


精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan



[f] [s] [θ]

[v] [z]


二.词汇拓展 Words expending

1) give v. 给(接双宾语的动词)

give sb. sth=give sth. to sb. 给某人某物=把某物给某人

e.g.:give me $5 =give $5 to me 给我5块钱

2) one porn.一个(单数可数名词)

3) which question word 哪一个


Which room is yours? 哪一个房间是你的?

Money or cell phone, which one do you want? 钱或手机,你想要那一个?

4) empty adj.空的(反义为:full)&v.倒空,清空

That room is empty. 那个房间是空的。

I’m empty 我好饿。

full adj.满的,饱的,完全的

This box is full, it is full of gold.这个箱子是满的,里面全是金子。

I’m full.我饱了。

be full of … 装满…… These bottles are full of milk.这些瓶里装满了牛奶。

5) large adj.大的,大量的

China is a large country.中国是一个大国。 Look at that large woman.看,那个大个女人。

辨析:large, big, great


a large box→ 大而不重的箱子(强调体积和三维值)

a big box→ 又大又重的箱子

The Great Wall→ (大墙)长城(表示给人以惊奇甚至惊诧的感觉)


a large man→一个大个男人(仅指个头大/体型大)

a big man→一位重要的人(但个头不一定大)

a great man→一位伟人(给人以敬畏印象的人,译为:伟大的)

small adj.小的/微不足道的 a small village 一个小乡村 a small potato 小人物

little adj. 小而可爱的 a little boy 一个可爱的小男孩

6) sharp adj.1尖的/锋利的 2思维敏捷的/目光敏锐的/听觉灵敏的

a sharp knife 锋利的小刀 The eagle have sharp eyes 老鹰有灵敏的双眼

blunt adj.钝的(音译:砍“不烂它”——刀钝)

Give me that blunt knife ,I want to kill my boyfriend. 给我把钝刀,我要杀了我的男友.

Too much alcohol makes your mind blunt.[喻]酒喝多了会使你变笨。

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

7) glass n.1 玻璃(不可数名词)n.2玻璃杯(可数名词)

n.3杯(量词)a glass of water 一杯水

cup n.茶杯 a cup of tea 一杯茶;World Cup 世界杯 :简称W.C.

8) knife n. 刀,有柄的小刀 ① 餐刀: a table knife 水果刀:a fruit knife

菜刀:kitchen knife 折叠刀:a pocketknife 指甲刀:nail clipper

旋笔刀:pencil-sharpen 刺刀:bayonet 匕首:dagger


spoon n. 匙;调羹 dessert / soup / table / tea / egg spoon


9) on prep. 在…的上面:on the table 在桌子上 / on the shelf 在架子上

in 在…的里面:in the room 在房间里 / in the street 在街道上

under 在…的下面:under the bed 在床下 / under the book 在书的下面

behind 在…的后面: behind the house 在房子后 / behind the tree 在树的后面

10) cupboard n. 食橱 名词1+名词2=另一名词

如: cup+board=cupboard foot+ball=football

basket+ball=basketball home+work=homework

newspaper n.报纸 news +paper =newspaper

新闻 (un.) + 纸 (un.) =报纸 (c)

plate n.1大盘子 里面的菜大家都可以夹着吃 n.2板/钢板

11) 盘子

dish n.1小盘子/小碟子 放在自己面前供自己临时存放菜的小碟子 n.2菜

12) television n.电视机(简称为T.V)看电视→watch television/T.V

phone(音) 电话

vision(影像) 电视机


scope(镜) 望远镜



give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. 将某东西给某人=给某人某东西

例句:give me a bike= give a bike to me.

give him a cup= give a cup to him

give Tony 5yuan=give 5yuan to Tony

2. 疑问代词which,既可指人又可指物,指示在一定的范围内所指代的人或是物体

口语练习: My friend

1. Nationality (American, French, Korean, )

2. Language (American, French, Korean, )

3. Age ( 10, 16, 26.....)

4. Job (teacher, hairdresser, air hostess, driver, )

5. Hobbies (swimming, reading, )

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan


1. Give _____(她)a book please, Jane.

2. — Are these the children's books ? — No, they're not. _______(他们的)books are red.

