



Under the bombs: 1945


1 Today, when I look back, I'm surprised that I recall the beginning so vividly; it's still clearly

fixed in my mind with all its coloring and emotional intensity. It begins with my suddenly noticing

12 distant silver points in the clear brilliant sky filled with an unfamiliar abnormal hum. I'm seven

years old, standing in a meadow, and staring at the points barely moving across the sky.


2 Suddenly, nearby, at the edge of the forest, there's the tremendous roar of bombs exploding.

From my standpoint, I see gigantic fountains of earth spraying upward. I want to run toward this

extraordinary spectacle; it terrorizes and fascinates me. I have not yet grown accustomed to war

and can't relate into a single chain of causes and effects these airplanes, the roar of the bombs, the

earth radiating out from the forest, and my seemingly inevitable death. Unable to conceive of the

danger, I start running toward the forest, in the direction of the falling bombs. But a hand claws at

me and tugs me to the ground. "Stay down," I hear my mother's trembling voice, "Don't move!"

And I remember that my mother, pressing me to her, is saying something that I don't yet know

exists, whose meaning I don't understand: That way is death.

突然, 就在附近,森林的边缘, 我听到有巨大的炸弹爆炸的声音。在我这个小孩的眼里,

我看到的是泥土像巨大的喷泉一样冲到天上。我想跑过去看看这个特别的景象,它让我感到害怕,但是也让我着迷。我还没有习惯战争,也不能把这些飞机、炸弹的轰鸣、森林那边飞溅开来的泥土以及我看似必然的死亡联系成单一的因果关系。没考虑有危险,我开始朝着投下炸弹的森林方向跑。这时一只手拉住了我,把我拽倒在地上。“趴下来,”我听到母亲发抖的声音,“不要动!”我还记得母亲把我紧紧贴在她身边,说的一些东西我并不知道,也并不理解其含义: 那是一条死路。

3 It's night and I'm sleepy, but I'm not allowed to sleep. We have to evacuate the city and run away

in the night like convicts. Where to, I don't know; but I do understand that flight has suddenly

become some kind of higher necessity, some new form of life, because everyone is running away.

All highways, roads, and even country paths are a tangle of wagons, carts, and bicycles, with

bundles and suitcases, and innumerable terrified, helplessly wandering people. Some are running

away to the east, others to the west, north, south; they run in circles, fall from profound fatigue,

sleep for a moment, then begin anew their aimless journey. I clasp my younger sister's hand firmly

in mine. We mustn't get lost, my mother warns; but even without her telling me, I sense that some

form of dangerous evil has permeated the world.




4 I'm walking with my sister beside a wagon. It's a simple ladder wagon, lined with hay, and high

up on the hay, on a cotton sheet, rests my grandfather. He can't move; he is paralyzed, another

casualty of a landmine. When an air raid begins, the entire group dives into ditches; only my

grandfather remains on the deserted road. He sees the airplanes flying at him, sees them violently

dip and aim, sees the fire of ammunition, hears the roar of the engines passing over his head.

When the planes disappear, we return to the wagon and my mother wipes the sweat from my

grandfather's flushed face. Sometimes, there are air raids several times a day. After each one,

sweat pours from my grandfather's tired face.


5 We're entering an increasingly appalling landscape. There's smoke on the horizon, the blaze of

battle fading. We pass by deserted villages, solitary, burned-out houses. We pass battlefields dense

with the garbage of abandoned war equipment, bombed-out railway stations, overturned cars. It

smells of gunpowder, and of burning, decomposing meat after a massacre. Everywhere are the

corpses of horses, too defenseless in this human war.


6 When winter comes, we stop running from the bombs so we can hide from the severe elements.

Winter is but another season for those in normal conditions, but for the poor during wartime,

winter is a disaster, a pervasive and constant threat. We find an apartment in the slums that

provides a minimal coverage from the snow but we still can't afford to heat the furnace; we can't

buy fuel nor risk stealing it. Death is the punishment for the robbery of coal or wood — human

life is now worth next to nothing.


7 We have nothing to eat. My mother stands brooding at the window for hours; I can see her fixed

stare. I can see other residents staring out into the street from many windows, as if they were

waiting for something. I weave my way around the backyards with a gang of stray boys; it's

something between play and searching for a scrap of anything edible.



8 One day we hear that they'll be giving out candy in a store near the warehouse. Immediately we

make a long queue of cold and hungry children. We stand in the frost all night and the following

day, huddled together to summon a bit of warmth. Finally, they open the store. But instead of

candy, we are each granted an empty metal container that once held some fruit drops. Weak and

stiff from the cold, yet at this moment happy, I carry my treasure home, guarding it jealously. It's

valuable; the inside wall of the can still has a sugar residue. My mother heats some water and

pours it into the can. We have a dilute, sweet drink: Our only nutrition for days.


9 I can't quite remember when or how the war ended for us; my mind is always drawn back to that

first day in the meadow, the explosions destroying the peaceful flowers and the naive days of my

childhood. Try as I might, I still can't understand what we could have done to justify all the

suffering war inevitably inflicts.



