




题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4.


Part I Writing

1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter of appeal

calling for student participation in an aid-education project in Western areas following

the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180

words.1.市教委组织了一次西部支教的活动,学生会呼吁大学生积极参与2.活动的时间、要求及作用 A Call for Participation in an Aid-education Project

正确答案: A Call for Participation in an Aid-education ProjectDear fellow

schoolmates, Under the sponsorship of the Municipal Education Commission, an

aid-education project will be held during the summer vacation. We hereby call for

your participation to offer your kind help to students in the poverty-stricken western

areas. Students meeting the following requirements are welcome for this project.

Firstly, relevant teaching experience in English, Chinese and Math is a must. Secondly,

participants should be confident to endure bad climate and poor living condition.

This project will be a bridge shortening the distance between people in western areas

and metropolitan cities. Our love and devotion will benefit the teenagers there who

are thirsty for knowledge. We are looking forward to your sincere support. If

interested, please contact the Student Union via emailing studen-tunionjd@.

Yours sincerely, The Student Union

解析: 这篇应用文要求考生写一篇倡议书,呼吁大学生积极参与西部支教活动。要注意语言真挚。根据题目要求,文章结构可安排如下: 第一段直接点题:呼吁大学生积极参与由市教委资助的西部支教活动,并说明活动时间。

第二段简述此次西部支教活动的要求:其一,具备相关教学经验;其二,能够忍受恶劣的气候和生活环境。 第三段简述本次活动的作用,再次呼吁大学生积极参与,并提供联系方式。

Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A

听力原文: The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) and Agriculture and Food

Organization (FAO) celebrated World Food Day today, October 16. The goal of the

organizations is to fight world hunger. Ertharin Cousin is an executive director of

the WFP. She appealed to the global community to take action to achieve a world

without hunger. Ms. Cousin said, Working together, we can all press for the changes

that the world needs, including ending extreme poverty, supporting small-holder

farmers and ensuring access to nutritious food all year round for the most vulnerable

people by investing in social protection programs.” [2]WFP invited everyone to

mark World Food Day by posting Zero Hunger on social media. The UN Zero Hunger

Challenge represents the goal we all share and the world we want. The organization

also held fund-raising events in the U.S. cities of New York, Washington and

Chicago.1 What is the main goal of WFP and FAO?2 What did WFP do to mark the

World Food Day?


A.To hold some celebrations on World Food Day.

B.To take action and cope with world hunger.

C.To launch fund-raising events for poor countries.

D.To advertise a world without hunger online.


解析:题目询问WFP“世界粮食计划署”和FAO“粮农组织”的宗旨是什么。新闻开篇便说“这些组织以对抗世界饥饿为宗旨”(fight world hunger),B“采取行动以应对饥饿”意思与此一致,故B为正确选项。


A.Appealed to the global community to fight hunger.

B.Worked with the press to launch a social protection program.

C.Encouraged people to post Zero Hunger on social media.

D.Held celebrating events in major cities of the U.S.


解析:题目询问WFP对世界粮食日的庆祝活动。新闻末尾提到WFP的两项举措,一是邀请每个人在社交网上发Zero Hunger的信息,二是在美国的三个城市筹款,选项中,C与前者对应,为正确答案。

听力原文: With 32 countries competing in the month-long World Cup, it’s

one of the world’s largest sporting events. And when one country scores a goal, or just

comes close to scoring one—the roar is heard around the world. [31The event also

brings great happiness to businessmen. At one bar location in New York, traffic

has more than tripled on game days. Overall, businessmen are expecting a higher

check average per table that comes in. As far as beer sales go, they are looking at

anywhere between a 20 and 30 percent increase. Many restaurants are relying on

social networks to tell customers about their World Cup specials. Some estimates

report ad spending during the World Cup will generate more than $1.5 billion—with

the bulk of the spending benefiting North America and Western Europe.3 What is the

news report mainly about?4 What do we learn about the business during the World



A.Introduction of the World Cup history.

B.The great excitement during the game days.

C.The traffic conditions in New York City.

D.The business conditions during the World Cup.




A.Market crowds kept the business going.

B.Social networks helped inform restaurants’ special offers.

C.The ads on the internet spent $1.5 billion.

D.The beers were 20 and 30 percent off.


