



II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A (10%)

Over the last few hours, hundreds of delegates from all over the world have been

arriving for the J12 meeting of leading industrialized nations ,which this year is taking

place in the quiet Canadian mountain resort of Kanalgirie.

The Canadian President (21)____________(deliver)the operating address

(22)__________the conference opens tomorrow morning. The Canadian police,

who have been preparing for the event (23)____________late last year,are taking

huge safety measures to avoid the violence which (24)_________(mark) last year’s

summit in Berlin. They have thrown 18km security line around the area,and last night

they were not allowing (25)____________to pass through—including journalists who

actually have full access to the delegates. From tomorrow, police will also be blocking

all mobile phone signals---to prevent bombs (26)_____________(set)off by remote

control ,a police spokesmen said last night.

“The politicians here seem to be isolating (27)_________from the free press,”said

one journalist .”There’s no doubt that governments are becoming more and more

security conscious and less and less concerned(28)____________personal freedom.

It’s getting harder and harder for us to gain access to the people who,(29)________the

next few days, will be making decisions which will affect all our lives…and that’s

something (30)___________should concern us all.

Section B (10%)

A. alternative B. attractive C. determined D. emergency E. encounters F. faithfully

G. figures H. fortunately I. grieve J. originally

Ridley Scott's new movie The Martian (外星人)isn’t as loyal to Andy Weir’s

bestselling novel as it is to the science that supports the ’s hard to find any

other science-fiction film that has stuck so___31_______to the practical challenges of

living and surviving in space since Ron Howard’s Apollo 13.

The film manages to create a cinematic experience, and a(an)____32________plot

based on the idea that man can survive on Mars as long as he’s done the math.

It sounds dry, but Ridley Scott pulls it off with magnificence.

During a month-long mission on Mars ,the five-man crew of Ares 3___33_____a

storm they didn’t plan for ,and the team is called home. The craft’s commander in

chief Mellisa Lewis orders a(n)___34______withdrawal. In the process, Mark

Watney , one of the five crew members gets injured by a flying communication

antenna(天线).Lost in the storm his fellow crewmen leave him behind for dead.

NASA chief Teddy Sanders announces Mark Watney’s death to the media. His

fellow crewmen and guilt-ridden commander ____35______for his loss; the only

problem is that Watney is very much alive. But the question is :for how long?

Based on the food and water the crew left behind ,Watney __36______he has

supplies for 31 days. Due to the storm, he has no way to make contact with NASA

ground control.

But the movie, which is a celebration of human____37________,makes this just

another challenge for Watney,a clever and skillful scientist specializing in

_38_______loner simply decides to survive and works out a plan to grow food and

water on a bare, dusty planet where nothing grows.

Meanwhile he is working on establishing ___39__________methods of

communication with Earth. When he finally reaches NASA, and a(n)___40_____plan

is worked out. But he has to survive a whole year before help arrives.

On the red planet, things can go wrong at any moment and they do.

III. Reading Comprehension

Should we dismiss an entire good idea just because some people abuse it ? You

know how this one goes: a story is published someone with 17 children who’s living

on welfare, and “getting ”38000 a year, and the piece goes on to discuss the total

welfare bill, before ____41___that ,because the system is being “abused”,___42___

should be abolished.(废除)

The thing is ,if we talked about abolishing everything that was abused ,then

where would we stop? We would have abolished the Houses of Parliament during the

political scandals. Likewise schools, given the amount of abuse that has happened

there, both state and _____43____.We’d be talking about abolishing marriage,

because women are abused ,in____44_______. Likewise parenthood, given the

numbers of parents who abuse their_____45______.

The simple truth is, people will abuse any_____46____. There’s a proportion of

humanity that will always play the system, whatever it is. That’s what humans do.

We’re just monkeys,_____47_____ a stick to poke in a hole to get ants. Or monkeys

who will_____48____ someone else’s stick, and ants.

The question is: is the fundamental concept that is being ____49____good?

Right? Moral?

You don’t just ___50______when people abuse a system. Instead, you make

the system better. Anyone wanting to ____51__a perfectly decent idea—indeed, a

necessary, moral and transformative one—because someone else took___52____ of it

is basically saying,“I am too ____53____to do all the admin to improve this. I’m busy

with paperwork. I am staying away from management change in ___54_____of


___55____anyone who confuses “an idea” with “how that idea was predictably

abused by a tiny percentage of the population.”

