


A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌

CHAPTER 11 A Sad Future 第十一章 悲惨的未来

Suddenly, Scrooge was not in the shop, but in a dark room. In the room, there was the body

of a man on a bed. Scrooge looked at the spirit. Its hand was pointed to the head of the body on the

bed. The head was covered. Scrooge wanted to find out whose body it was, but he could not move

his hand. Scrooge understood that the man had died because no one had loved him. He had been

unloved because there was nothing to love about him. He had been mean and unkind, cold and

hard-hearted to everyone. And now in death, no one cared. 突然,斯克罗吉不在商店里,而是在一间黑屋子里。在房间里,床上有一具男人的尸体。斯克罗吉看着幽灵。它的手指向了躺在床上的尸体的头部。头被盖住了。斯克罗吉想知道那是谁的尸体,但他的手动不了。斯克罗吉明白这个人死了是因为没有人爱他。他没有被爱是因为他身上没有什么值得爱的东西。他对每个人都刻薄、无情、冷酷。现在死了,也没人在乎。

“Spirit!” he said, “This is a fearful place. When we leave it,I will not forget its lesson, believe

me. Let us go!” Still the spirit pointed to the head. “I understand you,” Scrooge returned, “and I

would look at it if could, but I cannot. If there is any person in the town who feels sad because of

this man’s death,” he added, “show that person to me, Spirit, I beg you!” “幽灵!他说,“这是一个可怕的地方。”当我们离开它时,我不会忘记它的教训,相信我。让我们走吧!”幽灵仍然指着头。“我理解你,”斯克罗吉回答说,“如果我能看一眼的话,我也想,但我不能。他又说:“圣灵啊,求你把那人指给我看。”

The spirit opened its dark robe before him, and for a moment, a room could be seen where a

mother and her children were. She was expecting someone, for she walked up and down the room,

listening to every sound. She looked out of the window and then at the clock. She tried, but she

could not sew with success. She could hardly bear the voices of the children at play. 幽灵在他面前解开了黑袍子,有那么一会儿,可以看到一个房间,里面住着一位母亲和她的孩子们。她在房间里踱来踱去,听着每一个声音。她看了看窗外,然后看了看钟。她试过了,但她的针线活做得不成功。她几乎不能忍受孩子们玩耍的声音。

At last, the long expected knock was heard. She hurried to the door and met her husband. He

was a man whose face looked sad and old, though he was young.终于,传来了期待已久的敲门声。她急忙跑到门口迎接她的丈夫。虽然他很年轻,但他的脸却显得苍老而悲伤。

“Is the news good?” she asked, “or is it bad? Do we have anything left?” “是好消息吗?”她问,“还是很糟糕?”我们还剩下什么吗?”

“No. But there is hope yet, Caroline.” “没有。不过还有希望,卡罗琳。”

“You think he might change his mind?” she asked. “你觉得他会改变主意吗?”她问道。

“No. It is too late for that,” said her husband. “He is dead.” “没有。太迟了,”她的丈夫说。“他死了。”

“Thank God!” she said, but was immediately sorry for having such a thought. “感谢上帝!她说。可是她立刻为自己有这样的想法而感到惭愧。

“As you know,” her husband said, “when I tried to see him last week and ask for more time

to pay him what I owe, he would not see me. I now know why—he was so ill that he was dying.” “你知道,”她丈夫说,“上周我去找他,要求他宽限期还我所欠的钱,他不愿见我。我现在知道他为什么病得那么厉害,快要死了。”

“To whom will we owe the money now?” “现在我们欠谁钱呢?”

“I don’t know, but by the time that is decided, we will be ready with the money; and even if

we are not, I cannot believe anyone will be as cruel and hard-hearted as he. We may sleep tonight

with light hearts, Caroline!” “我不知道,但等到决定的时候,我们就会准备好钱;即使我们不是,我也不相信会有人像他一样冷酷无情。我们今晚可以心情愉快地睡了,卡罗琳!”

“Let me see someone who is sad because of the man’s death,” said Scrooge. “Or I will

remember only that room we have just left.” “让我看看谁为这个人的死而悲伤,”斯克罗吉说。“否则,我只会记得我们刚刚离开的那个房间。”

The spirit took him to Bob Cratchit’s house. The mother and the children were sitting around

the fire. There was no noise. The young Cratchits sat without moving in one corner, looking up at

Peter who had a book before him. The mother and her daughters were quietly sewing. 幽灵把他带到鲍勃·克拉特基特的家。母亲和孩子们围坐在火堆旁。没有声音。小克拉奇蒂坐在一个角落里一动不动,抬头看着彼得,他面前有一本书。母亲和女儿们正在静静地做针线活。

“Your father should be here soon,” the mother said. “He’s already late,” Peter answered,

shutting his book, “but I think he walks a little slower than he used to, mother.” “你爸爸应该快到了,”母亲说。“他已经迟到了,”彼得合上书说,“不过我觉得他比过去走得慢了一点,妈妈。”

