




实例 I


Furthering that point, the association noted a number of somber research

findings, including that men are four times more likely than women to die

of suicide worldwide, are "far more likely" than women to be arrested and

charged with intimate partner violence in the U.S. and commit about 90

percent of all homicides nationwide.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

…, the association noted a number, ….

简化后的句子呈现为主句,主语是the association,谓语是noted,宾语是a


2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Furthering that point, the association noted a number, ....

回补后的成分是现在分词短语Furthering that point作状语,修饰谓语noted。

2.2 回补成分2:

Furthering that point, the association noted a number

of somber research

findings, ….

继续回补的成分是of somber research findings,作宾语a number 的后置定语

2.3 回补成分3:

Furthering that point, the association noted a number of somber research


including that….

继续回补的成分是现在分词短语including that作状语修饰谓语noted,that是连接词,引导including的宾语从句。

2.4 回补成分4:

Furthering that point, the association noted a number of somber research

findings, including that

men are…

likely to die

…,are “… likely”

to be arrested and charged.… and commitabout 90 percent of all homicides


继续回补的成分是宾语从句的主语和并列谓语,主语是men,第一个并列谓语are … likely to die和第二个并列谓语are “… likely” to be arrested and

charged是系表结构加动词不定式作补足语或可看作是复合谓语,第三个并列谓语是动宾结构,其中about是副词作状语,90 percent是宾语,of all homicides是后置定语修饰percent,nationwide是副词作状语表示范围。

2.5 回补成分5:

Furthering that point, the association noted a number of somber research

findings, including that men are

four times more likely

than women to

die …, are "far more likely"

than women to be arrested and charged …

and commit about 90 percent of all homicides nationwide.

继续回补的成分是两个比较级各自修饰两个系表结构的表语likely及比较对象women,其中four times表示确定的倍数,far表示不确定的程度,都修饰more。

3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

Furthering that point, the association noted a number of somber research

findings, including that men are four times more likely than women to die

of suicide worldwide, are "far more likely" than women to be arrested and

charged with intimate partner violence in the U.S. and commit about 90

percent of all homicides nationwide.

最后回补并还原的成分是三个并列谓语的状语,其中of suicide作die的原因状语,worldwide作表示范围的状语,with intimate partner violence作be

charged的原因状语,in the U.S. 作地点或范围状语。





Furthering that point, the association noted …, including that … four

times more likely than … to do …, far more likely than … to be … and

commit ….

实例 II


Although the women's movement and political controversies about such

issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment suggest that

changing sex roles is a recent issue, this is far from the case.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

…, this is far from the case.


2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Although the women's movement and political controversies


that …, this is far from the case.


women's movement和political controversies,谓语是suggest,宾语是that引导的从句,为简明计,暂省略。

2.2 回补成分2:

Although the women's movement and political controversies

about such

issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment


that …, this is far from the case.


3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

Although the women's movement and political controversies about such

issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment suggest that

changing sex roles is a recent issue, this is far from the case.


sex roles,谓语是系表结构形式。





Although the women's movement and … and … and … suggest that …, this

is far from the case.

实例 III


Environmental organizations and researchers say the wildfires blazing in

the rainforest were set by cattle ranchers and loggers who want to clear

and utilize the land, emboldened by the country's pro-business president.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

Environmental organizations and researchers say….

简化后的句子是主语结构,主语是Environmental organizations and


2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Environmental organizations and researchers say

the wildfires blazing in

the rainforest were set by cattle ranchers and loggers ….

回补后的成分是宾语从句,主语是the wildfires,谓语是were set,现在分词短语blazing in the rainforest作从句主语the wildfires的定语,介词短语by cattle ranchers and loggers作从句谓语were set的状语。

2.2 回补成分2:

Environmental organizations and researchers say the wildfires blazing in

the rainforest were set by cattle ranchers and loggers

who want to clear

and utilize the land, ….

继续回补的成分是定语从句修饰cattle ranchers and loggers,关系代词who既起连接作用又作从句的主语,want是谓语,to clear and utilize the land是动词不定式作宾语。


Environmental organizations and researchers say the wildfires blazing in

the rainforest were set by cattle ranchers and loggers who want to clear

and utilize the land,

emboldened by the country's pro-business president.

