


Creating geometry from orphan elements



1. 创建几何面。Abaqus/CAE Usage:

Part module: ToolsGeometry Edit: Face: From element faces

2. 你每增加一个面,Abaqus/CAE在存在的几何体上缝上新面,最终产生孤立单元体表面生成一个壳体。

3. 当创建新面结束后,如果需要可使用Geometry Edit toolset中其它工具对几何体进行修整。每个面都具有独立特性,你不能对由单元面创建的面进行编辑。然后,你可增加新的几何特征、由壳体创建实体、抑制或删除孤立网格、对所创建的part划分新网格。

4. 在Abaqus6.12中新增功能,允许你把孤立单元面当作sketch plane(草图平面)



使用由单元面生成面工具(Face from element faces tool )创建模型的表面几何形状。每使用一次该工具,所选择的孤立单元外表面就创建一个壳面。该工具包含几个独特的方法用于选择包含多个孤立单元的边界面,以及自动将新创建的面缝合到对应的几何体上。更多信息见 ―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10。当你完成创建面后,所有的孤立单元外表面将被几何体面覆盖。


使用Geometry Edit toolset中其它工具移除多余的边,小面,及对其它对生成好网格有影响的特征。如必须,将该零件转化为精确的几何体。更多信息见 ―A strategy for repairing

geometry,‖ Section 69.4


如果需要一个实体part,在Create solid工具中,使用 Create solid from shell tool 可生成实体零件。




如果part中包含分割,Geometry Edit toolset将删除分割。为了避免这种问题,你应该在对part编辑完成后才能分割part。

3.8 Creating geometry from orphan elements



Product: Abaqus/CAE

Benefits: You can now use orphan element faces to create geometric faces and, in turn, entire



Description: You can create geometric faces that follow the contour of orphan element faces. In

addition to selecting orphan element faces individually and by angle, you can use the following

new selection methods to choose orphan element faces from which to create new geometry:


Limiting angle: Enter a maximum angle, and pick a starting element face; Abaqus/CAE measures

the angle from the selected face to each adjacent face. Selection continues outward from the

picked face until the measured angle with the original face is exceeded.

方法1。Limiting angle(极限角):输入一个最大角度,然后选择开始的单元面;Abaqus/CAE以选择的单元面为基准,测量与相邻面的夹角。Abaqus从选择的面继续向外选择面直到所寻找到的面的与原始面的夹角超过所给定的极限角。

Layer: Specify a number of layers, and pick a starting element face; Abaqus/CAE selects element

faces radiating out from one that you selected up to the number of layers. Selection continues until

the number of layers is reached or there are no more orphan element faces in a particular direction.


Analytic: Pick a starting element face, and Abaqus/CAE adds all faces that it determines to be part

of the same analytic shape. Analytic shapes include planes, cylinders, cones, spheres, and tori.


As you add faces, Abaqus/CAE stitches new faces to any existing geometry to produce a shell part.

Figure 3–6 shows an orphan mesh part and the same part with most faces converted into geometry.

你每增加一个面,Abaqus/CAE在存在的几何体上缝上新面,最终产生一个壳体,Figure 3–6


Figure 3–6 Converting orphan element faces to geometric faces.


When you are finished creating new faces, you can use the other tools in the Geometry Edit toolset

to repair the geometry if needed. Each face is created as a separate feature, and you cannot edit the

faces that you create from element faces. However, you can add new geometry features, create a

solid from the shell part, suppress or delete the orphan mesh, and create a new mesh for the part.

当创建新面结束后,如果需要可使用Geometry Edit toolset中其它工具对几何体进行修整。每个面都具有独立特性,你不能对由单元面创建的面进行编辑。然后,你可增加新的几何特征,由壳体创建实体,抑制或删除孤立网格,对所创建的part划分新网格。

A related enhancement in this release allows you to use orphan mesh faces as a sketch plane (for

more information, see ―Combining orphan and native mesh features in a model,‖ Section 12.2).

在Abaqus6.12中新增功能,允许你把孤立单元面当作sketch plane(草图平面)(更多信息见―Combining orphan and native mesh features in a model,‖ Section 12.2).在模型中混合孤立网格及本地网格特性)

Abaqus/CAE Usage:

Part module:

ToolsGeometry Edit: Face: From element faces


Abaqus/CAE User's Manual

―Using the limiting angle, layer, and analytic methods to select multiple element faces,‖ Section


―Creating a part from orphan elements,‖ Section 69.5

―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10

6.2.6 Using the limiting angle, layer, and analytic methods to select multiple element faces


When you are selecting orphan element faces to create geometry (for more information,

see ―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10), Abaqus/CAE displays a field in the


prompt area. The field allows you to choose between five selection methods—individually, by

angle, by limiting angle, by layer, and by analytic, as shown in Figure 6–11.

