



Zootopia 动物乌托邦Fear, treachery, blood lust.

恐惧,背叛,杀戮。Thousands of years ago these


forces that ruled our world

支配着我们的世界的力量A world where prey were scared of predators.

一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。And predators had


biological urge to maim, and maul,



噢!Blood! Blood! Blood!

血!血!血!And.. death!



Back then, the world was divided in two.

在那时,世界分为二种。Vicious predator, or meek prey.

凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or

但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野primitive savage ways.

蛮的性格。Now predator and prey live in harmony.

现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。And every young mammal has multitudinous


而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。Yeah, I don't have to cower in a herd anymore.

耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。Instead, I can be an astronaut.

取而代之,我可以当太空人。I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today

我再也不用当一个孤独的猎人。如今我可以I can hunt for tax exemptions.

狩猎税收。I'm gonna be an actuary.

我可以当一个保险精算师。And I can make the world a better place. I am



A police officer!

一位珀莉丝奥菲斯尔!Bunny cop? That is the most stupidest thing I

ever heard!

兔子警察,这是我听过最蠢的事了!It may seem impossible to small minds. I'm

这也许对心态渺小的人来说是不可能。我在looking at you, Gideon Grey.

说你呢,吉帝恩葛瑞。But, just 211 miles away, stands the great city

但是,坐落在211英哩远,有着一做伟大的of Zootopia.

城市"动物邦"。Where our ancestors first joined together in


我们的祖先在那儿签定了和平协议。And declared that anyone can be anything!

而且他们宣告人人都有无限可能!Thank you and good night.

感谢你们,晚安。Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me got

朱迪,你有没有想过为什么你妈咪跟我这么to be so darn happy?



Well, we gave up on our dreams, and we settled.

好吧,因为我们放弃了自己的梦想,并且定Right, Bon?

居了下来。对吧,邦妮?Oh, yes. That's right, Stu. We settled hard.

嗯,这是真的,斯图。我们艰难的定居下来了。1 / 43


You see, that's the beauty of complacency, Jude.

你看,这就是这的好处,朱迪。如果你不尝试新事物,你就永远不会失败。事实上我喜欢尝试。If you don't try anything new, you'll never


I like trying, actually.

What your father means, hon, is that it's gonna


be difficult,

- for you to become a police officer. - Right.

There's never been a bunny cop.

- No. - Bunnies don't do that.

Then I guess I'll have to be the first


Because I am gonna make the world a better place!

Or, heck, you know. You wanna talk about making

the world a better place,

no better way to do it than becoming a carrot


Yes! Your dad, me, your 275 brothers and


- We're changing the world. - Yeah.

Carrot farming is a noble profession.

You get it, honey? I mean, it's great to have


Yeah, just as long as you

too much.

Where the heck'd she go?

Give me your tickets right now, or I'm gonna kick

don't believe in them

嗯...那么我想我必须是第一个了。因为我要让世界变得更美好!或者说,哎呀,你知道的。你说你想让世界变成更好的地方,没有比做拔胡萝卜的更好的了。没错!你爹地、我和你的275个兄弟姊妹。拔萝卜是一个崇高的职业。你明白吗,亲爱的?我的意思是,这是伟大的梦想。有梦想很好,只要你不要太相信它。她跑哪去了?现在给我你的票,不然我就踢你那温顺的小绵羊屁股。噢!不要这样,吉帝恩!巴阿,巴阿!你要干嘛,哭了吗?- 喂!你听到她说的了!停下来!啊,失败者。 - 好装扮your meek little sheep butt.

Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!

Baah, baah! What are you gonna do, cry?

What crazy world are you living in where you

think a bunny could be a cop?

- Kindly return my friend's tickets.

get them. But watch out.

Cause I'm a fox, and like you said in your dumb

little stage play,

us predators used to eat prey. And that killer

instinct's still in our denna.

- Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA.

- Come and

你生活在什么疯狂的世界让你觉得兔子可能是警察?因为我是一只狐狸,和你一样在你的愚蠢的小舞台剧说,我的有着仍然有猎捕的天性,残暴仍然在我的"DENNA"里。- Don't tell me what I know, Travis.

You don't scare me, Gideon.

2 / 43你吓不倒我的,吉迪恩。


Scared now?

Look at her nose twitch, she is scared.

Cry, little baby bunny! Ow...

Oh, you don't know when to quit, do you?


I want you to remember this moment the next time

you think you will

anything more than just a stupid carrot-farming

dumb bunny.

Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Here you go.

- Wow, you got our tickets! - You're awesome,


Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't know what he's

talking about!

Well, he was right about one thing.

I don't know when to quit.


现在害怕吗?看她的小鼻子抽动,她是害怕了。哭了,小宝贝兔子!哭哇... 嗷...


你只是个会愚蠢的拔胡萝卜的农民。嗯,恩,我没事,给你。- 哇,你拿到了我们的票! - 你真棒,朱迪。没错!那个吉帝恩葛瑞根本不知道他再说什么!嗯,他有一件事说对了。我不知道什么时候放弃。Listen up, cadets. Zootopia has 12 unique

ecosystems within its city limits.

Tundratown, Sahara Square, Rainforest

District, to name a few.

You're gonna have to master all of them before

you hit the streets.

Or guess what? You'll be dead!

Scorching sandstorm.

You're dead, bunny bumpkin.

One thousand foot fall.

You're dead, carrot face.

Frigid ice wall.

You're dead, farm girl.

Enormous criminal. You're dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead.


Filthy toilet. You're dead, fluff butt.

Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny.

- There's never been a bunny cop. Never. - Just

听好了,学员。动物乌托邦的市区范围内拥有12个独特的生态系统。极地区、撒哈拉广场、热带雨林区,仅举几例。你必须在你上街前掌握它们的一切。或者,你猜怎么着?你就会死!炎炎的沙尘暴。你死定了,土包子兔子。一千尺大瀑布。你死定了,吃胡萝卜的。严寒的冰墙。你死定了,农家少女。重量级罪犯。你死定了。死。死。死。噢噢噢......!肮脏的厕所。你死定了,屁股长毛的。赶快放弃,然后回家,小兔子。a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.

As mayor of Zootopia, I am proud to announce that


initiative, has produced its first police

academy graduate.

3 / 43身为动物邦的市长,我很自豪地宣布,我的哺乳动物法案...



Valedictorian of her class, ZPD's very first

Judy Hopps.

Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.

- Oh, yes, yes! - Thank you.

Judy, it is my great privilege to officially

assign you to the heart

Precinct One. City Center.

- Yeh! - Yeh!

Congratulations Officer Hopps.

I won't let you down.

This has been my dream since I was a kid.

You know, it's a real proud day for us little


Bellwether, make room, will you?

Okay, Officer Hopps. Let's see those teeth!

Officer Hopps, look here.

- We're real proud of you, Judy. - Yeah, and

scared too.

- Yes. - Really, it's kind of a proud-scared


I mean, Zootopia. So far away, such a big city.


朱迪哈波丝。羊咩咩市长助理,她的警徽。- 嗯,是的先生! - 谢谢。朱迪,这是我莫大的荣幸正式分配你到动物乌托邦的中心......

一号辖区,市中心。- 耶! - 耶!恭喜你哈波丝警官。我不会让你失望的。从我还是迷你兔子起这一直是我的梦想。你知道,这对我们这些小家伙是个光荣的一天。领头羊,腾出空间,你愿意吗?好了,哈波丝警官,让我们看看那些大板牙!哈波丝警官,请看这里。我的意思是,动物乌托邦。它这么的远,这么大的一个城市。伙计们,放松,我等了一辈子了。我们知道。而我们只是替你感到兴奋但也害怕。我们唯一需要畏惧的就是恐惧本身。和熊。我们也要担心熊,还有狮子。Guys, I've been working for this my whole life.

We know. And we're just a little

but terrified.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

And also bears. We have bears to fear, too.

exited for you,

Yeah, he cheats like there's no tomorrow.

You know what? Pretty much all predators.

And foxes are the worst.

Yeah, actually, your father does have a point


It's in their biology. Remember what happened

with Gideon Grey?

When I was nine. Gideon Grey was a jerk who

happens to be a fox.

I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks.

Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely. But just in


we made you a little care package to take with

4 / 43没错,他们会出老千整死你。你知道吗?任何掠食者。狐狸是最差劲的。是啊,其实,你爹地是对的。这在他们的天性里。记得那只吉迪恩葛瑞干了什么?当我九岁。吉迪恩葛瑞正好讨人厌又是只狐狸。我知道很多兔子也都很讨人厌。我们当然都知道,绝对。但是以防万一,我们给你做了一个保命袋要给你带着。



- Yeah, it's safe to have that. - This is fox


The deterrent


- Check this out! - Oh, for goodness sake!

She has no need for a fox taser, Stu.

Oh, come on. When is there not a need for a fox


Well, okay, look, I will To make

you stop talking.

Terrific! Everyone wins!

Arriving, Zootopia Express.

Okay, gotta go. Bye!

Mmm. I love you, guys.

Love you, too.

Bye everybody!

Bye Judy, I love you! Bye!



Oh oh oh oh ooh

Oh oh oh oh ooh

Oh oh oh oh ooh

Oh oh oh oh ooh

I messed up tonight I lost another fight

I still mess up but I'll just start again

I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground

and the repellant, that's all she

她有防狐喇叭跟防狐喷雾跟够了。- 看一下这个! - 哦,老天爷!天啊,他不需要狐狸电击器好吗,斯图。拜托。怎么会不需要狐狸电击器了?好吧,好吧,你看,为了让你们别再说了,我拿这个。太好了,双赢!到达动物邦的特快车。好了,我要走了。再见!嗯。我爱你们。我们也爱你。再见大家!再见朱迪,我爱你!再见!再见!你正在离开兔窝镇。?哦,哦,哦,哦,哦?哦,哦,哦,哦,哦?哦,哦,哦,哦,哦?哦,哦,哦,哦,哦????今晚我搞砸了,又再一次落败虽然搞砸了,但我依然会重新开始我总是摔倒总是重重摔到地上而我总能重新振作去迎接崭新的未来鸟儿不仅仅高飞,它们跌落后又重新展翅学习时没有人不曾不犯错我绝不放弃,我绝不屈服直到我抵达终点并且我会再次重新出发不我不会放弃我要尝试到底即便我可能失败我也要尝试到底我绝不放弃,我绝不屈服直到我抵达终点并且我会再次重新出发不我不会放弃我要尝试到底即便我可能失败我也要尝试到底哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切5 / 43I always get up now to see what's next

Birds don't just fly They fall down and get up

Nobody learns without getting it wrong

I won't give up, no I won't give in

Till I reach the end And then I'll start again

No I won't leave I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

I won't give up, no I won't give in

Till I reach the end And then I'll start again

No I won't leave I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything


Oh oh oh oh ooh

I'll keep on making those new mistakes

I'll keep on making them every day

Those new mistakes

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything

Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything

Oh oh oh oh ooh

Try everything

I'm Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia.

