


英国留学,除了优越教育,还有更好的吗?400 666 1553




为了给广大准备去英国留学的学子提供一个最全面、最权威、最实用、最客观的英国择校方案,英国优越教育特地搜集并编辑了英国本地被牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院(UCL)、南安普顿大学、华威大学、伯恩茅斯大学等英国顶级名校录取的优秀生热门专业的申请PS(personal statement,个人陈述),有效的帮助有意赴英留学的广大中国学子写好留学PS,把握住申请第一关。






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英国留学,除了优越教育,还有更好的吗?400 666 1553







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Computer Science interests me because it incorporates both logic and systematic

working with a form of speed and automation that could never be achieved by an

individual. My first experience of this was when I observed a programmed onscreen

"turtle" complete complex movements; this showed me the strong link between

mathematical knowledge and its practical application. AS Computing furthered this,

which enabled me to program my own Snake-esque game at home, showing me

how I could apply mathematical skills, such as method and logic, to computers. I

enjoy looking at as many outcomes as possible in terms of a program, for example

how the program should react if a certain circumstance occurs, regardless of

likelihood, yet still maintaining a level of efficiency.

This summer I attended a course about the Linux operating system. This reminded

me of a project that I had read about several years ago that was to develop an

Xbox games console into a desktop workstation. At the time I judged this to be

something too complicated and expensive to attempt so dismissed it. Over time I

read about parallel processing and its applications, often from the Computer

Science 4 Fun magazine. This combined to give me the confidence to start making

my own Xbox workstation. However, I soon realised that this project lacked the

complexity to challenge me for very long, so in the last couple of months I have

been creating an Xbox cluster system. I intend to host my own website on this as

well as a few parallel processing applications for benchmarking.

In my GCSE years I developed modifications for a computer game and learnt some

Visual Basic. From this I gained a limited knowledge of programming, and the skills

to teach myself. Recently I was asked to redesign the website for the West Wilts

U3A, a project I am managing bearing in mind the limited skills of the end user.




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I attended a NAGTY maths summer school which allowed me to experience a wide

range of mathematical topics. This year I attended Villiers Park to participate in

another maths course, from which I particularly appreciated a lecture on statistics

as it showed me how the same things could be presented in so many different ways.

I have participated in the UK Maths Challenge, twice achieving gold. I enjoy the

Challenge as it gives me the opportunity to complete non-standard problems.

Studying AS Level Maths and Further Maths has taught me how to look at a

problem in different ways, and to try many approaches; a technique I have found

myself using repeatedly in AS Computing. I found the decision module of maths

stimulating as putting thought processes to numerical solutions and operations is

something that interests me about Computer Science. AS Physics helped me

develop the ability to link evidence to explanation.

Alongside my maths and computing interests I am taking part in the Duke of

Edinburgh Silver award scheme and am a Young Leader with the local Scouts. I play

the viola at a grade 5 level and am a member of West Wilts Youth Orchestra. I have

been elected by staff and peers to be PR/Communications officer on the sixth form

committee and a member of the school council. In addition I spent a year helping a

young student with dyslexia develop his language and reading skills. This term I will

be stage managing the school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I also

enjoy debating at Model United Nations conferences, which involves flexibility of

thought. I keep up to date with New Scientist magazine, as well as reading Terry

Pratchett's Discworld novels.

A Computer Science degree particularly appeals to me because it has a practical

value, leading to a variety of careers. It is a subject which would enable me to

stretch my problem solving abilities, both mathematically and analytically, as well




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as equip me with a diverse range of skills. As well as a passion for technology, I

have a real enjoyment of maths, so feel such a degree will challenge and enthuse



Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen,

astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don't

know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players

in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys -

the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and

living the high life. Of course, you don't have to wear a suit to be making money

(look at Steve Jobs, for example), it's not all fun and games, and you have to be

damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is

what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion.

This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV,

stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs

rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business

ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely

different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing

teams – a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like

“slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this

game was more intense than any sport, more exciting than any video game and

more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –

selling gumballs at school – which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if

short-lived (regulated into the ground).

By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a

Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me,




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remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was

extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anything I had learnt in

math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what

profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in

and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly

confusing concept of stock exchange.

One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets,

which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most

valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting

background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and

English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful

record label; he now sells property on the real estate market. I feel that this is

where much of my business background originates. Another interesting quality that

has rubbed off my parents is Buddhism. Whilst am not a firm believer in the

Buddhist philosophies, I find many of them extremely compelling.

Over the course of the IB, I have done much to advance myself in the field of public

speaking – a skill I find to be of increasing importance in the modern business world.