当你选择孤立单元面创建几何信息(更多信息见―Create face from element faces,‖ Section

69.7.10),Abaqus/CAE在信息区显示选择项。有5个方法可供选择-单独、角度、限制角、层及解析体方法,如图Figure 6–11所示。

Figure 6–11 Choose the selection method from the field in the prompt area.

The angle selection method is described in ―Using the angle and feature edge method to select

multiple objects,‖ Section 6.2.3. The limiting angle, layer, and analytic methods are available only

while selecting orphan element faces to create new geometric faces.

角度选择方法见 ―Using the angle and feature edge method to select multiple objects,‖ Section

6.2.3. 限制角、层及分析方法是仅适用于选择孤立单元面创建新几何面。

By limiting angle


Selecting objects using a limiting angle is a two-step process:


In the prompt area, you enter an angle (from 0° to 90°).

1.在提示区输入角度,从0° 到90°。

From the part or assembly, you select an orphan element face.


The angle must be greater than the total angle between the selected element face and the element

faces connected to it. Abaqus/CAE starts from the selected geometry and selects all adjacent

geometry until the angle between the selected face and the last face in the series of adjacent faces

meets or exceeds the angle you entered. Figure 6–12 shows selection of element faces with a

limiting angle of 45°, and one of the vertical element faces below the rounded area is picked.

输入角度必须大于所选择的单元面及与之相连接的面的夹角。Abaqus/CAE从所选择的几何体开始,选择所有与之相连接的几何,直到扩展的面与选择的面的夹角小于等于所输入的角度。Figure 6–12 给出了一个极限角为45°的例子,所选择的单元面是在圆弧下方的垂直单元面。

Figure 6–12 A limiting angle of 45° with a selected vertical face.


Increasing the limiting angle to its maximum of 90° would select the faces up to the top of the

rounded section. In contrast, using the angle method with an angle of 13° or more would continue

the selection around the rounded portion and down the far side since the angle between each

adjacent face is less than 13°.

如果将极限角改为最大值90°,所选择的面将到达圆弧的顶部。相比之下,如果使用角度方法(angle method),将角度定义为13°或更大,将包含半圆弧及对面的垂直面,这是由于每个相联面的夹角小于13°。

By layer

Selecting objects using the layer method is a two-step process:


In the prompt area, you enter a number of layers.


From the part or assembly, you select an orphan element face.

2. 在零件或组件中选择一个孤立单元面。

Abaqus/CAE starts from the selected face and selects layers of adjacent element faces around it in

all directions. Selection continues around corners and other features until the number of layers is

reached or until there are no more adjacent orphan element faces.


Figure 6–13 illustrates the selection of three layers of orphan shell element faces around a starting

face and the resulting geometric face.

Figure 6–13 给出一个围绕开始面的3层孤立壳单元面的选择,以及产生的几何面。

Figure 6–13 Face layer selection and creation of a geometric face.


As shown in Figure 6–13, layer selection can traverse sharp corners and other model features that

would normally signify the end of a geometric face. In most cases you should preserve logical

model edges and other features by creating separate faces. Otherwise, the resulting geometry may

be difficult to repair and mesh.

如图 Figure 6–13所示, 层选择能穿过锐角转角及其它模型特性,它通常象征最后的几何面。在很多情况下,你将通过建立分离面来维持逻辑模型边和其它特征。否则,产生的几何将很难修复及画网格。

Note: When you are working with solid orphan elements, selections that include multiple faces

from the same orphan element are not acceptable for the creation of a single geometric face.


By analytic

The analytic selection method for orphan element faces is based on the recognition of basic shapes

in analytic geometry (such as planes, cylinders, cones, spheres, and tori), or portions of these

shapes. Analytic selection attempts to recognize the logical boundaries of a set of orphan element

faces that would make a recognizable geometric face.



Figure 6–14 illustrates analytic selection of orphan element faces. A spherical section of element

faces is highlighted; this selection could not be made using any of the other selection options for

multiple objects.

图Figure 6–14给出了一个用解析体方法选择孤立单元面的例子。球形单元截面被选中;这种选择用其它的方法无法实现。

Figure 6–14 Analytic geometry selection.


