



I. 定义及分类



big diligent pale square dishonest impatient


名词+形容词:sea-sick 晕船的 air-sick 晕飞机的 ice-cold 冰冷的 duty-free 免税的

snow-white 雪白的 blood-thirsty 残忍的 world-wide 世界性的 shake-proof 防震的

water-tight 不漏水的 knee-deep 及膝的 toll-free 免利息的 top-heavy 头重脚轻的

名词+名词-ed:iron-willed 意志坚强的 ox-eyed 大眼睛的 honey-mouthed 甜言蜜语的

apple-shaped 苹果形状的 lion-hearted 勇敢的 silver-haired 银发的 hook-nosed 勾鼻子的

名词+现在分词:law-abiding 守法的 time-consuming 耗费时间的 self-sacrificing 自我牺牲的 peace-loving 爱好和平的 face-saving 顾面子的 English-speaking 讲英语的

pleasure-seeking 寻欢作乐的 heart-rending 令人心碎的 soul-stirring 感人肺腑的

epoch-making 划时代的 man-eating 吃人的 fault-finding 喜欢挑剔的 labor-saving 节省劳力的 mouth-watering 令人垂涎的

名词+过去分词:weather-beaten 饱经风霜的 heart-felt 衷心的 heart-broken 伤心的

hand-made 手工的 home-made 本国造的 state-owned 国有的 sugar-coated 糖衣的

tongue-tied 结结巴巴的

形容词(数词)+名词:long-distance 长途的 fine-manner 举止优雅的 present-day 当前的

five-year 五年的 bare-foot 赤脚的 first-rate 一流的 second-rate 二流的 first-class 头等的 deep-sea 深海的 half-price 半价的 one-way 单向(通行)的 part-time 兼职的

形容词(数词)+名词-ed:white-haired 白发的 round-faced 圆脸的 double-faced 两面派的teen-aged 十几岁的 good-mannered 有礼貌的 bad-tempered 坏脾气的 narrow-minded

心胸狭窄的 noble-minded 品格高尚的 kind-hearted 心地善良的 absent-minded 心不在焉的 smooth-tongued 花言巧语的 short-sighted目光短浅的

near-sighted 近视的 simple-minded 头脑简单的 tight-fisted 吝啬的 far-sighted 眼光远大的 warm-hearted 热心的

形容词+现在分词:good-looking 好看的 sweet-smelling 好闻的 easy-going 随和的

thorough-going 彻底的 fine-sounding 好听的

形容词+过去分词:high-born 出身高贵的 ready-made 现成的 ready-cooked 烧好的

native-born 本地生的 new-built 重建的

副词+形容词:ever-green 常青的 all-round 全能的,全面的 over-busy 太忙的

over-credulous 过于轻信的 over-critical 过于挑剔的(=hypercritical)

副词+名词:off-hour 休息时间的 off-guard 失去警惕的 off-campus 校园外的 off-key

不协调的 off-budget 预算外的 on-line 在线的

副词+现在分词:ever-lasting 持久的 on-coming 迎面而来的

up-coming 即将来临的 well-meaning 善意的 far-reaching 深远的 ever-increasing 不断增加的 never-ending 不断的 high-ranking 高级的

副词+过去分词:well-known 著名的 ill-mannered 举止粗鲁的 well-behaved 表现好的

well-informed 消息灵通的 well-balanced 平衡的 well-dressed 穿着时髦的

badly-wounded 重伤的 wide-spread 广泛流传的 newly-built 新建的 widely-used 广泛使用的 well-equipped 装备精良的 newly-married 新婚的

形容词+形容词:red-hot 炽热的 dark-green 深绿的 bloody-red 血红的

过去分词+介词:unthought-of 没有想到的 unpaid-for 没付款的 undreamed-of 连做梦也没想到的 longed-for 渴望的 uncalled-for 未被请求的 unlooked-for 非期待的

most-talked-about 谈得最多的 yet-unheard-of 尚未听说过的(unheard-of=unprecedented)

动词(过去分词)+副词:carry-on 随身携带的 built-in 嵌入的 cast-off 丢弃的 drive-in

开车进去的 unlived-in 没人住的

其他类型:heart-to-heart 推心置腹的 well-to-do 富裕的 well-off 富裕的 down-to-earth

讲究实际的 life-and-death 生死攸关的



1. 起强调作用或特指作用的形容词: actual age chief cause main idea mere child

only reason principal food sheer nonsense sole purpose total number

2. 由名词转化而来的形容词:atomic energy, criminal law golden opportunity

medical college


1. 某些以a-开头的形容词: afraid alert alike alive alone aloof ashamed

asleep astir awake aware

2. 表示健康状况的形容词: faint ill well unwell

注:ill作定语时,意为“坏的,邪恶的,恶劣的”如:ill luck/name/news/temper/wound等。

Ill news spreads fast.

