




-ED分词(-ED Participle)即传统语法所指的“过去分词”(Past Participle), 是非限定动词之一。



虽然在语法功能上,-ED分词在句子中所能承担的成分基本与-ING分词相同,但在意义上两者有差别:-ED分词表示被动的意义而-ING分词则表示主动的意义;-ED分词表示已经完成和被动的动作而 -ING分词则表示一般性的或正在进行的动作,在表现形式上,-ING分词有“一般式”和“完成式”与“主动式”和“被动式”之分;而-ED分词只有一种形式。下边我们分析-ING分词与-ED分词在语法功用上的区别。

1. 作表语时,-ING分词表示主语所具有的特征而-ED分词表示主语所处的状态

The book is quite interesting. I am interested in the book very much.

The play is more exciting than any I have ever seen.

That piece of land lay deserted.

2. 作状语时-ING分词表示主语正在进行的另一动作而-ED分词则表示主语发生动作的背景或情况

1) Having been served lunch,_________ .

[A] the problem was discussed by the members of the committee

[B] the committee members discussed the problem

[C] it was discussed by the committee members the problem

[D] a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee (B)

2) _______for her anthropological(人类学的) research,Margaret Mead also was involved

with(涉及) the World Federation for Mental Health.

[A] She is noted primarily

[B] Noted primarily

[C] Primarily is noted

[D] She primarily noted (B)

3) Considered one of the leading poets in America today,___________ .

[A] a number of books and plays have also been written by Sonia Sanchez

[B] Sonia Sanchez has also written a number of books and plays

[C] a number of Sonia Sanchez's books and plays have been written

[D] there have been a number of books and plays written by Sonia Sanchez (B)

3. 作定语时, ① -ING分词表示正在进行的动作,而-ED分词表示动作发生在谓语动词之前;


Identify and correct:

1) The boiled [A]point of any liquid [ B]is determined[C]by the pressure [D]of the

surrounding gases. 将boiled 改成boiling

2) High-grade [A]written [B]paper is frequently [C] obtained [D] from cotton rags.

将written 改成 writing

3) Scientists [A]still cannot find [B]any convinced[C]link between intelligence [D]

and the quantity or quality of brain cells. 将convinced 改成 convincing


1) A错。改为boiling.-ED分词含有完成和被动的意思,

-ING分词则表示主动、进行,也可用作前置定语表示性状、用途。如:“boiling water(water which

is boiling.)”意思是“开水”,意即“正在开着的水”,而“boiled water(water which has been boiled.)”虽也可译为“开水”,但表示“已开过了的水(现在可能凉了)。”本句A处应改为boiling,“boiling


2) B错。改用“writing”,“writing paper”意为“写字的纸,信纸”,-ING分词“writing”表用途。与此类似的还有“swimming pool”(游泳池) ,“sleeping car”(卧铺) .“written”含有完成和被动意味,不合上下文。

3) C错。改为“convincing”。“令人信服的联系”应为“convincing link”,“convincing”含有主动的意味,即“联系”(link)本身具有这种性质,而“convinced”则含有完成或被动的含义, 修饰有生命的名词 .试比较:a surprising man (使人惊讶的人) ,a surprised man (被惊吓了的人)

4. 但少数几个动词的-ED分词,有两种形式而且在意义上有差别,如:bear的-ED分词有born和borne之分,前者只用于“出生”的意义,而后者用于“负担”,“负荷”,“承担”和“传送”之意,如: I was born in 1966. / His borne responsibility to the whole workers of the factory is

really great.

再如:hang的-ED分词也有两种,一是hung,另一形式是hanged, 前者表示“悬挂”,后者表示“吊死,绞死”。strike的-ED分词也有两种:struck和striken, 前者有“打击”“冲击”“感动”等义,而striken只用作形容词,表示“受折磨”之意。

来自及物动词的-ED分词所表示的是被动意义;来自不及物动词的-ED分词则可表示主动和完成的意义:fallen leaves (落叶),a full-blown rose (盛开的玫瑰), escaped prisoners(逃犯), the exploded bomb, her deceased( 已故的) husband, the retired workers, the

vanished jewels, the newly arrived visitors, the returned students, the risen sun.



