine called .

an History

e History

n Festivals

ional Festivals



B.3. C.4. one.

is the main purpose of the Dragon Boat Festival according to

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Chinese people have been used to

watching the Spring Festival Gala for many

years. For Chinese people, it has become one of

the 36 (tradition) activities. We regard this

activity as a start of 37 (welcome) a new

year. This year’s Spring Festival Gala is a visual feast (视觉盛宴). It had

some wonderful performances. Here are three of them.

One of the most popular 38 (perform) was the dance named

Journey on a Painted Landscape (《只此青绿》). The dance got its idea

from a famous painting A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains. The

painting was created 39 a Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng. The

performance mixed Chinese music, dance and painting together in a

perfect way.

Some elements (元素) of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games

40 (appear) at the Spring Festival Gala. We could see two mascots (吉祥物) on TV. The mascots’ names are Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon

Rhon. With 41 help of science and technology, the two mascots flew

into the stage (舞台) 42 waved their hands at us. They seemed 43

(say) “Happy New Year” to us.

This year’s Spring Festival Gala had some different 44 (theme).

One of them was China’s space achievements. We could see three

astronauts from space. They said “Happy New Year” to Chinese people

in space. We were 45 (move) by what they did for our country. They

are the pride of our country and we are proud of them.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.


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The Spring Festival

⟡Time:in January or February

⟡Activities:welcoming the new year, visiting relatives, getting together,...

⟡Meaning:the biggest day of the year, a new start,...

The Mid-Autumn Festival

⟡Time:in September or October

⟡Activities:expressing wishes and hopes,having mooncakes,enjoying the


⟡Meaning:the symbol of being together,miss family members far away,...






Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the Chinese culture tour.

That’s all. Thanks for listening.

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Ⅰ.1.C remind sb. of sth.是固定搭配,意为“使某人想起某事”,所缺的词是of。

2.D 根据本题语境可知,有时和“陌生人”说话是很危险的,所缺的词是strangers,故答案为D。

3.D 根据本题语境可知,那些饼干的“形状”是动物,所缺的词是shape,故答案为D。

4.C 根据题干中的“你已经喝了一些酒”可推断,你不能开车,否则会被“惩罚”,所缺的词是punished。

5.B 根据本题语境可知,老师经常“告诫”我们在上学路上不要和陌生人说话,所缺的词是warns。

6.B end up后若跟动词,只能跟动名词形式,故答案为B。

7.A 根据题干中的“午饭好了”可推断,请把刀叉“摆放”在餐桌上,lay


8.A 三周寒假之后,学生们返校的时候通常会“发胖”,put on符合题意。

9.D 感叹名词weather要用what,先排除选项A和B;weather是不可数名词,其前不加不定冠词,故答案为D。

10.C 根据本题语境可知,在你向别人求助之前,要搞清楚他“是否”是能帮你解决问题的合适人选,所缺的词是whether。

Ⅱ.[语篇解读] 本文围绕圣诞树上的纸天使讲了一个感人的故事。

11.B 根据设空后的a cold winter morning可知,所缺的介词是on。

12.C 我试图买一些冬天穿的袜子来使我冰冷的双脚“保持”暖和,所缺的词是keep。

13.D 我看到一棵挂满纸天使的圣诞树,filled with符合题意。

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14.B 根据其后的“想知道为什么有那么多纸天使”可推断,我觉得很惊讶,所缺的词是surprised。