最后回补并还原的句子成分是过去分词短语定语从句的状语,emboldened修饰谓语want,其逻辑主语是who,暨cattle ranchers and loggers。





Environmental organizations … say the wildfires blazing … were set by …

who …, emboldened by ….

实例 IV


Billboard has published an oral history of what was going on behind the

scenes, revealing new details like West's seat being moved to the front

row "at the eleventh hour" and Beyoncé's tearful reaction.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

Billboard has published an oral history….

简化后的成分是主谓宾结构,Billboard是主语,has published是谓语,an oral


2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Billboard has published an oral history

of what was going on behind the

scenes, ….


going on是谓语,behind the scenes是状语。

2.2 回补成分2:

Billboard has published an oral history of what was going on behind the


revealing new details like West's seat …

and Beyoncé's tearful


继续回补的成分是现在分词短语作宾语从句的状语,介词短语 是details的定语,后接两个并列宾语West's seat和Beyoncé's tearful


3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

Billboard has published an oral history of what was going on behind the

scenes, revealing new details like West's

seat being moved to the front

row “at the eleventh hour”and Beyoncé's tearful reaction.

最后回补还原的成分是介宾结构like West's seat的宾语补足语,其中being是现在分词,和moved构成被动态,后边的两个介词短语分别作方位和时间状语。






Billboard has published … of what …, revealing … like West's seat being

moved ….

实例 V


Guided by years of research, this federal law has created funding

opportunities to encourage states to provide services to meet families`

mental health, substance use, and parenting needs to help keep children

at home instead of sending them to foster care.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

…, this federal law has created funding opportunities ….

简化后的成分是简单句,主语是this federal law,谓语是has created,宾语是funding opportunities。

2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Guided by years of research, this federal law has created funding

opportunities ….

回补后的成分是过去分词短语作状语修饰主句的谓语has created,Guided和主语this federal构成被动的主谓关系。

2.2 回补成分2:

Guided by years of research, this federal law has created funding

opportunities to encourage states to provide services to meet families'

mental health, substance use, and parenting needs….


encourage states作状语修饰谓语created,第二个动词不定式短语to provide

services作宾语补足语修饰states,第三个动词不定式作定语修饰services,其中动词meet接三个宾语,分别是mental health, substance use和parenting



Guided by years of research, this federal law has created funding

opportunities to encourage states to provide services to meet families'

mental health, substance use, and parenting needs to help keep children

at home instead of sending them to foster care.

最后回补还原的成分是动词不定式短语作定语修饰needs,其中help后接动词省略to,keep children at home是动词接宾语及补足语,instead of是副词

词组作状语修饰help,sending them to foster care是动名词词组作of的宾语。





Guided by …, this federal law has created …to encourage … to provide …

to meet … to help … instead of sending ….

实例 VI


Mandatory evacuation orders for low-lying and flood-prone areas and

mobile homes were in effect starting either Sunday or Monday from Palm

Beach County north to at least the Daytona Beach area, and some counties

to the north issued voluntary evacuation notices.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

Mandatory evacuation orders …were … starting … , and some counties …

issued voluntary evacuation notices.

简化后的成分是并列句,主语分别是Mandatory evacuation orders和some

counties,并列谓语是were … starting和issued,第一个并列句是主谓结构,第二个并列句是主谓宾结构,宾语是voluntary evacuation notices。

2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

Mandatory evacuation orders

for low-lying and flood-prone areas and

mobile homes

were … starting …, and some counties to the north issued

voluntary evacuation notices.

回补后的成分分别是两个并列句的主语的后置定语,介词for 接两个宾语…

areas和… homes修饰orders,介词短语to the north修饰counties。

3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

Mandatory evacuation orders for low-lying and flood-prone areas and

mobile homes were

in effect starting either

Sunday or Monday from Palm

Beach County north to at least the Daytona Beach area,

and some counties

to the north issued voluntary evacuation notices.