And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms. Luxury

apartments with charm.

Complementary delousing once a month. Don't

lose your key!

Thank you.

- Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor! - Yeah?

Well, we're loud.

Don't expect us to apologize for it.

Greasy walls.

Rickety bed.

Crazy neighbors.

I love it!

Come on! He bared his teeth first!

- Excuse me! - Hmm?

Down here!

- Hi. - O... M... Goodness!

They really did hire a bunny.

Ho-whop! I gotta tell you, you're even cuter

than I thought you'd be.

Ooh, ah, you probably didn't know, but a bunny

can call another bunny "cute",

but when other animals do it, that's

哦,哦,哦,哦,哦我将会继续的犯下新的错误但我每天都不会放弃即便犯下错误哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切我是志羚姐姐,欢迎来到动物邦。然后欢迎来到豪华公寓。每个月除跳蚤一次,不要搞丢你的钥匙!谢谢。- 喔,你好!我叫朱迪,你的新邻居! - 喔?是吗,我们很吵。别指望我们会道歉。油腻腻的墙壁。摇晃晃的席梦思。疯狂的邻居。我爱死了!拜托喔,是他先亮大板牙的!- 不好意思! - 嗯?下面这边!- 嗨。 - 欧... 我的 ...天啊!他们真的雇了一只兔子。矮油!我要告诉你,你比我想像中的还可爱。哦,啊,你可能不知道,一只兔子可以说另一只兔子“可爱”,但其他的人呢,有一点...

Ohhh. I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.

The guy everyone thinks is just a flabby

donut-loving cop, stereotyping you.

- Oh. - No, it's okay.

Oh. You've there'



Hehehe, I should get

- Oh, ball pen's over there to the left. - Great.

6 / 43噢噢噢。我很抱歉!我,洪金豹。那个大家都认为我只是个爱吃甜甜圈的肥肥警察。哦。事实上你的...有一个...

- Oh, there you went, you little

- 额...这... - 噢你这个狡猾的小家伙!to roll call, so which way

呵呵呵,我应该去报到了,所以哪一边是- 哦,在左手边。 - 很好,谢谢你!...


Thank you!

Oh... That poor little bunny's gonna get eaten


Hey! Officer

a better place?


All right. All right. Everybody sit.

I've got three items on the docket.

First, we need to acknowledge the elephant in

the room.

Francine. Happy birthday.


Number two. There are some new recruits

I should introduce,

but I'm not going I don't care.

Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases.

All predators. From a giant polar bear to a

teensy little otter.

And City Hall is right up my tail to find them.

This is priority number one. Assignments.

Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato.

Your team take missing mammals from the

Rainforest District.

Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard. Your teams

with us

Hopps. You ready to make the world

哦......那可怜的兔子会被生吞活剥。嘿!哈波丝警官。准备让这个世界变得更好了吗?注意!好吧。好吧。大家坐下。我的文件上有三个重点。首先,我们必须对房里的大象致敬。弗软瑟斯。生日快乐。哦。第二。我们有个新兵要介绍,但我不会,因为......最后,我们有我不在乎。14起失踪哺乳动物的案件。所有的食肉动物。从一只巨大的北极熊到一只小小的水獭。而市政府正逼着我们赶紧破案。这是第一要务。分派工作。警官吉佐利官、梵软哥迈尔、戴嘎头。你们团队负责失踪的热带雨林区的哺乳动物。警官李麦克、德拉格维奇、欧文。你们团队负责撒哈拉广场。警官西金斯、萨利姆、毕塔克。负责极地区。最后,我们的第一个兔子,哈波斯警官。开交通罚单。解散。交通罚单?局长?蛮牛局长?take Sahara Square.

Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby.


And finally, our first bunny, Officer Hopps.

Parking duty. Dismissed.

Parking duty?

Chief? Chief Bogo?

Sir. You said there were fourteen missing mammal


You probably forgot but, I was top of my class

at the academy.

Didn't forget. Just don't care.

Sir, I'm not just some token bunny.

Well then, writing a hundred tickets a day

should be easy.

A 100 tickets. I'm not gonna write 100 tickets.

动物。你大概忘了,我是班上第一名毕业的。我没忘记,我只是不在乎。局长,我可不只是只会说话的布娃娃。那么,一天开一百张罚单对你而言应该很轻松。一百张罚单,我才不会开一百张罚单。我会开两百张罚单,在中午之前。I'm gonna write 200 tickets. Before noon.


7 / 43



Boom! Two hundred tickets before noon!



201。Hey, watch where you're going, fox!



Where'd he go?

Listen. I know what you're doing skulking around


给我小孩子的。during daylight hours,

but I don't want any trouble


I'm not looking for any trouble either,

I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop. For my little


You want the red, or the blue, pal?

Oh. I'm

There aren't any fox ice cream joints in your

part of town?

No, no. There are, there are. It's

this goofy little stinker, he loves all things


He wants to be one when he grows up.

Isn't that adorable?

Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams,

huh? Right?

Look, you probably can't read, fox, but the sign


We reserve the right to refuse service to

anyone! So beat it.

You're holding up the line.

Hello. Excuse me.

Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn like

everyone else, meter maid.

Actually, I'm an officer.

Just have a quick question.

Are your customers aware they're getting

snot and mucus with their cookies and cream?

What are you talking about?

Well. I don't wanna cause you any trouble,

but I believe scooping ice cream with an

ungloved trunk is a class 3 health code

8 / 43in here. So hit the


你们住的地方没有狐狸的冰淇淋店吗?just, my boy,




Which is kind of a big deal.

Of course I could let you off with a warning if

you were to glove those trunks

I don' finish

nice dad and his What was it?

A Jumbo-Pop. Please.

A Jumbo-Pop.

- $15. - Thank you so much. Thank you.

Oh no, are you

I don't have my wallet!

I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my


That's the truth. Oh, boy. I'm sorry, pal.

Gotta be about the worst birthday ever.

Please don't be mad at me. Thanks anyway.

Keep the change.

Officer, I can't thank you enough. So kind.

Really. Can I pay you back?

Oh, no. My treat.

It's just, you know it burns me up to see folks

with such backward attitudes towards foxes.

I just want to say you're a great dad and just

a real articulate fella.

Oh. Well, that is high praise.

It's rare that I find someone so


Wilde. Nick Wilde.

And you, little guy. You wanna be an elephant

when you grow up?

You be an elephant. Because this is Zootopia.

Anyone can be anything.

Ahh. I tell him that all the time.

All right, here you go. Two paws.

Yeah. Oh, look at that smile, that's a happy

birthday smile!

All right,


- Bye, now! - Goodbye!

Oh. Hey,

9 / 43那是有一点严重的问题。当然,当然我也可以当没看到,只要你能开始遵守规则然后而且......我不知道............卖这个给...

你刚刚怎么漂亮的爹地和他的儿子说?一个巨型冰棒,谢谢。巨型冰棒。- $ 15 - 非常感谢。谢谢。哦,不,你在开玩笑吧?我没带我的钱包!如果我的头没有连接到我的脖子我会失去我的头。这是事实。好孩子。我很抱歉,小子。这一定是你最糟糕的生日。请不要生我的气。不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。不用找了。警官,我真的非常感谢你。好善良。真的。我可以还给你吗?不用了。我请客。这只是,见到他们这样恶劣的对待狐狸。我只想说你是一个伟大的父亲,只是一个真正的口齿伶俐的家伙。哦。嗯,这是很高的赞赏。我发现像你这样的人还是很罕见的。尾耳朵。妮可尾耳朵。你好,小家伙。你长大后想成为大象?你就可以当只大象,因为这里是动物邦。任何人都可以达成梦想。啊。我总是这么跟他说。好吧,来给你,握爪。是啊。哦,看看那笑容,那是生日开心的微笑!give her a little bye-bye toot-toot.

好吧,给她说再见嘟嘟。嘟嘟。- 再见! - 再见!哦。嘿,小嘟嘟...




Get your Pawpsicles.


- Lumber delivery. - What's with the color?

The color? Uh... it's redwood.

39, 40, there you go. Way to work that diaper,

big guy.

Hey. No kiss bye-bye for daddy?

You kiss me tomorrow, I'll bite your face off!


Well, I stood up for you, and you lied to me.

You liar!

It's called a hustle, Sweetheart. And I'm not

the liar. He is.


All right, Slick-Nick. You're under arrest.

Really? For what?

Gee, I don't know. How about selling food

without a permit?

Transporting undeclared commerce across

borough lines?

- False advertizing. - Permit. Receipt of

declared commerce.

And I didn't falsely advertize anything. Take


You told that mouse the Pawpsicle sticks were


That's right. Red wood. With a space in the


Wood that is red.

You can't touch me, Carrots. I've been doing

this since I was born.

You're gonna wanna refrain from calling me


My bad. I just naturally assumed

from some little carrot-choked Podunk. No?

Uh, no. Podunk is in Deerbrooke county and I grew

up in Bunnyburrow.

Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar.

Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas

10 / 43来买你的冰棒喔。哦!






Hey, look at me, I'm gonna move >“嘿,看我,我会搬到动物乌托邦...

掠食者跟猎物会和睦相处,“一起唱着来这吧!Where predators and prey live in harmony and

sing Kumbaya!"

Only to find, whoopsie, we don't all get along.

才发现,喔,我们没办法好好想处。而那成为大城市的警察的梦想呢,她是个查水表的交通警察。可惜的第三点呢,没人在意她或是她的梦想。不久,这些梦想消失了,而我们情绪化的兔子又可惜了,And that dream of becoming a big city cop, double

whoopsie, she's a meter maid.

And whoopsie number three-sie, no one cares

about her or her dreams.

And soon enough those dreams die, and our bunny

sinks into emotional and literal squalor

living in a box under a bridge. Till finally she



has no choice but to go back home

with that cute fuzzy wuzzy little tail between

her legs

You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?

So how about a carrot farmer?

That sound about right?


Be careful now, or it won't just be your dreams

getting crushed.

Hey, hey. No one tells me what I can or can't

be. Especially

jerk who never had the guts to try to be anything

more than a Pawpsicle hustler.

All right, look.

Everyone comes to Zootopia thinking

anything they want.

Well, you can't. You can only be what you are.

Sly fox. Dumb bunny.

I'm not a dumb bunny.

Right. And that's not wet cement.

You'll never be a real cop.

You're a cute meter maid, though.

Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there.

they can be



You can't do nothing right,

11 / 43




Mom & Dad

- Oh, hey, it's my parents! - Oh, there she is!

Hi, Sweetheart!

Hey there, Jude the Dude. How was your first

on the force?

