



1. 会议将持续两个小时。

The meeting will last two hours.

2. 五年以前,我住在北京。

I lived in Beijing five years ago.

3. 秋天,那些鸟儿飞到南方去。

In autumn, those birds fly to the south.

4. 我的爷爷早上起的很早。

My grandfather gets up early in the morning.

5. 每天下午,许多学生都会来到图书馆看书。

Every afternoon, many students come to the library to read books.

6. 这样的事情在全世界每天都会发生。

Such things are happening all over the world every day.

7. 那天早上我们谈了许多许多。

That morning, we talked a lot.

8. 树叶已经变黄了。

Leaves have turned yellow.

9. 这个报告听起来很有意思。

This report sounds very interesting.

10. 这本书他已经读过许多次了。

He has read this book many times.


11. 学习英语对于我来说不是那么容易。

Learning English is not that easy to me.

12. 它是我们商店最贵的手机了。

It is the most expensive mobile phone in our shop.

13. 我必须得先给花园浇水。

I must water the garden first.

14. 这真是一个令人意外的惊喜。

This is really a pleasant surprise.

15. 他从前一定是一个大夫。

He must have been a doctor before.

16. 布朗夫人不可能有四十岁。

Mrs Brown can’t have been forty.

17. 今年你们打算去哪里度假呢?

Where are you going to spend your holiday this year?

18. 别那么肯定。

Don’t be so sure.

19. 我们还没有拿定主意。

We haven’t made up our minds.

20. 我妻子总是担心这担心那的。

My wife always worries too much.

21. 我们可能哪里也不去。


本文标签: 全世界担心来到图书馆翻译