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On the Beauty of Ode on a Grecian Urn

As a famous poem of John Keats’ main works, Ode on a Grecian Urn

is a remarkable classic to people from generation to generation。 One of

the reasons why it is renowned is thanks to the excellent poet, John

Keats, who is extremely gifted but died young. Besides

Ode on a Grecian

Urn, in his short but precious poetry life, there emerges several

other popular works, to illustrate,

To a Nightingale,

To Psyche,


Eve of St. Agnes and so on。 Full of various beauties, Ode on a Grecian

Urn is very worthy appreciating on its theme, images and rhetorical


Through depicting an exquisite Grecian Urn made a thousand years

ago, the poet expresses his strong admiration to the artist’s

innovative skill which shocks him greatly。 “Thou still unravish’d

bride of quietness, thou foster—child of silence and slow time”

refers to the urn, which as a work of art, has been wedded to the

quietness and brought up by silence and slow time, and therefore,

suffers no change。 It also shows that the poet has absorbed himself

into the timeless beautiful scenery on the antique Grecian urn. Actually,

the theme is embodied in the contrast between the permanence of art and

the transience of the human life. Art is immortal.

Next, a variety of images in the poem all become the aids to set

off the theme. Keats arranges them flexibly and properly, which is quite

impressive. Pipe in the second stanza, along with the youth, the trees

attract the poet’s endless fantasy about a lovely spot. And in the

third, green altar, mysterious priest and the heifer lowing at the skies

altogether structure a lifelike picture. Then in the last stanza, having

listing the marble men and maidens overwrought with forest branches and

the trodden weed, he attributes his unforgettable sensation to all the

readers. We can’t forget both the talent of the artistry of the poet

and the artist to mould their images。

In addition, almost all of the vivid expressions in the poem are

contributed by wonderful use of rhetorical forms。 Personification,

allusion, metaphor, metonymy and hyperbole can find their way into the

poem. The whole work is written in a thrilling tone as first person with

the help of personification。 “Ye know on the earth, and all ye need

to know” is full of philosophy and emotion. Allusion expressions

include “Sylvan” “dales of Arcady”, even and his own quotation

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” The first two lines in the first

stanza is a wonderful use of metaphor which compares the urn to bride,

beautiful and silent. Hyperbole is also very obvious。 “As doth


eternity” and other description to the still imagery on it all

highlight the poet’s adoration to the urn。

All in all,

Ode on a Grecian Urn, written by the positive

romanticist John Keats, is absolutely a representative in the second

part of English Romanticism. Fruitful of its theme, imagery, and

rhetorical forms, the poem successfully expresses the praise to the

creativity of artists in that time, and the poet’s admiration。 It’s

the masterpiece of time and eternity.

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