


阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)中英剧本

三万元奖金的获得者为 The winner of a ,

路易斯安那州小姐 艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.

新一轮的美国小姐为 堪萨斯州小姐And the new Miss America is

塔拉·多恩·贺兰Tara Dawn Holland!

奖金获得者 ...

路易斯安那州小姐 艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.

新一轮的美国小姐为 堪萨斯州小姐 塔拉·多恩·贺兰And the new Miss America is Miss

Kansas, Tara Dawn Holland!

世界上有两种人There are two kinds of people in this world

成功者和失败者winners and losers.

在你们每个人的心中Inside each and every one

你们内心深处at the very core of

都有一名成功者 等着被觉醒is a winner waiting to

被解开束缚 冲向世界and unleashed upon the world.

通过我的九步曲"拒绝失败"计划With my ninestep "Refuse to Lose"

你会得到必要的工具和洞察力you now have the necessary tools and

知道地样把导致你失败的恶习抛在脑后and the knowhow to put your losing habits behind

让你梦想成真and to go out and make your dreams come true.

不要犹豫No hesitating.

不要抱怨No complaining.

不要找借口And no excuses.

我要你们走向世界I want you to go out in

我要你们成功 and I want you to be winners!

谢谢Thank you.

谢谢Thank you.

我已经上路了I'm on my way.

我不知道还要多久 我不知道 I don't know how long.I don't know!

理查 他没有别的地方可去Richard, he has nowhere else to go.

我没在抽烟 没有啦 I'm not smoking.I'm not!

我已经到医院了 行 回见Look, I'm at the , okay. Bye.


胡佛小姐 你弟弟没事Miss Hoover?Your brother's fine.

你不能让他拿到尖利的东西 刀 剪子I need you to keep him away from sharp objectsknives,


如果你家里有药品 镇静剂之类 要收藏好If you have medications, depressants in your

house, keep them secure.

我希望他能在这多呆几天 但是 我明白 医疗保险啦I'd prefer to keep him, butI know. The


你想见见他吗 You want to see him?

嗨弗兰克Hey, Frank.


真高兴你还在I 'm so glad you're still here.

你高兴就好Well, that makes one of us.

一股强烈的低气压正从新墨西哥经过 A strong low pressure system passedacross New

带来的降水会让天气稍稍凉爽bringing with it a little moisture that will cool things off a bit.

阿尔布开克地区的气温 甚至可能会下降五到十度We may even see a fiveto degree drop in

temperatures in Albuquerque.

降雨量不会增加过多There will be no significant accumulations of rainfall

你想谈谈吗 Do you want to talk or no?

不想Nearly nothing, but statewide %No.

喂 Hello?

有人在家吗 Anyone?

走这边 我们安排你和德维恩同住Down have you with Dwayne.

德维恩 弗兰克叔叔来了Dwayne, Frank's here.

他不介意的 弗兰克 我们谈过了He doesn't mind, talked.

我知道我知道 但我们不能让你一个人睡 医生吩咐的WhaI know. I know. But we can't have

you sleeping alone. The doctor said.

抱歉 非这样不可I 'm sorry.I have to insist.

你们会相处愉快的 他很安静You'll get along 's really quiet.

这是你的小床And here's your cot.

拜托了 弗兰克Please, Frank.


谢谢Thank you.

我准备开饭I'm gonna start dinner.

你收拾好就出来吧You can come out when you're settled.

还有 呃 门别关上 这很要紧And, uh,just leave the door 's important.

德维恩 宝贝 车里有一桶鸡肉Dwayne, honey, there's a bucket of chicken in the car.

你拿回来好吗 我来做个沙拉Can you get it?And, uh, I'll make a salad.

奥丽芙 干嘛 Olive? Yeah?

爷爷是和你在一起吗 对Is Grandpa with you? Yeah.

你们在干嘛 排练What are you guys doing? Rehearsing.

好 十分钟之后开饭 好Okay, well, dinner in minutes. Okay.

嗨 嗨 弗兰克来了Hi. Hi. Frank's here.

哦 天 斯坦·格罗斯曼打过电话吗 Oh, , uh, Stan Grossman call?

自己看答录机Well, check the machine.

德维恩 拜托 车里的鸡肉Dwayne, please, come chicken. It's in the car.

能摆一下碗吗 今天我们用纸餐具Will you set the table?We'll do paper plates tonight.

记得奥丽芙拿了阳光小小姐亚军的事 Remember Olive was runnerup in the Little Miss


他们刚打来电话 嗨 你姐姐的电话They just called right nowHey, it's your sister!


嗨 我是理查·胡佛 请找斯坦·格罗斯曼Hi. Richard Hoover for Stan Grossman, please.

那有办法联系到他吗 Any way to reach him or

我就是想问问 出书的事到底搞得怎么样了Well, I'm just wondering if this darn book deal is

done or not.

如果 If


行 你能让他周末给我电话吗 Okay, could you please just have him call me any time over the


他有我手机号码 要是定下来了 就告诉我一声He has my cell to let me know

we're on.

行吗 谢谢 再见Okay? Thank you. Bye.

斯坦·格罗斯曼那边怎样了 他去斯科特斯德了So what happened with Stan Grossman? He's

in Scottsdale.

那他怎么不打电话 Why didn't he call?

我自己操心就成了 行吧 Will you let me worry about this, please?

德维恩 你去看看弗兰克吧 告诉他开饭了Dwayne, can you check on Frank?Tell him it's

dinner time.

奥丽芙 开饭了 Olive! Dinner time!


什么 晚饭 What? Dinner?

你怎么不说话 What, you don't talk anymore?

为什么不说 Why not?

你能说话 但不想说 You can t choose not to?

那是尼采吗 Is that Nietzsche?

你不肯说话 是因为弗里德里克·尼采You don't speak because of Friedrich Nietzsche.

厉害Far out.

弗兰克 你可以坐在德维恩边上Frank,you can sit here next to Dwayne.

沙拉在这 我去给大家拿雪碧Here's the salad, and I'm gonna run and get Sprite for everyone.

奥丽芙 出来吃饭了 Olive, come on!Dinner time!


那你平时和谁一起玩 So who do you hang out with?

谁也没有 No one?


那你家人呢 What about your family?


弗兰克 嗨Frank! Hey!

理查 很高兴 见到你Richard. see you.

我去叫奥丽芙Let me get Olive.

奥丽芙 爸 你们开动吧Olive? Dad? You guys, go on and start.

走啦 我们就来Let's go! We're coming.

弗兰克 来点雪碧 好Frank, some Sprite? Yes.

大家都得吃点沙拉And I want everyone to have at least a little salad.

谢谢 雪儿Thanks, Sheryl.


雪儿 我注意到德维恩不说话了So, Sheryl, I couldn't help noticing Dwayne has stopped


嗯 他呀 发了哑誓Oh, yeah, he's taken a vow of silence.

你发了哑誓 You've taken a vow of silence?

对 他要参加空军学院 当飞行员Yeah. He's gonna join the AirForce Academy,become a test

不达目的就不开口说话and he's taken a vow of silence until he reaches that goal.

开玩笑吧 嗨 弗兰克叔叔You're kidding? Hi, Uncle Frank.

嗨 奥丽芙 哇 你可真是长大了Oh, hey, , you're gettin' big.

简直像个真人了Almost like a real person.

你手怎么了 奥丽芙What happened to your arms? Olive.

没事 我出了点小事故 没大碍的That's all right.I hada little accident. I'm okay.

排练得怎么样了 宝贝 挺好How's the, uh, routine coming, honey? It's good.

是吗 什么时候表演给我们看看 Yeah? When are you gonna show it to us?

不好说 爷爷说了算I don't 's up to Grandpa.

再等两天 还得继续练习A couple of still needs work.

什么玩艺 又是鸡肉 天天吃他妈的鸡肉 What's that? Chicken?Every night it's the fuckin'


天杀的 就不能有哪天 爸Holy God Almighty! It is possible just onceDad!

哪天吃点别的什么 天天都他妈的鸡肉we could get something to eat around here that's not

the goddamn fucking chicken?

喂 爸 我是说 Hey, Dad! Dad! I'm just sayin'

天了 你要是想自己做饭 欢迎Christ. When you want to start cooking your own food,you're


当年在夕阳红养老院 那可 你喜欢呆在养老院 就不该搞到自己被踢出来At Sunset

Manor, you knowIf you like Sunset Manor,you shouldn't have got kicked out.

上帝啊For God's sakes.

你什么时候开始发哑誓的 So when did you start with the vow?

九个月了 弗兰克 他一句话也没说过Been nine months, hasn't said a word.

一句话没说 我觉得这说明他很有意志力Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.

理查 真的Richard. I really do.

真的 我觉得德维恩值得我们学习Really. I think we could learn something from Dwayne.

德维恩有目标 有梦想Dwayne has a has a dream.

可能不是你我的梦想It may not be my dream,may not

但他努力追求这个目标 有信心 有专注but he's pursuing it with great conviction and focus.

事实上 这让我想起九步曲计划In fact, I was thinking about the nine steps

啊唷 帮帮忙Oh, for crying out loud!

德维恩执行了其中至少七步 为了实现他个人的追求目标And how Dwayne's utilizing seven

of them in his personal quest to selffulfillment.

理查 拜托Richard, please.

说说而已 我已经改变看法 同意你们了Well, I'm just saying I've come around.

我认为他需要我们的支持I think he could use our support.

怎么回事 How did it happen?

什么怎么回事 你的事故How did what happen? Your accident.

宝贝 来Honey, here.

噢没事 除非你不想说 Oh, no, it's you object.

没有啦 我赞成诚实 我就是想 你知道啦 你说了算No, I'm prohonesty here.I just think,

you know, it's up to you.

不必客气Be my guest.

奥丽芙 弗兰克叔叔并没有真的出事故Olive, um, Uncle Frank didn't really have an accident.