An ill wound is cured, not an ill name. 重伤易治,恶名难除。



常用作形容词的-ing分词:amusing annoying boring charming convincing

disappointing discouraging embarrassing encouraging exciting fascinating

frightening interesting pleasing pressing promising puzzling shocking

striking surprising tempting threatening

常用作形容词的-ed分词:amazed amused annoyed astonished bored conceited

contented disappointed divided educated embarrassed excited exhausted

frightened interested limited irritated pleased puzzled relaxed satisfied

shocked unexpected unprepared worried

II. 形容词的位置


1) 需后置的形容词

① 当所修饰的词是以-thing, -one, -body等结尾的复合不定代词时,形容词需后置。

I shall meet you on Friday unless anything special turns up.


Anyone intelligent can do it. 任何有头脑的人都会做的。

I have something very particular to ask you. 我有些特别的事要问你。

② 形容词短语常后置,在意义上相当于一个定语从句。

A man so difficult to please must be hard to work with .


The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer.


③ 成对的形容词作定语,可以后置。

There was a huge room, simple and beautiful. 有一个大房间,简朴而美丽。

She has many pencils, blue and red. 她有许多铅笔,有蓝的,有红的。

2) 两个或两个以上的形容词在修饰同一个名词时,应遵循以下顺序:


I got acquainted with a smart tall young British officer during my stay in London.


On display was a nice little green Venetian glass ashtray. 展览的有一只小巧精致的绿色的威尼斯玻璃烟灰缸。

III. 形容词的比较等级

形容词有三个比较等级:原级(Positive Degree)、比较级(Comparative Degree)和最高级(Superlative Degree)。从形式上来说,原级就是形容词本身,那么怎样构成形容词的比较级和最高级呢?

1. 一般情况下,在形容词后面加-er构成其比较级,加-est构成其最高级。

long---longer---longest strong---stronger---strongest

2. 以不发音的e字母结尾的形容词,直接加-r构成比较级,加-st构成最高级。

nice---nicer---nicest fine---finer---finest large---larger---largest

3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,须先变y为i, 再加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。

heavy---heavier---heaviest pretty---prettier---prettiest

4. 以由“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母”构成的重读闭音节结尾的形容词,双写该辅音字母,加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。

big---bigger---biggest thin---thinner---thinnest

5. 部分双音节词和多音节词前面加more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。

outgoing---more outgoing---most outgoing

important---more important---most important

6. 不规则变化:

many/much---more---most good/well---better---best

bad/badly/ill---worse---worst far---farther/further---farthest/furthest

old---older/elder---oldest/eldest little(少)---less---least


1. 肯定句:as+原级形容词+as

Henry is a worker as good as Peter (is).

=Henry is as good a worker as Peter (is).

This apartment is as large as that one.

A man is as old as he feels; a woman is as old as she looks. 男人的年龄凭感觉,女人的年龄看相貌。

The climate in Florida is as mild as that of California. 佛罗里达州的气候和加利福尼亚州的一样温和。

We have got as many books as we need. 我们买了尽我们所需的很多书。

He is as poor a speaker as I. 他跟我一样是一个不善言谈的人。

She is as busy as anything with a new baby, a job, and a house to run.


It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.


Our neighbor has _________ ours.

A. as a big house as B. as big a house as

C. the same big house as D. a house the same big as

2. 否定句:not+so/as+原级形容词+as

He does not have so/as many books as I have. 他的书没有我的多。

He is not so/as clever as I. 他不如我聪明。

She is not so active as she was. 她不像以前那么活跃。

3. 常见的固定搭配:

as brave as a lion as busy as a bee as cunning as a fox as easy as ABC as firm as a

rock as free as a bird as greedy as a wolf as obstinate as a mule as poor as a

church mouse as proud as a peacock as strong as a horse as stupid as a donkey as

pretty as a picture as ugly as a toad as wise as Solomon

4. as+形容词+as+数量词=数量词+形容词

The building is as tall as 100 meters. = The building is 100 meters tall.