动作及动作过程。由于在表达形式上这两种结构是一样的,都由be +ed分词构成,这样就给区别系表结构和被动语态带来了麻烦。现将几种区别方法归纳如下:


英语中的不及物动词不用于被动语态。但是,不及物动词的过去分词可以和动词be连用构成系表结构。在这个结构中,过去分词只表示动作已经完成。强调事物的状态。常见的这种形式不及物动词有:gone,come,arrived, fallen,retired,startled,vexed (烦恼的), mistaken等。这些不及物动词都具有描述性质。


①Her fever is gone,but she still feels weak.

②I shall be vexed if you keep mentioning it.

③The interviewer was quite mistaken about the incidents which happened in the




①All the books were carried to the library.

②Several students were honored for their excellent performance in the English contest.



①The houses were beautifully decorated.(系表)

②The houses were decorated and rented to those who were badly in need of shelters.(被动)

③The book is not illustrated(有插图的).(系表)

④The book was illustrated by a famous artist.(被动)



amused,broken,closed,confused, crowded,covered,done,delighted,frightened, bent,blessed,bound,drunk,lit,melted,rotten, shaved,shrunk,sunk,believed,burnt,excited, faded,married,interested,pleased,satisfied,surprised等。

3、从-ED分词后所跟的介词来区别作形容词用的-ED分词在个别情况下,可以跟除by-phrase以外的其他介词。如: about,at,in,on,with,over,to等。例如:

I'm interested in my own hobbies,such as collecting stamps,raising birds and fishing.(系表)

I was interested by what you showed me.(被动)

The people present at the meeting were annoyed with the tedious speech.(系表)

The people who wanted to attend the meeting were surprised by the announcement of the

adjournment( 休会/ 延期) without day.(被动)


1)在英语表达中,过去分词具有形容词性质,因此可用程度副词“more,quite, rather,very”


Her look was quite amused.

After working the whole morning,we were very tired.


The dam is completed.(系表)

The dam had been completed within two months.(被动)

He was wounded.(系表)

He was wounded in the battle.(被动)



I shall be much obliged (感激的) to you for an early reply.(系表)

The house is being built by the river.(被动)


My window is broken.(这个句子是系表结构,此句没有对应时态的主动句。不能还原为Someone breaks the window.)

A lot of new cars have been made since the technical innovations have been

adopted.(此句是被动语态。可以将这个句子还原为We have made a lot of cars since we

adopted the technical innovations.)


被动语态一般由助动词be +ed分词构成。系表结构除了与be连用之外,还可以用其他动词替换。能被替换的词有:become, get,turn,sound,rest [保持(状态)],lie,look,keep,remain, seem,appear等。例如:

You may rest assured that everything possible will be done.

He appeared perplexed( 困惑的)at the thought of the future.

以上几个例句中的rest,appear替换了 be。我们可以认定该句是系表结构。如不能替换就是被动结构。

不过,还应强调一下get的用法。get +ed分词既可作系表结构,还可以作被动结构。究竟属于哪种结构,主要是看说话人强调的重点。如果强调动作这种结构就是被动结构。反之,此句就是系表结构。例如:

The house will get white-washed next week.(此句强调动作,因此我们可以认定此句是被动结构。)


-ED分词用作状语时,跟-ING分词作状语时一样,修饰主句的谓语动词,意义上相当于状语从句,表示时间,条件,原因,伴随状况等。-ED分词结构作状语,前边往往可以加when, while,

if, as if, though。这时,我们可以把-ED分词结构理解为一个省略句,即省去了“主语和be的变化形式”。一般说来,这种结构的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致。

1. 表示时间

1) Inaugurated(就职)a second time on March 4, 1901,____focused on domestic rather than

foreign policies.