事实上是 他企图自杀What happened ied to kill himself.

真的 为什么 You did? Why?

抱歉 我觉得这种谈话不合适I'm sorry. I don't think this is an appropriate conversation.

宝贝 让弗兰克叔叔吃完饭再说好吧 嘘Honey, let's let Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay?


你为什么要自杀 Why did you want to kill yourself?

别回答 弗兰克No, don't answer the question, Frank.

理查 理查 他不会回答的 弗兰克Richard! Richard! He's not gonna answer the question.


我想自杀是因为 别听他的I wanted to kill myselfDon't listen to him.

我很不快乐 他脑子有病I was very unhappy. He's sick in his head.

理查 抱歉 我觉得这种对话 Richard! I'm sorry! I don't think it's an appropriate

不该让七岁小孩听到 她迟早会明白的for a sevenyearold. She's gonna find out anyway.

好吧 接着说 弗兰克Okay. Go on, Frank.

你为什么不快乐 Why were you unhappy?

嗯 有很多原因Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.

主要是 我爱的人不爱我Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back.

谁 Who?

我的一个研究生 我很爱他One of my gradstudents.I was very much in love with him.

他 Him?

是个男孩 你爱上了一个男孩 It was a boy?You fell in love with a boy?

对的 的确是 很是 多傻啊Yes, I did. Very much so. That's silly.

没错 是挺傻的 非常 非常傻You're right. It was was very, very silly.

除了"傻"还有别的词可以形容呢 爸There's another word for it. Dad.

于是那时候你就打算自杀 倒不至于So, that's when you tried to kill yourself? Well, no.

我爱的那个男孩爱上了别人 拉里·苏格曼The boy that I was in love with fell in love with

another manLarry Sugarman.

谁是拉里·苏格曼 拉里·苏格曼嘛 可能是 Who's Larry Sugarman? Larry Sugarman is,

美国第二最负盛名的普鲁斯特研究专家the second most highly regarded Proust scholar in the


谁是第一名 那就是我了Who's number one? That would be me, Rich.

真的 嗯Really? Mmhmm.

于是那时候你就打算自杀So that's when.

那还不至于 事情是这样的 No. What happened was I was a

我有点失落 所以说了些可能不该说的话so I said some things that I shouldn't

做了些可能不该做的事and I did some things that I shouldn't

结果我就被解雇了and subsequently I was fired from

只好搬出公寓 去住旅馆and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.

于是那时候你就 还不是And that's when you tried toWell, no.

其实 这些都不成问题Actually, all of that was okay.

问题是两天前 马克阿瑟基金会 极其明智地 What happened was two days ago the

MacArthur Foundation, in its

给拉里·苏格曼颁发了一笔天才奖金awardeda genius grant to LarrySugarman.

于是这时候 我决定 And that's when I

提前退场Decided to check out early.

对 结果这也失败了Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.

奥丽芙 这里重要的一点是Olive, the important thing to

弗兰克叔叔自我放弃了is that Uncle Frank gave up on himself.

他做出了一系列愚蠢的抉择 抱歉 并且放弃了自我He made a series of foolish choicesI 'm

sorryand he gave up

成功者绝不会这样做的which is something winners never do.

事情就是这样的 行了吧 好了 大家说点别的吧 So that's the story, okay?Now, everyone,

just let's move on and, uh

他一直都这样 你怎么受得了的 Is he always like this? How can you stand it?

奥丽芙 给他说说你在准备的这个表演Olive, tell him about your routine while you're doing


好 辣椒小美女是阿尔布开克的一项美丽竞选Okay. Little Miss Chili Pepper is a beauty

contest for everyone

只要是六岁或七岁的女孩都能参加but you have to be six or seven and you have to be a girl.

我们姐姐搞的This is our sister.

辛蒂 春假的时候Cindy. Spring break.

德维恩去佛罗里达州和他爸爸 一起呆了两个礼拜Dwayne went to see his dad in Florida for

奥丽芙去了拉古那 见她的表兄妹and Olive went to Laguna to see her cousins.

结果得了地区名次 我是亚军She made it to the top of the regionals out there. I was in second


那你觉得你能成吗 Well, what doyou think your chances are?

我想我能赢的 因为其它的女孩子I think I can win,because some ofthe

她们可能起步早 有经验 但我每天都有练习they've been doing it longer,but I practice every


嗯 祝你好运 这不是运气问题 弗兰克Yeah. Good luck. Not about luck, Frank.

运气是失败者给自己的弱点找的借口Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.

问题是要想赢 努力赢It's about wanting to win,willing yourself to win.

你得比别人都想赢 我是的You've got to want it badder than anybody else. I do.

那你就赢定了 理查Then you're gonna be a winner. Richard.

是真的It's the truth.

说起来 答录机上有一条辛蒂的留言You know, actually, there is a message from Cindy on the


什么阳光小美女之类的Something about Little Mrs. Sunshine.

什么 阳光小美女 对What? Little Miss Sunshine? Yeah.

什么 What?

雪儿 我是辛蒂Sheryl, it's Cindy.

还记得奥丽芙上个月在这里的事情吗 Remember when Olive was here last month?

她在阳光小美女的地区赛中得了亚军 She was runnerup in the regional Little Miss Sunshine?

他们刚打过电话来 第一名那个女孩的冠军名次被没收了They just called right now and said

that the girl who won had to for feit her crown.

不知道怎么回事 减肥药片什么的I don't know ing about diet pills.

现在奥丽芙可以参加雷东多海滩举行的州竞选了 Now she has a place in the state contest in

Redondo Beach!

天哪 我赢了 我赢了我赢了我赢了 Oh, my gosh! I won!I won! I won! I won!

把晚饭吃完 我吃完了 Finishyour dinner! I'm finished!

出了什么事 我正在打电话 辛蒂 What happened? I'm just calling toCindy!

对 我们刚收到 对 她简直疯了Yeah, we just got , she basically went crazy.

我赢了我赢了我赢了 没 我没听见那段I won! I won! I won! No, I didn't get that.

答录机切断了 好The machine cut you off. Okay.

雷东多海滩 这周日 Redondo Beach. This Sunday?

你们去吗 他们得去WhAre you guys going? Yes.

你们不能改期吗 让他们改期 改期Can you put it off? They have to. They have to.

那我们怎么办 我们不行 不行Where does that leave us? We can't do it. We can't.

没事 没事 我明白 辛蒂No, noNo, I understand that, Cindy. Yeah.

他们 我就 我会想办法 好 再见TheyI justNo, I'll just figure it out. Okay, byebye.

这周日 杰夫和辛蒂不能带她去吗 It's this Sunday? Why can't Jeff and Cindy take her?

他们在圣芭芭拉有个什么骑术赛They have some equestrian thing in Santa Barbara.

那个骑马的破事 他们不是每周都去吗You know, they do that horse shit every single


这次是全国性的 两匹马都带上 听起来挺那像回事的Well, it's the nationals. They're

taking both horses, so apparently it's a big deal.

那奥丽芙怎么办 What about Olive?

阳光小美女 阳光小美女 我赢了 Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine! I won!

我赢了 I won!

要去比赛喽 我们去喽 I'm going! We're going!

噢 你答应她了 我们坐飞机过去 周一回来You promised? We'll fly out and come back


到了那边怎么走 租俩车How are you gonna get around out there? We'll rent a car.

还住旅馆 我们付得起And stay at a hotel? We can afford it.

这可是我们攒下的本钱啊 是啊 没人帮我挣钱 有啥法子呢This is our seed money. Well,

if I had a little help bringin' it in.

别提这茬 都花在你的九步计划上了 Don't start that. It all goes to your nine steps!

我说了 我会跟斯坦·格罗斯曼谈的 I told you I'm gonna talk to Stan Grossman!

我们搞定这笔生意 就有钱赚了We're gonna get locked and loaded on this deal and start

generating some income!

在这期间 我们得 好啦好啦 我们开车去 But in the meantime we've gotta beOkay, okay!

We'll drive!

我可不开车 你那辆小车 老爷子怎么坐得下 I'm not drivin'. How are you gonna fit

Grandpa in the Miata?

老爷子不用去 啥 训练她的人是我Well, Grandpa does not have to come. What? I coached


我教她的动作 我得去I gave her the moves.I gotta go.

不然你开大众车去 我开不了手动车 我试过 不行Why don't you take the V.W.? I cannot

drive a shift. I tried.

坐飞机去 没那个钱We'll fly there. We can't afford it.

就这么着了 除非你有更好的主意Well, that's what we're gonna do unless you have a better


给 甜心Here. This is dessert.

我赢了 我赢了 I won! I won!I won! I won! I won!

我赢了我赢了我赢了 I won! I won! I won!

阳光小美女 阳光小美女 Miss Sunshine! Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine!

好啦 我来开大车All right.I 'll drive the bus.

理查 说了弗兰克不能一个人呆着的Richard, I was told explicitly not to leave Frank by himself.

不是有意冒犯 弗兰克 没事No offense, Frank. None taken.

什么呀 不是有德维恩吗 他们俩可以互相照顾You got Dwayne can look after

each other.

不行的 理查 这也要求太高了 万一出事 No, Richard! That's asking too

something happened

那我们就去不成了 除非带上德维恩和弗兰克一起We can't go, then, unless Dwayne and

Frank go with us.

妈 我的泳衣呢 对Mom, where's my bathing suit? Right.

弗兰克 Frank?

找到了 I foundit!


去比赛喽 去喽去喽 I'm going! I'm going!I'm going!

德维恩 拜托了 看在你妹妹面上Oh, Dwayne, come on, of your sister.

好啦 德维恩 你会玩得挺开心的 Come on, 'll be a lot offun.

你可以去海滩玩You can go to the beach and

"太不公平了 "This is unfair.

"我只不过要求 "All I

"你们让我一个人呆着而已"that you leave me alone."

德维恩 飞行学校Dwayne, flight school.