Last year I took the position of president of the Toastmasters International Youth

Leadership program and earned my certificate. This will be the second year in which

I will be attending the annual IMUN conference, where I have signed up for the

position of chair, and if not, will represent the World Bank. Last year I represented

the highly unspoken country of Timor Leste. Over the course of the summer I

attended the prestigious GYLC conference, where I talked to [insert names here]

and attended speeches such as [name]**** - Mastering the Challenges of

International Business, by Dr J. Joseph Kim, CEO of VGX pharmaceuticals. During a

simulation global summit I represented France, and was appointed to the digital

divide, e-commerce and free trade commissions, where I advocated the view of

protectionism. Throughout both of these conferences I spoke in front of hundreds of

other scholars, which, by the end, felt perfectly natural and comfortable. These




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valuable experiences gave me an invaluable insight into the running of

governments and their regulating businesses as well as allowing me to further

advance my public speaking skills. I have also been appointed the role of head

prefect – which entailed an ISCO head prefect training course - and member of the

student council in my school, and lend a hand in managing and working in our

school tuck shop, which have all helped hone my management abilities.

Whilst all of these provided me with excellent skills, over the summer I had the

privilege to gain work experience from one of the leading law firms in Europe and

the largest and most highly regarded in Spain – Garrigues. This allowed me to gain

insight into how an international company is run and managed. This also

demonstrated to me what it is like to work as a lawyer in a large firm and educated

me on the different parts of law and what they entail and allowed me to use my

near-fluent Spanish in a work environment. The department I found most

interesting was that of civil law – more specifically, litigation. I was brought to a

court in order to view a labour dispute, which I found extremely interesting.

Overall, I have a rather diverse set of hobbies and interests, but my main passion is

computers. I have been using computers since the age of 5, when I mainly used

them for learning. Now, I feel I have become extremely proficient with the Windows

Operating System to a near professional level, which I often use to assist my family

and friends with technical problems. I am also very proficient (though less so) with

a Mac system, and am now learning the more technical Linux. For a long time I

studied in order to be able to build a computer from scratch, and have modified

individual components. I find computers extremely satisfying as there is always

going to be a problem, and therefore a solution, which may not always be obvious. I

intend to continue onto learning the programming language Python, which I have

introduced myself to over the summer.

Apart from this, I have branched off into different computer hobbies, such as

graphic design, where I have learn to Adobe Photoshop to an excellent standard,




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and am now able to create graphics from scratch. I have used this to help design

and do graphical work for the last 2 school yearbooks for which I received an award,

as well as create graphics such as CD covers for a friend who does musical work and

create posters. I also practice disk jockeying and also put this into practice where I

controlled the lights and music for a concert for said friend. I would love to carry on

these interests in university, possibly contributing to the college radio station and


Whilst I do not consider myself a sporty person, I have previously competed in

intramural field hockey, and socially play paddle and normal tennis. I jog nearly

every day; however, it is just as much for meditating purposes as to keep fit.

However, since gaining my Red Cross first aid license last year, I have found myself

a more useful purpose on the playing field.



To study computer science or mathematics at university has been my dream from a

young age. The aspect that fascinates me the most is how these two disciplines

complement each other closely. I aspire to be one day at the forefront of research in

either of these fields and make great discoveries using the skills I will learn from

both subjects. Since the start of school I have received a solid grounding in

computing and maths so I can continue their learning in higher education. I believe

my enthusiasm and dedication is shown by the fact that I have studied maths

independently for 5 years and achieved an Advanced Higher "A" a year ahead of my

peers. No doubt this pattern of managing my own education will serve me well at

university. This year I am undertaking the AH Applied Mathematics (Statistics)

course through part time lessons at an independent school. I have also begun to

read various undergraduate lecture notes to prepare for higher education. Outside




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the syllabus, I enjoy and attain good results while participating in Maths Challenges

and my abilities have been recognised by being invited to tutor mathematically

talented youngsters in my school. This is an excellent opportunity for me to improve

my communication skills which is especially valued in academia.

The interest and drive for learning and appreciating mathematics has been equally

reflected in my study of programming. I have extensive experience in the

object-oriented , which is the language most of my programs are

created with. One program that I am particularly proud of has been used

successfully in a small part of my father's research in the University of ***. I also

gained invaluable experience when I took part in a Computer Games Development

course at a local college. It confirmed my belief that a sound mathematical

foundation is essential as many topics we learn in maths, such as geometry, were

put into practice.

Besides writing programs, I am intrigued by the construction of computers. I once

witnessed a full scale corporate IT infrastructure in action when I was given work

experience as a technician in ***. I was amazed at how efficiently hardware

systems were maintained to a strict time limit so that the company can run without

delays. This shows that computers will become even more indispensable in future

and I am more determined to study computer science as a result. Currently I am

preparing for the AH Computing qualification by correspondence with a teacher in

another school. I will also submit the course project to the Programming Challenge

organised by *** University. Despite the difficulties of not receiving regular lessons,

I am building the experience of being responsible for my own learning.

On the other hand, I have always believed in having as wide an education as

possible. Since I am passionate about the humanities, I am continuing the study of

English and Music. These subjects enhance my ability for creative thought and will

surely prove invaluable in the future. I am especially active in music as playing the




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flute and the piano are my main hobbies. Indeed, I perform regularly with the ***

Concert Band as principal flautist and in the next few months I will be attempting to

achieve Grade 8 on flute. I believe playing in a group encourages teamwork and I

shall certainly continue to do this in university. My other hobbies include Chess and

Bridge, both I play competitively in school and elsewhere. These games improve my

logical reasoning which I think is the most valuable skill a mathematician or

computer scientist can have.