解析:题目询问世界杯期间的营业状况。新闻中提到“很多餐厅都依靠社交网络来告诉客人他们在世界杯期间提供的特惠”(relying on social net-works to


听力原文: The United Nations just wrapped up an event focused on gender

equality. Gender equality is the concept that men and women had exactly the same

opportunities and rights in society, that they aren’t discriminated against based on

gender. Women in the United States have it better than many in the world. They

aren’t forced into marriage at a young age. They can live in the house without their

husband’s permission. They can pursue an education and vote. But there are ways the

U.S. lags behind other nations. Most obviously, paid maternity leave. Studies

show it’s good for families and for businesses, which is why many countries insist on

it. In France, for example, women are guaranteed at least 16 weeks paid maternity

leave, 26 weeks if it’s their third child. New moms in Estonia get two full years of

paid leave. Only four countries in the world do not guarantee any form of paid

maternity leave. The United States is one of them. Then, roughly 84 percent of

countries, including Afghanistan, guarantee gender equality in their constitutions. The

U.S. Constitution does not.5 What did the event wrapped up by the UN focus on?6

What do we learn about the women in the United States?7 What are the conditions of

gender equality outside the U.S.?


A.Gender equality.

B.Women’s marriage.

C.Gender discrimination.

D.Paid maternity leave.



国刚结束关注性别平等的事件(an event focused on gender equality),所以A“性别平等”为正确选项。


A.They enjoy the same rights with men.

B.They are often forced to marry at a young age.

C.They have such rights as education and voting.

D.They usually don’t work after marriage.




A.French women have the longest maternity leave.

B.Few countries guarantee gender equality in constitutions.

C.Afghanistan’s constitution guarantees gender equality.

D.All countries around the world offer paid maternity leave.


解析:题目问性别平等问题在美国以外的情况。新闻后段集中这部分情况,结尾处说到“包括阿富汗在内大约84%的国家在他们的宪法中保障性别平等权利(guarantee gender equality in their constitutions)。”故C“阿富汗的宪法保证性别平等”正确。

Section B

听力原文:W: Jack, I heard you were looking for a job. Have you found one

yet?M: I’m getting discouraged and frustrated I went to the weekly job market the day

before yesterday. But no one was really wanting to hire an English major.W: I quite

agree with you. I went there, too. I found that many of the companies there were only

looking for people with more skills.M: I can’t agree with you more. You went there,

too? Have you had any job opportunities?W: You know, I have learned computer and

I know it quite well. [9]A quite prosperous company would give me an interview.M:

How wonderful! Tell me about it.W: You know I am familiar with Word Perfect The

first person I talked with showed great interests in me. When they found I was able to

speak very good English, they were even more impressed. [8]You know they just

want people with combination of skills.M: I was hoping to find a sales job in an

import-export company.W: You’d be good at that kind of job. Your English is very

good You are interested in business. One of my friends has been working in an

import-export company for many years, and now he is the personnel manager of that

company. If you would like, I will call him and ask him to help you find a job there.M:

I would really appreciate that. I know some of my classmates have found jobs in that

area Thank you for your help.W: You are welcome.8 What kind of people were most

companies looking for?9 What do we learn about the woman from the

conversation?10 Why does the woman think the man will be good at a sales job?11

How can the man find a sales job?


A.With computer skill.

B.With job experience.

C.With a major in English.

D.With multiple skills.


解析:对话里女士表示她也去了人才市场,发现那里很多公司只找有更多技能的求职者。之后又说她遇到的第一家公司也需要有综合技能的人。D中的multiple skills“多种技能”与录音所说相符,故为答案。


A.She felt discouraged.

B.She was given an interview.

C.She has found a job.

D.She wasn’t good at English.


解析:对话中,女士说她也去找工作了,有一家很有发展前景的公司给了她一个面试的机会(give mean interview),因此本题选B。


A.He speaks good English and has interest in business.

B.He has worked in an import-export company for years.

C.Some of his classmates have found jobs in that area.

D.He is familiar with the software Word Perfect.




A.He will call on the general manager.

B.His classmates will do him a favor.

C.The woman’s friend will help him.

D.He will find it all by himself.




听力原文:M: Hi, Rose, you are so absorbed that you didn’t even know I came

in.W: Oh, you scared me. We were assigned the homework to learn more about the

Bronte sisters. [12]Now I am reading one of their books Jane Eyre. M: I’ve just read it

the other day. No wonder you were absorbed. It is worth reading. It was written by the

eldest sister, Charlotte Bronte. W: So, you know the sisters. Tell me more about them.

M: The other two are Emily and Anne, and their famous works are Wuthering Heights,

and Agnes Grey respectively. W: I learned they had a brother. Is he also well-known?

M: Well, it’s interesting that those literature geniuses had such an ordinary brother.

