



XXX Mobile Phone Use

With the XXX of people's material and cultural level and the

development of modern n industry。XXX。some students have

the phenomenon of blind and excessive use of mobile phones。

which not only affects their own life and study but also XXX order

and student life order of the school。In order to create a us and

civilized campus environment。guide students to use mobile

phones correctly。XXX development of students' body and mind。

the school now regulates and manages the use of mobile phones by

students。with the following specific ns:

I。Management time:

Morning: from morning reading to the fourth class dismissal

(7:15 to 11:40);

Afternoon: from the fifth class to the seventh class dismissal

(2:15 to 5:00);

Evening: from the first evening self-study to the third evening

self-study dismissal (7:00 to 10:00);


XXX: class XXX;


First group leader:。Second group leader:。Third group

leader:。Fourth group leader:。

Requirements: ① Each class should prepare a good lock。

and the class teacher should designate a student to manage the key。

XXX。and supervising the n and n of mobile phones。② The

four XXX distributing mobile phones from each group of students

every day。registering the real name of students who did not

submit their phones。and reporting to the class teacher in time。

③ Students who need to take their phones in advance due to leave

or other reasons during the above d should go through the res in

advance (write an n note。sign with the class teacher or subject

teacher and the corresponding group leader。and the key

management person can handle the pick-up with this note).

III。Discipline requirements:

school does not allow students to XXX。If they really

need to bring mobile phones to school。they should be kept in the

mobile phone。of each class during the school's designated time.

the school's teaching area。such as classrooms。art

buildings。and us nal rooms。XXX.

ts should XXX。XXX。save mobile phone call fees。

n fees。fees。etc。and for mobile phones that need to be charged。

please bring a power bank or solve the mobile phone XXX.

the lunch break and sleeping time。students are not

allowed to play mobile phone music。videos。games。make

phone calls。or XXX' rest。Once discovered。teachers have the

right to XXX.

。harassing others。affecting others' physical and

mental health。and disrupting social order through mobile phones

will be XXX.

the mobile phone is confiscated。the machine and

card cannot be separated。that is。it is not possible to request the

return of the mobile phone SIM card or storage card.

① For the first n。the mobile phone will be kept by the class

teacher for one week。Students should fill out the student n form

to retrieve the mobile phone as required。and ct 5 points from the

student's moral n quantitative score and 3 points from the


② For the second n。the mobile phone can only be retrieved

on the first Monday of the second week of the new semester。

Students will be cted 10 points from the moral n quantitative score

and 5 points from the class'XXX.
















本文标签: 学生管理规定手机