Looking back at my school life, it has been rewarding and fulfilling. By working

diligently I have achieved academic success and in turn the Dux of the School award.

Being twice elected as Prefect also taught me the values of responsibility and

leadership. Finally I am ready to move forward into the next stage of my life by

entering higher education.



From listening to music to writing computer applications, computers have formed

an integral part of my everyday life and have been an endless source of fascination

for me. What originally sparked my interest in the deeper aspects of computing was

learning how to use programming languages to solve real-life problems; for

example, I recently created a program that identifies the roots and vertices of

polynomial equations in order to check my answers to maths questions. The ability

to develop a deep understanding of computer science and mathematics would

enable me to solve more complex problems, and would also prepare me for a

career in research and development of artificial intelligence and natural language





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Studying Further Mathematics has allowed me to prepare for the many

mathematical challenges posed in and around computer science. I have found

topics such as differential equations, algorithms and iteration to be particularly

interesting. The understanding of cognitive processes given by my Psychology

course has inspired me to think of ways in which computers may be able to mimic

human thought through artificial intelligence. In addition, since one of the most

important parts of human thought is the ability to communicate, computational

linguistics and speech synthesis both appeal to me greatly. Studying French at

school and undertaking private study of linguistics, and particularly phonetics, has

deepened my understanding of natural languages. This again has inspired me to

think how this could be applied systematically to intelligent systems.

I particularly enjoy setting myself problems to solve using computers. For example, I

have made a cipher for text encryption, whereby the encrypted text looks as if it

were a foreign language. With each revised version I made the algorithm for

encryption more and more complex. I have also looked into operating systems, and

recently developed a simple text-based operating system with some basic I/O

functions. This gave me insight into how computers can be programmed at a low

level, and how software can interact directly with memory and other hardware. I

also helped set up an online business; it was my job to design and code the website,

and the experience I gained has been invaluable to me.

Reading articles from 'The New Turing Omnibus' has introduced to me more aspects

of computer science, such as the use of computers in mathematical research, and

applications to areas of medicine. What really inspired me was the article on

computer vision. The complexity involved in interpreting three-dimensional images,

even when detail is minimal, is a fascinating challenge. I also enjoyed reading 'The

Pleasures of Counting' as it uses many real-life examples to which mathematics and

computation can be applied, and its section on codes was of especial interest to me.




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Outside of school, I have a keen interest in music. For example, I play the piano and

the classical guitar at Grade 5 standard, and I have co-hosted a sponsored 24-hour

radio show to raise money for ChildLine. In addition, I thoroughly enjoy travelling to

and learning about the cultures and politics of foreign countries. In February 2008 I

undertook two weeks of work experience in a French library and stayed with a

French family, which helped me to develop a better fluency in the language.

I believe I am an ideal candidate to read this degree because of my strong passion

for problem-solving, mathematics and computing. This will drive me to achieve

great results and to contribute to the academic environment that university study

would provide me with.


这位A-LEVEL考试取得全A的成绩的优秀学生同时获得剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、巴斯大学、曼彻斯特大学、南安普顿大学等五所名校化学工程专业的录取通知书,下面让我们来看看他的工程学PS(personal statement个人陈述)究竟是怎么写的!

As a young boy, I have often been told that curiosity killed the cat, but although

curiosity never got me killed, it sure did get me into quite a lot of trouble. I used to

always fiddle with things, rare artifacts that my father used to bring home, and as

one would expect, such fiddling usually ended with something broken; my usual

excuse was I just wanted to see how it works.

This curiosity has developed and now manifests itself in my desire to read

engineering. I had always considered engineering to be a science that studies the

functioning of systems and to improve them by coming up with clever ideas, but it

was not until I picked up Henry Petroski's books "Remaking the world" and "To

engineer is human" that I realized that engineering covers a much wider range of




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abilities, that there is much more to engineering than just sitting in a dark room

trying to come up with ingenious and clever ideas. I'd never thought about the

human side to engineering; how correcting human failures is the most important

lesson to be learnt; how too much confidence causes accidents but worry prevents

them; how engineering doesn't exist "for its own sake but for society's sake". These

findings did not scare me away from engineering; in fact, I was even more attracted

to it.

Whilst reading through the books I also came across a very interesting phrase:

"standing on the shoulders of giants". At first I didn't quite capture its full meaning,

however when I read how our modern day internal combustion engine evolved from

the primitive Greek steam engine, it finally clicked. The reason we are able to see

this far today is due to all those achievements in the past and my aim in

engineering is to see farther thus allowing tomorrow's engineers to see farthest.

Last summer I spent three weeks doing voluntary work on board a tanker that

sailed along the west coast of Africa. It was an enlightening experience that had

significant impact in my respect for all professions, as well as giving me an

opportunity to observe the functioning and the maintenance duties involved with

the ship's engine. This summer however, I topped up my organizational and

leadership skills and headed a backpacking expedition of 16 people around Europe.

