





A Christmas Carol is one of the most famous works of Charles

Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works

mainly reflect the reality. So I like his works very much.

Charles Dickens was born in 1812, England. He had many

difficulties during his childhood. However, these experiences

enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing

materials for his writing. He wrote more than 20 novels in all,

reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the

common people. His works, such as Great Expectations, a Tale 0f

Tw0 Cities, were affected by many readers.

This novel told a people who regard money as important as

his own life---Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, he was also quite

mean to everybody. There are five chapters in all. Chapter 1

introduced scrooge’s character and Marley, his friend’s ghost.

The language was very beautiful and active. I like this part best.

As followed there was a part of word to describe Scrooge: he was

a hard man with money, hard as a stone. He was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him

froze his old face. His eyes were red. His thin lips were blue. Cold

seemed to stiffen his way of walking. The hair on his head and

above his eyes was white, white as snow. He carries this coldness

with him always wherever he went. This part illustrated Scrooge

was a cold man. He grasped the money tightly. As the following

story, Scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner

with his family. And he always scolded the Christmas is humbug.

He didn’t believe the existence of Christmas and didn’t want

to share his happiness and money with others. He had dinner in

an inn and then went home. He had rooms in a house which had

once belonged to Marley. Scolded sat quietly on the coach. But

suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. It was Marley’s

ghost. The ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told Scrooge

its tragic fate. The ghost told Scrooge that three spirits will come

to Scrooge and then faded away.

From chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits.

The first spirit stood for the past. It showed the happy times in

the past of Scrooge. In the past Scrooge always said “Merry

Christmas” to whoever he met. He loved life and enjoyed

everything in his life. In this part the spirit also showed the first

work of Scrooge. His boss, Fezziwig, treated them very well on

Christmas. But Scrooge gradually changed. He loved money

more than his lover. So his lover parted with him. It’s the money

that made Scrooge lost many things. The second stands for the

present. in this part , Scrooge is a greedy man . He has no mercy

to everything and waste of his time. The third spirit stands for the

future. In this part, it showed that Scrooge regret what he had

done. And Scrooge was impressed at last. He understood money

is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. Love and care were

important too.

At the last chapter, that is chapter 5, Scrooge changed

himself and gave mercy to the poor. And he had dinner with his


All in all, this story has a perfect end. Form this story, I

realized that in this world, money is not everything. We also need

love and help.


This past December, I read Charles Dickens' A Christmas

Carol for the first time. Of course, I have seen the story done on

stage a number of times (mostly as a child), and the various

movies are a yearly Christmas tradition. (My favorite is Albert

Finney's portrayal in the early 1970's British musical version

"Scrooge.") But despite being very familiar with the story itself

through stage and film, and despite having bought a copy of the

book some years back, I had never taken the time to sit down

and read the story.

So, having bought a new edition of the book after Christmas

last year, I finally sat down in December and began the original


It was absolutely sublime!

As much as I love the film and stage adaptations of the story,

the book was just wonderful. So full of color and imagination and

description - you could fairly feel the 19th century London cold,

the piles of apples and oranges on the street carts, the hawkers

calling out to passers-by bundled head-to-toe in woolen coats

and boots.

This really is the quintessential Victorian Christmas story. I

suppose I'm only about 170 years late in determining that, but

now that I have read the story, I can see why it was such an

instantaneous hit with readers. It was so successful during his

lifetime, in fact, that Dickens began a tradition of writing

Christmas stories every year. The edition of A Christmas Carol

that I purchased last year has two other Dickens Christmas stories

in it as well, although I have not yet dived into those two.

So I highly recommend this book. If you have seen any or

most of the various Scrooge movies that have been made over

the years, much of the book will be familiar, but there are a few

scenes here and there that I have never seen re-enacted in a play

or a movie, including a trip out to a mining colony on the coast

of England, and a hovering ride over the English Channel to view

Christmas on a Navy ship.

Even after all these years of watching movies and plays based

upon this story, I was still moved, emotionally, while reading this

book, particularly during the scenes with the Cratchit family. And

at the end, I almost felt a tear well up when Scrooge showed up

on his nephew's doorstep for Christmas Lunch.

To end, let me quote one of the more poignant passages

from the book. The Ghost of Christmas Present has just reminded

Scrooge of his harsh words about how if the poor are going to

die "then they had better do it, and decrease the surplus

population." The Ghost quoted the same phrase after Scrooge

expressed concern about whether or not Tiny Tim would die. The

Ghost goes on to say the following:

"Man," said the Ghost, "if man you be in heart, not adamant,

forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the

surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live,

what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you

are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor

man's child. Oh God! To hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing

on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust."