- It was real great! - Yeah? Everything


Absolutely. And more. Everyone's so nice, and


- I'm really making a difference. - Wait a

second. holy craps, Bonnie.

- Look at that! - Oh, my sweet heaven!

Judy, are you a meter maid?

Oh, this..


- It's the safest job on the force! - She's not

a real cop!

- Our prayers have been answered! - Glorious


Ho-ho, meter maid, meter maid, meter maid!

- Dad! Dad! - Meter maid!

You know what, it's been a really long day, I

- You get some rest.

maid themselves.

Hey, bunny! Turn down that depressing music!

Leave the meter maid alone, didn't


- She feels like a failure! - Oh, shut up!

- You shut up! - You shut up!

- You shut up! - Tomorrow is another day.

Yeah, but it might be worse!

I was 30 seconds over!

Yeah, you're a real hero, lady.

My mommy says she wishes you were dead.

Uncool rabbit, my tax dollars pay your salary.

I am a real cop. I am a real cop.

Hey, you! Bunny!

Sir, if you have a grievance you may contest

12 / 43一人一根胡萝卜妈咪和爹地- 哦,对了,这是我的父母!里!嘿!甜心! - 哦,她在这day

嘿,朱迪。你第一天上班如何呢?you ever

- 挺棒的! - 是吗?事情都如你预期吗?当然,每个人都很好,我感觉...

- 看那个! - 哦,我亲爱的天堂!朱迪,你是交警?哦,这个..不!不,不。这只是暂时的..

No! Oh, no. This is just a temporary

- 那是最安全的工作! - 喔她不是个真正的警察!- 我们的祷告成真了! - 美好的一天!嗬 - 嗬,交警,交警,交警!- 爹地!爹地! - 交警!们知道,这是很漫长的一天了,我应该...

- Those meters aren't gonna

嘿,兔子!在听伤心音乐的兔子把音乐关了!先不谈那个交通警察,没听到她的谈话吗?- 她觉得自己很失败! - 哦,闭嘴!you hear her

- 你闭嘴! - 你闭嘴!- 你闭嘴! - 明天又是新的一天。是的,但它可能会更糟!才超过三十秒!是啊,你还真是个英雄呢小姐。我妈咪说她希望你能去死。土里土气的兔字,你的工资支付我的税钱。我是一个真正的警察。我是一个真正的警察。嘿,你!兔子!先生,如果你有委屈,你可以上诉交通法庭。


recitation in traffic court.

What are you talking about?! My shop!

It was just robbed! Look, he's getting away!

Well, are you a cop or not?

Oh! Yes! Yes! Don't worry, sir, I got this!

- Stop in the name of the law! -

can, cottontail!

Coming through!

This is officer McHorn. We got a 10-31.

I got dibs! Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit!



Catch me if ya'

你在说什么?!我的店铺!这只是抢劫了!你看,他越来越远!好吧,你是警察不?哦!是!是!别担心,先生,我可以搞定!- 以法律之名给我停下来!我,棉毛尾巴!别挡路!这是李麦克警官。嫌犯逃逸,请求支援。交给我!哈波斯警官,正在追缉!喔-吼! - 如果你抓的到- Ah! - Ahh!

Ha ha ha.

You! Hey!

Hey, meter maid! Wait for the real cops!




Sorry! Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me.



Bon voyage, flatfoot!


- Hey! Stop right there! - Have a donut, coppa!

- 啊! - 啊!哈哈哈。您!嘿!

嘿,交通警察!等待真正的警察到!停下来!哈啊!哦。抱歉!经过。打扰一下。打扰一下。原谅我。呀哈!一路顺风,扁脚!呵呵!- 喂!不许动! - 吃个甜甜圈,条子!喔我的天阿,你有看到那些豹纹的裤子吗?- 啊! - 啊!哦!

Oh my god, did you see those leopard print


- Ah! - Ah!


Heheheheh. Come to papa!

Okay. You're gonna have to be patient and wait

in line

just like everyone else, Mrs. Otterton. Okay?

- I popped the weasel! - Hopps!

Abandoning your post. Inciting a scurry.

Reckless endangerment

But, to be fair, you did stop a master criminal

黑黑黑黑。来爸爸这边!好的。你必须排队等候像其他人一样,奥特顿太太。好的?- 我抓到黄鼠狼了! - 哈波斯警官!擅自离开岗位,搞了一堆烂摊子,惊吓到了老鼠城...

不过,平心而论,你也只是阻止了罪犯窃取二十几个发霉的洋葱。嗯。不想打扰你长官但是那不是洋葱。from stealing two dozen moldy onions.

Mmm. Hate to disagree with you, sir, but those

aren't onions.

13 / 43


Those are a crocus variety called midnicampum


They're a class C botanical, sir.

Well, I grew up in a family where plant husbandry

was kind of

- Shut your tiny mouth now! - Sir,


That's my job.

Your job is putting tickets on parked cars!

Chief, Mrs. Otterton's here to see you again.

- take it this time she seems

- Not now!

Sir. I don't wanna be a meter maid,

I wanna be a real cop.

Do you think the mayor asked what

Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing

a little song, and your

magically come true! So let it go.

Chief Bogo, please! Five minutes of your time,


I'm sorry sir. I tried


I gotta go sit down.

Ma'am, as I've told you, we're doing everything

we can.

My husband has been missing for ten days.

He's a florist. We have 2 beautiful children.

He would never just disappear.

Ma'am, our detectives are very busy.

Please. There's gotta be somebody to find my


Oh. Thank you! Bless you, bless you, little


Take this. Find my Emmitt.

Bring him home to me and my babies. Please.

Mrs. Otterton. Please wait out here.

Of course. Oh, thank you both so much!

One second.

- You're fired. - What? Why?

14 / 43他们是一个C类植物,长官。好吧,因为我从小与我父母在农场长大...

I got the bad

- 闭上你的小嘴! - 长官,我抓到了坏人。这是我的工作。你的工作是开罚单贴到车上!局长,奥特顿太太又来这边找你了。- 这一次她似乎真的很心烦是时候!... - 现在不先生。我不想成为一个贴罚单的,我想成为一个真正的警察。你觉得当初市长有问我想要什么吗...


奇迹般地成真!所以,随它去吧。蛮牛局长,拜托了!打扰您五分钟就好。to stop her, she's super



Insubordination! Now. I'm going to open this

door, and you're goind to tell that Otter

you're a former meter maid with delusion of

grandeur, who will not be taking the case.

I just heard Officer Hopps is taking the case!

Assistant Mayor Bellwether!

The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is really

starting to pay off.

Mayor Lionheart is just gonna be so jazzed!

No, let's not tell the mayor just yet.

And I sent it, and it is done, so I did do that.

违背命令!现在。我要打开这扇门,然后你要告诉奥特顿太太你刚刚是有妄想症才会这样说的,你不会接这个案子。我刚听说了蛮牛局长哈波斯警官接下了这个案子!羊咩咩市长助理!我们的哺乳类政策有作用了。狮明德市长会很开心的!不不,先别告诉市长。太晚了,已经传出去了。好吧,我说现在案子正好好处理。All right, well, I'd say the case is in good


Us little guys really need to stick together,


Just call me if you ever need anything. Okay?

You've always got a friend at City Hall, Judy.

All right! Bye-bye!

Thank you, ma'am!

I will give you 48 hours.


That's two days to find Emmitt Otterton. But..

You strike out, you resign.

Okay. Deal.


case file.

Here you go. One missing otter.

- That's it? - Yikes!

That is the smallest case file I've ever seen.

Leads, none.

Witnesses, none. And you're not in the computer

system yet, so...

Resources, none! Ha ha!

Hoo, I hope you didn't stake your career on

cracking this one.

Okay. Last known sighting.

Can I just borrow? Thank you.

- Pawpsicle? - The murder weapon!

- "Get your Pawpsicle"...

What does that mean?

It means I have a lead.

15 / 43我们小家伙真的需要同心协力,对不对?如果你需要任何东西就打电话给我。好的?你在市政厅永远有个朋友,朱迪。好吧!再见!谢谢你,夫人!我会给你48小时。是!

有两天来找到埃密特奥特顿,失败了,你就被开除了。好,说定。好极了,洪金豹会给你档案。给你,一只失踪的水獭。- 就这样? - 是阿!这是我看过最薄的档案了。线索,没有。目击者,没有。而你在计算机系统中是没有,所以...

资源,没有!哈哈!呼,希望你没有把职业生涯赌在破这案子上。好的。最后一次目击。我我可以借一下吗?谢谢。- 冰棒? - 凶器!但是.. 如果你Clawhauser will give you the complete

- Yeah!



- Hi! Hello!


It's me again! - Hey! It's officer

- 嗨!你好!又是我! - 喂!这是警官嘟嘟嘟。呼......没有。其实这是哈波斯警官,No. Actually it's Officer Hopps,

and I'm here to ask you some questions about a


What happened, meter maid? Did someone steal a

traffic cone?

It wasn't me.

Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby. I

gotta get to work.

This is important, sir. I think your ten dollars

而我在这里向您询问情况的一些问题。怎么了,交通警察?是不是有人偷交通锥?那不是我。嘿,胡萝卜头,你会吵到宝宝的,我还要去上班。这是很重要的,先生。我想你的十元冰棒可以等等。哈!我每天能赚200块钱好吗,绒毛。一年365天,自从我十二岁开始。worth of Pawpsicles can wait.

Ha! I make 200 bucks a day, fluff.

365 days a year, since I was 12.

You sold Mr. Otterton that Pawpsicle, right?

And I also know that somewhere

there's a toy store missing its stuffed animal,

你卖给奥特顿先生冰棒,对吧?而且我也知道,某处有一家玩具店少了的毛绒动物,所以你为什么不回到你的盒子里呢?好吧,看来要来硬的。so why don't you get back to your box?

Fine. Then we'll have to do this the hard way.

Ha. For what? Hurting your feelings?

Felony tax evasion.

Yeah.. 200 dollars


that's two decades, so times twenty, which is

1,460,000, I think.

I mean, I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good

at multiplying.

Anyway, according to your tax forms, you

reported, let me see here, zero!

Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a

punishable offense.

- 5 years jail


200 bucks a day, fluff, 365 days a year, since

I was twelve.

time. - Well, it's my word against

a day, 365 days a year, since

哈。为了什么?因为伤害你小小的心灵?重罪偷税漏税。是啊.. 200块钱一天,一年岁开始 ......

这是二十年来,所以是二十个,我想是1,460,000。我的意思是,我只是一个愚蠢的兔子,但我们擅长乘法。总之,根据你的税表,你的报道,让我在这里看到,零!不幸的是,躺在联邦监狱是一种惩罚的罪行的形式。- 5年的监禁。 - 嗯,这是我对你要说的话。365天,你从12Actually it's your word against yours.