Whatever he did, he ended up a failure. However, later he got famous because it was

he who left the world the sisters’ only picture. W: You mean without him, we would

not have learned what the sisters looked like? M: Definitely true. Personally, I think

the reason, why he was a failure is that he might have been spoiled. Have you learned

that his sisters sacrificed a lot to promote him? W: What do you mean? M: In the early

period of the 19th century, women were usually looked down upon. So the hopes of a

family rested on the male child. The three sisters had their first books published in

their pen names. W: So, inequality between men and women was a historical problem.

But it’s a pity that the sisters died very young.12 What was the woman doing when

the man came in?13 Who wrote Wuthering Heights?14 Why was the Bronte sisters’

brother a failure?15 What do we know about the Bronte sisters’ first books?


A.She was doing housework.

B.She was reading Jane Eyre.

C.She was absorbed in a movie.

D.She was talking with her sisters.











A.He might have been spoiled.

B.He wasn’t promoted.

C.He didn’t have his own picture.

D.He was looked down upon.




A.Their settings were in the 19th century.

B.They were stories about inequality.

C.They settled historical problems.

D.They were published in pen names.



Section C

听力原文: I’m glad to see so many of you here. We’ve become really

alarmed over the health center by the number of students who are experiencing

hearing loss. First, I want to go over some basics about hearing, and then we can take

a look at our school environment and see if we can figure out some ways to protect

hearing. The leading cause of preventable hearing loss is excessive noise. Too much

moderate noise for a long time, or some types of intense noise for even a short time

can damage hearing. Loudness is measured in units called decibels. One decibel is the

lowest sound that the average person can hear. Sounds up to 80 decibels generally

aren’t harmful, that’s like traffic on a busy street. But anything louder than 80 decibels,

especially with continuous exposure, may eventually hurt your hearing. Once you’re

up to around 140 decibels, that’s like a jet plane taking off, then you might even feel

pain in your ears. And pains are sure sign that your hearing is at risk. Even one

exposure to a really loud noise at close range can cause hearing loss. So what you

need to do is limit your exposure to harmful levels. Now, take a look at the decibel

level of some common campus sounds. Notice how loud those horns are that people

take to football games. They are really dangerous if blown right behind you. Now,

let’s try to generate a list of damaging noises.16 What is the main cause of hearing

loss?17 What does the speaker say about harmful noise?18 What does the speaker

suggest to protect hearing?19 What will the speaker probably do next?


A.Exposure to excessive noise.

B.Lack of rest.

C.Unpreventable accident.

D.Intense work pressure.


解析:录音提到引起可预防性失聪的主要原因(leading cause)是过度的噪音(excessive noise),A复现了录音原词,为正确答案。


A.Moderate noise is harmless.

B.Sound above 80 decibels can hurt hearing.

C.Noise can make people feel stressed.

D.There is no noise on campus.




A.Do medical checkup regularly.

B.Avoid making noise.

C.Limit exposure to harmful noise.

D.Live in the place without noises.


解析:录音提到,对于噪音,我们需要做的就是限制自己暴露在达到有害程度的噪音下(limit your exposure to harmful levels),C所说与此一致,故为答案。


A.Measure damaging noises on campus.

B.Make a list of campus noises.

C.Figure out how to fight against noise.

D.Explain the concept of noise.



听力原文: Climate change is making it harder than usual for scientists to

figure out what the future will bring and what impact weather changes will have on

society and the economy. A sudden increase of severe weather events has already

destroyed homes, businesses and lives. Some fairly simple changes may reduce the

toll. Wind tunnel tests, done by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home

Safety, showed that [20]stronger construction costs a little more, but holds up much

better to extreme weather. The growing number of unusually strong storms has

convinced people that extreme weather is the “new norm.” Extreme weather events

have increased in frequency over the past 50 years and are expected to become even

more common, more intense, and more costly. Drought is another suspected

consequence of climate change, and dry ground means more wildfires in California

Current mathematical models of climate change do a poor job of predicting the

economic impact of drought and other weather events. All we can do is come up with

some rough numbers and estimates. Consensus estimates that maybe experts provide,

that give us a view of what would the terrible outcome look like if we don’t do

anything. To help deal with climate problems, policymakers should take actions

such as imposing a tax on carbon dioxide emissions. A carbon tax would encourage

companies and families to use less energy and generate fewer of the gases thought to

be driving changes in the climate.20 What do we know about stronger

construction?21 What is the consequence of drought in California?22 What would be

the benefit of imposing carbon tax?


A.It costs no more than the normal construction.

B.It does a poor job of facing extreme weather.