That last line, in particular, strikes a powerful chord. How

relevent, 170 years downstream, and in another country, for the

self-righteous protestations of the wealthy American!


This is a cartoon about the change. Masters of Scrooge is a

miser out of the name, the film at the beginning of the many

plots have proved this point. For money, he could reluctantly

sacrificial fee and then pay the partner from the eyes of the dead,

remove the two pence; his nephew in the face of well-meaning

nephew greeting satire hypocrisy, and that there is no money to

make money also sent days can not be happy; he can in a loving

day, the face of charity fund-raising cold and mocking those who

refused. In his world, never just money, only the income and

never squeeze, the world of love and warmth, in his opinion

worthless, he would live the day to day so stubborn and lonely

life, no friends, no greeting, accompanied him, only those who

save more more money.

In yet another Christmas Eve, he returned to his home alone,

locked the door when the door but was startled by the ghost of

terror, the next in a series of strange is scared to let him know

what to do. Died seven years ago to become a partner to find the

ghost of his painful past to regret his actions and told Scrooge

still have the opportunity to change, saying that three ghosts will

come to him, and then disappear . Scrooge shaken quickly

encountered the first ghost, that is his past, the ghost of the past

with his back to his childhood Christmas, the film is here at last

out of the horror film of the color and the wonderful story full

turn . He saw a child riding a snowmobile and good partners

happy running; he saw sitting in that school alone their own

classroom; he saw his sister had been concerned; he saw his

former teacher; he saw his acquaintance with his girlfriend .

Everything is so beautiful, when these memories fresh in our

memory when Scrooge cute smile, this is the beginning of the

hateful old man movie very different, in fact, in his heart, the

memories are still there, he can still remember, only the interests

of these good years and buried in the depths of the soul, so he

did not remember. Then the ghost of the past brought him the

day he and his wife separated, the young Scrooge was growing

up, life and social pressure make him more afraid of poverty, he

began to become more and more emphasis on money, have

begun to slowly lose sight of their lover, when she was angry he

was not allowed to put forward when the dissolution of marriage,

facing her, "Do you still pursue a legacy of poor parents did not

leave the girls?" The question, he speechless indifference can

only be looked at love to leave. It is also since then become a real

Scrooge miser, since the love for money are able to give, and

what should he go to nostalgia. Sit in the old Scrooge looked at

it all, after all, difficult to face, angry, fighting the fire back to the

past now. Video here, the inside of Scrooge has played some

small changes, and the next story, then let him make greater


Back home after Scrooge soon to see the second ghost, that

is his now. Now the soul of humor make him the perspective of

looking down from heaven, the whole world, let him take a look

at the human good and evil, joy and bitterness, and took him to

a strange house staff Klein, when he saw because of his harsh

Clay strange result because of the family money, only when

Christmas Eve to eat roast duck; when he saw the result because

of his bitter sweet little Raimi can not heal when the lame;

Christmas dinner table when he heard strange Klein thanks to

him, his cold heart finally has a trace of warmth, he was ashamed,

and regretted that he knew, that he's cold and mean to others

has brought so much harm, and later the scene of his nephew

home also let him know he's mean to bring the majority of people

only hate and ridicule, and only his dear nephew and loyal staff

has done on his choice to forgive, in this between love and hate,

he began gradually understand the meaning of life. Then the soul

is now brought him to the end of life by the ghost of the future

take him to his death in the world, no compassion, no one is sad,

there are only cursing and ridicule, he was more painful to look

after Because of his own sarcastic to volunteer Klein led the

children unfortunately dead strange ending, finally, the ghost of

the future brought him before a grave, to see the name and the

date on the gravestone, he finally know that the Christmas dead

man is his own, face the harsh reality, he finally began to truly

reflect on his living from the heart, because the money he had

lost too much, missed too much, hurt too much, in the face of

death , he finally understood how my life should've been, he

regretted and struggled, and vowed from the past, present and

future all in the lessons learned and re-change yourself. This time,

Scrooge has really changed in the future ghosts and he opened

a small joke, threw his "death" of the coffin. When Scrooge awoke,

they were pleasantly surprised to find himself still alive, glad to

have hand, foot and dance together, with the most enthusiasm

to meet the new day, he no longer mean the money, buy a turkey

and generous people peculiar to the Clay family, hugging his

servants, to ask forgiveness to the philanthropist and donated

money to his nephew to spend a beautiful Christmas at home, to

pay staff and to help take care of Raimi. Plot and the film series

here at the beginning of the harsh bitter Scrooge in sharp

contrast, in this sense, Scrooge is indeed dead, dead is the soul

of the mean, and now he is new, generous, kind-hearted Scrooge,

he began his new life, and all this, just his attitude changed it.

