

Google Chrome is the most used browser in the world. Chrome is a present from Google. Google Chrome has also an operating system that uses Google services for corporate work. In this tutorial, we will look at how to update the Google Chrome browser for operating systems like Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, Fedora, CentOS, RedHat.

Google Chrome浏览器是世界上使用最广泛的浏览器。 Chrome是Google的礼物。 Google Chrome浏览器还具有使用Google服务进行公司工作的操作系统。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何针对Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali,Fedora,CentOS,RedHat等操作系统更新Google Chrome浏览器。

Google Chrome更新周期 (Google Chrome Update Cycle)

Google has a stable release cycle for Chrome. It provides a new major version for Google Chrome every 10 weeks by using predictable release phases. As a popular, fast-moving, and feature full browser contain a lot of security-related issues that force new updates in short periods.

Google对于Chrome具有稳定的发布周期。 通过使用可预测的发布阶段,它每10周为Google Chrome提供一个新的主版本。 作为流行,快速移动且功能齐全的浏览器,它包含许多与安全相关的问题,这些问题会在短期内强制进行新的更新。

更新适用于Windows操作系统的Google Chrome浏览器 (Update Google Chrome For Windows Operating Systems)

Google Chrome provides a simple and easy update mechanism for Windows operating systems like Windows 10, 7, Server 2012, Server 2016, etc. When a new update is published the Google Chrome browsers show a red up arrow icon in the Google Chrome menu. This informs that there is an update to be applied. The color of the red upside arrow has the following meanings.

Google Chrome为Windows 10、7,Server 2012,Server 2016等Windows操作系统提供了一种简便的更新机制。发布新更新时,Google Chrome浏览器在Google Chrome菜单中显示一个红色的向上箭头图标。 这表明存在要应用的更新。 红色向上箭头的颜色具有以下含义。

  • Green: An update has been available for two days which can be installed.


  • Orange: An update has been available for four days and this update should be installed in a short time to prevent security issues.


  • Red: An update has been available for seven days and this update should be applied as soon as possible which is very important.


Google Chrome Update Available Warning
Google Chrome更新可用警告

We will apply the Google Chrome warning from the Google Chrome menu like below by clicking to the Update Google Chrome like below.

我们将通过单击下面的“ Update Google Chrome从如下Google Chrome菜单中应用Google Chrome警告。

Update Google Chrome

Alternatively chrome://settings/help screen can be used apply updated by relaunching the Google Chrome. This screen can be also accessed from Google Menu->Help->About Google Chrome .

另外,可以通过重新启动Google Chrome浏览器使用chrome://settings/help屏幕应用更新。 也可以从Google Menu -> Help -> About Google Chrome访问此屏幕。

In order to complete the Google Chrome update the Google Chrome should be restarted or relaunched. So the following Relaunch Chrome question will be asked where we should click to the Relaunch button like below.

为了完成Google Chrome浏览器更新,应重新启动或重新启动Google Chrome浏览器。 因此,将询问以下Relaunch Chrome问题,如下所示,我们应在何处单击“ Relaunch按钮。

Relaunch Google Chrome To Apply Update

If there are some web sites opened with Google Chrome we will be asked to leave side and some changes may e not saved automatically. In order to prevent data loss click to Cancel and save unsaved changes then click to the Leave.

如果使用Google Chrome浏览器打开了一些网站,我们将被要求退出,并且某些更改可能不会自动保存。 为了防止数据丢失,请单击“取消”并保存未保存的更改,然后单击“ Leave

Google Chrome Leave Site
Google Chrome离开网站

The Google Chrome will be relaunched and a new version will be started with previously opened tabs. We can check the new version information from Help -> About Google Chrome.

Google Chrome浏览器将重新启动,并使用以前打开的标签页启动新版本。 我们可以从Help -> About Google Chrome查看新版本信息。

Google Chrome Version
Google Chrome版本

更新适用于Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali的Google Chrome浏览器(Update Google Chrome For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

Google Chrome is also supported in different Linux flavors. The update process of Google Chrome on Linux is a bit different. As the Google Chrome is provided via packages or using related distribution repositories we can use package management commands like apt-get.We can use apt-get command in order to update Google Chrome in Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali. We need root privileges to run apt-get update .

不同Linux版本也支持Google Chrome。 Linux上的Google Chrome浏览器的更新过程有些不同。 由于Google Chrome是通过软件包或使用相关的发行版本库提供的,因此我们可以使用apt-get类的软件包管理命令。我们可以使用apt-get命令来在Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali中更新Google Chrome。 我们需要root特权才能运行apt-get update

$  apt-get upgrade chromium-browser
Update Google Chrome For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint and Kali
更新适用于Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali的Google Chrome浏览器

更新Fedora,CentOS,RedHat的Google Chrome(Update Google Chrome For Fedora, CentOS, RedHat)

Fedora, CentOS, and RedHat are other RPM-based distributions that have Google Chrome. We will use yum update in order to update Google Chrome. We need root privileges in order to run yum update command.

Fedora,CentOS和RedHat是其他具有Google Chrome的基于RPM的发行版。 我们将使用yum update来更新Google Chrome。 我们需要root特权才能运行yum update命令。

$  yum update google-chrome-stable
LEARN MORE  How To Update Mozilla Firefox? 了解更多如何更新Mozilla Firefox?

翻译自: https://www.poftut/update-google-chrome-browser/

本文标签: 浏览器Googlechrome