Much teamwork was involved in finding accommodation and train tickets for such a

large group on such short notice, but nevertheless the trip went as scheduled.

At first, I wished to take a gap year to gain some industrial experience in the field of

study, nonetheless my nationality doesn't allow for me to work freely in many

countries (e.g. the YINI scheme), thus I have decided to dedicate this year to

academics. I shall be working as a support teacher at my school, helping a wide age

range of pupils with their difficulties in Maths, Chemistry or Physics. The level will

probably range from pre-IGCSE to AS, and the number of pupils will depend on the




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needs. It is also my intention, during the gap year, to do voluntary work on wildlife

conservation schemes.

Regarding academics, I have completed all of my A levels and have enjoyed them

greatly. Much of the work I did was outside the school's academic requirements.

Such is the case of Further Mathematics, where many unlucky incidents occurred

throughout its course, or my AEA Chemistry, where my school unfortunately lost my

exam paper before it was sent.

Outside classroom I enjoy a variety of sports such as football, tennis, basketball,

bowling, swimming, martial arts most of which I have carried up to a competing

level (tennis, basketball, swimming) but never reached a professional level,

although I still actively enjoy them as hobbies. Only last year, I also started playing

the guitar with the help of a friend and have performed twice already in school


My readings around the history of engineering through Petroski's books have

taught me much about the journey I'm about to embark on. Science has taught

what is; now I'd like to use this knowledge to create what never was.



“Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.” James A.

Michener. For me, this quote symbolises why I want to go into engineering- because

I want to do things, to design things, to make things. From early childhood I have

been interested in how things work and why; it has been clear now for some time




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that engineering is what I want to do in later life. I am interested in a variety of

engineering disciplines however, and have had trouble deciding which to study.

Signal processing and audio systems are particular interests of mine within

electronics, as well as electro-mechanical systems within mechanical. Acoustics also

interests me, especially electro-acoustics, active noise control and musical acoustics.

To allow for this, I have tried to choose courses that are either broad or allow

specialism part way through. This has the advantage that I can decide which field

to go into after I have a better idea of what they involve. I also intend to take a gap

year to gain industrial experience, which would help me with this decision. For this

reason I am deferring entry.

I have been interested in Mathematics throughout my school career, especially in

applied; mechanics is a subject that I find very engaging. I attended Maths Club

after school for four years, (from year 8 to 11), did GCSE Maths a year early, and did

the FSMQ in Additional Maths the following year. I am presently studying Further

Maths, and have now taken six modules (95.5% average). Electronics is

extra-curricular, and is a fascinating subject. It involves a lot of design, something

that I enjoy, and something that is not featured in my other subjects. Physics

appeals to me, and will give me the knowledge I need to study Engineering. I found

AS Chemistry absorbing, although time has not allowed me to continue this subject

further. Last year I took Latin to GCSE as an after school subject, and enjoyed it very

much. It gave me a real insight into another culture, literature and language. I was

fortunate enough to be awarded an Arkwright scholarship last year, along with the

Year in Industry prize. Faber Maunsell is sponsoring me, and I did a weeks work

experience with their acoustics division this summer. It was very rewarding, and

included a noise survey and results analysis.

Music has long been important to me; I now have Grade 8 in Piano and Clarinet,

and am working towards a CertGSMD (P) in Piano. Ensemble playing has been a

major part of my musical life: I have been first desk clarinet in the highly successful

Verulam Big Band (playing swing jazz) for five years, participating in many of their




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tours (including Spain, Italy and Germany), and have played the piano in a concerto

with a local youth orchestra. In folk and jazz, I play melodeon, ukulele and C melody

saxophone, including occasionally in a ceilidh band in St Albans. In fact, musical

instruments interest me both from a scientific and historical perspective, especially

woodwind. Indeed, for my AS Electronics project, I designed a system to amplify a

saxophone; having now designed the saxophone from scratch, I am building it from

plywood. Within the wider community, I have volunteered at the local museum on

their ‘Science Day’, (which involved explaining to children the physics behind toys)

am a keen Bell ringer, and a member of the local ringing society. At school, I am a

senior member of the Bridge Society, an activity that I enjoy very much. In addition,

I am the Parent Teacher Association Liaison Officer, (which involves contributing to

meetings, raising student awareness, and helping to organise events) and prefect

for Maths. Sailing is a great interest of mine, and I gained my RYA level two last

summer. I am a Student member of the Galpin Society (for the study of musical

instruments) and a Faraday member of the Royal Institution, whose evening

lectures I have attended.

I now feel that I am ready for the academic demands of university life, and look

forward to the challenges that lie ahead.



In the 21st century engineering plays a more vital role in our lives than ever before.

As I look around myself I observe numerous devices that were designed and

constructed by engineers. This fills me with a desire to be a part of this great prolific

system of creativity and ingenuity.