The well is as deep as 130 meters. = The well is 130 meters deep.

5. 貌似原级比较的一些固定习惯用语:

as/so long as 只要

as far as据…

as far as sth. is concerned 就…而言

as soon as 一…就…

as well as 和…

as good as 与…几乎一样,几乎,简直

I will work as long as I live.

As far as I know, he is a reliable person.

He has experience as well as knowledge. 他既有知识,又有经验。(注意翻译顺序)

He as good as called me a coward. 他就差说我是懦夫了。

He is as good as his word. 他说话算话。


1. 比较级+than

This novel is more interesting than that one.

Thomas is taller than his elder brother, but shorter than his younger brother.

Mental illness is often harder to cure than bodily illness.


Someone’s eyes are bigger than his belly. 有的人眼馋肚饱。

2. 形容词的比较级前面可以用far, even, much, rather, slightly, still, a little, a bit, a great

deal, a lot, by far, twice, three times, any (用于否定句或疑问句)等修饰,表示程度。

Work is much more fun than fun. 工作比娱乐更有趣。

Modern schools are far better than those of a century ago. 现代的学校比一百年前的好多了。

The students study even harder than before. 学生们学习比以前更加努力了。

3. “the+比较级…,the+比较级…”结构意为“越……,越……”

The more tickets you sell, the more money you will get.

The more you talked, the less attention he paid to you.

The longer you stay, the better (it will be).

The calmer he was (The more he was calm), the more enraged his mother became.


The closer the air is to the earth, the greater is its density.


The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice. 选择余地越大,选择便越困难。

4. “比较级+and+比较级”结构意为“越来越……”

The storm grew worse and worse.

She felt herself becoming more and more nervous.

The new city is becoming more and more beautiful.

5. 当有of短语表范围时,比较级前面需加the。

Of the two brothers, Jim is the taller.

6. 比较的对象不能相互包容,常见的句型如下:

比较级+than+ any other +单数名词

比较级+than+ all the other +复数名词

比较级+than+ anyone else

比较级+than+ any of the other +复数名词

比较级+than+ the rest of + 复数名词或不可数名词

The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States.

China is larger than any other country in Asia.

=China is larger than all the other countries in Asia.

但:China is larger than any country in Africa.

=China is larger than all the countries in Africa.

7. 比较的对象应具有可比性。

The climate here is warmer than that of Shanghai.

The radios made in our factory are better than those (made) in your factory.

The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.

=China has a larger population than any other country in the world.

8. no more than= only

not more than= at most

no less than=as much as

not less than=at least

He is no more than a puppet. 他只是个傀儡罢了。

I have not more than ten dollars with me.

He will have to stay here for no less than a month.

Not less than 200 students will attend the lecture.

9. no richer than VS not richer than

Jim is no richer than Tim. Jim和Tim一样的穷。

Jim is not richer than Tim. Jim没有Tim富裕。

10. no less…than (和……一样……)VS not less…than (也许比……更……)

We must be doing something to be happy. Action is no less necessary to us than thought.


He is not less busy than his sister. 他也许比他姐姐更忙。

11. more than的特殊意义:

More than 1000 students volunteer to participate in this program. (=over)

I am more than happy to see you. (=very)

They were more than slightly wounded. (=not just)

A science is more than a large amount of information on some subject. (=not just)

That’s more than I can help. (=not what)

His impoliteness is more than we can stand. (=not what)

12. more A than B = less B than A = not so much B as A 与其说B,不如说A

He was more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。

Beating a child will do more harm than good. 打孩子弊多利少。

He is not so much a scholar than a writer. 与其他是个学者,不如说他是个作家。

= He is more a writer than a scholar. = He is less a scholar than a writer.

13. better…than… 宁可……不可……

Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。

Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose. 与其言而不得要领,不如不说为妙。

14. no more…than=not …any more than… 不……正如不……

A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.


A fool can see no more his folly than he can see his ears.


15. 英语中有一些含比较意义的形容词,后面不用than,而要用to。

如:junior(年幼), senior(年长), inferior(次于), superior(优于), preferable(令人更喜欢), prior(先于), previous(先前的), subsequent(随后的), posterior(后于), anterior(先于)等。

We are inferior to others in many aspects. 我们在许多方面不如人家。

Silence is sometimes preferable to talk. 沉默有时胜于说话。


1. the + 最高级 +范围(of/in短语)

She is the most sensible of the three girls.