15.A 根据其后提到的him or her可知,所缺的词是child。

16.C 摘下一个纸天使的人会“买”一个玩具或礼物,然后由店主打包好寄给那个孩子,所缺的词是buy。

17.A 店主会把玩具或礼物包装好,“寄给”那个孩子,所缺的词是send。

18.B 我看到一个男孩和一个女孩“挑选”了几个纸天使,picking out符合题意。

19.C 根据前面的a boy and a girl以及Their可知,此处要填的是them。

20.D 根据其后的She told 可知,我走到她身边,开始和她“交谈”,所缺的词是talking。

21.D 她的孩子是几年前“开始”做这件事的,所缺的词是started。

22.C 他们主动放弃自己的一个玩具,“为的是”贫困的孩子可以拥有一个玩具,so that符合题意。

23.D 从那以后,那两个孩子会“存”一年的钱,为的是给更多孩子买玩具,所缺的词是saved。

24.A 那变成了一个“家庭”传统,所缺的词是family。

25.B 我离开了那家商店,感受到了“温暖”和爱,所缺的词是warmth。

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[语篇解读] 本文介绍了世界上的四个有趣的节日,分别是西班牙的西红柿节、英国的滚奶酪节、美国的火人节和泰国的泼水节。

26.D 细节理解题。通读全文可知,本文一共提到了四个国家的四个有趣的节日,故答案为D。

27.B 细节理解题。根据Rolling cheese—The UK中的描述“This

festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May.”可知,英国的滚奶酪节是在五月,故答案为B。

28.C 细节理解题。根据Burning Man—The United States中的描述“The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert.”可知答案为C。

29.B 推理判断题。对比节日可知,文中提到的所有节日并非都只是一天,故选项B是正确的描述。

30.A 推理判断题。本文介绍了四个不同国家的节日,合适的出处是“旅游指南”,故答案为A。


[语篇解读] 本文是关于端午节的文章,文章介绍了端午节的风俗习惯等方面的内容。

31.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Their celebrations include eating

zongzi, rice wrapped in reed leaves in the shape of a pyramid, racing

dragon boats and sticking mugwort leaves on their doors.”可知,提到的庆祝方式有吃粽子、赛龙舟和在门上挂艾草叶,故答案为B。

32.C 词义猜测题。根据上下文语境以及生活常识可知,在端午节期间,人们习惯在门上挂上“艾草叶”,故答案为C。

33.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“In 2007, the central government

decided to add the Dragon Boat Festival, together with two other

traditional festivals—Tomb-Sweeping Day(清明节) and the

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Mid-Autumn Festival—to the list of public holidays.”可知,当时一共加了三个节日,故答案为B。

34.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“So to keep off diseases and drive

out evil were the main purposes of the Dragon Boat Festival.”可知答案为A。

35.D 推理判断题。本文是关于端午节的文章,它属于中国的传统节日,故合适的杂志名是D。

Ⅳ.[语篇解读] 本文介绍了2022年春晚中的三个受欢迎的节目,一个是舞蹈《只此青绿》,一个是冬奥会吉祥物拜年,最后一个是宇航员从太空传来的新年祝福。

ional 修饰名词activities要用形容词,所缺的词是traditional。

ing 根据设空前的介词of可知,要填的是welcome的动名词形式,即welcoming。

mances 其后提到了最受欢迎的一个“表演”,表示“表演”要用名词performance;再根据设空前的One of可知,此处要填的是performance的复数形式。


ed 根据其后的时态可知,该句的时态是一般过去时,要填的是appeared。

根据with the 的固定搭配可知,所缺的词是the,该短语意为“在……的帮助下”。


say 根据seem to do sth.的固定搭配可知答案为to say。

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根据设空前的some different和设空后的One of them可知,要填的是theme的复数形式。

我们被他们为我们的国家所做的事情感动了,be moved by被……感动。

Ⅴ.One possible version:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce

one of the traditional Chinese festivals—the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival falls in January or February. It is Chinese New

Year and also the biggest day of the year. So people come back home

from different places and get together for a big dinner. Many people stay

up late to welcome the new year, hoping they will have a bright new start.

During the festival, people visit their relatives and friends and wish

each other good luck for the new year. Children can often get hongbao

from their elders. Do you think it is interesting?

That’s all. Thanks for listening.

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本文标签: 可知所缺介绍答案语境