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There are many factors that have promoted my choice of pursuing a career in

engineering. Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the mechanism by which

devices function. I recall often opening numerous devices to observe the

contraptions that lay within. My fascination has not waned over the years; instead

it has been nurtured by the environment that I inhabit. My father is a computer

engineer and many of my uncles have occupations in the field of engineering. Living

in the residential camp of a multinational oil company has provided me with ample

opportunities to converse with renowned engineers. Through my observations I

have noticed that engineers are dedicated individuals that work towards making

the world a better place for the rest of us.

At my high school I joined the Physicists’ Society and the Applied Mathematics

Society. It was through this experience that I discovered my profound interest in

Physics and the application of Mathematics to real world scenarios. To complement

this I had a wonderful Physics teacher that enriched my learning experience. Both

my physics teacher and my guidance counsellor encouraged me to pursue a degree

in engineering as they believed that I had the necessary skills. It was then that I

decided that I would certainly enter the field of engineering.

With this decision in mind I began reading numerous scientific journals such as New

Scientist, Scientific American and National Geographic to keep abreast of any

advancement in the field of engineering. I also took a more profound interest in

Physics experiments and found that I particularly enjoyed experiments involving

circuits. I attended two Engineering Education Programs offered by Saudi Aramco

that helped me understand more about my prospective career. I worked

assiduously and achieved numerous awards such as the Physicist of the Year Award,

Advanced Mathematics Achievement Award and the Business Studies Merit Award.

I was also the Valedictorian for Grades 9 and 10.




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To complement my academic life I have participated actively in extracurricular

activities both outside the school and inside it. I founded the Students’ Association

and currently operate it as the Secretary-General. As the Secretary-General I

organised two science fairs, held numerous debates and initiated a Model United

Nations. I addressed numerous speeches to the school and actively participated in

debates at the Model UN. I feel that these activities have refined my

communication skills. I also learnt how to organise and coordinate events


I participated in a variety of sports and played on both the school’s soccer and

cricket team. These sports have shown me the importance of teamwork and allow

me to participate prolifically in a team. I hope that my captaincy of the school

cricket team and my role in the Students’ Association have developed the

leadership skills that I will require at university and later in my career.

Along with my interest in reading scientific journals I find reading fiction to be a

gratifying experience. I read fiction from various genres, ranging from the works of

Charles Dickens to the science fiction of Michael Crichton. I find that reading allows

me to utilise my imagination. I also enjoy writing creatively, bicycling and designing


Although I am applying as an international student I often visit the United Kingdom

and believe that I will be able to adapt to life there. As I am taking the most

rigorous course that my school offers I feel confident that I will be able to cope with

the assiduous work required at university.

As an engineer I would like to be at the forefront of engineering research,

advancing the integration of the concepts of physics, chemistry and biology

resulting in an amelioration of our daily lives.




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'Lego' bricks were my favourite form of amusement when I was a young boy, as I so

clearly enjoyed making complicated constructions with them. My participation and

distinction in the 3rd National Robotics competition in high school made me realise

that I had a real passion for engineering. It also helped me to understand the

difficulties engineers face during their work and enhanced my teamwork skills. The

robot was constructed in an innovative way for a specific purpose with several

restrictions because of the rules, including a specific budget. We used proper

sensors, designed and made all of the electronic circuit by ourselves and although

we had to program the robot in an unfamiliar language, we were awarded an

Honourable Mention for Programming. After graduating, I decided to participate in

the 4th Robotics competition with a friend and was awarded with the 3rd place.

As a member of the Technology Club, I was taken on visits to a Power Station and

an Aluminium Plant. We were able to talk freely with the various engineers who

were all ready to kindly reply to our queries about this fascinating profession. After

the visits, I was in no doubt that this profession suited me, so I know I would

definitely enjoy studying it-no matter how demanding and challenging it is. My

interest in the subject was furthered on a tour during my 'Work Experience Week'

with the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority. I was able to have a first hand look

at how engineering affects our everyday life.

From an early age, I have been taking part in many competitions to enrich my

knowledge beyond the school curriculum. I still remember the satisfaction I derived

from receiving my first gold medal in 3rd Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad and my

enthusiasm on being selected to represent Cyprus in the Primary Mathematics




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World Contest in 2002 held in Hong Kong. I currently possess five gold medals in

Mathematical Olympiads, two silver ones, a first place in National Mathematics

Competition in 2006, second and third prize from 21st and 20th Physics Olympiads

respectively and many Honourable Mentions in other national science competitions.

In addition, I qualified to participate in the national team for the Junior Balkan

Olympiad in 2005 and in the International Mathematics Olympiad in 2006. All these

enabled me to demonstrate my academic abilities in sciences, to cultivate critical

and analytical thinking, to enrich my imagination and creativity and to develop my

problem-solving skills. My school awarded me several prizes for my performance in

specific subjects or in recognition of my achievements in drama and in other

intellectual competitions.

