


save dis boot-loader Validating file. tftp put sh:/ exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y Configuration is saved to device successfully. tftp get 3. 设置下次系统启动使用哪个软件版本。 tftp put ase input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/] 通过命令可以查看其下次启动使用的软件版本。(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure?

[Y/N]:y2. 将新版本上传到设备上并核对上传是否成功。1. 在要升级的设备上将配置与软件版本保存下来。 boot-loader file flash:/ main软件升级时需要重启设备,建议使用save命令保存设备的当前配置。一、H3C MSR系列路由器作为TFTP client升级版本当设备剩余的存储空间不够,请使用delete /unreserved file-url命令删除部分暂时不用的文件后再执行升级软件操作。

The boot file used at this reboot:flash:/ attribute:

main The boot file used at the next reboot:flash:/

attribute: main Failed to get the backup boot file used at the next reboot! Failed to get the secure boot file used at the next reboot!reboot5. 重启完毕通过display version 查看是否升级成功。二、H3C MSR系列路由器采用Boot ROM

TFTP方式升级软件System Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENUBooting Normal Extend BootWareThe Extend BootWare Done!***************************************************************************** ** H3C MSR930 BootWare, Version 5.02 ** *****************************************************************************Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., ed Date : Dec 8 2014CPU Type : P10104. 重启设备

CPU L1 Cache : 32KBCPU L2 Cache : 256KBCPU Clock Speed : 533MHzMemory Type : DDR3 SDRAMMemory Size : 256MBMemory Speed : 667MHzBootWare Size : 1024KBFlash Size : 128MBCPLD Version : 1.0PCB Version : 3.Press Ctrl+B to enter extended 1.在路由器加电的过程中,按住"Ctrl+B"。Password recovery capability is : The current operating device is flashEnter < Storage Device Operation > to select device.======================================================|<1>BootSystem









|<0>Reboot |============================================================================Ctrl+Z: Access EXTEND-ASSISTANT MENUCtrl+F: Format File SystemCtrl+C: Display CopyrightEnter your choice(0-9): 32.按下“3”,进入以太网子菜单

3.按下5,修改以太网参数====================================================|Note: '.' = Clear field. || '-' = Go to previous field. || Ctrl+D = Quit. |============================================================================Protocol (FTP or TFTP) :tftp

Load File Name : :get File Name : :ver IP Address : IP Address : IP Address :

4.配置需要更新的设备的协议、文件名、服务器IP等====================================================|Note:the operating device is flash ||<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run ||<2> Update Main Application File ||<3> Update Backup Application File ||<4> Update Secure Application File ||<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter |====================================================|Note:the operating device is flash ||<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run ||<2> Update Main Application File ||<3> Update Backup Application File ||<4> Update Secure Application File ||<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter ||<0> Exit To Main Menu || |============================================================================Enter your choice(0-5): 5

|<0> Exit To Main Menu || |============================================================================Enter your choice(0-5): .Done!5,按下“2”选项,进入下载并更新过程。====================================================|Note:the operating device is flash ||<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run ||<2> Update Main Application File ||<3> Update Backup Application File ||<4> Update Secure Application File ||<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter ||<0> Exit To Main Menu || |============================================================================Enter your choice(0-5): 06.键入<0>,返回BootWare主菜单:======================================================|<1> Boot System ||<2> Enter Serial SubMenu ||<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu ||<4> File Control ||<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration ||<6> Skip Current System Configuration ||<7> BootWare Operation Menu |

|<8> Clear Super Password ||<9> Storage Device Operation ||<0> Reboot |============================================================================Ctrl+Z: Access EXTEND-ASSISTANT MENUCtrl+F: Format File SystemCtrl+C: Display CopyrightEnter your choice(0-9): 17.按下1进入引导系统:H3C 交换机才用boot rom的xmodem升级IOS1.设备开机时按下ctrl+B,进入boot rom界面。 Creation Date : Apr 12 2011,11:13:54 CPU Clock Speed : 200MHz Memory Size : 128MB Flash Size : 16MB CPLD Version : NULL PCB Version : Ver.A Mac Address : C4CAD9FAAFA8 ************************************************************************ * * * H3C S3100V2-26TP-SI BOOTROM, Version 109 * * * ************************************************************************ Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.

Press Ctrl-B to enter Extended 0Please input BootRom password: BOOT MENU1. Download application file to flash2. Select application file to boot3. Display all files in flash4. Delete file from flash5. Modify BootRom password6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu7. Skip current system configuration8. Set BootRom password recovery9. Set switch startup mode0. RebootEnter your choice(0-9): 32.按下3查看flash文件,如果空间不够,按下4进行删除flash文件,以便有足够的空间来上传新的IOS。Display all file(s) in flash: BOOT MENU1. Download application file to flash2. Select application file to boot3. Display all files in flash4. Delete file from flash5. Modify BootRom password6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu7. Skip current system configuration8. Set BootRom password recoveryFile Number File Size(bytes) File Name===============================================================================1(*) 10798016 s3100v2_

2 1480

3(*) 2819

4 287

Free space: 4538368 bytesThe current application file is S3100V2_(*)-with main attribute(b)-with backup attribute(*b)-with both main and backup attribute3.按下1进行上传flash:

Enter your choice(0-9): 19. Set switch startup mode0. RebootEnter your choice(0-3): 34.选择使用那种传输方式,选择31. Set TFTP protocol parameters2. Set FTP protocol parameters3. Set XMODEM protocol parameters0. Return to boot menuPlease select your download baudrate:1.* 96002. 192003. 384004. 576005. 1152000. Return to boot menuEnter your choice(0-5): 55。选择 位/秒 选择5,并在SEC软件上修改为115200. 1% 69 KB 3 KB/s 01:06:58 ETA 0 Errors6.点击发送Xmodem文件。进入传输。Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200 bps and select XMODEM protocolPress enter key when readyAre you sure to download file to flash? Yes or No (Y/N):YNow please start transfer file with XMODEM protocolIf you want to exit, Press Loading ...CCCCCCCCCCCC开始 xmodem 传输。 按 Ctrl+C 取消。

本文标签: 设备升级软件