我准你参加飞行学校I will give you permission for flight school.

我赢了我赢了 这趟也会赢 I won! I won! I won! I won!I'm gonna win this one too!

"行 但我不会 "But I'm

"玩得开心的"to have any fun."

嗯 大家都同意这一点 德维恩Yeah, we're all with you on that one, Dwayne.

爷爷 爷爷也去加州吗 Grandpa! Grandpa!Is Grandpa coming to California?

我们都去 宝贝 嗨 先等等We're all coming, honey. Hey, uh, hold on.

奥丽芙 你过来一下Olive, come over here for a second.

来 坐下Come down for a second.

如果你觉得自己不会赢Look, there's no sense in entering

那参加比赛就没什么意义if you don't think you're gonna win.

你觉得你能赢得阳光小美女冠军吗 So do you think you can win Little Miss Sunshine?


你能赢吗 Are you gonna win?

能 Yes!

咱们去加州 We're going to California.

晚安 德维恩Good night, Dwayne.


有你看着我 我不会啦Not on your watch.I wouldn't do that to you.


谢谢 德维恩Thank you, Dwayne.

你能这么说 实在是很不错Coming from you, that means a lot.

晚安Good night.

天了 累死我了 我真他妈累死了Jesus, I'm tired.I'm so fucking tired.

你们知道我有多累 Do you know how tired I am?

就算有女孩来求我干她 我都干不了If some girl came up to me,begged me to fuck her, I

couldn't do it.

爸 说话注意点好吧 我就有这么累Dad? Watch the language, huh? That's how tired I am.

她在听音乐呢She's listening to music.

奥丽芙 如果你转过身来 我给你一百万Olive, I'll give you a million dollars if you turn


瞧见没有 行See? All right.

那还有我们呢 噢 还有你么呢But the rest of us. Oh, the rest of you.

我给你个建议吧 Can I give you some advice?

那 反正听我讲啦Well, I'm gonna give it to you anyway.

我可不想你犯我犯过的错误 咱们可真是迫不及待想听啊I don't want you making the same

mistakes I made. Can't wait to hear this.

德维恩 你是叫这名字吧 德维恩 DwayneThat's your name,right? Dwayne?

这可是经验之谈This is the voice of experience talking.

你听见没 多干几个女人 德维恩Are you listening?Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.

喂 爸 别只干一个 多多地干Hey! Dad! Not just one woman. A lot of women.

说够了吧 你搞上了没 That's enough, all right? Are you gettin' any?

爸 跟我说没事 德维恩 搞上了没 Dad! You can tell me, Dwayne. Are you gettin' any?

拜托 没有 天哪 你多大了都 十五了 Come on, please. No? Jesus. You're what, ?

天啊 爸My God, man! Dad!

你要抓紧多搞小姑娘 那可是好货色You should be gettin'that young young stuffis

the best in the world.

爸 够了 别说了 能不能别打断我的话 Dad, that's enough! Stop it! Will you kindly not


你是少年郎 他们是小姑娘 都未成年 绝配See, right now you're jailbait. They're jailbait.

It's perfect.

等你上了十八岁 再找未成年的 就得坐三五年牢I mean, you hit Man, you're talking about

three to five.

我可靠边停车了 Hey, I will pull this truck over right now!

你停车啊 我照样说话 靠 我爱说啥说啥So pull the truck over!Fuck you! I can say what I


我屁股上还留着当年的纳粹子弹呢 啊唷 纳粹子弹 I still got Nazi bullets in my ass! Ah,

the Nazi bullets!

你跟夕阳红养老院的那些混球没两样You're as bad as those fuckers at Sunset Manor.

夕阳红出什么事了 弗兰克 别鼓励他What happened at Sunset Manor? Frank, don't

encourage him.

出了什么事 我跟你讲 我付了钱 他们拿了钱I'll tell you what happened.I paid my money.

They took my money.

我他妈爱干嘛干嘛 I should be able to do what the fuck I want!

他开始吸海洛因 开始吸海洛因 He started snorting heroin. You started snorting heroin?

我老了 那会搞死你的I'm old! Well, that stuffll kill you.

你以为我傻啊 你可别开始吸那玩艺What am I, an idiot?And don't you start taking that shit.

年轻人 搞那玩艺就是疯了When you're young,you're crazy to do that stuff.

你呢 我老了 老了不搞那才叫疯呢What about you? I'm old. When you're old,you're crazy

not to do it.

我们也曾经插手干预 相信我吧 完全没戏 他还不如三岁小孩呢We've tried. Believe me.

The intervention was a fiasco. He's worse than a twoyearold.

我们不能说点别的吗 Can we please talk about something else?

我猜你不喜欢夕阳红 弗兰克 I take ityou didn't like it at Sunset Manor. Frank.

你开玩笑吧 那地方简直是天堂Are you kidding me?It was a fuckin' paradise.

有泳池 有高尔夫They got a got golf.

现在我只好和开心果先生一起住 睡在他妈的沙发上Now I'm stuck with Mr. Happy here,

sleepin' on a fuckin' sofa.

我知道你是搞基的 但说起来你也该明白Look, I know you're a homo andall,but maybe you

can appreciate this.

那种地方 男女比例是一比四You go to one of those places,there's four women for every guy.

你能想像吗 你肯定很忙碌了Can you imagine what that's like? You must've been very busy.

哇 我的老二简直是二度烫伤了 不开玩笑Whoa! I had seconddegree burns on my johnson. I

kid you not.

真的 别提了Really? Forget about it.

你们在说什么 What are you guys talking about?



多干女人 小子 没道理骗你啊Fuck a lot ofwomen, kid.I have no reason to lie to you.

别只干一个 多多地干Not one woman.A lot ofwomen.

你听见没有 听进去没有 You heard what I said?Did it go in anywhere?

我们都明白了 爸 Yeah, I think we get the point, Dad.

别拿他妈的记事簿 我不爱看你他妈的记事簿Don't show me the pad.I don't want to see the

fuckin' pad.

妈 我们可以花多少钱 Mom, how much can we spend?

四美元吧 不到四美元的都成I would say four ng under four dollars.

嗨 好点菜了吗 Hi. You ready?

我要五号套餐加咖啡 谢谢Yeah, I'm gonna have the,uh, number five with coffee, please.

行All right.

七号 煎蛋要单面的 加柚子汁A number seven, over easy,and a grapefruit juice.

柚子汁 好 我要一个水果盘Grapefruit. Okay. I would like a fruit plate.

有没有甘菊茶 有And do you have chamomile? Yes.

加蜜 我要一份木工牛排 咖啡With honey, please. I would like the lumberjack and coffee.

外加一份熏肉 外加熏肉And extra bacon. Extra.

爸 你不该 理查 别提这事Now, Dad, you should probablyRichard, don't start.

他会整死自己的 他自己的生活自己决定He's gonna kill himself. Well, it's his life.

谢谢 雪儿 花园沙拉 Thank you, Sheryl. Garden salad?

你呢And you.

抱歉 抱歉 慢慢来II'm sorry. I, umSorry. Take your time.

不用道歉 奥丽芙 这是软弱的表现Don't apologize, 's a sign of weakness.

嗯 哪 我要 好了 我知道了Um, well, I wantOkay, okay.I know what I want. I know.

我要这个格子蛋饼 还有Okay, can I get the waffles and, uh

我不知道 àlamodey是什么意思 I don'tWhat does "alamodey" mean?

意思是加冰淇淋 那就àlamodey吧Oh, that means it comes with ice cream. Okay, "alamodey"


奥丽芙 早饭耶 你说了不到四美元都行的Olive, forbreakfast? You said four dollars.

行 你说得对 谢谢Okay. You're right. Thank you.

好 就来Okay. Be right back.

事实上 奥丽芙 法语里的àlamodeActually, Olive, "à la mode"

字面翻译是"时髦"的意思translates literally as "in the fashion."

àlamodeà la mode.

mode是从拉丁语modus一词而来的 意指"应当或合适的方式""Mode" is derived from Latin

modus,meaning "due orproper measure."

弗兰克 闭嘴 理查 Frank, shut up. Richard!

奥丽芙 我跟你说说冰淇淋是怎么回事吧Olive, can I tell you a little something about ice


好 冰淇淋是用奶油做的Yeah. Well, ice cream is made

奶油是从牛奶里来的which comes from cow'

里面有很多脂肪and cream has a lot of fat in it.

理查 干嘛 Richard. What?

她迟早会明白的 不记得了吗 什么 明白什么 She's gonna find out anyway, remember?

What? Find out what?

你吃冰淇淋的时候 冰淇淋里的脂肪就会变成你身体里的脂肪Well, when you eat ice cream,

the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body.

理查 我向天发誓 真的Richard, I swear to GodIt's true.

怎么了 出什么事了 没事 宝贝没事What? What's wrong? Nothing, honey. Nothing's


你如果吃很多冰淇淋 可能就会发胖So if you eat a lot of ice cream,you might become fat.

如果不吃呢 你就会一直好好的 瘦瘦的 甜心And if you don't, you're gonna stay nice and

skinny, sweetie.

妈妈 奥丽芙 理查是个傻冒MomOlive, Richard is an idiot.

我喜欢有点肉感的女人I like a woman with meat on her bones.

我不明白 为什么大家都不高兴了 I don'tWhy's everyone so upset?

没有不高兴 宝贝 我只是 No, no one's upset, honey. I

我只想让你明白I just want you

瘦也行 胖也行 你喜欢怎样就好it's okay to be skinny, and it's okay to be fat, if that's what

you want to be.

你想要怎样都可以的Whateveryou want, it's okay.

好啦 奥丽芙 那我来问你Okay, but, Olive,let me ask you this.

参加美国小姐竞选的那些女人Those women in Miss America

她们是瘦还是胖 Are they skinny,or are they fat?

宝贝 Honey?