My presence in school was deeply felt. I contributed to school activities through

delivering speeches at conferences, taking part in group projects on Maths, Europe

and Racism and I was asked to participate in two TV student game shows: on Road

Safety in 2005 and on Europe in 2008. All the above enabled me to become an

active member of a team and to develop my leadership skills. However, my

interests were not restricted to the academic world. I was given the chance to

participate in several camps. I gained a scholarship funded by the Fulbright

Commission to participate in the Summer Bi-Communal Youth Program in Illinois,

USA in 2006. This was a workshop in a university setting for 20 Greek Cypriots

(including myself) and for 20 Turkish Cypriots, all selected nationally through a

specific process. The intention was to promote harmony and inter-communal

dialogue in our country.

On my free time I enjoy playing cards with friends as it requires some intellectual

effort and go swimming mainly to relax. I regularly contributed to school events by

dancing, another of my interests. Having travelled to different countries and having

the chance to live independently of my family, I am now more than confident that I

am able to study in the UK and am ready to take up the challenge of undertaking a

demanding engineering course.




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Hold, run, let go and watch. The wooden glider flies a few meters and then lands a

perfect landing. As I watch, a smile makes its way to my eyes, the sort of smile a

child has when he gets his first train set. That was my first experience of what

engineering can teach me and is engraved in my mind ever since.

Now I see mountains and I want to be able to cut a road through them. I lose my

radio and I think of ways to get all its components so I can make one myself. My

teacher teaches us the dual nature of waves and particles and I wonder if one can

really beam objects as they did in Star Trek and if those trying to do this will ever be

successful. I think engineering will teach me all this and so much more.

My interest in physics and its application all around was what made me realize that

this is what I wanted to do; use logic to engineer a better life. Since I was a child my

sister taught me tidbits of physics: the names of the nine planets, the colours of the

rainbow and what I later discovered was Newton's third law of motion all by the

age of 10! She told me of her desire to become a physicist as a child, following in

my father's footsteps and I intrinsically developed a bias towards the subject. When

I was properly introduced to it in O levels, my fascination with the subject increased,

even more so when my teacher touched what the theory of relativity could explain

and make possible.

As an engineer I believe I will learn and do so much more, not only learn to create

pragmatically novel machines but also learn how science makes the world go round;

really challenge myself.




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There is this energy that overcomes me when I am challenged, to be the best there

is! That is one of my reasons for taking accelerated further mathematics at A levels.

After taking additional mathematics in my O levels I took up business studies and

history at A levels in order to broaden my perspective.

On the subject of perspective, my outlook on life has also somewhat changed since I

partook in the camping trips arranged by the Adventure and Sports club at school.

These have given me a chance to discover more about myself and test myself

physically and mentally. Moreover playing badminton in school has made me

realize that exertion is only a question of will power. As a vigilant member of the

Social Events Organising Committee I have helped organize school events such as

farewells, and bonfires at school. Responsibility and patience have been one of the

key elements at this committee along with the ability to work well in a team. These

traits were further instilled in me when I was elected class representative in the

Student Council. Given my being responsible and quick with new ideas I was also

made the Yearbook editor. As editor my management skills have fairly developed

along with my literary interests. I am an avid reader and a fan of most period

movies. My ability to communicate well with my peers and my good grades have

earned me the post of Teacher's Assistant, a job that certainly requires patience but

has also given me an insight into how my peers learn.I am somewhat a music freak

since it is my greatest muse. Many rock bands and indie artists voice real and

inspirational issues, personal and global. Inspiration breeds innovation and to me

an engineer gives innovation a corporeal form and life. In my country the

opportunity to do that at undergraduate level is rare but a well equipped university

will surely fuel my interests in the wonders engineers can create. My zeal for

challenges, my passion for learning how man can use nature to serve his purpose

and my acumen in the sciences I believe truly makes engineering the best course for






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本PS(Personal Statement,个人陈述)作者同时获得了剑桥大学、艾克赛特大学、苏塞克斯大学、南安普顿大学、朴茨茅斯大学等五所英国名校的录取通知书。

My ‘A’ Level English studies have introduced me to a more academic teaching style

with an emphasis on the need for independent work, in order to gain the very best

grades. I enjoy seeking more depth and insight, whether for school texts of private

reading and study. I have often made use of Leach Scragg’s “Discovering

Shakespeare’s Meaning” when studying “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth”, “Twelfth

Night” and “The Merchant of Venice” to help me to read and understand the plays

more thoroughly. Anthony Holden’s biography has given me a basic understanding

of Shakespeare and his world. I have recently purchased “Literary Theory: An

Anthology”, edited by Rivkin and Ryan to support my developing interest in critical


In my studies to date I have looked at the modern novel but have recently become

interested in learning more about the Victorian novel as the precursor to

modernism. I am exploring the concept of the didactic, omniscient narrator and

how Victorian authors dealt with issues of contemporary social change. I have read

Dickens’s “Great Expectations” and am currently reading Eliot’s “Middlemarch”. A

theme that interests me is that of religious faith and doubt also expressed at the

time through Victorian post-romantic poetry, such as Arnold’s “Dover Beach” and

Clough’s “The Latest Decalogue”.

My reading of modern literature, exploring the theme of “teenage angst” has

included works by er, Nicky Hornby and Sue Townsend. I have also

enjoyed the monologue art form of Alan Bennett’s “Talking Heads”. Through his

artless narrators I feel that Bennett successfully reveals the comic aspect of the too

often tragic human condition. (This tragedy is explored further in the darker,

“Talking Heads Two”).




