

QR (Quick Response) codes are found in many places, such as advertisements, billboards, business windows, and on products. But you don’t necessarily need a separate app to scan them—if you use Google Chrome on your iPhone, it has a QR code scanner built-in.

QR(快速响应)代码在很多地方都可以找到,例如广告,广告牌,业务窗口以及产品上。 但是,您不一定需要单独的应用程序来扫描它们-如果您在iPhone上使用Google Chrome浏览器 ,则它内置了QR码扫描仪。

QR codes were first developed in 1994 to help track parts in the manufacturing of vehicles. Since then, uses of QR codes have expanded to include bookmarking webpages, initiating phone calls, sending short messages and emails, connecting to Wi-Fi networks, getting coupons, viewing videos, and opening website URLs, just to name a few.

QR代码于1994年首次开发,用于帮助跟踪车辆制造中的零件。 从那时起,QR码的用途已扩展到包括为网页添加书签,发起电话呼叫,发送短信和电子邮件,连接到Wi-Fi网络,获取优惠券,观看视频以及打开网站URL,仅举几例。

There are many apps, both free and paid, available on mobile devices for scanning QR codes. But Chrome users don’t need to download another app—just use Chrome’s built-in scanner.

在移动设备上有许多免费和付费的应用程序可用于扫描QR码。 但是Chrome用户不需要下载其他应用,只需使用Chrome的内置扫描仪即可。

NOTE: You must be running Chrome version 56.0.2924.79, so be sure to update Chrome, if you haven’t already.


The option to scan a QR code has been added to Chrome as a 3D shortcut. So, if you have a phone with 3D touch (iPhone 6S and newer), hard press on the Chrome icon on your Home screen until a menu pops up. Tap “Scan QR Code” on that menu.

扫描QR码的选项已作为3D快捷方式添加到Chrome。 因此,如果您的手机具有3D触摸功能(iPhone 6S和更高版本),请在主屏幕上用力按Chrome图标,直到弹出菜单。 在该菜单上点击“扫描QR码”。

If you have an older iPhone (iPhone 6 and earlier) without the 3D Touch feature, you can use Chrome’s Spotlight action to scan a QR code.

如果您使用的旧版iPhone(iPhone 6及更低版本)没有3D触摸功能,则可以使用Chrome的Spotlight操作来扫描QR码。

To do this, swipe right on the main Home screen to access the Spotlight search screen. Tap on the search box at the top of the screen and type “QR Code” in box. Results display as you type. Scroll down to find the “Scan QR Code” item under Chrome and tap on it.

为此,请在主主屏幕上向右滑动以访问Spotlight搜索屏幕。 点击屏幕顶部的搜索框,然后在框中键入“ QR Code”。 输入时显示结果。 向下滚动以找到Chrome下的“扫描QR码”项,然后点击它。

The first time you use Chrome’s QR code scanner, Chrome asks permission to access your camera. Tap “OK” to allow Chrome to use your camera.

首次使用Chrome的QR码扫描仪时,Chrome会要求您访问相机的权限。 点击“确定”以允许Chrome使用您的相机。

A frame with white corners displays. Aim your phone’s camera at the QR code so the code is within the frame.

显示带有白色角的框架。 将手机的相机对准QR码,以使该码位于框架内。

The QR code is automatically read. In our example, the QR code is the URL for How-To Geek, so the website automatically opens in the default web browser, Safari. (If you prefer to use Chrome, you can add a bookmarklet to Safari that will open the current webpage in Chrome.)

QR码将自动读取。 在我们的示例中,QR码是How-To Geek的URL,因此该网站会在默认的Web浏览器Safari中自动打开。 (如果您更喜欢使用Chrome,则可以在Safari中添加一个书签,这将在Chrome中打开当前网页 。)

Scanning QR codes with Chrome on iOS is only available on iPhones, not iPads.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/296113/how-to-scan-a-qr-code-using-chrome-on-your-iphone/

本文标签: 如何在iphoneqrchrome