




When you think about your iPhone, it's probably the object you use the most

in your life. It's the product that you have with you all the time. With this unique

relationship people have with their iPhone, we take changing it really seriously. We

don't want to just make a new phone. We want to make a much better phone.




iPhone 5 is the result of this approach. It's been completely re-designed. And

for the first time ever, we've increased the size of the display. By making the screen

taller but not wider, you can see more of your content, but still comfortably use it

with one hand. And yet, even with the larger display, iPhone 5 is the thinnest,

lightest iPhone we've ever 5 就是这种思路下的产物。它是经过全新打造


到更多的内容,但仍能流畅地进行单手操作。而且尽管屏幕增大了,iPhone 5是我们出品


To achieve a design this thin, we have to look into making many of the

components inside the design smaller. It's actually 18% thinner, and 20% lighter

than the previous iPhone. It took an incredible cross-collaborator effort to do this.

From the beginning, we knew we wanted to bring LTE into the iPhone. What LTE

does is it enables really fast downloads over your cellular network. You will notice a

big difference compared to previous network connectivity. In fact, LTE can actually

be faster than the average WIFI connection at home. The conventional approach of

designing LTE into a world phone uses two chips. With the new iPhone, both voice

and data technology are combined onto a single chip. This is one of the real

breakthroughs that enabled iPhone 5's thin design.为了实现这么纤薄的设计,我们必





合并在了同一片芯片上。这是让iPhone 5机身如此纤细的一大突破。

We are also introducing an all-new Apple-designed A6 chip. It delivers

performance that's up to twice as fast as the previous generation. You will

experience a big increase in speed, in everything you use your Iphone for.

Especially in the way it delivers more detail, and boosts frame rate in graphic

intensive apps. The A6 chip is so power-efficient that it increases performance

while also increasing its battery life.我们也推出全新的A6芯片,他的速度比上一代产




Giving the dimensions of the new phone, and all the capabilities that we

wanted to add, we need to manage the space inside the phone very carefully.

We've Created the new, much smaller lightning connector. It's all digital, so it's

本文标签: 屏幕手机设计芯片细节