




Medicinal origin:Sichuan and other provinces

the medicine material plant base

herbal plantation built according to GAP

4、岗梅Iliex asprella

13、川芎Ligusticum chuanxiong

18、菊花Chrysanthemum morifolium

40、栀子Gardenia jasminoides

41、人参Panax ginseng

黄芪Astragalus membranaceus

42、昆明山海棠Tripterygium hypoglaucum

45、狗脊Cibotium barometz 47同

52、半夏Pinellia ternate

62、山楂Crataegus pinnatifida

63、绞股蓝Gynostemma pewaphylium

67、鸡蛋花Plumeria rubra

78、山楂Crataegus pinnatifida

81、丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza

83、溪黄草Rabdosia lophanthoides(基地种的是线纹香茶菜和纤花香茶菜)

84、 板蓝根Isatis indigotica

87、地黄Rehmannia glutinosa

90、钩藤Uncaria hirsute

103、牛大力Millettia specisoa(原来拉丁名Champ改为正体Champ)


根及根茎roots and rhizomes 块茎tubers

全株: whole-plant 地上部分aerial part 花蕾flower buds

茎叶stems and leaves 树皮bark(黄柏)根皮 root bark

(厚朴)干皮、根皮及枝皮bark of the trunk, root and branch


含有树脂的心材 heartwood with resin 带钩茎枝stems

with hooks

全株whole-plant 子实体 fruiting body

The plants taking root and rhizome,leaf,seed and fruit

as medicinal position are more,which separately account for

54.66%,36.02% and 29.19% of the woody medicinal species.



全国各地different areas of China nationwide

长江流域至南部各省: along Changjiang River valley

长江三角洲和整个长江流域the Yangtze delta and the whole

Yangtze basin.


纳气平喘promoting inspiration to relieve asthma

温中止呕warming middle energizer to arrest vomiting

柿叶具有抗菌消炎、生津止渴、清热解毒、润肺强心、镇咳止血、抗癌防癌等多种医疗保健功能。Persimmon leaves have the medical

care function of antimicrobial and diminish inflammation,

satisfy one's thirst, detoxifcation, wet one's lung and

cardiotonic, relieve a cough and hemostasia, anticancer and

protection against the cancer.

敛肺滋肾、生津止渴、宁心安神astringe the lung, nourish the

kidney, promoting the production of body fluid to quench thirst,

tranquilize the mind

补中益气strengthen the middle Burner and replenish qi

养血安神nourishing blood and tranquilization

去腐生肌removing the necrotic tissue and promoting

healing/ promoting granulation

益气养阴supplementing Qi and nourishing yin

化瘀止血hemostasia by removing blood stasis,

清肝明目removing intensive heat from the liver and

improving acuity of sight removing liver fire for improving


滋肝明目nourishing liver for improving eyesight

活血通经promoting blood circulation

温阳散寒 Warming Yang and dispelling cold to relieve pain

抗菌antibacterial,杀虫剂 insecticides

杀虫止痒insecticidal itching

清热解毒clearing away heat and toxic material--

消食promoting digestion

beauty and skin care--美容护肤

疏肝解郁relieving the depressed liver 疏肝解郁smoothing

liver to relieve depression

activating blood to resolve stagnation, clearing away heat

and removing toxin, 益气健脾replenishing Qi to invigorate



解表relieving the exterior


生津止渴promoting fluid relieving thirst

解渴 quenching her thirst

清暑 heat-relieving

清热泻火clearing heat and fire,

清热泻火eliminating heat and purging fire

清热利湿clearing away heat and dampness,

凉血止血cool blood and hemostasis

收敛止血 astringency and hemostasis

固经止血 consolidating channel for hemostasis

祛瘀止血dissolving stasis and hemostasis

祛瘀Eliminate blood stasis

祛瘀 removing blood stasis,removing stasis,eliminating

blood stasis

固表止汗consolidating exterior for arresting sweating

固表止汗剂exterior-strengthening and sweat-reducing



利咽relieving sore throat

疏散风邪dispelling wind pathogens

补气replenishing Qi tonifying qi

止咳止喘antibechic and antiasthmatica 止咳平喘relieving cough and asthma

止咳cough relieving

化痰expectorant eliminating phlegm removing phlegm

清肺、止咳removing heat from the lung, 化痰dissolving

phlegm and arresting cough.

补虚安神,祛痰止咳安神reinforcing insufficiency,

tranquilizing the mind eliminating phlegm,relieving cough

祛风湿:expelling wind-damp 祛风湿剂 antirheumatic


息风止痉,平抑肝阳,祛风通络relieving convulsion,


wind and dredging collaterals,antirheumatic.

活血:promoting blood circulation invigorating blood


活血化瘀:invigorating blood circulation to dissolve


降脂lipid-lowering,reducing lipid,lowering blood lipid

治疗乳腺增生 treating breast hyperplasia(2)

消痈散疖 resolving carbuncle and expulsing boil

解毒消痈 removing toxin for eliminating carbuncles

通乳消痈 promoting lactation for resolving carbuncle

消痈resolving carbuncle

芳香化浊eliminating turbid pathogen with aromatics

健胃strengthen the stomach益气健胃supplement qi and

strengthen the stomach

补肾滋阴,填精益髓replenishing vital essence, tonifying

kidney-yin and nourishing the Bone marrow


Medicinal function:

Perillae Folium: relieving the exterior,dispelling cold


Perillae Caulis: relieving pain, preventing abortion

Perillae Fructus: regulating Qi and dissolving

phlegm,relieving cough and asthma,relaxing the bowels.

理气活血止痛法regulating Qi and activating blood


通便relaxing the bowels

养血安胎nourishing blood and preventing abortion

补肾安胎tonifying kidney for preventing miscarriage

补肝肾tonifying spleen and kidney Nourishing the liver

and kidney

强筋骨strengthening the bones and muscles

祛斑eliminating freckles

消食 promoting digestion


It has effects of antifebrile and detoxifcation, 消肿散结detumescence and lump dissipation, stomachic, antipyrotic,

保肝利胆liver protection and cholagogue, and so on.


固肾缩尿tonifying Kidney to reduce urination

固崩止带healing vaginal bleeding and leukorrhea

渗湿利水eliminating dampness and diuresis

利水渗湿 的英文翻译: removing dampness and promoting


利水渗湿的英文 remove dampness and promote urination


利尿通淋promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria.

利水消肿 induce diuresis to alleviate edema(1) inducing

diuresis for removing edema利水消肿

散寒止痛eliminating cold to relieve pain

dispelling summerheat to relieve exterior syndrome祛暑解表

止呕antiemetic alleviating vomiting

止泻 anti-diarrheal散寒止痛


止渴,解渴relieving thirst

透疹 inducing eruption promoting eruption

清热透疹 clearing heat for promoting eruption疏风透疹

dispelling wind to promote eruptio透疹药eruption-promoting



Benefits of water swelling Facilitate water swelling

健脾疏肝、行气降逆strengthen spleen and soothe liver,

regulate Qi and descend adverse flow of Qi

Well known as King of Herbs, ginseng can nourish the primary

qi greatly, relieve uneasiness of the body, benefit prolong

life, so it's called the medicine of keeping people live




口服液oral solution

本文标签: 止血止咳消肿利水具有