“I have known him to walk with Tiny Tim upon his shoulder very fast indeed,” the mother

said. “我知道他背着小蒂姆走得很快,”母亲说。

“So have I,” cried Peter. “Often.” “我也是。”彼得叫道。“经常”。

“But he was very light to carry,” she said. “His father loved him so much that it was no

trouble to carry him.” “但他很轻,抱着很方便,”她说。“他父亲非常爱他,抱着他一点也不麻烦。”

There was a sound at the door. “And there is your father at the door!” she said, and hurried

out to meet him. His meal was ready for him, and they all tried to carry it to him. Then the two

young Cratchits sat on his knees and said, “Try not to be so sad, father.” 门口有声音。“你爸爸在门口呢!”她说着,急忙出去迎接他。他的饭已经准备好了,大家都想把饭端给他。然后两个小克拉奇蒂坐在他的膝盖上说:“尽量别这么悲伤,爸爸。”

Bob now told them of the extraordinary kindness of Mr. Scrooge’s nephew. “I had met him

only once, but when we met in the street today, he had asked what had happened to make me look

so sad. When I told him, he said, ‘I am so sorry to hear that, Mr. Cratchit.’ Then he gave me his

address and said, ‘If there is anything I can do to be of help in any way, come and ask me.’ It

really seemed as if he had known our Tiny Tim.” 这时鲍勃告诉他们斯克罗吉先生的侄子特别善良。“我只见过他一次,但今天我们在街上相遇时,他问我发生了什么事,使我看起来如此伤心。当我告诉他时,他说:“听到这个消息我很难过,克拉奇蒂先生。’然后他把地址给了我,并说:‘如果有什么需要我帮忙的,尽管来找我。’他似乎真的认识我们的小蒂姆。”

“I’m sure he’s a good man!” said Mrs. Cratchit. “我相信他是个好人!”克拉奇蒂太太说。

“I think he will help Peter to get better work,” Bob said. “He knows that would help us all.”

Then he added, “Whatever happens, none of us will forget poor Tiny Tim.” “我想他会帮助彼得找到更好的工作,”鲍勃说。“他知道这会帮助我们所有人。”然后他又说:“不管发生什么事,我们谁也不会忘记可怜的小蒂姆。”

“Never, father!” they all cried. “不,爸爸!他们都哭了。

Mrs. Cratchit kissed him, his daughters kissed him, the two young Cratchits kissed him, and

Peter shook hands with him. 克拉奇蒂太太吻了他,他的女儿们吻了他,两个小克拉奇蒂吻了他,彼得和他握了手。

“Spirit,” said Scrooge, “I think you will soon leave me. Before you go, tell me who that dead

man was that I saw.” The Spirit of Christmas Future did not answer. Instead, he moved on, and

Scrooge followed him. Soon, they came to a graveyard. The spirit stood among the graves and

pointed at one. “Before I look at that grave stone to which you point,” said Scrooge, “answer me

one question. Have you shown me what will be, or what may be, only?” “幽灵,”斯克罗吉说,“我想你很快就要离开我了。你走之前,告诉我我看见的那个死人是谁。”未来圣诞幽灵没有回答。相反,他继续前进,斯克罗吉也跟着他。不久,他们来到了一个墓地。幽灵站在几座坟墓中间,指着其中一座。“在我看你所指的墓碑之前,”斯克罗吉说,“回答我一个问题。你有没有告诉我将来会怎样,或者可能会怎样?”

Still the spirit did not speak. Scrooge moved slowly toward the grave, a grave that was

overgrown with weeds. He moved his finger over the stone and read his own name, EBENEZER

SCROOGE. 幽灵仍然没有说话。斯克罗吉慢慢地走向坟墓,一个长满野草的坟墓。他的手指在石头上移动,看到了自己的名字,埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉。

“Am I that man who lay upon the bed?” he cried, falling to his knees. “我就是躺在床上的那个人吗?”他叫道,跪了下来。

The finger pointed from the grave to him, and back again. 手指从坟墓指向他,然后又指向他。

“No, Spirit! Oh, no, no! Spirit!” he cried. “Hear me! I am not the man I was.I will not be the

man I must have been.” “不,幽灵!哦,不,不!幽灵!”他哭了。“听我说!我已经不是过去的我了。我不会做我应该做的那个人。”

“Good Spirit,” Scrooge continued, “tell me that if I change my ways, then my future will be

different. I will keep Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year. I will live in the past, the

present, and the future. Oh, tell me that I may clean away the writing on this stone!” As he spoke,

the spirit changed its shape and soon had become one of the posts of his bed. “善良的幽灵,”斯克罗吉继续说,“告诉我如果我改变我的方式,那么我的未来就会不一样了。我将把圣诞节放在我的心里,并努力保持它一整年。我要活在过去、现在和未来。啊,告诉我,我可以把这石头上的字擦掉!”在他说话的当儿,幽灵改变了形状,不久就变成了他的一根床柱。

本文标签: 幽灵没有坟墓告诉