After you use any of the above methods, you can select other methods in the prompt area

and [Shift]+Click to append more elements to your selection. You can also [Ctrl]+Clickon items to

unselect them. In addition, you can continue to use the current method and use [Shift]+Click to

append elements to your selection. For more information, see―Combining selection

techniques,‖ Section 6.2.8.

但你使用上面的任一方法,你能在提示区选择其它方法,然后用 [Shift]+Click增加更多的单元到你的选择中。你也可用 [Ctrl]+Click删除单元从你的选择集中。此外,你能继续使用 当前方法及[Shift]+Click增加单元到你的选择集中。更多信息见―Combining selection

techniques,‖ Section 6.2.8.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

―Understanding selection within viewports,‖ Section 6.1

―Selecting objects within the current viewport,‖ Section 6.2

―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10

69.5 Creating a part from orphan elements


You can use tools from the Geometry Edit toolset to create geometry from the faces of orphan

mesh elements. This technique is useful when you have a meshed part that requires modifications,

but you do not have some or all of its geometry available. The decision to add geometric features

to an orphan mesh, recreate the part geometry from scratch, or reverse engineer geometry from the

orphan elements depends on a number of factors, including:

你能够使用Geometry Edit toolset中工具由孤立网格单元面创建几何体。该技术很有用,当你有一个网格零件需要修改,但你没有全部或部分几何信息。决定在孤立网格上增加几何特性,从头开始重建零件几何体,或在某些情况下需将孤立单元体转换为工程几何体,包括:

complexity of the existing part


complexity of the features to be added


degree of difficulty required to modify the existing orphan mesh



desire to create a new mesh for the entire part


Other factors such as the time constraints for the project and the ability to export model geometry

may also be involved in your decision.


The goal of creating a part from an orphan mesh is to create geometry that matches the original

design intent while providing a platform for current and future modifications. The geometry must

also be suitable for creation of a native mesh by either full association with the current mesh or

creation of a new mesh.


The following guidelines will help you create geometry for an orphan mesh:


1. Create new geometric faces


Use the Face from element faces tool to create the outer surface geometry for the model.

Each use of the tool creates a single shell face from selected exterior orphan element faces. The

tool includes several unique methods for selection of multiple orphan element boundary faces, and

it automatically stitches the newly created face to any adjacent geometry. For more information,

see ―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10. When you are finished creating faces, all

exterior orphan element faces should be covered by geometric faces.

使用由单元面生成面工具(Face from element faces tool )创建模型的表面几何形状。每使用一次该工具,所选择的孤立单元外表面就创建一个壳面。该工具包含几个独特的方法用于选择包含多个孤立单元的边界面,以及自动将新创建的面缝合到对应的几何体上。更多信息见 ―Create face from element faces,‖ Section 69.7.10。当你完成创建面后,所有的孤立单元外表面将被几何体面覆盖。

2. Remove extra edges and faces

Use other tools from the Geometry Edit toolset to remove extra edges, small faces, and any other

features that would restrict generation of a good quality mesh. If necessary, convert the part to

precise geometry. For more information, see ―A strategy for repairing geometry,‖ Section 69.4.


使用Geometry Edit toolset中其它工具移除多余的边,小面,及对其它对生成好网格有影响的特征。如必须,将该零件转化为精确的几何体。更多信息见 ―A strategy for repairing

geometry,‖ Section 69.4

3. Convert to solid

If you are working with a solid part, use the Create solid from shell tool

inside the created shell faces.


to fill the space


如果需要一个实体part,在Create solid工具中,使用 Create solid from shell tool 可生成实体零件。

4. Partition and mesh the part

Suppress or delete the orphan mesh, and create a new mesh for the part.



partitions after you repair

If your part contains partitions, the Geometry Edit toolset may delete them during a repair

operation. To avoid this problem, you should wait to partition the part until after you have finished

editing it.


如果part中包含分割,Geometry Edit toolset将删除分割。为了避免这种问题,你应该在对part编辑完成后才能分割part。

69.7.10 Create face from element faces


You can create a geometric face from orphan element faces in a part. Abaqus/CAE creates a new

geometric face based on the nodal positions of the selected element faces. Vertices are created at

edge nodes where there is a significant change in the element edge direction. The new face

appears like other geometric faces in the model, and Abaqus/CAE stitches the new face to adjacent

faces in the part. In the Model Tree, the new face appears as a Face from mesh feature. You cannot

edit the created geometric face; however, you can delete it and create a new one.