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There was a time,not that long ago,when women were considered smart if they

played dumb(愚蠢的)to get a man ,and women who went to college were more

interested in getting a “”than a bachelor’s(学士)。Even today,it is not

unusual for a woman to get whispered and unrequested advice from her grandmother

that an advanced degree could hurt her in the marriage market.

“There were so many misunderstandings out there about education and marriage that

I decided to sort out the facts ,”said economist Betsey Steveson ,and assistant

professor at the Wharton School at the University of along with

Wharton colleague Adam Isen,Steveson calculated national marriage data from 1960

to 2008 and found that the marriage penalty(惩罚)women once paid for being well

educated has largely disappeared.”In other words,the difference in marriage rates

between those with college degrees and those without is very small,”said Steveson.

The new analysis also found that while high-school dropouts(辍学学生)had the

highest marriage rates in the 1960s,today college-educated women are much more

likely to marry than those who don’t finish high school.

Of course ,expectation have changed dramatically in the past fifty years .”In the

1960s,a lot of women thought they needed to marry right away ,”Steveson said ,”Real

wages were rising so quickly that men in their 20s could afford to marry

they didn’t want a woman who was their needed and wanted someone who

knew less.”In fact,she said ,research published in 1959documented that 40 percent of

college women admitted to playing dumb on dates.’’These days ,few women feel the

need to play down their intelligence or achievements.’’Steveson said.

The new research has more more good news for college on said

the date indicate that modern college-educated women are more likely to describe

their marriage as “happy”.The marriage of well-educated women tend to be more

stable because the brides are usually older as well as wiser,Steveson said.

56. Not that long ago,it was believed that women went to college in order to______.

A. get a husband for advantage over others

to be a good wife someone with a bachelor’s degree

57. What did Betsey Steveson find about well -educated women in the past?

A. They were more likely to get married early.

B. They were more likely to marry a man who was their equal.

C. Their marriage rate was lower than at present.

D. Their divorce rate was higher than at present.

Steveson pointed out that,in the past fifty years,______.





women have got more chances for education.

Women have fought hard for equality with men.

People’s wage levels have sharply risen.

People’s outlook has greatly changed.

59. According to the last paragraph, the effect of education on marriage has been

found to be .

A. insignificant B. favorable C. long-lasting D. extensive


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60. According to the article, what is the book creator ?

A. A person who edits the pages on the wiki encyclopedia.

B. A book which is exported in PDF or ODF formats.

C. A tool which aids to create a book containing wiki pages.

D. A link which allows the addition of wiki pages to a book.

61. If you want to reorganize the articles in your book, which function should you


A. Suggest B. Show book C. Disable D. Add this page to your


62. How many ways are mentioned to add wiki pages to your book?

A. One B. two C. three D. four


There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive

seeds.There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫).In

addition,difficult as it is to believe,there are desert fish which can survive through

years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs.These are the shrimps (虾)

that live in the Mojave Desert,an extremely dry place in the southwest of the United

States where shade temperatures of over 50℃are often recorded.

The eggs of the Mojave shrimps look like grains of sand both in size and

appearance.When enough spring rain falls to form a lake,once every two to five

years,these eggs hatch.Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps

about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms (有机物)which also grow in the temporary desert lake.Within a week,the shrimps grow from

their original 1millimetre to a length of about 1.5centimetres.

Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing,the water in the lake

equally rapidly evaporates(蒸发).Therefore,for the shrimps it is a race against

time.By the twelfth day,however,when they are about 3centimetre long,hundreds

of tiny eggs form on the under bodies of the females.Usually by this time,all that

remains of the lake is a large,muddy patch of wet soil.On the 13th day,the shrimps

lay their eggs in the mud.Then,having ensured that their species will survive,the

shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates.

If enough rain falls the next year to form another lake,the eggs hatch,and once

again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth,adulthood,egg-laying,and death.Some years there is not enough rain to form a lake:in this case,the eggs

will remain dormant for another years,or even longer if necessary.Very,very

occasionally,perhaps twice in a hundred years,sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake

that lasts a month or more, In this case,the species passes through two cycles of

growth,egg-laying ,and ,on such occasions,the species multiplies

considerably,which further ensures its survival.