C.It holds up much better to extreme weather.

D.It impacts weather changes and the economy.











A.Make people come up with rough numbers and estimates.

B.Make people use less energy and generate fewer gases.

C.Help scientists figure out what the future will bring.

D.Encourage companies to emit more carbon dioxide.


解析:短文末尾处提到,碳税会促使公司和家庭使用更少的能源,并产生更少的有害气体。B把原文的companies and families概括为people,语义与原文完全一致,故选B。

听力原文: Some diseases are infectious—like colds and flu But what about

loneliness? Loneliness may not be a disease, at least not in the same way that flu is.

But loneliness can be infectious. Actually, many emotions can be infectious.

Being around someone who’s really happy can put you in a good mood. While

hanging around someone who’s depressed can be depressing. The same goes for

loneliness. According to one study, the average person feels lonely about forty-eight

days per year. Having a lonely friend adds around seventeen extra days of lonely

feelings. Following more than five-thousand people for ten years, the study

observed how loneliness can spread through a group. Lonely people, it seems,

transmit their sad, lonely feelings to people around them. What happens, according to

the study, is that interacting with a lonely person can leave you with a negative feeling

toward friendship generally. And so you’re more likely to have negative experiences

with other friends, weakening social bonds. If loneliness is allowed to spread

unchecked, it can destroy a social network. The best way to ward off this sort of

lonely infection is to pay more attention to people on the edges of a group. Reaching

out to those who are shy or don’t fit in, and are therefore lonely, can make them feel

less alone. And so they’re less likely to spread lonely feelings throughout the group.23

How will you feel when being around someone who’s really happy?24 What will

happen if loneliness spreads unchecked?25 What is the best way to avoid the lonely



A.You will be delighted.

B.You will not be affected.

C.You may feel depressed.

D.You will feel lonely.




A.Social bonds will stay steady.

B.One will lose many friends.

C.People can make friends more easily

D.A social network will be destroyed.




A.Transmit happy feelings to others.

B.Reach out to people who need help.

C.Pay more attention to lonely people.

D.Interact with a happy person frequently.


解析:短文末尾提到,避免这种寂寞传染最好的方式就是将更多的注意力放在处于寂寞边缘的人群身上。原文的people on the edges of a group实际指的就是lonely people,C与原文表述一致,故为答案。

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A

Would you be happier if you spent more time discussing the state of the

world and the meaning of life—and less time talking about the weather? It may

sound counterintuitive (违反直觉的), but people who spend more of their day having

deep discussions and less time engaging in small talk seem to be happier, said

Matthias Mehl, a psychologist at the University of Arizona who published a study on

the【C1】______. “We found this so interesting, because it could have gone the

other way—it could have been, ‘Don’t worry, be happy’—as long as you surf on the【C2】______level of life you’re happy, and if you go into the essential depths you’ll

be unhappy,” Dr. Mehl said. But, he【C3】______, deep conversation seemed to

hold the【C4】______to happiness for two main reasons: both because human beings

are driven to find and create【C5】______in their lives, and because we are social

animals who want and need to【C6】______with other people. “By engaging in

meaningful conversations, we manage to impose meaning on a(n)【C7】______pretty

chaotic world,” Dr. Mehl said. “And interpersonally, as you find this meaning, you

bond with your interactive partner, and we know that interpersonal connection and

integration is a core【C8】______foundation of happiness.” Dr. Mehl’s study was

small and doesn’t【C9】______a cause-and-effect relationship between the kind of

conversations one has and one’s happiness. But that’s the【C10】______next step,

when he will ask people to increase the number of deep conversations they have each

day and cut back on small talk, and vice versa.A) calculated E) fundamental I)

nevertheless M) proveB) connect F) key J) otherwise N) shallowC) contact G) love K)

planned O) subjectD) fantastic H) meaning L) proposed

27. 【C1】


解析:此处应为名词。上文提到深度交谈比闲聊更让人快乐,很显然心理学家Matthias Mehl是对该话题进行研究,on通常可以表示关于某个话题,是提示。此处应该是subject。

28. 【C2】


解析:此处应为形容词。这句话是将闲聊使人快乐,深度交谈让人不快进行对比说明,故此处填的词在意思上是essential depths的对立面,很显然选shallow(肤浅的,浅显的)。

29. 【C3】



30. 【C4】



31. 【C5】



of life(生活的意义),下文出现的meaningful和meaning提示了此处应该是指“生活的意义”,选meaning。注意love与文章主题的关联性不如meaning强,故不选。