[A] William McKinley’s new term looked forward to and

[B] the new term looked forward to William McKinley and

[C] looking forward to a new term was William McKinley

[D] William McKinley looked forward to a new term (D)

=When he was inaugurated a second time …

2. 表示条件

2)_____ under a microscope,a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape.

[A] Seen [B] Sees [C] Seeing[D] To see (A) =If it is seen under a microscope

3) ____to steel,chromium(铬) increases the metal’s hardness.

[A] Added [B] In addition [C] Adding [D] Adds (A) =If it is added to steel


4) Encouraged by his mother,________ .

[A] art was studied in Florence by John Singer Sargent

[B] Florence was where John Singer Sargent studied art

[C] the study of art in Florence by John Singer Sargent

[D] John Singer Sargent studied art in Florence. (D)

5)____ by the decision, the lawyer quickly left the court room.

[A] Angering [B] Having angered [C] Being angry [D] Angered (D)

6) Written in great haste, _______.

[A] Jim made a lot of mistakes in the report

[B] there are plenty of errors in the report

[C] we found several mistakes in his report

[D] the books is full of errors. (D)

4. 表示伴随状况:-ED分词结构作状语表示伴随状况时,没有适当的分句可替换

7) Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely______ to the outside world.

[A] being lost[B] having lost[C] losing[D] lost (D)

5. 表示让步

8) Francis Preston Blair,_______ born in Kentucky,lived and practiced law in Missouri.

[A] was [B] he was [C] although [D] who he was (C)

6. 表示结果

9) ______in all parts of the state, pines( 松树)are the most common trees in Georgia.

[A] Found [B] Finding them [C] To find them [D] They are found (A)

7. 表示目的

10) They should be kept here_______ this matter.

[A] informing about [ B] be informed[C] be informed of [D] informed of (D)

8. 表示背景和衬托

11) Known for her caricatures(漫画) of the United States society,_______ .

[A] Peggy Brown wrote and illustrated books for children

[B] the writing and illustrating of books for children by Peggy Brown

[C] children’s books were written and illustrated by Peggy Brown

[D] Peggy Brown’s writing and illustrating of children’s books (A)

12) Well known as a splendid pianist in Boston,______ .

[A] we all are pleased to hear Mr. Anderson’s concerto(小协奏曲)

[B] a concerto was composed by Mr. Anderson

[C] Mr. Anderson composed a concerto

[D] Mr. Anderson’s concerto was composed (C)


-ED分词可以在see, hear, notice, watch, find, get, have, feel, make, leave, keep等词后与一名词或代词构成复合宾语,用作宾语补语。如:

When will you go to the hospital and have your tooth examined? 你什么时候去医院检查你的牙齿?

When you are making a speech, you should speak louder to make yourself heard.



One of the glasses was found broken. 有人发现其中一个杯子破了。

They should be kept informed of the situation there. 应该让他们知道那儿的形势。



1)Commercial banks make most of their income from interest_____ on loans and investments

in stocks and bonds.

[A] earn [B] earned [C] to earn[D] was earned (B)

2) On his return from his college, he found the house_____ .

[A] deserting[B] deserted[C] desert [D] to be deserted (B)


如果-ED分词短语与-ING短语带有与句子主语不同的主语,即本短语自己本身带有主语,这就构成了独立结构(也叫独立主格结构或垂悬结构),这种结构也可作状语表示时间,原因等。有时在独立结构前还可加介词with 或 without。

例如: Her eyes filled with tears, she did not notice his coming.

1) This_____ , we went out to play.

[A] was done [B] did [C] was dong [D] done

2) ______all his followers dead, the commander was taken by his enemy.

[A] For [B] As [C] Because of [D] With (D)


本文标签: 分词表示结构