




Lesson 14 Faustian Economics


1. fossil fuel: a fuel such as coal or oil that is produced by the very gradual decaying

of animals or plants over millions of years化石燃料

2. curtailment [] n.

formal reducing or limiting something减少,缩减,削减,限制:Our ability to pay has fallen, government of all

kinds is faced with serious curtailment of income.我们的支付能力下降,各级政府面临收入的严重萎缩。

3. oblivion [] n.

the state of being unconscious or of not noticing

what is happening 无感觉(知觉)的状态; 漠视:be buried in oblivion湮没无闻

4. biofuel [] n.

a substance made from plant or animal

waste that can be used to produce heat or power生物反馈

5. ethanol [6. switchgrass [forms large clumps 柳枝稷

7. dogged [] adj.

dogged behavior shows that you are very determined

] n.

technical ethyl alcohol乙醇

] n.

a tall North American panic grass which

to continue doing something 坚持不懈的,顽强的,不屈不挠的:Although

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he’s less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.他虽然天赋不高,但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了胜利。

8. indestructible [] adj.

too strong to be destroyed

不可摧毁的,坚不可摧的:Furniture for young children needs to be


9. indefensible [] adj.

too bad to be excused or

defended 不可原谅的,无法辩解的:an indefensible assumption站不住脚的假设

10. insanity [] n.

very stupid actions that may cause serious harm

极端愚蠢的行为:If he were insane, he was a very cool and collected


11. delusion [] n.

a false belief about yourself or the situation you

are in 错觉;妄想:It is a delusion from first to last.这是彻头彻尾的妄想。

12. prodigal [] adj.

spending money, wasting time, etc. in a

careless way浪费的,挥霍的;奢侈的:Prodigal habits die hard.大手大脚的习惯很难改掉。

13 obscure [] v.

to make something difficult to know or understand

搞混,使难理解:Trees obscured his vision; he couldn’t see much of the

square’s southern half. 树木遮住了他的视线,他不怎么看得见广场南半部。

14. contradiction [] n.

a difference between two

statements, beliefs, or ideas about something that means they

cannot both be true.(说法、信念、观点等的相互)矛盾,不一致

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15. unbridled [



] adj.

not controlled and too extreme or violent放纵的,不受控制的;激烈的:But now he and Han Dan cried with

unbridled joy.但这一次,他和韩丹无拘无束快乐地叫了起来。

16. cutting-edge n.

the newest and most exciting stage in the development of

something (某事物发展的)尖端,最前沿

17. conversion [] n.

the process of changing something from

one form, purpose, or system to a different one 转变;改造;转换;换算

18. tax credit n.

a sum deducted from the total amount a taxpayer has to pay 税收抵免

19. cliche [] n.

an idea of phrase that has been used so much that it

is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer陈词滥调,老生常谈,老套 :The old cliche is certainly true: the bigger car do mean bigger



20. speculation [] n.

when you guess about the

possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts

猜测,推测:As a matter of fact, this was purely newspaper gossip and


21. contraption [] n.

a piece of equipment or machinery that

looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well 奇怪的机械装置,怪模怪样的玩意儿:You ssem to be having trouble with that contraption. 3 / 30

22. rote [




] n.

the process of learning something by repeating it until you

remember it rather than by understanding the meaning of it老一套的,例行的,常规的learn by rote死记硬背

23. temperance [do自我克制,节制

24. thrift [] n.

wise and careful use of money, so that none is wasted节省,] n.

sensible control of the things you say and

节检:Industry and thrift favor success.


25. reconcile [] v.

if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts,

you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable使和谐一致;调和;协调:All along she had felt it difficult to reconcile the two ideas, of

her father and a blood-shedder.她一直觉得很难把她的父亲和杀人犯联系起来。

26. apprehension [] n.

anxiety about the future, especially

about dealing with something unpleasant or difficult (对未来的)忧虑,担心:Elizabeth was in an agony of apprehension.伊丽莎白处于一种极度的忧虑中。

27. claustrophobia [] n.

a strong fear of being in a

small enclosed space or in a situation that limits what you can do

幽闭恐惧症:Being in lifts gives me claustrophobia.乘电梯时,我总感到浑身不自在。

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28. credo [



] n.

a formal statement of the beliefs of a particular

person, group, religion, etc.教义,信条:That “Honesty is the best policy”

is his credo for dealing.“诚实乃上策”是他做生意的信条。

29. crowning [] adj.

used to describe something that makes

something complete or perfect, or is the best feature of something 使圆满的;使完美的:the crowning moment of my life我一生中最光荣的时刻

30. cult [] n.

an extreme religious group that is not part of an established

religion 异教,邪教

31. minimalism [] n.

a style of art, design, music, etc. that

uses only a very few simple ideas or patterns (美术、设计、音乐等的)极简主义

32. minimization [] n.

the practice of making

something seem less serious or important than it really is 使显得不重要,轻视:risk minimization风险极小化

33. unencumbered

[] adj.

not having or carrying anything

heavy or anything that makes you go more slowly 无负担的,没有阻碍的,不受妨碍的:inherited an unencumbered estate继承了不承担义务的不动产

34. reverence [] n.

great respect and admiration for someone or

something 尊敬,崇敬:As I close the book, love and reverence possess


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35. accountability [



] n.

taking responsibility for the

effects of your actions and being willing to explain or be criticized

for them负起责任;承担责任

36. self-subordination n.

the practice of putting oneself in a less important position


37. autistic [] adj.

suffering from autism (a mental disorder that

makes people unable to communicate properly or to form relationships)患孤独症的,自闭的:Both Greg and Alice are OK. How did the baby end up

autistic? 格雷格和爱丽丝都好好的啊,他们的小孩怎么会自闭呢?

38. fantasy [] n.

an idea or belief that is based only on imagination,

not on real facts 空想,幻想的信念

39. plunder [] v.

to use up all or most of the supplies of something in

a careless way胡乱耗尽,将滥用殆尽:Unlicensed fishermen have

plundered tuna stocks.无证渔民将剩下的金枪鱼捕捞一空。

40. pillage [] n.

stealing things from a place or religion, especially in a

war, using violence 抢劫;掠夺:land ravaged by pillage and rapine遭劫掠蹂躏的国土

41. outsmart [] v.

to gain an advantage over someone using

tricks or your intelligence 比更精明,智胜:We outsmarted them and got

there first by taking a shorter route. 我们比他们机灵,抄近道先到了。

42. homeopathy [] n.

a system of medicine in which a

disease is treated by giving extremely small amounts of a substance

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