32. 【C6】


解析:此处应为动词。social animals表明人与人是“相互联系”的,connect


33. 【C7】



34. 【C8】




35. 【C9】



36. 【C10】



Section B

Are Bad Economic Times Good for Health?[A] Most people are worried

about the health of the economy. But does the economy also affect your health? It

does, but not always in ways you might expect. The data on how an economic

downturn influences an individual’s health are surprisingly mixed. It’s clear that

long-term economic gains lead to improvements in a population’s overall health, in

developing and industrialized societies alike.[B] But whether the current economic

downturn will take a toll on your own health depends, in part, on your health habits

when times are good. And economic studies suggest that people tend not to take care

of themselves in boom times—drinking too much (especially before driving), dining

on fat-filled restaurant meals and skipping exercise and doctors’ appointments

because of work-related time commitments.[C] “The value of time is higher during

good economic times,” said Grant Miller, an assistant professor of medicine at

Stanford. “So people work more and do less of the things that are good for them, like

cooking at home and exercising: and people experience more stress due to the severity

of hard work during booms.”[D] Similar patterns have been seen in some developing

nations. Dr. Miller, who is studying the effects of fluctuating coffee prices on health in

Colombia, says that even though falling prices are bad for the economy, they appear

to improve health and decrease death rates. When prices are low, laborers have more

time to care for their children. “When coffee prices suddenly rise, people work harder

on their coffee plots and spend less time doing things around the home, including

things that are good for their children,” he said. “Because the things that matter most

for infant and child health in rural Colombia aren’t expensive, but require a

substantial amount of time—such as breast-feeding, bringing clean water from far

away, taking your child to a distant health clinic for free vaccinations (接种疫苗) —infant and child death rates rise.”[E] In this country, a similar effect appeared in the

Dust Bowl during the Great Depression, according to a 2007 paper by Dr. Miller and

colleagues in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The data seem to

contradict research in the 1970s suggesting that in hard times there are more deaths

from heart disease, cirrhosis (肝硬化), suicide and murder, as well as more

admissions to mental hospitals. But those findings have not been repeated, and several

economists have pointed out flaws in the research.[F] In May 2000, the Quarterly

Journal of Economics published a surprising paper called “Are Recessions Good for

Your Health?” by Christopher J. Ruhm, professor of economics at the University of

North Carolina, Greensboro, based on an analysis measuring death rates and health

behavior against economic shifts and jobless rates from 1972 to 1991. Dr. Ruhm

found that death rates declined sharply in the 1974 and 1982 recessions, and increased

in the economic recovery of the 1980s. An increase of one percentage point in state

unemployment rates correlated with a 0.5 percentage point decline in the death rate—or about 5 fewer deaths per 100,000 people. Over all, the death rate fell by more than

8 percent in the 20-year period of mostly economic decline, led by drops in heart

disease and car crashes.[G] The economic downturn did appear to take a toll on

factors having less to do with prevention and more to do with mental well-being and

access to health care. For instance, cancer deaths rose 23 percent, and deaths from flu

and pneumonia increased slightly. Suicides rose 2 percent, homicides 12 percent.[H]

The issue that may matter most in an economic crisis is not related to jobs or income,

but whether the slump widens the gap between rich and poor, and whether there is an

adequate health safety net available to those who have lost their jobs and insurance.

During a decade of economic recession in Japan that began in the 1990s, people who

were unemployed were twice as likely to be in poor health as those with secure jobs.

During Peru’s severe economic crisis in the 1980s, infant deaths jumped 2.5

percentage points—about 17,000 more children who died as public health spending

and social programs collapsed.[I] In August, researchers from the Free University of

Amsterdam looked at health studies of twins in Denmark. They found that individuals

bom in a recession were at higher risk for heart problems later in life and lived, on

average, 15 months less than those born under better conditions. Gerard J. van den

Berg, an economics professor who was a co-author of the study, said babies in poor

households suffered the most in a recession, because their families lacked access to

good health care. Poor economic conditions can also cause stress that may interfere

with parent bonding and childhood development, he said. He noted that other studies

had found that recessions can benefit babies by giving their parents more time at

home.[J] “This scenario (情况) may be relevant for well-to-do families where one of

the parents loses a job and the other still brings in enough money,” he said. “But in a

crisis where the family may have to face huge housing-cost losses and the household

income is insufficient for adequate nutrition and health care, the disadvantageous

effects of being born in a recession seem much more relevant.”[K] In the USA, there

are already signs of the economy’s effect on health. In May, the market research firm

Information Resources reported that 53 percent of consumers said they were cooking

more than they did just six months before—in part, no doubt, because of the rising

cost of prepared foods. At the same time, health insurance costs are rising. With

premiums and co-payments, the average employee with insurance pays nearly

one-third of medical costs—about twice as much as four years ago, according to Paul

H. Keckley, executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions.[L] In the

United States, which unlike other industrialized nations lacks a national health plan,

the looming recession may take a greater toll. About 46 million Americans lack health

insurance, Dr. Keckley says, and even among the 179 million who have it, an

estimated 1 in 7 would be bankrupted by a single health crisis. The economic

downturn “is not good news for the health care industry,” he said. “There may be

something positive, but I think this needs pondering.”