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My other studies have broadened my knowledge but I have been keen to

incorporate literary aspects. In art, I am currently writing a critical and analytical

study on “Stuckism” and last year I completed a piece of work based on the

Canterbury Tales. French, apart from providing me with a second modern language,

has given me the opportunity to sample foreign Pagnol’s “Jean de

Florette” and “Manon des Sources”. I have also found that having to communicate

in a foreign language has given me the skill of revising my thinking before I speak or

write. Next summer I am going to stay with French friends in the South of France

and am then hoping to considerably improve my fluency.

My vocational ‘A’ Level in “Media: Production and Communication” has fuelled an

interest in linguistics that I have furthered by reading “The State of the Language”

by Phillip Howard. This ‘A’Level has helped me to appreciate the richness of the

English Language with its jargon, slang, dialects, argot, clichés, and foreign

influences. It has given me the opportunity to edit and write for “The ********”

and the ambition to be involved in campus publications in the future.

I enjoy going to the theatre and have seen productions by the RSC, our local TOADs

theatre company as well as televised productions such as “A Day in the Death of Joe

Egg”. I have also had a role in a university student play and had the opportunity to

watch other degree level drama.



I have always been brimming with questions about the how and why of the world

around me. In fact, one of my biology teachers once commented in response to my

constant questioning that I was an extremely curious student and a pleasure to




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have in class. When in the 8th grade we began studying the three sciences

independently, I developed a special affinity towards biology and chemistry.

Medicine was the first thought that came to mind when I thought about a career in

Biology and Chemistry but I could not foresee myself working in a clinic on a day to

day basis. I was then introduced to my first Robin Cook book, ‘Fever’, the first of

many to follow. It was then that I realised how dependent the medical community

is on research and that there are a myriad career options that are open to a

research scientist.

Being a student of the International Baccalaureate program, I got a lot of exposure

to laboratory work which I thoroughly enjoyed. The International Baccalaureate

encourages its students to question knowledge and test theories for themselves, an

approach which suited me perfectly. The interdisciplinary approach of the program

to science helped me broaden my perspective of the scope of research and

crystallised my decision to study a course in molecular biochemistry. India is on the

threshold of becoming a world leader in clinical research, however, the fact still

remains that the leadership in innovative research still lies in the hands of scientists

trained in the universities of Europe is what prompted me to apply to the your


What amazes me about this line of study is how all living organisms whether

complex or simple ultimately are a collection of cells, entities so tiny and yet so

powerful that they determine the nature of the organism. DNA is nothing more

than a chemical compound but what is it that gives it the capability to determine

the characteristics of an organism? How is it that cells communicate using

chemistry? What molecular activity determines the genetic makeup of a species?

The wide range of interrelated modules offered by your university will lay a strong

foundation before I narrow down the scope of my education. My love and

appreciation of nature’s mysteries has been strengthened through numerous treks,

camps and equestrian training and has found application to this field of study.




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Your university’s state of the art research facilities are what attracted me to apply

to your undergraduate course since the line of study and work that I plan to follow

requires just that. The opportunity to meet and interact with the eminent scientists

who are members of the faculty is something I really look forward to.

My tenure as Head Girl and years in boarding school have honed my organisational

and communication skills and developed a sense of team spirit and responsibility

which will aid my academic and personal interactions at university. Being in an

international environment will contribute to the shaping of my ideas on moral

issues like the ethics of cloning and stem cell research which need to be addressed

by the research fraternity, of which I aspire to become a part. I realise that the

program requires commitment and hard work and assure you that I will make a

positive contribution to your department/it. I hope to have the opportunity to

interact with other international and local students to further my interest in drama

and theatre, my passion for music and my love for sports. It would be a privilege to

be an active and involved member of the student community and to study at your




One experience I will never forget is that of my three weeks in Australia as a

selected member of GirlguidingUK at the 'Friendship Train' jamboree. In general, I

was surprised by how removed from the UK the cities felt without having any

palpable differences. The most interesting discovery I made was that of the

aboriginal people, their spirituality and culture and their hatred of white people.




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Reading their myths, I was struck by how many cultures create folk law to explain

the unknown. I think that looking by looking at common elements of human society

is significant as a study in anthropology into understanding ourselves. I have been

given the chance in my history course to write an essay on a topic that interests me

and chose to research the Americas and their discovery. Especially, I have been

enthralled by evidence for the spread of peoples spreading south through America

and the similarities of the culture and their tools as mentioned in Felipe

Fernandez-Amnestro's 'America'. Looking further into this I read Michael Carter's

'Archaeology' describing finds in Mesoamerica.

