




1. 异域 (xì yuán) - This word means "foreign" or "from

another land" in Chinese. However, it can also be used to

describe something that is from another planet or another


2. 乌托邦 (utopia) - This word means "no place" or "utopian

situation" in English. However, it has a different meaning in

philosophy and politics, where it refers to a hypothetical

perfect society that is impossible to achieve.

3. 逍遥游 (xiǎo yáng yóu) - This word means "regal travel"

or "leisurely journey" in Chinese. However, it is also used to

describe a philosophical essay by the Chinese philosopher Laozi,

which deals with the concept of tranquility and self-mastery.

4. 变态 (biàn xì) - This word means "change of status" or

"transformation" in Chinese. However, it is also used to

describe a pathological condition where someone"s behavior or

personality changes significantly over time.

5. 神秘 (mì zhēn) - This word means "mysterious" or

"mystical" in Chinese. However, it can also be used to describe

a sense of awe and wonder that people feel when faced with

natural phenomena or ancient traditions.


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