最后回补还原后的成分是四个状语,第一个状语介词短语in effect作状语,插在助动词和谓语动词之间,使得状语分布比较平衡;第二个状语是由连接词either … or 引导的表示时间的状语,第三个状语是由介词词组from … to引导的表示方位的状语,第四个状语at least是介词和形容词构成的短语表示程度的状语。





Mandatory evacuation orders for … were …starting either … or … from …

to at least …, and some counties … issued ….

实例 VII


While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman who

outsmarted them in the test and evinced greater interest in befriending

her---- the situation when transposed to real life showed the very men

becoming less disposed toward befriending the smarter women, sharing

their contact details and/or planning a date.


1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

… the situation… showed the very men becoming less disposed ….

简化后的成分是简单句,主语是the situation,谓语是showed,宾语是the very

men,补足语是becoming less disposed。

2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman… the

situation …showed the very men becoming less disposed ….

回补后的成分是时间状语从句,主语是most man,谓语seemed to have a

favorable impression是系表结构,of the woman作impression的定语。

2.2 回补成分2:

While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman


outsmarted them in the test and evinced greater interest in befriending

her---- the situation … showed the very men becoming less disposed ….

继续回补的成分是定语从句,关系代词who作从句的主语,并列谓语和宾语是outsmarted them和evinced greater interest,介词短语in befriending her作状语修饰evinced。

2.3 回补成分3:

While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman who

outsmarted them in the test and evinced greater interest in befriending

her---- the situation

when transposed to real life

showed the very men

becoming less disposed ….

继续回补的成分是省略形式的时间状语从句,连接词when连接过去分词,相当于when the situation was transposed…,to real life是状语修饰transposed。

2.4 回补成分4:

While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman who

outsmarted them in the test and evinced greater interest in befriending

her---- the situation when transposed to real life showed the very men

becoming less disposed

toward befriending the smarter women, ….

继续回补的成分是介词短语作状语修饰becoming,befriending是动名词,接宾语the smarter women。


While most men seemed to have a favorable impression of the woman who

outsmarted them in the test and evinced greater interest in befriending

her---- the situation when transposed to real life showed the very men

becoming less disposed toward befriending the smarter women,


their contact details and/or planning a date.

最后回补还原的成分是现在分词短语 作状语修饰becoming,their

contact details and/or planning a date是sharing的宾语。





While most men seemed to … who … and ...---- the situation when

transposed … showed the very men becoming …, sharing ….



Articles have appeared, including in Science, revealing some of the

scientific and medical advances associated with slavery, such as the

natural history collections derived from the transatlantic slave trade

where Africans were shipped to the Americas as enslaved people whose

labors became a driving force of the economies of the European colonies,

or the cruel experimentation on enslaved women in the history of



1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

Articles have appeared, …, …, ….

简化后的成分是简单句,主语是Articles,谓语是have appeared。

2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

Articles have appeared,

including in Science, …,

such as the natural

history collectionsderived from the transatlantic slave trade…, ….

回补后的成分是动名词短语作状语从句,in Science是including的状语,插入动名词和宾语之间,such as…代词加介词短语作including的宾语,过去分词短语derived …作collections的后置定语。

2.2 回补成分2:

Articles have appeared, including in Science,

revealing some of the

scientific and medical advances associated with slavery, such as the

natural history collections …, ….

继续回补的成分是现在分词短语作状语修饰谓语,revealing的宾语是some,介词短语of the scientific and medical advances是后置定语修饰some,过去分词短语associated with slavery是后置定语修饰advances。

2.3 回补成分3:

Articles have appeared, including in Science, revealing some of the

scientific and medical advances associated with slavery, such as the

natural history collections derived from the transatlantic slave trade

where Africans were shipped to the Americas as enslaved people .…, ….

继续回补的成分是表示地点的定语从句,where是关系代词,在从句中作状语,Africans是主语,were shipped是谓语,to the Americas和as enslaved people都是介词短语作状语。

3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

Articles have appeared, including in Science, revealing some of the

scientific and medical advances associated with slavery, such as the

natural history collections derived from the transatlantic slave trade

where Africans were shipped to the Americas as enslaved people


labors became a driving force of the economies of the European colonies,

or the cruel experimentation on enslaved women in the history of


最后回补还原的成分是people的后置定语,whose是关系代词,在从句中作主语的定语,主语是labors,系动词是became,表语是a driving force,后接介词短语of …作定语,介词of接并列宾语the economies和the cruel

experimentation, 其后的介词短语是各自的后置定语。

本句的特征是主句前置且很短,然后由现在分词短语including和revealing作状语引导后续叠加修饰成分形成尾部荷重的句子结构,其中第二个现在分词短语revealing作为插入成分将including和such as … 分隔开来,以利于其后呈现叠加的修饰成分,同时也造成信息荷载偏大。




Articles have appeared, including in …, revealing …, such as… where

Africans were shipped … whose labors became a driving force of …, or ….