And if you want this pen you're going to help


find this poor missing otter,

其实是你自己的话对上你自己。然后如果你想要这支笔你要帮我找到这只可怜的水獭,16 / 43


or the only place you'll be selling Pawpsicles

is the prison cafeteria.

It's called a hustle, sweet heart.

She hustled you.

She hustled you good! You're a cop now, Nick.

You're gonna need one of these.

Have fun working with the fuzz!

Start talking.

I don't know where he is, I only saw where he


Great, let's go!

It's not exactly a place for a cute little bunny.

否则你唯一能卖冰棒的地方就是监狱的食堂了。这叫说话的艺术,甜心。她整死你了。额哈哈哈 ...

她把你耍得团团转!你现在是一个警察了,尼克。你会需要这一个小徽章的。跟条子开心的工作啊!开始说吧。我不知道他在哪里,我只看到他去了哪里。太好了,我们走吧!这对一只可爱的小兔子而言不明智喔。- Don't call me cute, get in the car. - Okay.

You're the boss.


Hello? Hello? Hello?

Hello! My

You know, I'm gonna hit the pause button right


Cause we're all good on bunny scout cookies.

Uh, no.

I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD. I'm looking for a

Emmitt Otterton. Right here. He may have

frequented this establishment?

Yeah, old Emmitt!

Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.

But hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor.

I'd be happy to take you back.

Oh, thank you so much, I'd appericiate

than you can imagine, it'd

- Oh! You are naked.. - Oh, for sure. We're a

naturalist club!

Yeah. In Zootopia anyone can be anything.

guys, they be naked.

Nangi's just on the other side of the pleasure


Oh boy. Does this make you uncomfortable?

Because if so, there's no shame in calling it


Yes, there is.

Boy, that's the spirit.

17 / 43你好。我...



埃米特奥特顿。给你,他经常来这里吗?是啊,老埃米特!我已经好几个礼拜没看到他了。但是,嘿,你应该跟他的瑜伽教练谈谈。我很乐意带你过去。that more


- 天啊!你是裸体的。 - 哦,那当然。我们是自然俱乐部的!These



Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is

weird. But you know what I say is weird?

Clothes on animals! Here we go!

As you can see, Nangi is

totally remember everything.

Hey, Nangi. These dudes have some questions

about Emmitt the otter.

Emmitt Otterton.

for like six years.

I have no memory of this beaver.

He's an otter, actually.

He was here a couple of Wednesdays ago.



Yeah, he was wearing a green cable knit sweater


and a new pair of Quarterway slacks. Oh, and a

Paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot.

Yeah, and we both walked him out, and he got into

this big old white car with a silver trim.

Needed a tune up. The third cylinder wasn't

firing. Remember that, Nangi?


Eh. You didn't


- Did you? - Oh, for sure. It was 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.

0-3. Wow, this is a lot of great info.

Told you Nangi has a mind like a steel trap. I

wish I had a memory like an elephant.

Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue.

Thank you.

happen to catch the licence plate

Been coming to your yoga class

an elephant, so she'll

是的,一些哺乳动物说,自然的生活是不可思议。但是,你知道我说的怪异是什么?穿衣服的动物!我们到了!如你所见,南吉是一只大象,所以她会记得所有事情。嘿,南吉,这些人有一些关于水獭埃密特的问题。埃密特奥特顿。已经上了你的瑜伽课像六年了。我不记得这只海狸。他是水獭,其实。他以个星期前的礼拜三有来过啊。记得?没有。是啊,他穿着绿色线针织衫背心,和一双新库奥特维休闲裤。哦,还有领带打着一个可爱又紧的结。是啊,我们都陪着他走的,然后他上了一台有银色镶边的大礼车。需要调补。而且第三个汽缸打不着火,记起来了吗,Nangi?没有。呃。你不会刚好记得车牌号码吧?- 你是否? - 哦,那当然。是2-9-T-H-D-0-3。0-3。哇,这是很有用的信息。谢谢。我告诉过你她总是有超好的记忆力,真希望我也有大象的记忆力。嗯,你也有了线索,我已经帮忙了。由于傻瓜都可以查车牌,我就拿那只笔走人。车牌,我不能使用系统查询。Oomf。我不是在系统中还没有。And seeing as any moron can run a plate,

I will take that pen and bid you adieu.

The plate. I can't run a plate.

Oomf. I'm not in the system yet.

Any moron can run a plate?

Gosh, if only there were a moron around who were

up to the task.

Rabbit, I did what you asked.

You can't keep me on the hook forever.

任何傻瓜都可以查车牌?天哪,如果有傻瓜在附近能胜认这任务就好了。兔子,我已经给你你要的了。你不直一辈子这样。18 / 43


Not forever. Well,

solve this case.

I only have 36 hours left to

不是一辈子。好吧,还剩所以你是能不能查到车牌?36小时破案。So can you run the plate or not?



Flash is the fastest guy in there. You need

something done, he's on it.

I hope so. We are really

every minute counts.

Wait. They're all sloths?

You said this was going to be quick!

What, are you saying just because he's a sloth

he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone

could be anything.

Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash! Buddy, it's

nice to see you.


Hey, Flash, I'd love you to meet my friend.

Ah...Darlin, I've forgotten your name.

Hmm. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD. How are you?


Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us.

We are in a really big hurry.

- What' -

fighting the clock and

I just remembered, I have a pal at the



...今天?好吧,我希望你能帮我查个车牌,我们真的非常急。- 数字? - 2-9-T-H-D-0-3。。- 2... 9... - T-H-D-0-3.

- 2... 9... - - - D-0-3。。- D... - Mm-hm. 0-3.

- 0... - 3!

- Hey, Flash. Wanna hear a joke? - No!

- Sure. - Mmm!

What do you call a three-humped camel?

I don't know. What do

Pregnant. Ha ha

Ha ha. Yes, very funny, very funny! Can we please

just focus on the task?

- - Wait, wait!

- Priscilla! - Oh, no!

19 / -

- 0... - 3么-嗯。0-3。! - 不!- 嘿,闪光,想听一个笑话吗?- 当然。 - 么嗯!你要怎么称呼一只三个驼峰的骆驼?我不.....知道叫什么...


呵呵。是的,很搞笑,很搞笑!我们能不能只专注于任务?- 嘿... - 等等,等等!不好了!- 波希拉! -


A three-humped camel?

- Pregnant! Okay! We got it! -




- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3. - ...go.

It's registered to Tundratown Limo Service.

A limo took Otterton! And the limo's in


It's in Tundratown!

Way to hustle, bud. I love you. I owe you.

Hurry! We gotta beat the rush It's


Closed. Great.

Mm. And I will betcha you don't have a warrant

to get in, hmm?

- Darn it. It's a bummer. - You wasted the day

on purpose.

Ma'am, I have a fake badge. I would never impede

your pretend investigation.

It's not a pretend investigation!

- Yes! Yeah, yeah! Hurry, thank

一只三个驼峰的骆驼?- 怀孕的!好的!懂了吗!拜托- - 三... 驼峰...

你... - 是的!是啊!快点,...

- 在这里...

谢谢!- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3。 - ...走。它注册到极地区豪华轿车服务。就是豪华轿车带走奥特顿的!豪华轿车在极地区!在极地区!搞定了,朋友。我爱你,我欠你一个人情。快点我们必须赶在尖峰时间了?锁住的。是的。么。我敢打赌你没有搜查令进入,哈?... 已经天黑夫人,我有一个假警徽。我决不会妨碍你假装调查。Look, see? See

这不是一个假装的调查!你看,看到了吗?看他?这只水獭失踪了。好了,那么他们应该找一个真的警察来找到他。你是有什么问题?看我的失败him? This otter is missing.

Well, then they should have gotten a real cop

to find him.

What is your problem? Does seeing me fail

somehow make

you feel better about your own sad, miserable


It does, 100%.

Now, since you're sans warrant. I guess we're


Fine. We are done. Here's your pen.

First off, you throw like a bunny. Second,

you're a very sore loser.

See you later, Officer Fluff. So sad this is


- I wish I could have helped more. - The thing

is, you don'

a warrant if you have probable cause, and I'm

pretty sure I

shifty lowlife climbing the fence. So you're

helping plenty! Come on!

20 / 43会让你卑微的生活过的好一点吗?确实如此,100%。现在,由于你没法继续了。我想我们该结束了?好,结束了,笔给你。首先,你在闹兔脾气,再来,你非常输不起。回头见了,毛毛警官,很悲伤已经结束了。搜查令如果有可能的原因,我敢肯定,我看到了一个...



2-9-T-H-D-0-3! This is it!

Polar bear fur.

- Oh my God! - What? What?

The Velvety Pipes of Jerry Vole!

But on CD. Who still uses CDs?

Carrots, if your otter was here, he had a very

bad day.

Those are claw marks. You ever seen anything

like this?

- No. - Oh, wait. Look!

This is him. Emmitt Otterton.


What do you think happened?

Oh no, wait a minute. Polar

Rat-pack music. Fancy cup. I know whose car this

is, we gotta go!

They call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me.

So we gotta go!

I'm not leaving, this is a crime scene.

Well, it's gonna be an even bigger crime

if Mr. Big finds me here, so we're leaving


Raymond! And is that Kevin? Long time, no see.

And speaking of no see, how about you forget

saw me?

Huh? For old times sake?

That's a no..

What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you?

I, uh... I may have sold him a very expensive

wall rug

that was made from the fur of a skunk's butt.

Oh, sweet cheese 'n crackers.



He was definitely

2-9-T-H-D-0-3北极熊的毛。!就是这个!- 哦,我的上帝! - 什么?什么?鼠帮的难听老音乐!他们买CD。都什么年代了谁买CD?胡萝卜头,如果你的水獭在这里,他肯定有个很糟糕的一天。这些都是爪痕。你有没有看过像这样的?- 第 - 哦,等等。看!就是这个,埃密特奥特顿,肯定是这里。你认为发生了什么?哦,不,等一下。北极熊皮毛...



你做了什么,让B先生这么气你?我,呃...我曾经卖给他一条很贵的羊毛毯那是用臭鼬屁股的皮毛制成。哦,我们死定了。- That's gotta be him. - Stop talking. Stop

talking. Stop talking!


Mr. Big, sir, this is a



This is a simple misunderstanding.

- 那一定是他。 - 别说话。别说话。别说话!呵呵。B老大,先生,这纯粹是一个小小的哼。是啊。这纯粹是一个小小的误解。 ...

21 / 43


You come here unannounced on the day my daughter

is to be married.

Well, actually,

will, so...

Point is, I did not know that it was your car,

and I certainly did not know about your

daughter's wedding!

I trusted you, Nicky.

I welcomed you into my home.

We broke bread together.

Grandmama made you a cannoli.

And how did you repay my generosity?

With a rug made from the butt of a skunk.

A skunk-butt rug.