嗯 我猜她们挺瘦的Well, they're skinny, I guess.

嗯 我猜她们可不多吃冰淇淋吧Yeah. I guess they don't eat a lot ofice cream.

好了 咖啡来了Okay. Coffee. Coffee.

柚子汁 谢谢Grapefruit. Thank you.

甘菊茶 你的冰淇淋Chamom i le. And here's your ice cream.

àlamodey对吧 一会儿就给你拿蛋饼来"Alamodey," right? I'll be back with your waffles in a


有人想吃我的冰淇淋吗 Does anyone want my ice cream?

嗯 我想吃德维恩 弗兰克 Yeah, I'd like a ? Frank?

奥丽芙不吃冰淇淋唉 我吃一点你介意吗 Olive's not gonna have her ice cream. Do you

mind if I have a little?

来啊 挖了吃 看起来真不错Yeah, let's dig in. That looks really good.

我真为他们感到可惜that doesn't want to enjoy their ice cream so early in the morning.

哇 真不错 你真的不想吃吗 奥丽芙 Boy, that looks good. You sure you don't wanna have

some, Olive?

蛋饼在你肚子里可会够寂寞的啊Those waffles are gonna be awful lonely in there.

唔 唔 看着Mmm! Mmm! Watch this.

等等 别都吃光了Wait! Stop!Don't eat it all.

行吧 奥丽芙 理查 All right, OliveRichard!

斯坦 我是理查 又是我啦 那 我知道你很忙Stan, it's Richard. , I know you're

但我们急着想知道 你在斯科特斯德有什么音讯but we're just dying to hear what sort of

numbers you came up with in Scottsdale.

给我回个电话 拜托 打通了吗 So, uh, give me a call, please. Hey, did you get him?

还有多远 How long till we get there?

很远 宝贝 我知道 但到底多远 A long time, honey. I know. But how long?

我们今天还得开六百英里 明天还有两百Well, we gotta do miles of driving today and


有得开呢 我们走 我来开一会That's a lot of driving. Let's go. I'll drive for a while.

没事 我没问题 没 我也得学着点了No, no. I got it. No. I gotta learn how to do this.

再说 你不就会开吗 能有多难呢 You're doing hard can it be?

用力推 我在用力啦Push the stick down hard. I'm pushing hard.

把那个手柄一直推到底Now push the clutch in all the way to the floor.

到底了It's on the floor.

卡住了Sticking on there.

用力推啊Push down hard.

出问题啦Well, you've got a problem.

手柄啊 烂了Your clutch is, uh, shot.

能换个新的吗 Can we get a new one?

这种老爷车 得特别订购新的These oldbuses,youyou have to order the part.

那得要多久 How long does it take?

现在是周末Well, it's

大概礼拜四吧so... Thursday.

附近有车铺吗 Is there a, uh,dealership around here?

估计关门了Well, uh, they're probably gonna be closed.

周末嘛 你明白的It's, uhIt's the weekend, you know.

嗯 我们明白Yes, we're aware of that.

我跟你说 你知道这种老爷车啊I'll tell you know thesethese old buses?

从三档换到四档 不用手柄也成You don't need the clutch to change fromfrom the third to the


只有一档换二档要靠手柄You only really need the clutch to go from number one to number


只要你停在坡上But as long asyou keep parking on

让它往下滑 等速度上到十五 二十码的and you let it go, and it goes , miles

你就开始挂上档 然后就从三档到四档you start her in third,and you go from third to fourth.

没坡怎么办 没坡 What if you're not on a hill? There's no hill.

没坡怎么搞 那 What if there's no hill?What do you

唔 也有法子Yeah, it's

奥丽芙 爸 你们先上车Olive, Dad, I want you in the car first.

知道了知道了 行 出发了I know. We know. All right, here we go!

大家推啊 行了Everybody push!All right.

走了 推啊推 Here we go! Push! Push!

好了 好了 OkOkOkay!

我只想让这里各位知道I just want everyone here

我可是美国著名的普鲁斯特学者that I am the preeminent Proust scholar in the United States.

走喽Here we go!

来了宝贝 挂上档了 Go on, honey.I'm putting it in gear!

快跑 宝贝 快点 Go, honey! Come on!

来 奥丽芙 快跑Come on, Olive!Run! Run! Come on!

加油 雪儿 放手了Come on! Sheryl, let's go!


弗兰克 放手了 我来了Frank, let's go! I'm coming.

要跟丢了 慢点 慢不下来You're losing them. Slow down! I can't slow down!

加油加油 加油 你这蠢货 慢不下来 我慢不下来Come on! Come on! Come on, you

dumb bastard! I can't. I can't slow down.

慢不下来 快来 I can't slow down! Let's go!

帮他一把 Help him. Come on!

快快 进来Come on. Come on. Get in.

一个也不能少 No one gets left behind.

关门 一个也不能少 Close the door! No one gets left behind!

好样的 伙计 好样的Outstanding, soldier!Outstanding!


好玩吧 嗯Was that fun? Yeah.

最后我就坐在那儿So finally I'm just

想着 这不是斯坦·格罗斯曼吗 不管了and I decide, you know,"This is Stan Grossman. What

the hell?"

我就向他兜售我的九步计划And I start pitching him the nine steps.

然后差不多 两分钟之后吧 他打断了我 说道AndaboutI don't knowtwo minutes in, he

stops me,

"这个能卖""I can sell this."

唔 有意思Mmhmm. Interesting.

嗯 这人懂这一套Yeah, and this is the guy who knows how to do it.

开始是出书 然后是巡回展览 公司营销 DVD 录像带You start with a book, and then you

do a media tour, corporate events, DVD, VHS series.

看你怎么逐步搞定了 这都是有科学的I mean, there's a whole fascinating science into how

you roll these things out.

哇 他这会儿在斯科特斯德, so he's in Scottsdale right now,

放点风声啦 宣传一下啦building the buzz and kind of getting the whole hype thing going.

人家专业人士管这叫计时拍卖He's doing what the pros call a ticking clock auction.

哟 真行啊 Oh, how about that!

你在讽刺我啊 我感觉得到 弗兰克Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there, Frank.

什么讽刺 我可没 我可没听出来What sarcasm? I didn'tI didn't hear it.

我跟你说But I want you to know something.

我可怜你I feel sorry for you.

真的 好哇You do? Good.

对 因为讽刺是失败者的庇护所Yeah, I do. Because sarcasm is the refuge oflosers.

真的吗 对It is? Really? Yep.

讽刺是失败者把成功者 降格到他们自己的地位的手段Sarcasm is losers trying to bring

winners down to

这就是第四步and that's step four in the program.

哇 理查 我可真是大开眼界了 原来我这么失败啊Wow, Richard, you've really opened my

eyes to what a loser I am.

为这些金玉良言 我该付你多少钱 算我请客How much do I owe you for those pearls of

wisdom? That one's on the house.

行啦 够了 请客Okay, you guys, that's enough. It's on the house.

免费 不要钱That was for free? No charge. No charge.

好啦 他先来了Stop it! He started it.

你真 安静了 电话来了You are so bad. Quiet. This is it. This is that call.

喂 HeHello?

斯坦 Stan?

斯坦 Stan?

斯坦·格罗斯曼 我是理查·胡佛Stan Grossman?Richard Hoover.

我知道 我们呃 在高速上 手机信号不好No, I know. We were, uh, on the highway,and I

lost you on my cell.

不提了 怎样啊 Forget about 'd we do?

宝贝 我去洗手间 你要不要去 Honey, I'm gonna use the ladies' need to go?

不了 我去那边练习一下表演No. I'm gonna go practice my routine over there.

行 别走远了Okay, well, don't go too far.

我觉得我们该再跟他谈谈 Well, I think that we just gotta talk to him a little.

不 你得再跟他谈谈No, you gotta talk to him.

不斯坦 你听我说 别挂No, Stan, listen to on now.

我去买点喝的 你要什么 I am going to get something to want anything?

搞点像样的好货色 我可不要那种打马赛克的Get me something really nasty too. I don't want

any of that airbrushed shit.

行 行 二十块 你给自己也找点乐子Okay. Okay, here's a . Get yourself a little treat too.

还要那个 不是 下面那个And I would like that oneNo, down.

对 对 我就要那个Yes. Yes. Yes.I would like that one.

唔 还要一份 And, uh, I will have a

蓝覆盆子冰果汁a blue raspberry Slushee.

弗兰克 Frank?

天哪 你还好吗 Oh, my God! How are you?

呃 我还以为你会去圣达菲开会UhI thought you were gonna be in Santa Fe for the


你不是在纽海文吗 对Aren't you supposed to be in New Haven? Yeah.

你听说拉里他拿了天才奖的事吧 对Well, you heard about Larry and the whole genius thing,

right? Yeah.

官方公布了 嗯 好It's official. Oh, good.

我们周末去诗多娜一个私人温泉浴场So we're going to this private spa in Sedona for the week

拉里也在 对啊Larry's here? Yeah.

他在外面加油呢 呃 对噢 果然He's out filling the tank. He's, uhOh. Yeah, there he is.

哇真是难以相信 你还好吗 Wow. I can't believe have you been?

挺好I've been fine.

那好 好Good. Good.

嗯 我听说你被解雇了You know, I heard that you got fired.

对 不 我辞职了 受够了 你明白吧 Yeah. No, I quit, 'cause enough is enough, you know?

对 好 好Right. Good. Good.

嗯 我正掂量着呢 各种选择Um, I'm weighing

唔 你知道啦 休息一阵 and, um,just, you know,taking some time off, and so

好 那挺好Great. That's great.

十九块七毛九 先生$., sir.


很高兴见到你 嗯 我也是Well, it was great to see you. Yeah, you too.

那你保重 彼此啦Take care of yourself. You too.


你现在是在斯科特斯德 对吧 You're in Scottsdale right now, right?

行 我可以过来Okay, I can come by.