63.Which of the following is the MOST unique feature of Mojave shrimps?___

A.Their lives are brief.

B.They feed on plant and animal organisms.

C.Their eggs can survive years of drought.

D.They lay their eggs in the mud.

64.What doe the underlined word"dormant"in the last paragraph most probably


A.Inactive. B.Strong. C.alert. D.soft.

65.What can be inferred from the passage?___

A.Appearance and size are the most important for life to survive in the desert.

B.A species must be able to grow up quickly in order to survive.

C.Shrimps are the only species with a life cycle of 13days.

D.Some species develop a unique life pattern to survive in extremely hard condition.

66.What is the passage mainly about?___

A.The life span of Mojave shrimps

B.The survival of desert shrimps

C.The creatures living in the Mojave desert

D.The importance of water to life in the desert.


A. It is you yourself not anybody else that can build up correct self-esteem.

B. Let us try to look into some of the common and best practise which have been

tried and tested to help boost self-esteem.

C. More often ties it will not, but don’t let that cloud your perception about yourself.

D. Now that we have covered those aspects self-esteem,Let’s turn to some of the

other factors that need to be considered.

E. It will give you a regular motivation to work harder and better to improve yourself

and develop your sense of maturity as a person.

F. When your self-esteem is high,you are less likely to be affected by these situations.

Many people go through life’s usual phases of ups and downs,which are common

and normal stages in life,but when your self-esteem is low,you may need to know how

to boost your self-esteem,since it can lead to problems you may not have thought of.

self-esteem plays a key role in the maturity of a person,especially when trying to get

away from a dangerous situation,going through a series of trials in life.(67)

Always compliment yourself daily ,especially by trying to look for specific tasks

you did well for that day and congratulate yourself for it.(68)

_______________List down all things are good at doing and achieving,be it a

talent,skill,sport or building up other people.

You can add more focus to these good points and fuel your passion to do better and

make you not only understand yourself more,but also give you the true meaning and

measurement of self worth and this is how you see yourself as important.

Sometimes when you tend to see things in a different light or perspective from

others ,don’t focus too much on making sure that what you think will cause things to

change.(69) When you have good self-esteem you will realize that

what you did was right and was made under your own food judgement, sound

principles and concepts based on your personal outlook ad attitude towards life .

Do not let negative feedback affect you. Of course, one cannot help but feel bad

about negative comments or reactions, but you have to consider that these are tests

against your character and personality. (70) So try look at yourself and

see, and if you feel less important or are not satisfied with how you see and look at

things, then think about ways on how to boost your self-esteem. You’ll thank yourself

for it.

第II卷 (50) 分

I. Summary Writing (10%)

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then write an English summary

in about 60 words in your own words.

Not all memories are sweet.Some people spend all their lives trying to forget

bad experiences.Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical

and emotional scars.Often they relive these experiences in nightmares.

Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will

help people forget bad memories.The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a

frightening experience.They hope it might reduce, or possibly wipe out, the effect of

painful memories.

In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France.The drug

stops the body releasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain.So far the research

has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that

the memories are wiped out.They are not sure to what degree people’s memories are


The research has caused a great deal of argument.Some think it is a bad idea,

while others support it.Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat

soldiers' troubling memories after war.They say that there are many people who

suffer from terrible memories.

"Some memories can ruin people's lives.They come back to you when you don't

want to have them in a daydream or nightmare.They usually come with very painful

emotions," said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical

School."This could relieve a lot of that suffering."

But those who are against the research say that maybe the pills can change

people’s memories and changing memories is very dangerous because memories give

us our identity.They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past.

"All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were terrible at the time but

make us who we are.I'm not sure we want to wipe those memories out, "said Rebecca

Dresser, a medical ethicist.

II. Translation(15%)

Directions: Translate the following sentence into English, using the words given in

the brackets.

1. 我们非常感老师为我们提供了如此优秀的参考书。(grateful)

2. 他在会议上提出的问题引起了大家对这个慈善项目的好奇心。

3. 无论情况可能有多么严重,我们都会毫不犹豫地帮助当地人民克服困难。(whatever)

4. 在听到自己写给科学家的信被发表在报纸上这一消息时,这个学生很高兴。(news)

III. Guided writing(25%)

Directions: write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the

instructions given below in Chinese.


本文标签: 问题中学学期南洋模范