You disrespected me.

You disrespected my grandmama,

who I buried in that skunk-butt rug.

I told you never to show your face here again,

but here you are.

Snooping around

What are you? A performer? What's with the


- Sir, I am - Mime!

She's a mime. This mime can not speak.

- You can't speak if you're a mime. - No, I am

a cop.

And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my

evidence puts him in your car!

So intimidate me all you want, I'm going to find

we were brought here against our


并且我当然也不知道您女儿今天结婚!我信任你,尼基。我欢迎你到我家。我们一起吃。奶奶给你一个香炸奶酪卷。而你是怎么对待我的慷慨的?卖给我一个臭鼬屁股毛做的毛毯。一只臭鼬屁股毛地毯。你不尊重我。你不尊重我的奶奶,她被埋在那件臭鼬屁股毛的毛毯里。我告诉过你不要再出现在我面前,但你现在在这。和这个...窥探你是什么?一个演员?还穿着戏服?- 先生,我是一个警... - 她是个哑巴!她是一个哑巴。这个哑巴不会讲话。然后我发现埃密特的证件,而且证据在你的车里面!所以不管你要对我怎样,我要找出埃密特到底在哪里就算是我这一生最后做的事情。嗯。然后,我只有一个要求。替我跟奶奶问好。冻住他们!out what you did to that otter

if it's the last thing I do.

Hmm. Then I have only one request.

Say hello to Grandmama.

Ice 'em!

No, no, no. I didn't


And you never will.

Please! No, no, no, no!

If you're mad at me about the rug, I've got more


Daddy! It's time for our dance!

Ah! What did we say? No icing anyone at my


22 / 43see nothing! I'm not saying



I have to, baby, daddy has to.

- Ice 'em. - No, no, no!

Wait, wait!

She's the bunny that saved my life yesterday!

From that giant donut!

- This bunny? - Yeah. Hi!

Put them down.

You've done me a great

find the otter.

I will take your kindness, and pay it forward.




He had something important he wanted to discuss.

is my florist. He's like a part of the

service. I will help you

我必须,宝贝,爹地必须要做。- 冻住他们。 - 不,不,不!等等,等等!她就是昨天从那颗差点压到我的甜甜圈!救了我的那只兔子警官!- 这个兔子? - 是啊。嗨!放他们下来。你是我女儿的大恩人。我会帮你找到水獭的。我感谢你的付出,谢谢你。嗯。奥特顿是我的园艺师。他就像我们家庭的一部分。我有一些重要的事想讨论。这就是为什么我派车请他过来。但他压根没到。因为他被袭击了。不,是他攻击了。奥特顿?奥特顿。他忽然发狂了。撕开了车。吓得我的司机半死。并消失在夜色中。但他是一个温和的小水獭。我的孩子,我们可能会演变而来,但在内心深处我们还是动物。你想找到奥特顿,可以去找开车的司机。That's why I sent that car to pick him up.

But he never arrived.

Because he was attacked.

No, he attacked.



He went crazy. Ripped up the car.

Scared my driver

into the night.

But he's a sweet little otter.

My child, we may be evolved, but deep down we

are still animals.

You wanna find Otterton, talk to the driver of

the car.

His name is Manchas. Lives in the Rainforest


Only he can tell you more.

Mr. Manchas?

Judy Hopps, ZPD.

We just wanna know what happened to Emmitt


You should be asking what happened to me.

He was an animal.

Down on all fours.

He was a savage!

There was no warning. He just kept yelling

the Night Howlers.

23 / 43half to death. And disappeared




Over and over, the Night Howlers!

So you know about the Night Howlers too?

Good, good. Because the Night Howlers are


what we are here to talk about. Right?

Yes, so you just open the door and tell us what

you know,

and we will tell you what we know.



Clever fox.

Mr. Manchas?

Are you okay?

Run. Run!

- What is wrong with him?! - I don't know!


Come on!

Head down!

Officer Hopps to dispatch!

Are you familiar with Gazelle? Greatest singer

of our lifetime. Angel with horns.

Okay, hold on. Keep watching.

Who's that beside her? Who is it?

Wow, you are one hot dancer, Benjamin


It's me! Did you think it was real? It looks so


It's not, it's just a new app.

- Hold on a second. - Clawhauser!

Clawhauser, listen to me.

We have a 10-91! Jaguar gone savage!

- Vine and Tujunga! - It's Tu-hunga!

Okay, we're sending backup!

Look, over there! Head for the sky-trans!

Get in. Carrots? Carrots!


Buddy, one predator to another.

Now I can tell you're a little tense, so I'm just

一遍又一遍的喊着夜嚎着!所以你知道夜嚎吗?好好。因为我们确实就是来这里谈夜嚎的。对吧?是的,所以你只要打开门,告诉我们你所知道的,我们会告诉你,我们所知道的。好的?好的。聪明的狐狸。蒙特斯先生?你还好吗?跑。快跑!!- 他是怎么了? - 我不知道!跳!快走吧!低头!哈波斯警官呼叫调度中心!你知道志羚姐姐吧?有生以来最棒的歌手,长角的天使啊。好,等等,继续看下去。谁是她旁边的那个?是谁呀?哇,你真是个好舞者,洪金豹。是我!你认为这是真的吗?它看起来如此真实!可惜不是,这只是一个新的- 稍等一下。 -

洪金豹,听我说。我们这边有10-91!美洲虎变野蛮了!- 在瑜林路! - 是雨林路!!好的,我们立刻派遣支援!看,那边!上缆车!上来,萝卜头?萝卜头?走!老兄,我们俩都是掠食者。你看起来有些紧张,我给你些私人空间!兔子,不管你做什么,千万不要松手!- 我要松手了! - 你要说什么?一二...

萝卜头,你救了我的命。24 / 43洪金豹!App。gonna give you a little personal space!

Rabbit, whatever you do, do not let go!

- I'm gonna let go! - You're gonna to what?


Carrots, you saved my life.


Well, that's what we do at

Well, this should be good.

I thought this was just a missing mammal case,

but it's way bigger.

Mr. Otterton did not just disappear.

I believe he and this jaguar,

They went savage, sir.

Savage? This isn't

don't go savage.

I thought so too.

Till I saw this.


He was right here!

The savage jaguar?

Sir, I know what I saw. He almost killed us!

Or maybe any agressive


Let's go!

Wait! Sir!

I'm not the only one who saw him.

You think I'm gonna believe a fox?

Well, he was a key witness,

Two days to find the otter, or you quit.

That was the deal.


- But, sir, - Badge!

Uh, no.

- What did you say, fox? - Sorry, what I said

was "no...".

She will not be giving you that badge.

Look, you gave her a clown vest, and a

three-wheeled joke-mobile,

and two days to solve a case you guys haven't

cracked in two weeks?

Yeah, it's

a fox.

None of you guys were gonna help

Here's the thing, chief.

You gave her the 48 hours, so technically we

ten left to find our Mr. Otterton. And that's

exactly what we're gonna do.

25 / 43好了,这就是我们身为警察好了,这应该是不错的。... 呀...,我以为这是一件动物失踪的案子,但问题更加严重。这位奥特顿先生不只是不见了。我相信他和美洲虎,他们他们变得野蛮的,先生。野蛮?这已经不是石器时代,哈波斯。动物不会变野蛮的。我也这样认为。直到我看到了这一点。什么?他就在这里!野蛮的美洲虎?长官,我确定我看到了什么,他差点杀了我们!或者是任何掠食者对你而言看起来都像狂化了?我们走吧!等等!长官!我不是唯一一个目击者。你认为我会相信一个狐狸?嗯,他是一个关键的目击证人,我两天找到水獭,否则你就滚蛋。这是当初的交易。警徽交出来。- 可是,长官,我们有哦,不。... - 徽章!...


the stone age, Hopps. Animals

predator looks savage to


10个小时来找到奥特顿先生,而这就是我们正要做的。no wonder she needed to get help from

her, were you?


So if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead

to follow and a case to crack.

Good day.

Officer Hopps.

Thank you.

Never let them see that they get to you.


Things do get to you?

I mean not, not anymore.

But I was small and emotionally

you once.

- Har har. - No, it's true.

I think I was 8, or

And all I wanted to do was join the Junior Ranger


So my mom scaped together enough money to buy

me a brand new uniform.

Because, by god, I was gonna fit in.

Even if I was the only predator in the troop,

the only fox.

I was gonna be part of a pack.

I was so proud.

Okay. Now raise your right paw, and deliver


I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave, loyal,

helpful and trustworthy.

Even though you're a fox?


No, no! What did I do wrong, you guys?

No, please! What did I do wrong? What did I do?

If you thought we would ever trust

a muzzle?

You're even dumber than you look.

Is he gonna cry?

I learned two things that day.


I was never gonna let anyone see that they got

to me.

And two?

If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty

There's no point in trying to be anything else.

26 / 43所以,如果你不介意的话,我们要继续去破案了。祝你有美好的一天。哈波斯警官。谢谢。永远别让他们发现他们伤到你了。所以...

你以前有遇过?我的意思是不会,不会再有了。unbalanced like

我当时很小,跟你一样情绪化,充满着不稳定。那时大概8岁,也许9岁 ...



尝试当其他东西根本没意义。a fox without


Nick, you are so much more than that.

Boy, look at that traffic down there.

How about we go up to Chuck in traffic central?


- 说真的,这没关系。 - 不,不不!Chuck, how are things looking on the jam cams?

Nick, I'm glad you told me.


- Seriously, it's okay. - No, no no!

There are traffic cameras everywhere. All over

the canopy!

- Whatever happened to - The

traffic cameras would have caught it!

- Bingo! - Ho-ho! Pretty sneaky, slick!

However, if you didn't


I doubt chief Buffalo

it now.

No. But I have a friend at City Hall who might.

Eh. Sir, if we could just review these very

important billings.

Sir! Oh, I'm sorry. Sir.

Okay! I heard you, Bellwether, just take care

of it!

Please. And clear my afternoon, I'm going out.

Oh, no, no. But, sir, you do have a meeting with

Butt is gonna let you into

have access to the system

有交通摄像头无处不在。遍部都是!- 那只美洲虎怎么了... -

抓住它!- 没错! - 吼吼!你这家伙够聪明!但是,如果你之前没能进入系统,交通摄像头会我怀疑蛮牛局长现在也不会让你用。没错,但是我在市政厅有一个朋友。呃。先生,我们可以先审查这些非常重要的文件。先生!哦,对不起。先生。好的!我听到你了,羊咩咩市长助理,你搞定就行了!拜托,然后把我下午的预约取消,我要出去去。哦,不,不。但是,先生,你有会要开和兽群和等级。先生,这只是,哦哦,羊排。羊咩咩市长助理,我们需要你的帮助。...

Herds and Gradings. Sir, that's just, oh...