The full cost of dealing with the crisis will run to hundreds of billions

of dollars, which is why legal redress is needed—and why, unlike in

tobacco settlements, the damages from pharma companies should go directly

into alleviating the harm from opioids rather than into general government



1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

The full cost… will run…, …, ….

简化后的结构是简单句,主语是The full cost,谓语是will run。

2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

The full cost

of dealing with the crisis

will run

to hundreds of billions

of dollars, …, ….


2.2 回补成分2:

The full cost of dealing with the crisis will run to hundreds of billions

of dollars, which is why legal redress is needed—and why, …,

the damages

from pharma companies should go directly….

继续回补的成分是非限定性定语从句,which是关系代词,作从句的主语。系动词是is,表语是由两个连接词why引导并列从句,连接词and连接两个并列从句,主语分别是legal redress和the damages,谓语分别是is needed和should

go,介词短语from pharma companies作定语修饰the damages,副词directly作状语修饰谓语should go,破折号表示作进一步的解释,不影响语法关系。

2.3 回补成分3:

The full cost of dealing with the crisis will run to hundreds of billions

of dollars, which is why legal redress is needed—and why,

unlike in

tobacco settlements, the damages from pharma companies should go

directly ….


3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

The full cost of dealing with the crisis will run to hundreds of billions

of dollars, which is why legal redress is needed—and why, unlike in

tobacco settlements, the damages from pharma companies should go directly

into alleviating the harm from opioids rather than into general

government spending.

最后回补并还原的成分是第二个并列表语的由介词into引导的状语,前一个介词接动名词并宾语,介词短语from opioids作定语修饰the harm,介词短语rather than再接介词短语into general government spending与前一个介词短语into…形成对比。





The full cost of … will run to hundreds of billions of ..., which is

why …—and why, unlike …, the damages from … should go directlyinto …

rather than into ….

实例 X


He believes the problem lies in the anti-competitive practices of the

Multiple Listing Service, through which nearly every broker in America

lists and searches for homes, and the National Association of Realtors,

a trade association with 1.3m broker members in America, which regulates



1. 简化结构:快速确定主句和主句中的主语、谓语和宾语成分,删除其它成分。

He believes…,…,….


2. 回补成分:根据语法结构、信息组块和意义理解依次回补句子成分。

2.1 回补成分1:

He believes

the problem lies in the anti-competitive practices of the

Multiple Listing Service,

…, and the National Association of

Realtors, …, ….

回补后的成分是宾语从句,主语是the problem,谓语是lies,介词短语in…作状语修饰谓语,介词of接并列宾语the Multiple Listing Service和the

National Association of Realtors作定语修饰practices。

2.2 回补成分2:

He believes the problem lies in the anti-competitive practices of the

Multiple Listing Service,

through which nearly every broker in America

lists and searches for homes, and the National Association of

Realtors, …, ….

继续回补的成分是非限定性定语从句其中which是关系代词,作定语从句的前置介词的宾语,主语是every broker,谓语是lists和searches,副词nearly,介词短语in America和for homes都是状语。

3. 还原句子:回补最后一个成分并最终将长难句还原。

He believes the problem lies in the anti-competitive practices of the

Multiple Listing Service, through which nearly every broker in America

lists and searches for homes, and the National Association of Realtors,

a trade association with 1.3m broker members in America,

which regulates


最后回补并还原的成分是同位语和非限定性定语从句修饰the National

Association of Realtors,介词短语with…和非限定性定语从句都是作定语修饰association。




He believes the problem lies in …, through which … and …, a trade

association with …, which regulates it.

本文标签: 成分回补状语修饰主语