Having spent many holidays looking at Pictish stones and Neolithic carvings in

Scotland, I am intrigued by the mystery of cup and ring markings. The trail of

Bronze Age people is drawn across the country showing a glimpse of forgotten

ritual or perhaps a god or domestic chore written in the stone. My passion for the

past results from both books and physical evidence; I believe that we can gain a

greater understanding of our present civilisations by looking at those of the past

and of humans in the natural world by looking to our evolution. I enjoyed

excavating a medieval skeleton when I joined a dig at Poulton, Cheshire this

summer and thoroughly benefited from the experience of doing what I had

previously read about in introductory books such as Kevin Greene's 'Archaeology:

an introduction', taking part in surveying, context recording, photography. The site

itself has a long history from evidence of a Mesolithic wood henge through to a

medieval chapel. I had the chance to see a collection of relevant artefacts and

discuss the unusual lack of evidence for domestic activity as all the findings were of

a religious/spiritual nature.

I have been a member of Girlguiding UK for 12 years and have gained many

important skills. I have spent the last three years in a leadership role with Brownies

(7 to 10 yrs old) and am currently working towards my warrant, which will qualify

me as a leader. In doing this, I focus on encouraging girls to fulfil their potential and

grow in self-assurance and individuality. This work is similar to the peer counselling




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that I take part in at school, assisting the younger students and encouraging use of

the service through a number of assemblies which I have lead. Within the school, I

was also involved in a small 'Theatre in Education' group: using theatre as a means

of educating younger students on important issues such as and peer pressure.

School has also helped me to further an interest in music, playing the violin in the

chamber orchestra and singing in the senior choir. I have recently achieved Royal

Life Saving Society NPLQ lifeguard qualification, furthering my recreational interest

in swimming. The professional standard lifeguard training is a challenge that

involved pushing myself to perform in physical swimming trials as well as

knowledge based tests and practical first aid.

Human nature has not changed though the ages and, despite their unique quirks

and idiosyncrasies, societies past and present have evolved with remarkable

similarities. The discovery and celebration of human inventiveness, resilience and

passion in all its different forms throughout time and across the world is what really

inspires me to explore Archaeology and Anthropology at the highest level.


Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because

fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of

fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be

an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing

collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am.

My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I

admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them

because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion.

After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to

complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot

about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at




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leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as

communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at

college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university.

I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by working part time at

Sports World where I have been employed since g there I have gained

management, organizational and social skills which are all beneficial to the world

of fashion and management. I know how to operate in all the different areas of the

business including delivery, customer service and merchandising, which I think

would be useful in a fashion management/buying degree because I will have some

previous hands on experience.

Millennium volunteers club is a volunteer agency for young people which I am

proudly part of. My volunteer life started at Age concern when I was 15, where i

learnt a lot about fashion and merchandising as management left me charge to

choose which of the donated clothes were suitable for the shop floor, this

placement for 3 months. I also volunteered for MENCAP daybreak scheme which is

a summer placement helping disabled children undertake fun activities during the

school holidays, here I learnt a lot about teamwork and management during this

time, finally I was a classroom assistant at ********* primary school. This shows a

more socially aware and caring side to me.

The business side of fashion is where I want to be involved, so fashion management

and buying is the route I want to pursue. I currently am completing a piece of

business A2 coursework where I am opening my own retail fashion shop which I am

very excited about. My hobbies and interests outside of work and college are music

sociology, dance, formula 1 and athletics. In the past I have been members of

******* football club and ******** swimming and Athletics teams.




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I think I would be very suitable for a place on your course because I’m hard working,

dedicated and I think I would be able to cope with university life. I am always

buying fashion magazines, watching fashion TV or just shopping and buying clothes

in general in my spare time. I realise fashion buying is about staying ahead of the

game and having great organization skills which I believe I have. I feel I have the

flair to really achieve my full potential at university.


I have decided to transfer for a number of small reasons, the main one being that I

miss the amenities and society that comes with living in a city. I miss buses and

regular trains, easy access to shops and a swimming pool, I even miss McDonalds.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the aspects of geology I have studied so far, even the

fieldtrips (hard work but useful). I am especially interested in learning more about

palaeontology and also geophysics (I have a fondness for sums that will not go


I do not feel as if this last year has been wasted, I have made many good friends

and learnt an awful lot, not to mention discovering that computers aren't boxes

that beep nastily.

When not looking intently at rocks I enjoy using computers+ and have been amazed

at the thiving society that is the internet. Through this I have made friends with,

and met, people from many different places and backgrounds whose friendship and

humour I will continue to enjoy++. I have assisted in website designs and produced

a number of different projects using word, excel, access, pagemaker, coreldraw,

powerpoint and netscape. I enjoy this both as an ends to a means and as a purely




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creative outlet. I also love swimming, an activity I've sorely missed this year. I am

still currently Liverpool and District Ladies Lifesaving Champion (third year running).

As well as these activities I have developed an obsession with theme parks and

scary rides (including Oblivion at Alton Towers, an achievement I am very proud of

as someone not particularly fond of falling), and I am spending my life savings on a

trip to Orlando in June to have an amazing holiday.

Well there is a lot more I could write here (especially about the voluntary work I do

at my cinema) but I have run out of space.

Hope to see you soon.




2011 Times


2011 Guardian卫报英国大学综合排名

2011 Guardian卫报英国大学热门专业排名



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