Oh, mutton chops.

Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help.


市长助理办公室(请敲!)We just need to get into the traffic cam


- So fluffy! - Hey!

- Sheep never let me get this close! - You can't

just touch a sheep's wool!

- It's like cotton candy. - Stop it!

Where to?

Ah... Rainforest Dsitrict. Vine and Tujunga.

There. Traffic cams for the whole city.

This is so exiting actually. I mean, well, you


I never get to do anything this important.

But you're the assistant mayor of Zootopia.

27 / 43我们需要进入交通摄影机的数据库里。- 好柔软喔! - 喂!- 羊永远不让我靠这么近!碰人家的毛!- 这就像棉花糖。 - 停下来!去哪儿?啊... 雨林区。雨林路。 - 你不能就这么那里。交通凸轮为整个城市。这是所以实际上退出。我的意思是,嗯,你知道的。我从来没做过这么重要的事务。但你是动物乌托邦的市长助理。


Oh. I'm more of a glorified secretary.

I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep


But he did give me that nice mug.


marker) DAD (Crossed out)

Feels good to be appreciated.


Ah. That's a fun little name he likes to use.

I called him


Let me tell you, it was not a good day for me.

Lionfart once, he did not care for

哦。我更像是个秘书。我想市长只是想要绵羊的票。不过他给了我那个很棒的马克杯。世界上最伟大市长助理(写有标记)数据自动处理文摘(交叉出)能被欣赏感觉很真好。羊毛头!啊。这是他喜欢用一个有趣的小名字。一次我给他狮子头打电话,他一点都不在乎。让我告诉你,这对我来说不是美好的一天。Oh, dear. I better go. Let me know what you find.

It was really nice for me

While we're young, Smellwether.

You think when she goes to sleep she counts


Shush. Okay, traffic cams..

We're in.

Look at these dum-dums.


Bet you a nickel one of them's gonna howl.

And there it is.

I mean, what is it with wolves and the


Howlings! Night Howlers!

That's what Manchas was afraid of, wolves! The

wolves are the Night Howlers!

All we gotta do is find out where they went.

Wait, where'd they go?

You know, if I wanted to avoid surveillance

because I was doing something illegal,

which I never have, I would use the maintenance

tunnel 6B.

Which would put right there.

Well, look at you, junior detective.

You know, I think you'd actually make a pretty

good cop.

Eh. How dare you.

28 / 43噢亲爱的。我还是走吧。让我知道你发现了什么。这是非常好的,我是...






Acacia Alley. Ficus Underpass.

South canyon.

Mm-hm. They're heading out of town.

Where does that road go?


合欢巷。榕地下通道。南峡谷。嗯。他们正在出城。那条路通向哪里?Gary, quit it! You're gonna start a howl!

I didn't start it.

Come on.

You are a clever bunny.

It looks like this was a hospital.

You know, after you, you're the cop.

Okay, all clear.

Ha. All this equipment is brand new.


Claw marks.

Yeah, huge, huge claw marks. What

Mr. Manchas.

It's him! We found our otter.

Mr. Otterton, my name is Officer Judy Hopps.

Your wife sent me to find you.

We're gonna get you out of here now.

Or not.

Guess he's in no rush to get home to the missus.

11, 12, 13, 14.

Not including Manchas, it's fourteen.

Chief Bogo handed out 14 missing mammal files.


All the missing mammals are right here. Huh!


I don't want excuses, doctor, I want answers.

Mayor Lionheart,

we can.


Cause I got a dozen and a half animals here

who've gone off the rails crazy,

And you can't tell me why.

Now I'd call that awfully far from doing


Sir, it may be time to consider their biology.

What? What do you mean "biology"?

The only animals going savage are predators.

We cannot keep it a secret. We need to come

29 / 43加里,戒烟吧!你会开始嚎叫的!又不是我开始的。走吧。你这只聪明的兔子。看来这是一间医院。你知道,还是你来开好了,毕竟你是警察。好了,没问题。哈。这些设备都很新。罗卜头。爪痕。没错,巨大的,巨大的爪痕。什么样的蒙特斯先生。就是他!我们找到水獭了。奥特顿先生,我是朱迪哈波斯警官。你的妻子请我来找你。我们要带你离开这里了。或着不要。看来他不急着回家找太太。11,12,13,14。不包括蒙特斯,这是蛮牛局长说过有他们都在这里...


14只失踪的动物。please. We're doing everything



Hm, great idea. Tell the public.

And how do you think they're gonna feel about

their mayor who is a lion?!

- I'll be ruined! - Well, what does Chief Bogo


Chief Bogo doesn't know. And we are going to keep

it that way.

Oh, no!

- Someone's here. - Sir, you need to go. Now.

Security, sweep the area.

Great, we're dead.

We're dead. That's it. I'm dead. You're dead.

Everybody's dead.

Can I swim? Yes, I can swim. Why?


Carrots! Hopps! Judy!

We gotta tell Bogo!

Wow, you are one hot dancer, Chief Bogo.

- Chief Bogo! - Not now.

- Wait, is that Gazelle? - No!

I'm Gazelle, and you are one hot dancer.

You have the app too? Chief!

Clawhauser! Can't you see I'm working on the

missing mammal cases?

Oh! Yes, of course. About that, sir.

Officer Hopps just called, she found all of


Wow, I'm impressed.

Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain


You don't understand, I was trying to protect

the city!

You were just trying to protect your job.

No, listen. We still don't know why this is


It could destroy Zootopia.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against

you in a court of law.

Ladies and gentlemammals,

14 mammals went missing and all 14 have been

30 / 43警卫,搜寻这个区块。太好了,我们死定了。我们死定了。而已。我死定了,你死定了,我们都死定了。嗯,好主意。告诉公众。你想大家会怎么看待他们的正好是只狮子的市长?- 我会毁了! - 那么,蛮牛局长怎么说?蛮牛警长不知情,而你必须继续保密。噢,不好了!我会游泳吗?是的,我会游泳。为什么?啊哈哈哈!萝卜头!哈波斯!朱迪!我们得告诉蛮牛!哇,你还真是个性感的舞者,蛮牛局长。- 蛮牛局长! - 不是现在。- 等一下,等一下那是志羚姐姐吗?我是志羚姐姐,你是一个炎热的舞者。你也有那个App?哦哈哈哈 ...局长! - 不!洪金豹!你没看见我正在处理丢失的哺乳动物的案子?哦!当然是。关于,先生。哈波斯警官刚刚打电话,她发现所有的人。哇,我印象深刻。狮心王市长,你有权保持沉默的权利。任何你...



by our newest recruit, who will speak

a moment.

- I'm so nervous. - Okay, press conference 101.

You wanna look smart, answer their question with

your own question

and then answer that question.

Like this: "Excuse me, Officer Hopps. What can

you tell us about the case?"

Well, was this a tough case? Yes, yes it was.

You see?

You should be up there with me.

We did this together.

Well, am I a cop? No. No, I am not.

Funny you should say that.

Because, well, I've been thinking. It would be

nice to have a partner.

Here. In case you need something to write with.

Officer Hopps. It's time.

So now, I'll turn things over to the officer

你想看起来聪明,你要用他们的问题来回答另一个问题再回答这个问题。这样的:“对不起,哈波斯警官你能介绍一下情况?”“嗯,这是一个很难的案子吗?是的,它是。你懂了吗?”你应该和我一起在那里。我们一起破案的。好吧,我是一个警察吗?不,不,我不是。真奇怪你会这么说。因为,我一直在思考。这将是不错的合作伙伴。给你。如果你需要写东西。哈波斯警官。该你上场了。是的,to you in


所以,现在,现在我将把麦克风交给破此案的人。警官朱迪哈波斯。是?cracked the case.

Officer Judy Hopps.


What can you tell


Well, the animals Emm.

Are they all different species? Yes. Yes, they


Okay, so what is the connection?

Oh. All we know is that they are all members of

the predator family.

So predators are the only ones going savage?

That is accu.. Yes, that is accurate, yes.

- Why? Why is this happening? - We still don't


But, emm. It may have something to do with


What do you mean, biology?

A biological component. You know, something in

their DNA.

In their DNA, can you elaborate on that, please?

Yes. What I mean is thousands of years ago

Eh, predators survived

31 / 43us about the animals that went

你能说说动物怎么抓狂了物?那么,动物的问题... 恩。他们都是不同的物种?是。对,他们是。好了,有什么联系呢?哦。我们所知道的是,他们都是捕食者家族的成员。所以掠食者是唯一会抓狂的动物?这是确.. 是的,这是准确的,是的。但是,恩。这可能是与我们的天性有关。你是什么意思,天性?天性的部分。要知道,在他们的DNA里。在他们的DNA,你可以详细说说吗?是。我的意思是数千年前嗯,掠食者靠着他们猎捕的天性存活下来。


agressive hunting instincts.

For whatever reason, they seem to be reverting

back to their primitive, savage ways.

Officer Hopps, could it happen again?

It is possible. So, we must be vigilant.

And we at the ZPD are prepered and are here to

protect you.

Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on


Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps.

That's all the time that we have. No more


不知什么原因,他们似乎狂化回到了那时候,野蛮方式。哈波斯警官,这是有可能再发生的?有可能的。所以,我们一定要提高警惕。而我们动物邦警察局准备好保护各位的安全。你有没有考虑对掠食者进行强制隔离?好的,谢谢,哈波斯警官。这就是我们所有的了。没有更多的问题。That went so fast, I didn't get a chance to

mention you or say anything about

Oh, I think you said plenty.

What do you mean?

Clearly there's a biological component?

These predators may be reverting back to their

primitive, savage ways?

Are you serious?

I just stated the facts of the case.

I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage.

Right, but a fox could? Huh?

- Nick, stop it, you're not like them. - Oh,

there's a 'them' now?

You know what I mean, you're not that kind of


The kind that needs to be muzzled?

The kind that makes you think you need to carry

around fox repellant?

Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little

item the first time we met.

Look. Let me ask you a question. Are

of me?

Do you think I might go nuts?

You think I might go savage? You think I might

try to eat you?


I knew it, huh.

Just when I thought somebody actually believed

in me, huh?

32 / 43哇,这好快,我都还没机会谈到,你和我们怎么...

噢,我想你说的够多了。你什么意思?“很明显的跟天性有关?”“这些掠食者可能会回到以前,野蛮的样子?”你是认真的吗?我只说说了案件的事实。我的意思是,兔子又不会抓狂。好,但是狐狸就会?咦?你知道我的意思,你不是那种掠食者。那种需要带防咬罩的?让你觉得你需要随身携带防狐喷雾的那种?是啊,我们第一次见面我就注意到。you afraid



Probably best if you don't have a predator as

a partner.

No, Nick. Nick!

Officer Hopps, were you just threatened by that


No, he's my friend.

We can't even trust our own friends?