在part中,你能够从orphan element faces创建geometry面。Abaqus/CAE create一个新geometry面基于所选择的单元面的nodal的位置。顶点由边nodes生成,边node在element边方向已有明显改变。在model中,新生成的surface与其它geometric surface一样,Abaqus/CAE把新生成面与相邻的part面缝合成一体。在Model Tree中,新面的特征为Face

from mesh。然而你不能Edit这个新created的geometric面;但你可删除和created一个新面。

The new geometric face shares space with the existing orphan element faces in the model. This

may result in some areas appearing with the gray unmeshed geometry coloring and others

appearing with the dark green and visible element edges of the orphan mesh. This is similar to the

appearance of a bottom-up meshed region, where the tan region coloring and the cyan mesh

coloring appear together. You can suppress the orphan mesh in the Model Tree to view only the

new geometry.



有网格geometr和另外一些区域出现黑绿和可见孤立网格单元边。这种表现与用bottom-up方法划分网格区域很相似,同时出现的棕褐色颜色表示区域和青色表示网格。你能够在Model Tree中抑制孤立网格,而只看到新geometry。

When creating geometry from orphan mesh faces, keep in mind your intended use for the resulting

geometry. You want to create faces that will be a good basis for modification and meshing. For

example, when you select orphan element faces, your selection should end at any sharp corners or

other features so that the geometric face will also end there, creating a logical feature edge. If you

do select element faces that span sharp corners, Abaqus/CAE will create a single geometric face

that includes the corner—this geometry may be difficult or impossible to mesh using the available

top-down meshing techniques.

当从孤立网格面creating geometry,一定要注意,你所需要的是最终的geometry。你所create的面应便于修改和画网格。例如,当你选择孤立单元面,你的选择在任何锐角转角或其它geometric面也要终止的地方终止,creating一个合理的特征边。如你所选择的单元面跨过锐角转角,Abaqus/CAE会只create一个包含锐角的geometric面-该geometry在划分网格时可能会很难或无法使用top-down网格划分techniques划分网格。

Note: When you are working with solid orphan elements, selections that include element faces on

both sides of a corner (multiple selections from the same orphan element) are not acceptable for

creation of a single geometric face.

注意:但处理实体孤立单元,在creating 单个geometric面时,选择包含拐角两侧的单元面(在相同孤立单元中多次选择)是不允许的。

To create geometric faces from element faces:

从单元面create geometric faces

From the main menu bar, select ToolsGeometry Edit.

从main menu,选择ToolsGeometry Edit

Abaqus/CAE displays the Geometry Edit dialog box.

Abaqus/CAE 显示 Geometry Edit 对话框。.

Tip: You can also create geometric faces from element faces using the tool, located with the

edit tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the edit tools in the toolbox, see ―Using

the Geometry Edit toolset,‖ Section 69.1.

提示:你可使用位于part模块中edit tools中从单元面create geometric 面。Toolbox中Edit tools图标,see―Using the Geometry Edit toolset,‖ Section 69.1

From the dialog box, select the Face category and the From element faces method.

对话框,选择the Face category和the From element faces method

Select element faces for the new geometric face.



You can select element faces individually, by angle, by limiting angle, by layer, or by analytic

shape. For more information on selecting objects in the viewport, see ―Selecting objects within the

current viewport,‖ Section 6.2. You can also select an existing surface.

你可分别选择单元面, by angle, by limiting angle, by layer, or by analytic shape。更多信息see ―Selecting objects within the current viewport,‖ Section 6.2.你也可选择存在的面。

Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed.

To revert to the other method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt


提示:缺省的选择方法是你最常用的。在Viewport or Surfaces中右侧提示区中点Select,可恢复到缺省值。

From the prompt area, click Done.


Click OK.


Abaqus/CAE creates the geometric face feature. The procedure restarts at Step 3 using the most

recently used selection method.

Abaqus/CAE create geometric面特征。该步骤从Step3重新开始,使用最常用的选择方法。

To exit the procedure, either

click the cancel button in the prompt area, or

click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window, or

select another operation from the Geometry Edit toolset or from the tools in the Part module.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

―Valid parts, precise parts, and tolerance,‖ Section 10.2

―Creating a part from orphan elements,‖ Section 69.5

―An overview of the methods for editing faces,‖ Section 69.2.2


本文标签: 孤立单元选择