我反正要经过 我可以顺便过来 我们 I 'm gonna be coming through there.I could swing

right by. We could

天哪 他搞不定了's not getting it.

你试过吗 Did you try that?

听我说 斯坦 我会 我会 Listen to what I'm saying, Stan! I'llI'll

出什么事了 So what happened?

没事 我们走's get out of here.

等等 我以为都搞定没问题了Wait a minute. I thought you said this was a done deal.

他说都搞定了 啥 那你什么都没拿到 He said it was a done deal. What, you didn't get


噢天哪 那我们怎么办 Oh, my God!Where does that leave us?

死惨了 我们死惨了行了吧's where it leaves us.

我真不敢相信 你试过和他协商吗 是 我当然试过 I can't believe I'm hearingDid you

even try negotiating? Yes! Of course I tried!

你以为我 What do you think I

行了 我们走吧 走了走了Let's just go, okay?Let's go. Let's go.

算了Come on.

走啦 Let's go!

"奥丽芙哪去了""Where's Olive?"

噢 Oh!

加油 奥丽芙 加油 奥丽芙Come on, Olive. Come on, Olive.

加把劲 甜心 跳 跳上车Come on, sweetie, in the car.

不能停 快跳 抓住了 抓住她了 We can't . I got her! I got her!



不管发生了什么 你试着自己放手干事业Whatever happens, you tried to do something on

比大多数人强多了which is more than most people

这其中也包括我自己and I include myself in that category.

你肯冒险 有种 我为你骄傲You took a big took guts, and I'm proud of you.

好了 爸 谢谢Okay, you.

谢谢爸Thank you, Dad.

好了 这是号Okay, here is .

弗兰克 你住号Frank, you're .

爷爷住号And Grandpa's .

我能和爷爷一起住吗 Can I sleep with Grandpa tonight?

你得问爷爷Well, you'll have to ask Grandpa.

爷爷 有两张床Grandpa? I got two beds.

你也可以排练一下You could still use some rehearsing.

嗯 我也这么想Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

我早上七点来敲门I'll knock on your doors at : a.m.

不许拖拉That means no lollygagging.

七点四十收拾好上路 各位We need to be packed and on the road by ':, guys.

行 晚安了 晚安Okay, well, good night. Good night.

睡得香香的 好Sleep tight. Okay.

真是一场恶梦What a fucking nightmare.

理查 我们得谈谈Richard, wewe have to talk.


雪儿 我们把这搞定 就回家吧Sheryl, let's just get through this and go home.

不 理查 我们现在就得谈 No, Richard, we have to talk now!

我跟你说过 咱们没钱旅行 I tried to tell you we couldn't afford this trip!

你不明白吗 我们要破产了 还没破产呢 Do you realize we're becoming bankrupt? We are

not bankrupt!

咱们开电视Let's turn on the tube.

我们决定 要挑选正确的人来维护我们的传统 我该刷牙了We agree that the right man to

preserve the traditionsI 'm gonna brush my teeth.

国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德和我在长久考虑之后Secretary Rumsfeld and I thought long

做出了这一抉择about this important choice.

在我看来To me

你说了没问题的 你说都搞定了的 You said this was a lock!You said it was a done deal!

斯坦·格罗斯曼说都搞定了 Stan Grossman said it was a done deal!

我的老公又不是斯坦·格罗斯曼 I'm not married to Stan Grossman!

我信任他 要被人信任 就得先信任别人 这是第六步 I trusted him! You gotta trust to be

trusted! That's step six!

妈的 别提那九步计划了 理查 Oh, fuck the nine steps, Richard!

没用 甭提了 完蛋了 They're not working!Forget it! It's over!

我再也不想听什么九步计划了 I never want to hear about the nine steps again!

好极了 你的咆哮好极了 世界冠军Perfect. Perfect. You're the world champion growler.

该睡美容觉了 进去Time for your beauty in there.

好喽There you go.

晚安Good night.

爷爷 嗯Grandpa? Yeah.

我有点为明天担心I'm kinda scared about tomorrow.

你开玩笑吧 你会打得他们落花流水Are you kiddin' me?You're gonna blow 'em out of the


震得他们晕头转向They're not gonna know what hit 'em.

爷爷 唔Grandpa? Yeah.

我漂亮吗 Am I pretty?


你是全世界最美的女孩the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

没有啦 你说着玩的Nah, you're just saying that.

我认真的 我爱死你了No, I'm not. I'm madly in love with you.

不光是因为你有脑子 有个性And it's not because of your brains or your personality.

因为你美 从里到外都美It's because you're beautiful, inside and out.

爷爷 什么 Grandpa? What?

我不想当失败者 你不是失败者I don't want to be a loser. You're not a loser.

你怎么会觉得自己失败呢 Where'd you get the idea you're a loser?

因为爸爸最恨失败者Because Daddy hates losers.

哇 哇 等等Whoa, whoa, whoa, up a minute.

你知道什么叫失败 You know what a loser is?

真正失败的人 就是那种特别害怕不能成功 怕死了 连试都不敢试的人A real loser is

somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.

你呢 你是在尝试了 对吧 对Now, you're trying, right? Yeah.

那你就不是失败者啦 明天大家玩得开心点 好吗 Well, then, you're not a 're

gonna have fun tomorrow, right?


让他们都见鬼去吧We can tell 'em all to go to hell.

晚安甜心 我爱你Good night, sweetie.I love you.

你去哪 What are you doing?

我得搞定I'm gonna fix this.


我得搞定它I'm gonna fix this.

启动 快启动Here we we go.


你好 请找斯坦·格罗斯曼Hi. Stan Grossman, please.

斯坦 我是理查 我不知道你到底在哪里Stan, it's Richard.I don't know where the fuck you


我现在在宾馆 给我回电话I'm at the me.

但是很有趣But it's funny.

于是我就说"要我教你点生活经验吗 So I said, "You want me to teach you about life


那足够你写一本书了"You can write a book about my experiences."

然后他就跟我说So he says to me

你好 斯坦Hello, Stan.

你说能卖的 You're the one that said it would sell!

那是我那时的想法That's what I thought at the time.

你亲口说那是个好项目 我不明白为什么会这样But it's a great program. You said so yourself.

I don't understand.

不是项目的问题 理查 是你的问题 明白 It's not the program, 's you. Okay?

没有人听说过你 也没有人会在意No one's heard of cares.

下一步怎么办 What's the next step?

没有下一步 我们试过了There is had our shot.

没成 就该收手了It didn't move on.

你是说放弃 理查YouYou mean give up? Richard.

嘿 嘿 进展稍有不顺你就想着要退出 Hey, whWhoa, hey! One setback here,and you're

ready to just quit?

听着 理查 我很努力了 好不好 Richard, listen.I pushed this thing hard, okay?

我不断地向他们推销 但是根本没有人买这一套 I rammed it down their fucking throats,and

no one bought it!

是收手的时候 你这次不会成功的It's time to move 're not gonna win this one.

好啊 好啊 你知道吗 Okay. know what?

很好 我很高兴 知道为什么吗 Good. I'm know why?

因为九步计划说的就是这个Because this is what the nine steps are all about.

就是这个 斯坦 就这个 理查Right here, Stan. Right here! Richard.

理查 别这样 是你搞砸了Richard, please. You blewit!

你搞砸了 你就出局You blew 're out.

妈妈 爸爸 Mom? Dad?

怎么了 亲爱的 What is it, hon?

爷爷醒不来了Grandpa won't wake up.

谁想做视力测试 Want to take an eye test?

弗兰克叔叔 想做吗 Uncle Frank?An eye test?

奥丽芙 过来 把东西放下Olive, come those away.

我们要开个家庭会议 德维恩 过来开会We're gonna have a family , family



医生正在全力抢救爷爷the doctors are doing everything they can to help Grandpa right now.

他度过了漫长而又波澜起伏的一生He's had a long,

我知道他很爱你们and I know he loves both of you very much.

但是如果上帝想带走他的话 我们必须要面对现实 好吗 But if God wants to take him,we

have to be ready to accept that, okay?

不管发生什么 我们始终是一家人Whateverhappens,we're a family.

最重要的是 我们都要爱对方And what's important is that we love each other.

我真的很爱你们I love you guys so, so much.


看这里 这是磅重的火鸡Look at is a pound turkey.

花三个小时就能做好It does it in three hours' time.

你们是埃德温·胡佛的家属吗 Are you the family of Edwin Hoover?


对不起 我们已经尽了全力I'm did everything we could.

他 呃He was, uh

唔 太迟了Well, it was too much.

他可能就这样睡过去了 不再醒来He probably just fell asleep and never woke up.

我会叫人来告诉你们如何处理后事I'll have someone come talk to you about handling the


谢谢Thank you.

琳达 Linda!

妈妈 Mom?

爷爷死了吗 Is Grandpa dead?

是的 亲爱的 他过世了Yeah, passed away.

这个机器能做鸡肉 鱼肉或牛肉 That's what this machine does. Chicken, fish orbeef.

你会很想吃到这些食物的Soyou always look forward to eating the food.

还有 我相信 And that, I believe

把它装进机器 放正 旋下旋纽Put it in the it. Turn it around.

你们好 我是丧事联络人 琳达Hi. I'm your bereavement Iiaison, Linda.

致以我最诚挚的慰问 谢谢My consolations for your loss. Thank you.

好吧 这里有些表格你们要填Okay, these are the forms you need to fill out.

死亡证明书A death certificate.

死亡报告 体检医生通知书A report of M.E. pink slip.

请尽可能填得详细些Please try and be as detailed as possible.

呃 这个是 Um, this is

情绪恢复互助小组的小册子 每周二会聚会一次for a grief recovery support group that meets

on Tuesdays.

还有 如果你愿意 我可以给你联系一家殡仪馆 And, if you like, at this time,I can refer you

to a

那样你们就可以来布置今后的安排so you can begin making your own arrangements.