37. Gerard J. van den Berg noted that recessions can benefit babies born in

well-to-do families.


解析:根据题目中的Gerard J.van den Berg和babies等词定位到I段。该段第3句提到人物Gerard J.van den Berg,并在其后几句表达他的看法和观点。其中最后一句提到,经济衰退使父母有更多时间留在家中,从而使一些婴儿受益,结合后一段J段首句的”This scenario...for well-to-do families”可知,这里提到的受益的婴儿来自富裕家庭。

38. For the family whose income is not sufficient for adequate health care,

recession has negative effects on the children, rather than benefits them.


解析:题目有关经济衰退对小孩的影响。有关段落有D、I和J段。根据关键信息词not sufficient for health care可定位到J段最后一句。该句表明了若危机中一个家庭的收入不足以支付医疗保健的费用,那么在经济衰退时期出生的婴儿受到的负面影响就会更加突出。原文语义与题目一致。

39. The rise of child and infant death rates in Colombia is usually the result of

parents’ lack of time.



and infant death rates rise及time可定位至D段最后一句。该句提到,在哥伦比亚,照顾孩子的成本不高,但需要大量的时间,而家长没有“大量的时间”照顾好孩子,导致儿童和婴儿的死亡率上升,这与本题所述一致,故确定D段为本题出处。

40. During the economic downturns in 1974 and 1982, death rate decreased

dramatically in the US.



1974年和1982年两次的经济衰退期中,美国的死亡率都急剧下降,题目的economic downturn对应原文的recessions,而decreased dramatically则对应原文的declined sharply,本题意思与原文一致。

41. During the decade of recession in Japan, compared with those with secure

jobs, the unemployed were more likely to fall ill.


解析:题目谈到日本失业人员的健康状况。文中只有H段提到日本,该段第2句表示日本在上世纪90年代,经济衰退的十年间,失业人员健康状况不佳的可能性是有稳定工作的人的2倍,twice as likely to be in poor health表明失业的人更容易生病,这与题目语义相同,故H段为本题出处。

42. Partly due to the rising price of prepared foods in the US, more than half of

people now prefer to cook at home.


解析:根据关键词prepared food及cook at home可定位到K段。该段谈经济波动对健康的影响。其中第2句通过市场调查报告指出,与六个月前相比,53%的消费者表示在家做饭的次数增加了。53%即过半数与题目的more than half相符,题目中的prefer to cook at home则与原文的cooking more对应。

43. There is no national health plan in the United States.


解析:根据关键词national health plan可定位到L段。文中只有这一段提到该名词。L段首句就表示美国不像其他工业国家,没有实施国民健康计划。题中的no对应原文非限制性定语从句中的lacks,故可确定本题出处为L段。

44. It is shown in economic studies that, people in boom times tend to exercise



解析:本题讲述经济情况与人们锻炼的多少的关系,根据economic studies,boom times以及exerciseless可定位至B段最后一句。该句提及在经济繁荣期,人们往往不太会照料自己,会多喝酒、工作更繁忙、停止锻炼、生病了也没空看医生,题目中的exercise less与文中的skipping exercise对应,故B段为本题出处。

45. Long-term economic prosperity is helpful for a population’s overall health

in developing countries.



population’s overall health可直接定位到A段末句。该句表示长期的经济发展可以提升人们总体的健康水平,与题目意思一致,故A段为本题出处。

46. In August researchers found that those who were born during a recession

were more likely to develop heart problems than those who were born under better



解析:根据时间状语In August,可考虑去I段查找信息。该段第2句可找到题目的其他关键词born,recession,heart problems以及better conditions。题目中的more likely to develop与原文的at higher risk for语义相同,故可确定I段为本题出处。

Section C

Although the stigma (耻辱) once associated with mental illness has

gradually gone away in recent years, most of the Americans who have clinical

depression still don’t get treated for it, partly because many are too embarrassed to go

to a psychologist. In fact, the majority of depressed people who seek professional help

turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary-care physician. But do regular

doctors really know how to identify depression? A large new scientific review

suggests they don’t. In a review of 41 previous studies, the authors found that general

practitioners make frequent mistakes, missing true cases of depression about half the

time and incorrectly diagnosing it in 19% of healthy people. Alex Mitchell, Amol

Vaze and Sanjay Rao of Leicester General Hospital in the U.K. estimate that about 1

in 5 people in developed nations will experience depression in their lifetime. That

means that among a general patient population of 100, about 20 will develop the

condition, but the typical doctor will find it in only 10 of those who have it. And

among the 80 healthy people, the doctor will incorrectly identify depression in 15.