Smith and Luis


1 Ever since the arrival of the American military, Luis Dutarte's world had changed. Overnight, a

military camp had sprung to life on the empty field just below his home in Normandy. For a

seven-year-old orphan, it was in essence a dream come to life. His keeper Mrs. Bijeaux had to

drag him in at night from his terrace on the cliff overlooking the beach.


2 Now he watched, wide-eyed, as jeeps roared up the road and men scrambled about, emptying

trucks loaded with guns, ammunition, food, and giant army bags. He yawned as the scent of crisp

bacon, eggs, coffee, and the smell of toast came from the kitchen tent. He tilted his small head

back, breathing in the fragrance. His stomach moaned.




3 Ronald Smith, a lieutenant in the Seabees, the US Navy's Construction Battalion, held a

clipboard and checked off the morning's accomplishments. The hospital tent was complete, as was

the new shower.


4 Smith and his top sergeant had been busy since dawn, and it was now noon. He dispatched him,

then took a moment and touched the breast pocket that held the photo of his wife and two young

sons. It had been more than a year since he'd been deployed and last seen them.


5 When the lieutenant turned to go, he saw something in the tall grass on the hill. He waved. A

small hand waved back. There was a moment of hesitation; then, the boy timidly made his way



6 Smith tried out his high school French, hoping he could remember the right wording: "Comment

t'appelles-tu?" (What is your name?)


7 The boy blushed and his eyes shone. "Luis," he said.


8 Smith shook his hand. This little guy looked like he could use a good meal, and the camp had

more than enough food. In his halting French, Smith invited Luis to have lunch. When the boy

nodded, Smith lifted him onto his hip, as he might have done with one of his own sons, and

walked briskly toward the tent.


9 Inside, dozens of young soldiers ate and talked. Smith piled two plates high with roast beef,

carrots, and apple pie sprinkled with sugar.


10 After lunch, Smith held Luis' hand, and they walked into the June sunlight. He knelt beside the

boy and explained that he had to go back to work. Luis nodded and ran back up the path to the tall

grass, turning around to wave.



11 At 18:00 hours, as Smith was again heading for the mess tent, he saw Luis sitting in the same

spot. He motioned, and Luis ran to him.

傍晚六点,史密斯再次前往那个用餐的帐篷, 看见路易坐在同一个地方。他向路易招了招手, 路易就跑了过来。

12 Dinner was fried chicken, potatoes, and peanut cookies. Smith again filled two plates, but Luis

didn't eat as much as he had at lunch; it was clear that the boy wasn't used to so much food. But he

clutched Smith's hand and smiled his shy smile. After dinner, Smith knelt close to Luis. "Bonsoir,"

he said. "A demain." (Goodnight. See you tomorrow.) He watched the boy walk up the path and

out of sight.


13 Henceforth, Luis ate with Smith all of the time. The other soldiers didn't mind; in fact, the boy

helped ease their homesickness. Luis giggled when Smith carried him aloft on his shoulders and

soon began riding along in the jeep down to the beach, where Smith supervised the unloading of

freight from the ships and took inventory. When Smith oversaw construction projects in the camp,

Luis tagged along. If Smith left the radius of the camp to rebuild a road or to repair a bridge, Luis

waited in the vicinity for his return.


14 As the summer of 1944 passed, Smith's French improved, and Luis learned to say hello,

goodbye, jeep, ship, and ice cream, even though their conversations stayed pretty concise.


15 In mid-October, when Smith received orders to leave France, he drove to the local authorities

to make some inquiries. He ascertained that Luis had been abandoned at birth and had no living

relatives. But when he petitioned to adopt him and become his legal guardian, the answer was

straightforward and firm: no.


16 Notwithstanding the regulations, Smith enclosed Luis in a hug and promised to return for him

later. The two had grown so close amongst the trials of war, and Smith 174 New Horizon College


English Third Edition knew he would never forget the boy. What Smith could never have

imagined was that he would never see Luis again.


17 After the war ended, Smith took a multitude of trips returning to France looking for Luis. But

try as he might, the familiar landmarks were gone. France was a country torn apart by the bombs

of the war and then pieced back together again. Each day Smith would grieve. Yet, he remained

dogged in his search for Luis. Smith knew in his heart that Luis was still alive and waiting, but he

simply could not find any remnant of the boy he had come to love like a son. He combed through

phone books and even hired a private investigator. His repeated failures haunted him as he

repeatedly asked himself punishing questions: Why have I failed Luis? What could I have done


战争结束后,史密斯曾多次返回法国寻找路易。尽管他竭尽全力,熟悉的标志却都消失了。法国被战争的炮火撕碎,然后又被重新拼凑起来。史密斯每天都十分悲痛。然而,他仍坚持不懈地在寻找路易。史密斯心里坚信路易还活着,还在等他,但是他就是找不到这个他曾经当亲生儿子对待的男孩的一点点踪迹。他翻遍了电话簿,甚至雇了一个私家侦探。他一次次地失败,他不停地问一直在折磨着自己的问题:为什么我会让路易失望呢? 我当时如果做了不同的选择又会怎样?

18 As he grew older, Smith's pain increased. Finally, old age forced him to stop traveling, but

Smith dwelled more and more on his one broken promise and lifelong regret.


19 In his final will, Smith instructed his children to continue where he had left off, pleading with

them to find Luis.



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