3. There is a clean ______(叉子)on the table.

4. — Are these your pens? — No, they're not. _____ (我们的)pens are blue.

5. The books are on the _____ (架子).

6. There are some _________(杂志)on the bed.

7. Give me some _________(玻璃杯)please,Jane.

8. There are two boxes on the _______(地板).

9. Give Tom this book. Give _______(他)this one, too.

10. ________(哪个)book is your favourite?


1. It is my _____. Give it to me, please. A, bags B. two bags C. blue bags D. bag

2. — Show me the letter, please.

— Which one? The one _____ pencil?

A. in B. with C. by D. on

3. — Is this your son's sweater?

— No. _____ is on the chair behind the desk.

A. He B. Him C. She D. His

4. —My watch keeps good time. What about _____?

— Mine? Oh, two minutes slow?

A. you B. her C. hers D. yours

5. Mum, I'm thirsty. Would you please pass _______ a glass of juice?

A. her B. me C. him D. us

6. A group _____ boys and girls are dancing in the park. A. with B. of C. for D. to

7. It's very nice _____ you to help me. A. with B. of C. for D. to

8. —Whose book is this?Is this yours? — No, it's ____. A. her B. she C. my D. Hers

9. —Which football match do you like better?

—_____ between South Korea and Japan.

A. The one B. One C. The ones D. Ones

10. —Would you like some tea? — Yes, _____.

A. thank you B. here you are. C. give me D. show me

11. Some journalists went to Germany to work for the World Cup ______ June 3



A. with B. in C. on D. at

12. There are some old people talking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. have D. has

13. ___ is my son. Do you like to play with ____?

A. You / you B. She / her C. I / me D. He / him

14. We usually have a football match ____ Sunday. A. to B. in C. on D. at

15. Would you please show me the book ____ the shelf? A. to B. in C. on D. above

16. Some cups and glasses ____ on the table. A. is B. are C. be D. am

17. Here ____ a book and a pen. A. is B. are C. be D. am

18. — Hello! Where is your cup? —____ the cupboard. A. To B. In C. On D. At

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan



Meat dishes Other dishes

beef with potatoes $18 cabbage $6

sweet and sour pork $16 potatoes $4

fried chicken $22 eggs and tomatoes $8

fried fish $20 vegetable salad $5

rice $5 / bowl


green tea $5 / cup nooddles $4 / bowl

coffee $8 / cup dumplings $4 / bowl

milk $2 / bottle

orange juice $10 / glass

1. Which dish is the cheapest one?

A. Noodles B. Potatoes C. Fried fish D. Eggs and tomato soup

2. Which drink is the most expensive?

A. Milk B. Coffee C. Orange juice D. Green tea

3. Which of the following will cost you $31?

A. Beef with potatoes, a bowl of rice, eggs and tomatoes.

B. Sweet and sour pork, cabbage and a bottle of milk.

C. Vegetable salad, a bowl of noodles and a cup of coffee.

D. Fried fish , a plate of dumplings and a glass of orange juice.

Mr. Brown works on a farm. Mr. Green works in a park. But they don't know each other.

Today is Sunday. Mr. Brown comes to the park. He feels tired. He wants to have a little rest .

He sees a red chair under a tree over there. So he walks to the chair. Mr. Green is behind him. Mr.

Green runs to the chair with a board when he sees comes to the chair. But Mr. Brown runs

faster. When he is sitting on the chair,

Mr. Brown is very happy. But Mr. Green doesn't say anything. He gives the board in his hand to him.

It says,"Wet Paint."

1. Where does Mr. Brown work?

A. On a farm B. In a park C. In a chair D. On a chair

2. Where does Mr. Green work?

A. On a farm B. In a park C. In a chair D. On a chair

3. When does this story happen?

A. On Sunday B. On Monday C. On Tuesday D. On Wednesday

4. Why does Mr. Brown come to the park?

A. He wans to have a walk. B. He wants to have a swim

C. He wants to have a drink. D. He wants to have a rest

5. Why doesn't Mr. Green want Mr. Brown to sit on the chair?

A. Because it is too wet. B. Because it is too cold.

C. Because it is in wet paint. D. Because it is his chair.

本文标签: 名词碟子精品给人以目光