Videos in this with love and peace in a perfect ending, I was

deeply moved. Throughout the whole film, they must express

and show, and what we need in life and experience to face many

problems, and our right attitude towards life. From an objective

point of view, we are all stingy Scrooge that, stubbornly cling to

something, perhaps the money, it may be power, status,

fame … … to protect those who do not represent their own things,

too many people Select a cold, closed, treachery, hatred, they

closed the door to communication with the outside world really,

and then, some people choose to completely self-closing, while

others choose to false face to face the world. Thus, the world

started to become dirty, or more precisely in the eyes of those

who get dirty, because in their world, long lost love. This is our

sorrow, we foolishly thought was to get them happy, but the fact

is we are wrong, we take advantage of these things, we lost more,

and those who are lost, it is precisely The most important thing

in life. As the eyes of Scrooge's past, he was also a young man

full of love and kindness, he has a warm family, beloved wife,

good friends, kind of the boss, in his first few decades of life,

Every Christmas, he flies makes sense, since that time, he also

innocence. Coming back to our own, too, grew up with their own,

began to study, work, life has been the pressure, we have

gradually lost their innocence, loss of the kind of carefree,

reckless life, right , growing up is not so self-willed, is to shoulder

their responsibilities, but we can not lose people because of the

nature of growing up in that warm things for their love, care for

others, social care, this world is built on personal basis, and to

false face to the world, the world is false; to love the world face

to face, the world is full of love. From Christmas Eve to Christmas,

Scrooge in their past experience, present and future, his eyes the

whole world has changed, the original boring, cruel world

becomes filled with love and joy, but in fact the world and not

changed, only change Scrooge himself.

From the present and future in Scrooge saw because of his

harsh to others and bring their own injury, the relationship

between people is mutual, if you mean to others, and even death

when you lose the time no one will feel sad for you. We are now

done, have determined their own future, the film half, Scrooge

cried request to change all that, he already knows his future is

now caused by the behavior. Admittedly, Scrooge is lucky in his

imminent death the night before, he got the guidelines, those

guidelines through the redemption that he won, he deeply

repented of their past behavior, and vowed to make changes.

However, this is animation, in reality, we seldom have the

opportunity to meet a saint, let him guide us to the lost lives, we

can only rely on their own, always review your life, and the areas

where poor corresponding changes, so as not to allow

themselves a few years back and regret your life. In addition, the

film's plot makes me feel a profound meaning, remember, when

the soul is now dead, his feet hidden in two terrible children, he

told Scrooge, there are two people in this world, a is called

ignorance, called greed, we must always guard against them. Yes

ah, ignorance and greed, is it not the failure of many people life

is it? It is because of ignorance and greed, people will go to firmly

grasp something, to the neglect of the most valuable wealth of

human nature; also because of ignorance and greed, people will

be faced with the hypocrisy of this world, stubbornly that the

world is their eyes that way. So, means that too many tragedies.

Finally talk about death. Video makes sense for the

elaboration of death, seeing the past and present, the future of

the soul went with him after the death of Scrooge's world, but

also at that time, Scrutton Wizards thoroughly done their

penance in the past, He finally realized that, in the end of life, not

take what is, no matter what you stick in the world the moment

you leave, you can take away, probably only fond memories of

their lifetime the. So, why not let your life be meaningful, some

of it? When Scrooge after his death in that pleasantly surprised

to find himself still alive, I think I have seen the words "What is

happiness, when you see early in the morning when you are alive,

that is happiness." When we have a life, cherish it all in front of it,

not to order some of the things they do not own the tenacity of

the people around this world a little more love and care, so that

life will be more meaningful .

Time flies, time is good, change the face of life, we need is

grateful and cherished. Life is an attitude, as long as the mentality

has changed, everything will get better, to change, just a moment.

This article would like to remind ourselves and to those who are

immersed in the solitude autistic, life lost, no direction, then let

your life on the road in the future, broader and better.

Best wishes, give you

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