That is not what I said. Please.

More bad news in this city gripped by fear. A

caribou is in critical condition.

The victim of a mauling by a savage polar bear.

在这个城市有许多的坏消息笼罩的恐惧。一只麋鹿。于早晨遭一只抓狂的北极熊攻击。This, the 27th such attack,

after ZPD Officer,

comes just one week

对此,这是第27起案件,自从一周前动物乌托邦警方警官,朱迪哈波斯承认掠食者的天性。与此同时,由流行天后志羚所带领的和平示威。- 回到了森林,捕食! - 我是来自大草原。Judy Hopps connected the violence to

traditionally predatory animals.

Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by popstar

Gazelle was marred by protest.

- Go back to the forest, predator! - I am from

the savannah.

Zootopia is a unique place.

It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city.

动物乌托邦是一个独特的地方。Where we

这是一个疯狂的,美丽的,多元化的城市。在这里我们无视我们的差异。这不是我所知道的动物乌托邦。我所认识的动物邦比这还棒。我们不能一味的怪罪。我们不知道为什么这些攻击持续发生。把所有猎食者都贴上标签是很不负责的行为。这不是我的埃米特。我们不能让恐惧把我们分开。请把我认识的动物邦带回来。来吧,哈波斯。新市长要见我们。市长?为什么?你到了就会知道了。洪金豹?你在做什么?呃。他们认为这将是更好如果一个掠食者像我这样的不是你看到的第一面当你走进动物乌托邦警方。什么?他们要把我调去收发室。这是楼下。celebrate our differences.

This is not the Zootopia I know.

The Zootopia I know is better than this.

We don't just blindly assign blame.

We don't know why these attacks keep happening.

But it's irresponsible to label all predators

as savages.

It's not my Emmitt.

We cannot let fear divide us.

Please give me back the Zootopia I love.

Come on, Hopps. The new mayor wants to see us.

The mayor? Why?

It would seem you've arrived.

Clawhauser? What are you doing?

Uh. They thought it would be better if a predator

such as myself wasn't the first face that you


when you walk into the ZPD.


They're gonna move me to records. It's


33 / 43


It's by the boiler.


Integrity Honesty Bravery

在锅炉旁边。哈波斯Emm. I don't understand.

Our city is 90% prey, Judy,

and right now they're just really scared.

You're a hero to them. They trust you.

And so that's why Chief Bogo and I want you to

be the public face of the ZPD.

I'm not a hero.

I came here to make the world a better place.

... I think I broke it.

Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps.

The world has always been broken, that's

need good cops.

Like you.

With all due respect,

to serve and protect.

Help the city. Not tear it apart.

- I don't deserve this badge. - Hopps.

Judy, you've worked so hard to get here.

It's what you've wanted since you were a kid.

You can't quit.

Thank you for the opportunity.

A dozen carrots. Have a nice day.

Come on.

Hey there, Jude. Jude the Dude.

Remember that one? How we doing?

- I'm fine. - You are not fine, your ears are


Why did I think I could make a difference?

- Because you're a trier, that's why. - You've

always been a trier.

Oh, I tried.

And it made life so much worse for so many

innocent predators.

Oh, not all of them, though. Speak of the devil.

Right on time.

Is that Gideon Grey?

Yeah, it sure is. We work with him now.

sir, a good cop is supposed

恩。我听不懂。我们的城市是90%的猎物,朱迪,而现在他们只是真是吓坏了。你是一个英雄给他们。他们信任你。所以这就是为什么蛮牛局长,我希望你成为动物乌托邦警方的公众形象。我......不是......我不是英雄。... 我来这里是为了让世界变得更美好。但...我想我把它弄坏了。不要给自己那么多的责任,哈波斯。why we

这个世界本来总是被打破的,这就是为什么我们需要优秀的警察。就像你一样。恕我直言,先生,一个好警察应该是服务和保护。帮助城市。而不是毁了它。朱迪,你好不容易努力到这了。这是你自从小女孩时的梦想。你不能退出。谢谢你的机会。一打胡萝卜。祝你今天愉快。来吧。嘿,朱迪。朱迪。还记得那一个?你还好吗?为什么我会认为我可以改变一切?哦,我尝试过了。而这让生活变得更糟糕了这么多这么多无辜的掠食者。哦,不是所有的人,虽然。说曹操,曹操就到。准时。那是基甸恩葛瑞?是的,可以肯定的是。我们现在和他一起工作。34 / 43


He's our partner. And we never would have

considered it,

- had you not opened our

I mean, kid's turned

chefs in the tri-burrows.

That's really cool, you guys.

Gideon Grey. I'll be darned.

Hey, Judy. I'd just like to say I'm sorry for

the way I behaved in my youth.

I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested


in the form of unchecked rage and agression.

I was a major jerk.

Well, I know a thing or two about being a jerk.

Anyhow, I brought you all these pies.

midnicampum holicithias.

minds. - That's right.

top pastry

他是我们的合作伙伴。我们永远不会考虑它,into one of the

我的意思是,孩子的变成了很棒的三洞穴的糕点厨师之一。这是......这真的很酷,你们这些家伙。吉迪恩葛瑞。我该死。嘿,朱迪。我只想说,我对我在青年的行为方式抱歉。我小时候没什么自信,只能靠欺负别人的行为来发泄。我是一个大混蛋。嗯,我知道一两件事关于是一个混蛋。无论如何,我给你带来了所有这些馅饼。Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Well, now. There's a four-dollar word, Mr. H.

My family always just call them Night Howlers.

I'm sorry. What did you say?

Oh. Kid's talking about those flowers, Judy.

I use them to keep the bugs off the produce, but

I don't like the little ones going near them

on acoount of what happened to your uncle Terry.

Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and

哇,哇,哇。现在好了。有一个四美元的字,我家人都叫他夜嚎者。对不起。你说什么?哦。孩子们在谈论那些花儿,朱迪。我用它们来保持虫子掉的农产品,但我不喜欢这个小家伙们去靠近它们自从你特里叔叔发生了那样的事。没错,特里叔叔小时候吃了一株结果完全发疯了。他还咬了你妈一大口。兔子可以变野蛮。野蛮?这词起来有点强烈,不过那时确实痛到不行。但它确实像魔鬼。当然算野蛮,你手上可有个大大的伤痕呢,我会叫他野蛮。夜嚎者不是狼,是花。H先生went completely nuts.

He bit the dickens out of your mother.

A bunny can go savage.

Savage? Well, that's a strong word. But it did

hurt like the devil.

Well, sure it did. There's a sizable divot in

your arm. I'd call that savage.

Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers.

The flowers are making the predators

That's it! That's what I've been missing!

Oh, keys! Keys! Keys! Keys! Hurry, come on!

Oh. Thank you! I love you, bye!

That makes me feel a little bit better,

I thought she was talking in tongues or


Who is it?

35 / 43go savage.



I need to find Nick. Please.



Oh, Nick.

Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're toxic


I think someone is targetting predators on

purpose and making them go savage.

Wow. Isn't that interesting?

Wait, please don't..


And I don't blame you.

I wouldn't forgive me either.

It was ignorant, and irresponsible, and


But predators shouldn't suffer because of my


I have to fix this.

But I can't do it without you.

And after we'

you can hate me.

And that'll be fine.

Because I was a horrible friend and I hurt you.

I know you'll never forgive



And you can walk away knowing that you were

right. All along.

I really am just a dumb bunny.

I really am just a dumb bunny.

I really am just a dumb bunny.

Don't worry, Carrots,

48 hours.

All right, get in here.

I'll let you erase it. In

别担心,萝卜头,我会帮你的,好吧,过来吧。48小时内。Okay. Oh, you bunnies. You're so emotional.

There we go, deep breath.

Are you-Are you just trying to steal the pen?

Is that what this is?

- You are standing on my tail, though. Oh, oh!

- I'm sorry.


好了。哦,你们兔子,总是这么情绪化。这样就对了,深呼吸。你是不是要偷我的笔?这是什么?- 你踩到我的尾巴了,虽然。奥,奥!不起。 - 对I thought you guys only grew carrots. Mmph.

我以为你们只种胡萝卜。么。36 / 43


- What's your plan? - We are gonna follow the

Night Howlers.

Okay, how?

Ha-ha. Well, hello! Step right up.

Anything you need, I got it.

All your favorite movies.

I've got movies that haven't even been released


Hey, 15% off. 20!

Make me an offer. Come on!

Well, well, look who it is, the Duke of Bootleg.

What's it to you, Wilde?

Shouldn't you be melting down a Pawpsicle or


Hey, if it isn't flopsy the copsie.

We both know those weren't only onions I caught

you stealing.

What were you gonna do with those Night Howlers,


It's Weaselton, Duke Weaselton. And I ain't

talking, rabbit.

And there ain't nothing you can do to make me.

Ice him.

Ahhh! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ah!

You dirty rat, why are you helping her? She's

a cop!

And the godmother to my future granddaughter.

- I'm gonna name her Judy. -

Heh heh heh. Ice this weasel.

Aww! All right, all right! Please! I'll talk.

I'll talk.

I stole the Night Howlers so I could sell them.

嘿嘿嘿。冻住这个黄鼠狼。噢!没事,没事!等等,我同意,我说话。我偷夜嚎者是因为我可以卖了它。他们给了我什么,我无法拒绝:钱。你卖给的他们是谁?一个名字叫道格的一只公羊。我们在地下铁有个交货点。小心点,道格是很不有善。他很凶残的。来吧。黄鼠狼没有说谎。是啊,看来所有的夜嚎者都在这了。好吧,怎么做呢?呵呵。您好!靠过来看啊。有你要的一切,我知道了。所有您喜爱的电影。我甚至还有还没上映的电影。嘿,15折优惠。 20!让我的报价。来吧!好了好了,看这是谁,盗版杜克。怎么了,尾耳朵?你不应该融化冰棒之类的吗?嘿,这不是软趴趴的警察吗。我们都知道你偷的不是发霉的洋葱。你打算把那些夜嚎者怎么样,威斯登?是威斯登,杜克威斯登。我就是不说话,兔子。不管你做什么我都不会说的。冻住他。唉唉!嗬!嗬!嗬!啊!

你肮脏的老鼠,你为什么要帮她?她是一名警察!她还是我未来孙子的干妈。They offered me what I couldn't refuse: Money.

And to whom did you sell them?

A ram named Doug. We got a drop spot underground.

Just watch it.

He's unfriendly.

Come on.

The weasel wasn't lying.

Yeah, it looks like old Doug's cornered the

market on Night Howlers.

37 / 43Doug is the opposite of friendly.


You got Doug here. What's the mark?

Cheetah in Sahara Square. Got it.

Serious? Yeah, I know they're fast, I can hit


Listen, I hit a tiny little otter through the

open window of a moving car.