The tongue is the most mobile structure of the human body. 舌头是人体中最灵活的构造。

Taiyuan is the largest city in Shanxi province.

2. one of/among +the +最高级+复数名词

Mark Twain was one of/among the most famous humorists in the world.

3. the +序数词+最高级

The Changjiang River is the third longest river in the world.

4. 最高级前面可以被by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really等修饰语修饰。

The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the Yellow River.

5. 否定词语用在原级或比较级结构中有时可以表示最高级的意义。

No other river in China is as long as the Changjiang River.

Nothing is so precious as time.

Nothing is more exciting than to go sightseeing with him.


I. 副词的定义及分类


时间副词(Adverbs of Time): ago, always before, early, frequently, hardly,

immediately, late, lately, now, never, often, recently, seldom, sometimes,

soon, today, tomorrow, usually, then等

地点副词(Adverbs of Place): above, across, along, anywhere, around, below,

down, everywhere, here, in, inside, near, nowhere, out, outside, over,

round, somewhere, there, up等

程度副词(Adverbs of Degree): almost, awfully, completely, deeply, definitely,

greatly, little, much, nearly, scarcely, slightly, terribly等

方式副词(Adverbs of Manner): angrily, badly, bravely, calmly, carefully,

intentionally, loudly, mildly, nervously, quickly, slowly, softly, warmly等


疑问副词:how, when, where, whereby, whereupon, whether, why等。

关系副词:when, where, why

连接副词:when, where, why, how

感叹副词: how, what

解说副词:like, as, namely

句子副词: actually, fortunately, frankly, luckily, obviously, surely等。

II. 副词与形容词的关系


1) 与形容词同形的副词:early, enough, far, fast, hard, late, long, low, only, straight, well等。

Spring may come early this year. (adv.)

The early bird gets/catches the worm. 捷足先登。(adj.)

2) 具有两个形式的副词:

close/closely: close作“接近”解;closely作“密切地,仔细地”

He came very close to me.

The two matters are closely related.

For the sake of the mind’s peace, one ought not to inquire into such things too closely.


direct/directly: direct作“径直地”解;directly作“直接地”解。

The plane goes direct from London to Houston without stopping.

It is a measure which will directly benefit the mass of the people.

easy/easily: easy作为副词,常用于一些习语中;而easily作“容易地,轻易地”。

Take it easy. 别着急。

Go easy. 从容不迫。

Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。

They won’t give up so easily.

free/freely: free作“免费地”解;freely作“自由地,无限制地”。

You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.

You may speak freely; say what you like.


high/highly: high指高度;highly指程度很高。

Throw it as high as you can.

They spoke very highly of him.

loud/loudly: 两个词可以交替使用,在非正式场合下,多用loud.

Don’t talk so loud---you’ll wake the whole street.

“The point is,” he said loudly to me, “that what he says can’t be true.”

pretty/prettily: pretty作“相当”解;prettily作“漂亮地”解。

I’m getting pretty fed up with the whole thing.

The girl was prettily dressed.

quick/quickly: 在非正式文体中常用quick.

I’ll get back as quick as I can.

How quickly time passed! It might have happened yesterday.


wide/widely: wide作“宽地,敞开地”解;widely作“广泛地,大大地”解。

He opened the door wide so that the room was lighter.

He has traveled widely.

We differed widely on many questions.

III. 副词的位置

1. 程度副词一般要放在所修饰的动词、形容词、副词的前面,但是如果实意动词前面有助动词或情态动词,程度副词要放在二者之间;如果是动词be,程度副词要放在其后。

I am very happy to be with you.

He speaks English pretty well.

He nearly got run over by a car.

I can hardly believe what he said.

It is dreadfully cold today.


I don’t really like him.


I really don’t like him.


I quite don’t understand him.


I don’t quite understand him.


2. 频度副词需放在实意动词之前,但是助动词、情态动词、动词be之后。

I often see him walk in the park.

We must always remember this.

(We always must remember this.)

Be always on time.

(Always be on time.)

Lost time is never found again.

3. 方式副词一般放在地点副词之前,最后是时间副词。时间副词也可放在句首。

Tom is doing his assignment carefully in the classroom now.

She played beautifully in the music hall last night.

IV. 副词的比较等级(参考形容词的比较等级)

本文标签: 形容词副词表示修饰比较级