实拔上 准备工作已经在阿尔布开克做了Actually, prearrangements have already been made

in Albuquerque.

阿尔布开克 是这样的 我们现在要赶往加州Albuquerque? We're actually on ourway to

California right now.

但是你必须要有郡注册办公室颁发的葬礼运送许可证 才能运送尸体跨州If the body is

crossing state lines,you're gonna need a burial transit permit.

恩 但是我们必须在点赶到雷东多海滩Okay, but we're trying to get to Redondo Beach by :.

今天 唔 拉倒吧: today? 't gonna happen.

好吧 呃 我可不可以 Okay, um, can I just

我知道这 呃 这可能有点不合情理 I know that this is, uhthis might be a

但是 有可能的话 我们可不可以先走but if maybe we could just go.

到时候 我们会再回来 再来处理这些文件 还有 And then we'll come back, and we'll take

care of all the paperwork and

不行 你不能丢下他的遗体不管No. You can'tjust abandon the body.

不 不 不 没人想丢下他的遗体 我们只是现在要走 还有 No, no, no. Nobody's gonna

abandon the body. We're gonna go and

否则的话 医院就要承担责任Otherwise, the hospital becomes responsible.

先生 我们做事情有规定的Sir, there are ways we have of doing things.

我们走之后会再回来的We're gonna go and come back.

今天不只你一家有人死了 好不好 You are not the only one that's had somebody die here

today, okay?

我们可以再看一看他吗 Is there any way we might be able to view the remains?

我们还没来得及把他搬到楼下去We haven't had a chance to move

几分钟后 会有人来把他搬去地下室so someone may come in in a few minutes to take him to

the basement.

只需跟他们亮明身份 他们会等你们的Just tell them who you are,and theywill wait.

谢谢Thank ?

填好那些单子 我会在护士站等你们And when you're done with the paperwork,I'll be at the

nurses' station.

好极了 谢谢你 琳达 谢谢你Great. Thank you, Linda. Thank you.

真见鬼 爸 见鬼Goddamn it, n it!


我们明年再参加阳光小美女选美吧 好吗 亲爱的 We'll go to Little Miss Sunshine next year,

okay, honey?

明年Next year.

不 不 我们已经走了多英里No. 've come miles.

不参加比赛那才叫见鬼 雪儿I will be damned if I'm not making that contest, Sheryl.

理查 我们不能把他丢这里不管Well, Richard,we can't leave him here.

我们不会丢下他We're not gonna leave him.

理查 你在干什么 妈的Richard, what are you doing? Fuck.

德维恩 出去看着 理查 你在想什么 Dwayne, go around outside. Richard, what are you


我们要带着他走 不 不 不能那样We're gonna take him with us. No, no. That is not


跟我们在一起总比这些人一起好He's better off with us that these people.

你绕出去 呆在这窗户下I want you to go around outside and underneath this window.

德维恩 你不许动Dwayne, don'tyou dare move.

亲爱的 你呆在这里 我们带奥丽芙走 弗兰克也会开车Honey, you stay 'll take

Olive. Frank can drive.

不 雪儿 我们会在两小时内赶到哪里 一到那里我就给殡仪馆打电话No, Sheryl, we'll be

there in two hours.I'll call a funeral home once we get there.

我爸爸最想要看到的 If there's one thing my father would

就是奥丽芙在阳光小美女上的表演了it's tosee Olive perform in the Little Miss Sunshine


我相信 如果现在我们放弃 Now, I believe we'd be doing a grave disservice to

他的在天之灵也不会原谅我们的if we were to just give up now.

明白吗 这世上有两种人All right? There's two kinds of people in this world.

成功者和失败者 好吗 知道他们的区别是什么 There's winners and there's losers.

Okay?You know what the difference is?

成功者永不言放弃Winners don't give up.

那么我们算什么 成功者还是失败者 So what are we here?Are we winners, or are we losers?

啊 Huh?

好吧 好吧 好吧 一起来吧Okay, okay, 's do it.

你们到外面去 奥丽芙 注意看着帘子外面You guys go. Olive,you watch the curtain.

我不知道 没理由会节外生枝啊I don't know. I have no reason to assume it's gonna be


看着点 托着背部 托着背部Watch. Get the the back.

嘘 来 来 来Shh. Go, go, go.

好 一点钟Yeah, :.

现在 Now?

他很重 温柔点He's very heavy. Be gentle. Mmhmm.

准备 Now!

一 二One, two

好 三 等等 等等 Okay, , wait, wait!

不行 还不行Not yet. Not yet.

好了 来 来 来 嘘 嘘 嘘 好Okay, go. Go, go, go. Shh, shh, shh. Okay.

理查 我不行 Richard, I can't do it!

我抱住了 抱住他了 快点I got him. I got him. Come on.

快来 快点 Come on!Hurry up!

滑下去了 小心Okay, he's .

快抓住Hold on.

我抓住了 我抓住了 我抓住了 我抓住了I got it. I got it.I got it. I got it.

小心点Be careful.

冷静 冷静 快点Be cool. Be cool. Hurry up.

看着点 奥丽芙Keep watch, Olive.

看着路 看着路Watch the the curb.

注意他的头 注意 Watch his head!Watch it!


这样扭过来Swing him around this way.

奥丽芙 进来 出发了Olive, get in. Here we go.

好的 我们走Okay, let's go.

雪儿 我们走 弗兰克Sheryl. Let's go, Frank.

我提到过我是美国卓越的普鲁斯特学者吗 Did I mention that I am the preeminent Proust

scholar in the U.S.?

启动了 启动了 Here we go! Here we go!

你还好吗 Are you okay?

爸爸 嗯 亲爱的 Dad? Yeah, honey?

爷爷接下来会地样呢 What's gonna happen to Grandpa?

弗兰克叔叔 Uncle Frank?

嗯 Yeah?

你认为有天堂吗 Doyou think there's a heaven?

很难说啊 奥丽芙 没人知道确切的答案That's hard to say, don't think anyone knows

for sure.

我知道 但是你是怎么认为的呢 I know, but what do you think?

呃 唔Um, well

我想是有的I think there is one.

我也会进天堂吗 会的You think I'll get in? Yes.

保证 嗯Promise? Yes.

哇 嘿 狗娘养的 Whoa! Hey! Son of a bitch!

怎么了 他突然超车What happened? HeHe cut me off.

卡住了 好的 别管它了It's stuck. Okay,just leave it.

是卡住了还是怎么的It's stuck or something.

试着从下面拉拉看 不 不 别管了MaybeTry pulling it from under here. No, leave it.

等到了那里再修吧 好的 行Fix it when we get there. Okay, fine.

妈的 Shit!

噢上帝 Oh,Jesus! God!

被拦下了 我要开到路边去I'm being pulled we go.

好的 大家都假装正常 好吗 Okay. Everybody just pretend to be normal, okay?

就像这里一切都正常一样LikeLike everything's normal here.

你们都还好吗 How you folks doin'?

嗯 我们都很好 只是Yeah. Yeah, yeah, we're

喇叭出了点问题 对不起 什么 Little trouble with the horn? Sorry. What?

喇叭出了点问题 是啊Havin' a little trouble with your horn? Yeah.

小麻烦 对不起 呃 对不起Little trouble. , sorry.

你能下车一下吗 Could you step outside the vehicle?

请站这边来 不 不Step this way, please. No, no.

什么 不要What? Don't

什么"不要""Don't" what?

车厢里有什么东西吗 先生 没什么 我 Do you have something in your trunk, sir? It's

nothing. I

不要 不要打开 你的表现让我不得不搜一下你的车厢Don'tDon't open 've just given

me probable cause to search your trunk.

只是 我 我只是 把你的手放在车上 快 快 JustII justPut your hands on the vehicle

now! Now!

不许动 好的Don't move. Okay.

没啥不合法的东西 先生 我建议你最好闭上你的嘴 It's not illegal! Sir, I would advise you

to keep your mouth shut!

啊 我的天 他在做什么 Oh, my is he doing?

没啥不合法的 该It's not illegal. Goddamn.

先生 你能到这边来吗 Sir, could you come back here?

我喜欢这东西 我太爱它了I love this stuff. I love it.

上帝保佑你 上帝保佑你God bless bless ya.

不用担心 我不会逮捕你的Don't worry.I'm not gonna bust ya.

啊 谢谢你Oh, thank you

你好吗 How you doin'?

可爱 可爱的家庭 太好了 谢谢你CuteCute family. That's nice. Thank you.

这些算是调剂吧 半遮半掩的 这是 This on the side. A little of this, a little of that. It's

啊 伙计 火辣 真火辣Oh, man. SweetSweetness.

这真火辣 耶That is sweet. Yeah.

够浪 这是我的最爱之一Dirty. And this one is one of my favorites.

啊 真棒 耶Ahh, good, yeah.

那是个稍稍有点不同的类型That's a little different choice.

不喜欢 No?

还给你吧 好的Gonna leave that with ya. All right.

祝你一切顺利 嗯You have a good day there. Yeah.

发生什么了 What happened?

等我脑子清醒了我再告诉你I'll tell you when I regain consciousness.

弗兰克 德维恩 出去推车Frank, Dwayne, get out and push.

好的 离雷东多海滩还有四十六英里Okay, there it isRedondo Beach, .

现在是: 我们可能会迟点到达It's : .Might be a few minutes late.

他们说了三点整 讲的很明白 我们不能惹那些人的 相信我They said : sharp. They were

very can't cross these people. Trust me.

妈妈 德维恩的视力有 耶 我猜也是Mom, Dwayne has / vision. I bet he does.

好吧 现在我要测试你有没有色盲Okay, now I'm gonna check to see if you're color blind.

混蛋 Asshole!

圆圈中间是什么字母 What's the letter in the circle?

不 不 不 圆圈里面No, no, the circle.

就在这里 看见了 Right there. See?