This is significant because depression can make the patient and his or her family weak.

Depression also carries an enormous social burden, leading to missed work days, loss

of productivity and increases in health-care spending. Further, those misdiagnosed

with depression may end up being prescribed medicine that not only costs a lot but

can have serious side effects. The various studies that Mitchell, Vaze and Rao

reviewed used different methods to verify whether doctors had missed depression in

their patients. Virtually all the studies pointed to the same conclusion: general

physicians aren’t very good at recognizing the most common mental illness in the

world. Why? One reason is that the typical doctor visit is quite short, usually no

longer than 15 minutes. It’s hard for patients to open up about their symptoms during

that brief period. Doctors should spend more time or schedule follow-up appointments

with patients they suspect have depression, which can dramatically increase the rate

of accurate diagnoses.

47. Most depressed people refuse to see a psychologist partly because _______.

A.they are frightened of going to a psychologist

B.they have trust in their primary-care physicians

C.they think the illness is not that serious

D.they relate embarrassment to seeing a psychologist


解析:第1段第1句partly because后的内容解释了人们不会去看心理医生的原因是他们觉得很尴尬(too embarrassed to...),D是对该句的同义改写,“把……和……联系在一起”,注意embarrassment是embarrass的名词形式。

48. In a new scientific review, the researchers found that_______.

A.psychologists often miss the true case of depression

B.general physicians often make wrong judgment of depression

C.most people will experience depression in their lifetime

D.primary-care physicians are not qualified doctors


解析:第2段第3句found that后的内容即为该项新研究的结论,文中说到普通的家庭医生(general practitioner)经常犯错,结合上下文可知,这里具体是指他们在判定抑郁症(identify depression)上犯错,故B与原文相符,为正确答案。

49. Those who “will develop the condition” (Line 3, Para. 3) refer to _______.

A.patients who will be misdiagnosed as depression

B.patients who will survive depression

C.patients who will suffer from depression

D.patients who receive correct diagnose


解析:第3段第1句提到在发达国家,约五分之一的人在一生中会有抑郁症状(experience depression)。第2句句首的That means that表示此处是具体说明,说到在100人当中就有20人will develop the condition,该比例为20%,正好与上文的1 in 5一致,故这20人应该是experience depression,C与此相符,故为答案。

50. According to the passage, depression can result in _______.

A.worse family relationship

B.refusal by the society

C.large medical expense

D.serious side effects



in health-care spending以及第3句的costs a lot可以判断出抑郁症医疗费用很高,故C“昂贵的医药花费”正确。

51. Why do general physicians often fail to recognize depression?

A.The diagnoses are made too hastily.

B.General physicians don’t treat their patients seriously.

C.Patients are reluctant to tell their symptoms.

D.General physicians are not patient enough.


解析:由最后一段的关键词Why及One reason is that...可知答案就是that后的内容。该句指出原因在于看病时间较短,故A“太仓促地作出诊断”正确。

Fancy a three-day weekend—not just once in a while but week in week out?

You may think your bosses would never agree to it, but the evidence suggests that

employers, employees and the environment all benefit. The four-day week comes

in two flavors. One option is to switch from five 8-hour days to four 10-hour days,

meaning overall hours and salaries stay the same. Two years ago, the state of Utah

moved all of its employees, apart from the emergency services, to working 4/10, as it

has become known. The hope was that by shutting down buildings for an extra day

each week, energy bills would be cut by up to a fifth. The full results of this

experiment won’t be published until October, but an ongoing survey of 100 buildings

suggests energy consumption has fallen by around 13 percent. The survey also found

that 70 percent of employees prefer the 4/10 arrangement, and that people took fewer

days off sick. The second form of the four-day week is to work the same number

of hours per day for four days only, with a 20 percent pay cut. With the recession

hitting revenues, accountancy company KPMG announced in February that it was

offering its 11,000 UK employees the option of a four-day week to avoid job losses.