Yeah, I'll buzz you when it's done. Or you'll

see it on the news.

You know, whichever comes first.

Hey, Doug, open up! We've got your latte.

All right, Woolter and Jesse are back, so I'm

leaving now. Out.

Hey. Wait, where you going? Where are you going?

Get back here!

What are you doing? He's gonna see you!

What are you looking at? Hey!

Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it.

Carrots. Carrots.

You better have the extra foam this time.


Hey! Open up!

What are you doing? You just trapped us in here!

We need to get this evidence to the ZPD.

Wait, what?

Oh, great, you're a conductor now, huh?

Hey. Listen. It would take a miracle to get this


无论你在想什么,停下来。萝卜头,萝卜头。这次最好有多的泡沫。哈!嘿!打开!你干了什么?你刚把我们困在这了!我们需要把这些证据送去警察局。等等,什么?这下可好,你现在是列车长,现在,是吧?嘿。听。我们需要一个奇迹才能使这破铜烂铁发动。好。哈利路亚!rustbucket going.

Well. Hallelujah.

We kinda got a situation


Mission accomplished.

Would it be premature for me to do a little

victory toot-toot?

All right. One toot-toot.

Well, I can cross that off the bucket list.

I may have to rescind that victory toot-toot.

Maybe that's just hail.

Back off!


- Carrots! - Don't stop! Keep going.

No, stop. Please stop!

Do not stop this car!

38 / 43at the lab. It just got

我们这边目前遭遇了点状况,任务完成。刚刚变更糟了!如果我拉胜利的汽笛会有点幼稚吗?好吧。一嘟 - 嘟。好吧,我可以把这从我的待做事项划掉了。我不该玩那胜利胜利的汽笛的。也许只是冰雹。后退!来袭!- 萝卜头! - 不要停!继续。不停。请住手!不要把车停下来!





哇!- Speed up, Nick. Speed up! - There's another

train coming!

- 加快,尼克。加快! - 对面有另一辆火车!Trust me, speed up.

相信我,加快速度。Stop the train!

停止火车!Hey. Need some help?

嘿。需要一些帮助?Oh, no. Oh, no no no. Too fast! Too fast! Hold


抓好!I think this is our stop.

我想我们到站了。Okay, Maybe some of the evidence


好吧,也许... 也许那些证物都还完好无缺。Everything is gone. We've lost it all.

所有证据都毁了,我们全没了。Yeah. All, except for this. Ah, ha ha ha ha!

是啊。所有的,除了这一个。啊,哈哈哈哈!- Ooh, Nick! Yes! - Ow.

- 哦,尼克!是! - 嗷。Come on! We gotta get to the ZPD.

快点!我们必须把它带到警察局。Cut through the Natural History Museum.

走博物馆抄小路。- There it is. - Judy. Judy!

- 就在那儿。 - 朱迪。朱迪!Mayor Bellwether.

羊咩咩市长。We found out what's happening. Someone's

我们知道发生什么事了么。有人陷害了掠食darting predators with a serum.

者。That's what's making them go savage.

这就是为什么他们会发狂。I'm so proud of you, Judy. You did just a super


我真为你感到骄傲,朱迪。你真是帮了大忙。Thank you, ma'am.

谢谢你,夫人。How did you know where to find us?

你怎么知道在哪里可以找到我们的?I'll go ahead and I'll take that case now.

我会继续前进,公事包就先给我保管了。You know what? I think Nick and I will just take

this to the ZPD.

你知道吗?尼克跟我会把他送去市警局。Get them!





噢。Here, I got you. Get in here.

在这里,我给你。这里进去。Okay. Now, just relax.


哎呦。Come on out, Judy.

拜托了,朱迪。Take the case. Get it to Bogo.

拿着公事包。拿给蛮牛局长。I'm not gonna leave you behind, that's not


不,我才不会把你丢下,这不会发生的。39 / 43


- I can't walk. - Just.. We'll think of


We're on the same team, Judy.

Underestimated. Underappreciated.

Aren't you sick of it?

Predators. They may be strong and loud.

But prey outnumber predators 10 to 1.

Think about it. 90% of the population united

against a common enemy.

We'll be unstoppable.


Over there!



Well, you should have just stayed on the carrot

farm, huh?

It really is too bad, I did like you.

What are you gonna do? Kill me?

Oohhh. No, of course not.

He is.

No! Oh, Nick?

Yes, police! There's a savage fox in the Natural

我们是同一阵线的,朱迪。被低估,不被欣赏。你不觉得烦人吗?捕食者。他们也许强壮。但是我们猎物可是他们数量的10倍。想想吧。 90%的人口团结起来反对共同的敌人。我们将所向无敌。咦?在那边!哦!


那么,你应该留在胡萝卜农场的,是吧?这真的是太糟糕了,我真的挺喜欢你的。你要去做什么?杀了我吗?Oohhh。不,当然不会。他才会。不!哦,尼克?是的,警官!在自然历史博物馆有只发狂的狐狸!哈波警官受伤了。请快点!不,尼克。不要这样做。你可以抗拒的。哦,但他不能,不是吗?毕竟掠食者的天性都是野蛮的。后退!天哪!这肯定会是明天的头条!英雄警官被一只发狂的狐狸咬死。History Museum!

Officer Hopps is down. Please hurry!

No, Nick. Don't do this. Fight it.

Oh, but he can't help it. Can he?

Since predators are just biologically

predisposed to be savages.

Get back!

Gosh! Think of the headline!

Hero Cop Killed by Savage Fox.

So that's

in power?

Yeah. Pretty much.

It won't work.

Fear always works.

And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep

it? Prey fears predator, and you stay


哦,尼克。不。再见,小兔子。Blahhh ...

血,血,血!和死亡。it that way.


Oh, Nick. No.

Bye-bye, bunny.

Blood, blood, blood! And death.

40 / 43


All right, you know you're milking it.

Besides, I think we got it. I think we got it.

We got it up there, thank you, yakety-yak.

You laid it all out beautifully.


Yeah. Oh, are-are you looking for the serum?

Well, it's right here.

What you've got in the weapon there,

those are blueberries, from my family's farm.

Mmmuch. They are delicious. You should try some.


And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia

I framed Lionheart, I can frame you too.

It's my word against yours.


to keep it that way.


It's called a hustle, Sweetheart. Boom!

Former mayor, Dawn Bellwether is behind bars


guilty of masterminding the savage attacks that

- It's your word against yours. - Huh?

这叫做说话的艺术,甜心。嘣!羊咩咩市长,今天被抓出是动物发狂的罪魁祸首,策划了动物乌托邦的野蛮攻击。have plagued Zootopia of late.

Her predecessor, Leodore

knowledge of her plot,

claiming he was just trying to protect the city.

Lionheart, denies any

前市长,狮明德,表示对此完全不知情,表示他只是试着保护这座城市。是我把这些动物关起来的吗?嗯,是。是的我做了。那是一个典型的为了正确的事做了错误的选择。据相关报道,医生已经研发出夜嚎者的解药了正在帮助病人康复。哦,埃米特!谢谢你。当我还是孩子的时候,我认为动物邦是个完美无瑕的地方。在这里大家都合乐相处,任何人都有无限可能。结果,现实生活比起布条上的标语相比总是复杂了些。现实生活总是一团乱。我们都有极限的。Did I falsely imprison those animals?

Well, yes. Yes, I did.

It was a classic doing the wrong thing for the

right reason kind of a deal.

In related news, doctors say the Night Howlers'

antidote is proving effective

in rehabilitating the afflicted predators.

Oh, Emmitt!

Thank you.

When I was a kid,

I thought Zootopia was this perfect place.

Where everyone got along,

and anyone could be anything.

Turns out, real life is a little bit more

complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker.

Real life is messy.

We all have limitations.

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We all make mistakes.

Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have

a lot in common.

And the more we try to understand one another.

The more exceptional each of us will be.

But we have to try.

So no matter what type of animal you are.

From the biggest elephant, to our first fox.

I implore you.

Try to make the world a better place.

OFFICER Nicholas P. Wilde

我们都会犯错。这意味着,哎,杯子是半满,我们都有很多共同点。而当我们试图了解更多时。我们将会更加出色。但是我们一定要去尝试。所以不管你是什么类型的动物。从最大的大象,到我们第一只的狐狸警官。我恳求你们。尝试.....尽量让世界变得更美好。Look inside yourself and recognize that change

starts with you.

It starts with me. It starts with all of us.

- Yeh! - Yeh!

All right, all right, enough. Shut it!

We have some new recruits with us this morning.

好好看透你自己并了解到改变由你开始。由我开始,也由我们所有人开始。- 耶! - 耶!没事了,没事了,好了。关掉它!今天早上我们新增了一位人力。包括我们的第一个狐狸警官。谁在乎。哈。哈你真应该出一套你自己的励志小卡的,先生。闭上你的嘴,薇儿的。任务分配。官员罗素提、梵麦恩、德尔加多,极地区特殊部队。史纳多、迪克斯、沃尔玟,卧底警察。哈波斯s,薇儿的。开交通罚单。解散。开玩笑!我们有一个在萨凡纳中央街头赛车的报告。找到他,并把他解决。Including our first fox. Who cares.

Hah. You should have your own line of

inspirational greeting cards, sir.

Shut your mouth, Wilde.


Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato.

Tundratown SWAT.

Snarlov, Higgins, Wolfard. Undercover.

Hopps, Wilde. Parking duty.


Just kidding!

We have reports of a street racer tearing up

Savannah Central.

Find him. Shut him down.

So are all the rabbits


Oops. Sorry.

Heh heh. Sly bunny.

Dumb fox.

You know you love me.

Do I know that?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour, I hope

you have a good explanation.

Flash, Flash. Hundred Yard Dash!

42 / 43bad drivers, or is it just



Good evening, Zootopia!

Come on, everybody. Put your paws up.

I messed up tonight

I lost another fight

I still mess up but I'll just start again

I keep falling down

I keep on hitting the ground

I always get up now to see what's next

I won’t give up, no I wonTill I reach the end

And then I’ll start again

’t give in


晚上好,动物乌托邦!所有人来吧,举起你的爪子。今晚我搞砸了我失去了另一次战斗虽然搞砸了,但我依然会重新开始我总是摔倒我总是重重摔到地上我总是起床看到现在接下来会发生什么我绝不会屈服,绝不会放弃直到我到达终点然后我会再次开始虽然我在领先我想尝试一切我想试试,尽管我可能会失败我不会放弃,不,我不会放弃直到我到达终点然后我会再次开始不,我不会离开我想尝试一切我想试试,尽管我可能会失败哦哦哦哦尝试一切Though I’m on the lead

I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

I won’t give up, no, I wonTill I reach the end

And then I’ll start again

’t give in

No I won't leave

I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

Oh oh oh oh

Try everything

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本文标签: 动物警官不会