是"A"你看不见 就在这里It's an "A." Can't you see it?Right there.

是鲜绿色It's bright green.

哦天Oh, man.

德维恩 我想你可能是色盲Dwayne, I think you might be color blind.

如果你是色盲的话 就不能开飞机了You can't fly jets if you're color blind.

我们有了一点小小的 好的 后面发生了紧急情况We've got a little bit ofOkay, got an

emergency back here.

我想我们该停车 怎么了 I think we need to pull over. What is it?

什么紧急情况 停车What's the emergency? Pull over.

没关系的 伙计 德维恩 德维恩 没关系的 你要挺住It's all right, man. Dwayne,

Dwayne!It's all right. Hold on.

给我停车 嗯 好吧 Just pull over the car! Okay! All right!

你能让他停车吗 拜托 理查 停车 Could you get him to pull over, please? Richard, pull


理查 停车 没关系 我们停下来了Richard, pull over the car! It's all right. We're pulling over.

我在停车 别乱来 没关系的I'm pulling over. Stop it. It's all right.

德维恩 不 不 德维恩 坐下来 上帝 什么了不起的大事Dwayne! No, no. Dwayne. Sit

down. God, this better be good.

停车 我在停车 好吧Pull over. I'm pulling over. All right.

停车 一切都会好起来的 德维恩 好了 不要开车门Stop the car. It's gonna be okay,

Dwayne. All right. Don't open the door.

德维恩 啊 上帝 Dwayne? Oh, God!

妈的 Fuck!

发生什么了 他是色盲 不能当飞行员What happened? He's color blind. He can't fly.

啊 上帝 啊 不Oh,Jesus. Oh, no.

呃 让他独自待会儿吧Uh,justjust give him a second.

德维恩 Dwayne?

德维恩 亲爱的 对不起Dwayne, honey, I'm sorry.

德维恩 别这样 我们该走了 我不走了Dwayne, come on. We have to go. I'm not going.

德维恩 我说了我不走DwayneI said I'm not.

好吗 我不管 我不会上那车了Okay? I don't care.I'm not getting on that bus again.

德维恩 不管好坏 我们始终是你家人Dwayne, for better or worse, we're your family.

不 你们不是我家人 明白 我不想跟你们是一家人 No, you're not my family!Okay? I

don't wanna be your family!

我他妈恨你们这些人 我恨你们 I hate you fucking people!I hate you!

离婚 破产 自杀 Divorce, bankrupt, suicide!

你们是他妈的失败者 你们是失败者 You fucking losers!You're losers!

不 拜托 让我呆在这里 妈妈No. Please just leave me here, Mom.

明白 拜托 拜托 拜托Okay?Please, please, please.

只管让我呆在这里Please just leave me here.


我不知道怎么做I don't know what to do.

唔 就要迟到了Well, it's gettin'late.

也许 谁愿意留在这里陪他 MaybeCan somebody stay here with him?

我留下 啊 那可不行I'll stay. Oh, that is not happening.

好吧 唔All right.


我只是担心时间I'm just worried about the time.

奥丽芙 你 呃Olive, you, uh

你想跟他谈谈吗 you wanna try talking to him?

理查 不用 没什么好说的 在这里等着就行了Richard, no! There is nothing to just

have to wait.



我们走Let's go.

对于刚才说的话我很抱歉I apologize for the things I said.

我心烦意乱 并不是真想那么说的I was upset.I didn't really mean them.

没关系 来吧 我们走It's okay. Come on. Let's go.

好吧 各位 找找出口 好吗 All right. Everybody,look for the exit, okay?

啊 这里 这里有个岔道 转进去Okay, here! Here's the turn in here.

有到看到雷东多套房的牌子吗 Does anybody see the Redondo Suites?

宾馆就在那边 在那里 就在那里 奥丽芙There's the hotel! There it is! There it is, Olive.

我们就到了 就到了 好吧We're gonna make 're gonna make it. All right.

怎么才能绕过去呢 HowHow the hell do you get over there?

雪儿 不 不 不 不 Sheryl? No, no, no, no!

你错过了 回头 回头You're passing it! Turn around, turn around.

你开过头了 你得掉头 You drove past it! You've gotta turn around!

宾馆在后面 我不能掉头It's back there! I can't turn around.

有谁看到回头路吗 这是单行道 啊 Anybody see a way back? It's a oneway street! Oh!

理查 右边有停车场 Rich! You've got parking lots on the right!

这里 这里 系好你的安全带 宝贝 Here, here! Put your seat belt on, baby!

你在干什么 我没法减速 我做不到 What are you doing? I can't slow down! I can't!

几点了 弗兰克 啊 :What time is it, Frank? Oh, :.

爸爸 从这里直走 我们会赶到的Dad! Straight shot from here. We're gonna make it.

啊 是个死胡同 我不会回头的 Oh, it's a dead end! I'm not goin' back!

你必须回头 那是单行道 You have to go back! That is a oneway road!

那会把我们带回高速公路的 That'll take us all the way back to the freeway!

刚才在那里就是你叫我从左边走的 You're the one who told me to go left back there!

我才不往回走 I'm not turnin' back.

理查 就在那里Richard! It's right there.

你做什么 你不能这样做 WhatWhat are you doing?You can't do this!

上帝 理查 好的 宾馆到了God, Richard! Okay, here's the hotel.

啊 停车 Okay, stop!

出口在哪里 就在这里Where's the entrance? Right here!

你刚刚错过了 又错过了 You passed it!You're passing it!

抓紧了 Hold on!

好吧 再来一次 会有点颠啊Here we go. One more bump.

妈妈 Mom!

你好 我们是来报名的Hello?Hi. We'd like to register.

对不起 报名结束了 呃 不是吧 参赛选手就在这里Sorry, we're closed. Uh, no. We have

the entrant right here.

我们只是想来登记一下 报名在点就结束了We just wanna check in. Registration ended at :.

现在是点啊 不It's : now. No.

别这样 宽容点 我们只迟到了四分钟 我们是从阿尔布开克一路开车过来的Come on.

Have a heart. We're four minutes just drove all the way from Albuquerque.

你该点前到的 等等 等等Then you should've been here by :. Wait, wait.

一定有办法解决这问题的 拜托There must be some way we can work this out. Please.

别人都在点前到了 那样对他们不公平Everybody else was here before :. I'd be giving unfair


不 我们不是来这里讨小便宜的 我们只想让她能参加比赛No, we're not looking for an

just want her to compete.

不要对我大喊大叫 先生 并不是我让你们迟到的Don't yell at me, sir.I didn't make you late.

我们已经定下了表演的计划表 我们已经关掉了电脑We've settled on the schedule for the

've turned off the computers.

表演阵容已经决定 我要去做头发了 好吧Our lineup is final. I have a hair check to do. Okay

很遗憾 你们迟到了 但我也无能为力I'm sorry that you're late,but I can't help you.


你不知道我们经历了些什么You don't know what we've been through.

呃 简金斯小姐 我可以把她加进系统中去Um, MissJenkins?II can put 'em in the system.

啊 柯比 你不必这么做的 不 没关系 只要五分钟就行Oh, Kirby, you don't have to. No,

it's okay. Takes five minutes.

那你看着办吧 失陪了Well, it's your me.

谢谢你 柯比 非常感谢Thank you, you very much.

真的 你不知道这意味着什么Really, you don't know what this means.

明年我可不给他们干活了 他们都是疯子I am not working for these people next year. These

people are crazy.

嗯 那么 你叫什么名字 Okay, so, what's your name?

奥丽芙 很好听啊Olive. That's a nice name.

妈妈 看 她姓什么 Mom, Mom! Look! What's her last name?

是加利福尼亚小姐 真的是她 你想跟她打个招呼吗 It's Miss California. It's really her! You

want to go say hi?


嘿 你叫什么 奥丽芙Hi! What's your name? Olive.

你有什么才艺 奥丽芙 我喜欢跳舞What's your talent, Olive? I like dancing.

对于我来说 跳舞太难了 我是个歌手Dancing was too hard for me.I'm a singer.

你一定舞跳得很好啊You must be a good dancer.

是的 我跳得很棒I am. I'm really good.

唔 谢谢你能来这里 奥丽芙 祝你好运Well, thanks for stopping by,Olive. Best of luck.

嗯 加利福尼亚小姐 Hmm. Miss California?

你吃冰淇淋吗 我很爱吃冰淇淋Do you eat ice cream? I love ice cream.

我最喜欢吃巧克力甜樱桃味的My favorite flavor is Chocolate

虽然严格地讲 我想那是冻酸奶 不是冰淇淋although, technically,I think that's a frozen


好吗 嗯 谢谢你 再见Okay? Okay. Thanks. Bye.


妈妈 她吃冰淇淋的 我听到了Mom, she eats ice cream. I heard.

这个包里有你们的入场券 还有你们的的号码Your packet has tickets in it,and there's your

badge number.

好的 还有什么事吗 Okay. Is there anything else?

呃 是啊 这附近有殡仪馆吗 Uh, yeah. Is there a funeral home around here?

你好 你好Hi. Hi.

好吧 奥丽芙 我们来穿上泳装Okay, Olive,let's get your swimsuit on.

你要在帘子后面换吗 You wanna go change behind the curtain?

这是最后的修饰了 大伙儿 最后的修饰润色This is the last touchup,

touchups. Last touchup.

{an}{fn方正黑体简体fsbbordshadc&HFFF&}令人惊奇 美国头号普鲁斯特学者的畅销

好吧 等等 我不会等你的 Okay! Wait! I won't wait for you!

我们出去走走Let's get outta here.

嘿 嘿 奥丽芙·胡佛Hey! Hey, Olive Hoover.

嗯 嘿 我需要你的伴奏乐Mmhmm? Hey, I need your music.

啊 伴奏乐 好的 耶Oh, music, right. Yeah.

给你Here you go.