So far 85 percent of employees have applied to join the scheme, and 800 now do a

four-day week. Not everyone will like the idea of working longer days or taking a

pay cut in exchange for a 3-day weekend, but it appears most do. According to Rex

Facer at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, it was the crash of 1929 that led

to the five-day week. During the next big financial crisis in the 1970s, there was much

talk of moving to a four-day week, but for a variety of reasons that didn’t pan out.

“Things are different now,” says Facer. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we could get 50

percent or more of the workforce working four-day weeks in the next few years.”

52. By carrying out the four-day week experiment, the state of Utah aims to


A.reduce energy expenses

B.boost the companies’ productivity

C.provide longer weekend

D.increase energy efficiency


解析:该段第3句说到犹他州在两年前试行4天工作制,最后一句通过信号词The hope was that说明该试验的目的:节省能源开支(energy bills would be cut)。A为该句的同义替换,reduce对应文中cut,而expenses对应文中bills。

53. An ongoing survey shows that_______.

A.employers benefit a lot from the four-day schedule use has decreased by 13% in Utah

C.most employees approve of the 4/10 schedule

D.employees work much more efficiently


解析:第3段第2句提到70%的员工更喜欢4天10小时工作制,C是该句的同义改写,approve of“赞许”对应文中prefer,故C为正确答案。

54. What do we learn about the second form of the four-day week?

A.It was first applied in the accountancy company KPMG.

B.It was adopted by KPMG in order not to lay off workers.

C.It came into existence when recession hit revenues.

D.It is embraced by more employees compared with the first form.


解析:该段第2句提到KPMG向员工提供四天工作制的方案,以保住他们的工作(avoid job losses),故可知,KMPG这样做的目的是为了避免裁员,故B正确。

55. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.the majority of people dislike a pay cut for a 3-day weekend

B.the 5-day week schedule resulted from the 1929 economic crisis

C.the 4-day week schedule was widespread in the 1970s

D.the 4-day week schedule was put forward by Rex Facer



56. What does Facer imply by saying “Things are different now” (Line 5, Para.


A.The possibility of another financial crisis like 1970s is slim.

B.There isn’t much talk of applying a four-day week.

C.Four-day week is very likely to become popular.

D.There is no obstacle for the four-day week to be carried out.


解析:该段第1句中的most do及最后一句的wouldn’t be surprise...均表明,与上世纪70年代的情况不同,现在实行4天工作制的可能性非常大,故C为正确答案。

Part Ⅳ Translation

57. 中国出境旅游人数逐年大幅增加。例如,在旅游热门目的地英国,过去十年里中国游客人数增长了8倍。中国游客在英国的购物花销比世界上其他任何国家的游客都要多。中国游客尤其喜欢奢侈品(luxurygoods)。这主要是因为,中国国内税收高,在国内买奢侈品要比在国外买贵30%。由于这一原因,很多发达国家都想尽办法吸引中国旅游者去观光购物。

正确答案: The number of Chinese tourists travelling abroad is increasing

significantly year by year. For example, in the UK, one, of the popular destinations,

the number of Chinese tourists has gone up 8 times in the past decade. In the UK, the

Chinese tourists spend more in shopping than visitors from anywhere else in the

world. Chinese tourists are especially fond of luxury goods. This is mainly because

luxury goods in China are 30% more expensive than those abroad, as a result of high

tax. For this reason, many developed countries are trying their best to attract Chinese

tourists for sightseeing and shopping.

解析:1.第1句中主语的中心语是“人数”,“中国出境旅游”是定语,主语部分可用the number of...的形式表达,注意“……的数量从数”为单数形式,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。2.第2句的难点是倍数表达。“增长了8倍”可译为has gone up 8 times,亦可表达为has increased(by)8 times。3.第3句为比较句式,比较的双方是中国游客和其他国家游客在英国购物上的“花销”,此处可将“花销”转译为句子的谓语spend(money)…,然后用中国游客作主语,将比较的对象变为中国游客和其他国家的游客,这样句子结构更清晰,句意顺畅明了。4.第4句“尤其喜欢”译作be especially fond of,也可译成especially love。不过前者比后者更能表达“热衷”的含义。5.第5句的难点在于理清句间的因果关系。通过分析可知,“税收高”是“在国内买奢侈品要比在国外买贵”的原因。这样一来,可确定句子主干:在国内买奢侈品要比在国外买贵30%,然后将“中国国内税收高”以状语的形式呈现,译成as a result of high tax。6.最后一句表示正在发生的状况,要用现在进行时。

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