

AMD RDNA Architecture - AMD RDNA 架构


Architected for Gaming - 为游戏而构建
The new RDNA architecture is designed for the next generation of efficient high-performance gaming. It’s the DNA that powers your games, the DNA that brings your games to life, the DNA that keeps evolving.
全新 RDNA 架构专为新一代高效率、高性能游戏而设计。它是为你的游戏提供动力的 DNA、让你的游戏生动逼真的 DNA、不断发展进化的 DNA。

The New RDNA That Powers Your Games - 全新 RDNA 为你的游戏注入强劲动力
Engineered from the ground up with superior performance and power efficiency, RDNA is the architecture powering AMD’s 7nm gaming GPU, delivering 1.25 performance per clock compared to previous 14nm processors. Equipped with GDDR6 memory and featuring PCI Express 4.0 support, RDNA architecture is ready for the new generation of games.
RDNA 采用全新设计,具有卓越的性能和能效,是用来打造 AMD 7 纳米游戏 GPU 的架构,与之前的 14 纳米处理器相比,每时钟性能是原来的 1.25 倍。RDNA 架构配备 GDDR6 显存,支持 PCI Express 4.0,适用于新一代游戏。

More Performance, Less Power - 性能更强,功耗更低
RDNA Architecture is hyper efficient with less latency, power, bandwidth needed to enable quality gaming experiences. Efficiently energetic, RDNA architecture runs faster with lower power consumption than ever before. Built on the 7nm FinFET process allows up to 1.5 performance per watt when compared to previous 14nm processors. With an improved graphics pipeline, RDNA Architecture is designed to decrease latency and render your games faster.
RDNA 架构效率极高,带来高质量游戏体验的同时,具有较低的延迟、功耗并且所需带宽更低。RDNA 架构高效、强大,运行速度更快,功耗更低。采用 7 纳米 FinFET 工艺,与先前的 14 纳米 GPU 相比,每瓦特性能是原来的 1.5 倍。RDNA 架构通过改进的图形管道,能够进一步降低延迟并更快地渲染游戏。

Fin Field-Effect Transistor,FinFET:鳍式场效晶体管,鳍式场效应晶体管
deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]:v. 交付,发表,兑现,传送
evolve [ɪˈvɒlv]:v. 进化,演化,逐步发展
energetic [ˌenə(r)ˈdʒetɪk]:adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的,需要能量的,积极的
render [ˈrendə(r)]:v. 提供,给予,提交,翻译 n. 粉刷,初涂,抹灰,精制油
decrease [diːˈkriːs]:v. 降低,减少,缩小,减弱 n. 减少,减小量,所减少的总量,减缩位置

Architected for the Future - 为未来建设的架构
RDNA Architecture was designed with features enabled for ecosystem readiness. Expect top to bottom scalability from mobile to cloud. RDNA architecture sets a new foundation to scale across the next generation of high-performance gaming platforms. RDNA architecture delivers a design packed with faster performance, higher efficiency, and top to bottom scalability.
RDNA 架构的设计具备支持生态系统的功能和特性。无论是上下通体的可扩展性还是从移动到云端,均考虑在内。RDNA 架构为新一代高性能游戏平台的扩展奠定了新的基础。RDNA 架构提供了更快的性能,更高的效率和上下通体的可扩展性。

readiness ['redinəs]:n. 准备就绪,愿意,乐意
foundation [faʊn'deɪʃ(ə)n]:n. 基础,地基,基金会,建立

Game Streaming Accelerated - 加速游戏串流
Stream to the world and consume the latest and most demanding content with dedicated 4K encode and 8K decode Radeon™ Media Engine built into the RDNA architecture that will handle any codec you throw at it.
RDNA 架构内置专用 4K 编码和 8K 解码 Radeon 媒体引擎,轻松处理您使用的任何编解码器,助你尽情展现自我,畅享最新、最考验系统配置的精彩内容。

codec [ˈkəʊˌdɛk]:n. 编码译码器

Bend the rules - 改变游戏规则
AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 XT Graphics

Designed from the ground up for exceptional 1440p performance and high-fidelity gaming.
全新设计,提供卓越的 1440p 性能和高画质游戏。

bend [bend]:v. 弯曲,倾斜,弯曲,把 ... 弄弯 n. 弯道,减压病

1. RDNA 架构白皮书

Introducing RDNA Architecture


glossary [ˈɡlɒsəri]:n. 词汇表,术语汇编
Ubisoft Entertainment SA,Ubi Soft Entertainment SA:育碧娱乐公司,育碧娱乐软件
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.



本文标签: 架构amdRDNAArchitecture