这个 你选的 不 我爷爷选的This? Did you choose this? No, my grandpa did.

你爷爷 嗯Your grandpa? Mmhmm.

哪一首 第十二首Which track? Twelve.

我们开了五六个小时 还以为他在打盹We were drivin' five, six t he was


当我们发现的时候 已经 By the time we figured it out, it's

你知道的 太晚了You know. Too late.

那么遗体在哪里 So where's the body?


个人财物Personal effects.

谢谢 你多保重Thank you. You take care.

先生们 女士们 欢迎参加第届Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the

年度阳光小美女选美比赛 Little Miss Sunshine Pageant!

现在 请再次跟我一起 鼓掌欢迎Now, please, put your hands together once again and help

me welcome to

我们的位小佳丽 our beautiful contestants!


啊 让我们为可爱的小佳丽热烈鼓掌 Oh, let's have a big round of applause for our lovely


今晚结束是 其中的一位女孩At the end of the evening,one of

将会荣膺阳光小美女的称号 will be crowned Little Miss Sunshine!

奥丽芙 亲爱的 你在里面还好吗 Olive, honey,are you okay in there?

嗯 我很好Yeah, I'm fine.


怎么了 What?

你有小孩在上面表演吗 You got a kid in the show?

你是第一次来吗 Your first time?

是 是啊Yeah, yeah.

美国 America!

是如此美丽 It's so beautiful!

有时候 我希望我能一觉睡到岁Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep till I was ...

躲过那没用的高中 还有其他一切 通通躲过and skip all this craphigh school and

everythingjust skip it.

你知道马赛尔·普鲁斯特吗 You know Marcel Proust?

你教书就是讲的那个人吗 是啊He's the guy you teach. Yeah.

法国作家 彻头彻脑的失败者French loser.

从没有过一份真正的工作Never had a real job.

得不到回报的单相思 同性恋Unrequited love affairs. Gay.

花了二十年来写一本书 几乎没有人读Spent years writing a book almost no one reads.

但他也可能是莎士比亚之后最伟大的作家But he's also probably the greatest writer since


不管地样 呃 他到了生命的最后时刻Anyway, he, uhhe gets down to the end of

他回首往事 审视从前所有痛苦的时光and he looks back and decides that all those years he


觉得痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子 因为那些日子塑造了他Those were the best

years of his life,'cause they made him who he was.

那些开心的年头呢 你知道啦 彻底浪费了 什么都没学到All the years he was happy? You

know,total waste. Didn't learn a thing.

所以 如果你一觉睡到岁的话So, if you sleep until you're ...

啊 想想你该错过多少痛苦啊ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss.

我说 高中 高中可是大好的痛苦时光I mean, high school? High schoolThose are your prime

suffering years.

你再也找不到更难忍受的日子了You don't get better suffering than that.

你知道吗 You know what?

去他妈的选美会Fuck beauty contests.

人生就像一个接着一个的选美会Life is one fucking beauty contest after another.

你知道 高中 大学 工作 You know, school,then college, then work?

妈的Fuck that.

还有 去他妈的飞行学院And fuck the Air Force Academy.

如果我想飞 我会想办法飞的If I wanna fly,I'll find a way to fly.

做你想做的 不用管其他的事You do what you love,and fuck the rest.

很高兴你又开始说话了 德维恩I'm glad you're talkin' again, Dwayne.

你并不像你看上去那么蠢You're not nearly as stupid as you look.

想回去吗 Wanna go back?

不太想Not really.

嗯 可我们应该回去了Yeah, we should go back.

现在 我们等待的时刻来临了And now, the moment we've allbeen waiting for

才艺大比拼the talent competition.

卡利·纽金特小姐Miss Carly Nugent.

耶哈 Yeehaw!

唷嘿 太棒了 Yodellayhehoo, that was great!

哇 Wowowowow!

太酷了 Funkylicious!

我到后台去I 'm goin' backstage.

嗯 好的 待会见Yeah, right. See ya.

啊 看看你 这是你的打扮吗 Oh, look at that your costume?


好的 这里Okay, here.

嘿 怎么样啦 啊 我是来祝奥丽芙好运的Hey, what's goin' on? Oh, I justI came to wish

Olive good luck.

你地样啊 亲爱的 很好How you doin', honey? Good.

有点紧张 嗯 你会做得很棒的Nervous. Yeah. You're gonna do great.

我相信I just know it.

我可以跟你说几句话吗 好的Can I talk to you for a second? Yeah.

怎么了 What's up?

我不想让她再继续了I don't want her to go on.

你有进入后台许可吗 没有Are you authorized to be backstage? No. Hey.

更衣室在哪里 谁让你到这里来的 Where are the dressing rooms? Are you allowed to be


只要告诉我更衣室在哪里Just tell me where the dressing rooms are.

听着 这可不是阿尔布开克了Listen, we're not in Albuquerque anymore.

嘿 你感觉怎么样 好多了 奥丽芙在哪里 Hey, how are you feeling? Better. Where's


那里 怎么了 我不想奥丽芙做这个There. What's up? Mom, I don't want Olive doing this.

啊 我的天 Oh, my God!

四处看看 这个地方逊极了 他说得对 Look around. This place is fucked! He's right!

我不想这些人来评价奥丽芙 去他们的 Look, I don't want these people judging Olive. Fuck


听着 现在说这些太迟了 不 还不算迟 你是她妈妈Listen, it is too late. No, it's not too

late. You're

你应该保护她的and you're supposed to protect her.

大家都会笑话她的 请不要让她继续了Everyone is gonna laugh at her, don't let

her do this.

奥丽芙·胡佛 还有两分钟Olive Hoover, two minutes.

看 她不是那种冠军美女Look, she's not a beauty queen.

她不是She's just not.

我告诉她 不 德维恩 听我说 奥丽芙知道她是谁I'm gonna tell her. No, Dwayne. You

listen to is who she is.

她练习得很用功 她为这付出了一切She has worked so 's poured everything into


我们不能就这样剥夺她的权利 我们不能We can't just take it away from her. We can't.

我知道你想保护她 我知道 亲爱的 但是 我们就让奥丽芙做她想做的吧I know you

wanna protect her. I know, we gotta let Olive be Olive.

奥丽芙·胡佛 你们是她家人 Olive Hoover. Are you the family?

嗯 好了吗 Yeah. Okay?

奥丽芙 该上场了 准备好了吗 Olive, it's time. Okay?


我们该走了 等一下We gotta go now. Hang on.

奥丽芙 看着我Olive, look at me.

你不想上的话 没关系If you don't want to do this,that's okay.

如果你这次不想上场 也没关系 不管怎样 我们都会以你为荣If you want to sit this one

out, it's totally fine by us. We're proud of you anyway.

我们该走了We gotta go.

时间到了It's time.

准备好了 我们走Ready? Let's go.

祝你好运 亲爱的Good luck, honey.

收到 号准备完毕 Copy that. Twentyfive is

我们正走过来 and we're walkin'...

最快的速度as fast as we can.

是她上场了 是的Is she going on? Yeah.

该她表演了She's going on.

童话般的神奇魔力Pure fairytale magic.

克莉斯玛·怀特曼小姐 Miss Charisma Whiteman!

多么魔幻美妙啊Wasn't that a stardust fantasy?

谢谢她的表演 你们都很有耐心Thank you for have been such a patient audience.

我们还有一位小佳丽 然后就将选出今天的胜出者We have one more contestant,and then

we'll be crowning our winner.

请大家热烈欢迎 Please give a warm

奥丽芙·胡佛小姐 Olive Hoover!

你还好吗 You okay?

呃 我想把这献给我的爷爷Um, I 'd like to dedicate this to

是他教会我这些动作的who showed me these moves.

啊 真是太美好了 Oh, that is so sweet!

他在这里吗 你爷爷现在在哪里 Is he here?Where is your grandpa right now?

在我们车的后车厢里In the trunk of our car.

好的 Okay!

唔 表演吧 奥丽芙 Well, take it away, Olive!

哈 Huh!

你太逊了 You suck!

那些小混蛋 我要杀了她们Those little fuckers. I will kill them.

你烂透了 You stink!

不 不 不 不 不No, no, no, no, no.

你女儿在做什么 What is your daughter doing?

她很了不起 那就是她正做的She's kickin' 's what she's doin'.

过来 过来 Get over here!Get over here!

我要那个小混蛋现在就下台 好的I want that little ragamuffin off the stage this minute. All


抓住他 现在 不许碰 不许碰她Get her. Right this minute! Don't touchDon't touch her.

你的表演结束了 亲爱的 嘿 Your act's over, honey. Hey!

嗨 嘿 放开我女儿 Hey! Hey, let go of my daughter! Oh!

天哪Holy sh

让她表演完Let her finish!

放开我 救命 放开我 Get off me!Help! Get off me!

救救我 快拿下他 拿下 Help me! Take charge!Just take charge!

继续跳 亲爱的 爸爸没事 Keep dancin', honey!Daddy's okay.

现在就把你女儿带离舞台 Get your daughter off this stage right now!

快 Now!

亲爱的 Honey?

喜欢吗 啊 Like that? Oh!

耶 太棒了 Yeah! All right!

好的 如果你女儿再也不参加Okay, you're out

在加州举行的选美比赛on the condition thatyou never enter your daughter in a beauty

你们将无罪释放in the state of California ever again.


我觉得这条件可以接受I thinkwe can live with that.

好了 我们又回到正轨了All 're back in business.

准备出发Lock and load.

奥丽芙 你爷爷会以你为荣的Olive, your grandpa would've been really proud of you.

嗯 你太棒了 你比棒还棒 Yeah, you were great. Mmwah! You were beyond great.

你简直太神奇了 谢谢你们You were incredible. Thank you.

咱们走Let's get outta here.

哇 Whoo!

挂上档了It's in gear.

搞什么啊 What in the world?

本文标签: 理查知道觉得没有不能