

Bluetooth gives you the freedom to move without a tether, but it isn’t always the most reliable way to use wireless devices. If you’re having trouble with Bluetooth on your Windows machine, you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot it.

蓝牙使您可以不受束缚地自由移动,但这并不总是使用无线设备的最可靠方法。 如果Windows机器上的蓝牙出现问题,可以按照以下步骤进行故障排除。

蓝牙基本故障排除步骤 (Basic Bluetooth Troubleshooting Steps)

While many of these steps might seem obvious, they will fix many of the most common Bluetooth issues on Windows.


检查蓝牙是否打开 (Check That Bluetooth Is Turned On)

Start by making sure Bluetooth is actually enabled on your Windows PC. Just because the symbol is in the taskbar doesn’t mean your Bluetooth radio is actually turned on.

首先,请确保Windows PC上实际启用了蓝牙。 仅仅因为该符号位于任务栏中并不意味着您的蓝牙无线电实际上已经打开。

To check it, click the Windows notification icon on your taskbar in the bottom-right corner of your screen. If you don’t see a “Bluetooth” tile, click the “Expand” button. If the “Bluetooth” tile is grayed-out, your Bluetooth radio is turned off.

要检查它,请单击屏幕右下角任务栏上的Windows通知图标。 如果没有看到“蓝牙”图块,请单击“扩展”按钮。 如果“蓝牙”图块变灰,则表明您的蓝牙无线电已关闭。

Click it to turn it back on—the tile will turn blue to show the change.


You can also head to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth and Other Devices and toggle the “Bluetooth” switch until it turns blue.


重新启动您的蓝牙收音机 (Restart Your Bluetooth Radio)

If Bluetooth is enabled, switching it off and on again might resolve some underlying issues of which you’re unaware.


To do this, click the notification icon in your Windows taskbar to access your quick settings. Click the “Bluetooth” tile to turn it off. Once it goes gray, click it again to turn it back on.

为此,请单击Windows任务栏中的通知图标以访问您的快速设置。 单击“蓝牙”图块将其关闭。 变灰后,再次单击以将其重新打开。

When the tile turns blue, your Bluetooth radio is back on, and ready to use.


检查电池 (Check the Battery)

If you aren’t keeping track of the battery level on your Bluetooth device, you might not even be aware when it runs out of power.


Before you try a more serious solution, you might want to replace the batteries in your Bluetooth device or charge it, and then try it again.


重新启动电脑 (Restart Your PC)

The best fixes are sometimes the easiest, and if you haven’t tried it already, give your PC a quick restart.


When you reboot your PC, you wipe the slate clean, and clear out any idle processes or memory leaks. It’s not a miracle fix, but it can rectify some issues with the hardware, so give it a go.

重新启动PC时,将板擦干净,并清除所有空闲进程或内存泄漏。 这不是一个奇迹修复程序,但是它可以纠正硬件方面的一些问题,因此,请放手一搏。

检查蓝牙干扰和设备距离 (Check Bluetooth Interference and Device Distance)

Bluetooth devices communicate wirelessly via radio waves. Just like a Wi-Fi network, interference can affect Bluetooth connections. Other radio signals, physical obstacles (like thick walls), and devices like microwaves can all block or degrade a Bluetooth connection.

蓝牙设备通过无线电波进行无线通信。 就像Wi-Fi网络一样,干扰会影响蓝牙连接。 其他无线电信号,物理障碍物(如厚壁的墙壁)以及诸如微波之类的设备都会阻塞或降低蓝牙连接。

Take a moment to survey the area. How far away is your Bluetooth device from your PC? The bigger the distance, the weaker the signal.

花一点时间调查一下该地区。 蓝牙设备与PC距离多远? 距离越大,信号越弱。

Move your device closer to your PC and see if it impacts the Bluetooth connectivity. If not, try (if possible) to use your Bluetooth device in another location. You can also use third-party apps, like the Bennett Bluetooth Monitor, to check your Bluetooth’s signal strength.

将设备移近PC,看看它是否影响蓝牙连接。 如果没有,请尝试(如果可能)在其他位置使用您的蓝牙设备。 您还可以使用Bennett Bluetooth Monitor等第三方应用程序来检查Bluetooth的信号强度。

If the problem persists, interference might not be the problem. But there are some other potential fixes.

如果问题仍然存在,则可能不是问题所在。 但是还有其他一些潜在的解决方法。

安装或更新蓝牙设备驱动程序 (Install or Update Bluetooth Device Drivers)

Windows 10 automatically installs drivers for devices that connect to it, but only when those drivers are available on your PC or through Windows Update. In most cases, though, Bluetooth devices (especially keyboards and mice) should work fine right out of the box.

Windows 10会自动为与其连接的设备安装驱动程序,但前提是您的PC上或通过Windows Update有可用的驱动程序。 不过,在大多数情况下,Bluetooth设备(尤其是键盘和鼠标)应该可以立即使用。

If Windows can’t find the correct drivers for your Bluetooth device, however, it won’t work. If this happens, check the device manufacturer’s website to see if it offers a driver for your device. If so, download and install it, and that should resolve the problem.

但是,如果Windows找不到适合您的蓝牙设备的正确驱动程序,它将无法正常工作。 如果发生这种情况,请检查设备制造商的网站以查看它是否为您的设备提供了驱动程序。 如果是这样,请下载并安装它,这应该可以解决问题。

This also applies to the Bluetooth radio itself. If the drivers for your Bluetooth chipset aren’t installed automatically, Bluetooth won’t work on your PC. Visit the PC manufacturer’s website or, if you built the PC yourself, check the motherboard manufacturer’s website for supported drivers.

这也适用于蓝牙无线电本身。 如果未自动安装用于蓝牙芯片组的驱动程序,则蓝牙将无法在您的PC上运行。 访问PC制造商的网站,或者,如果您自己构建PC,请访问主板制造商的网站以获取受支持的驱动程序。

You might also find that a new Windows update has impacted your device, requiring updated drivers. In most cases, Windows will look for and install updated drivers automatically. If it doesn’t, though, visit the device manufacturer’s website and install the latest drivers.

您可能还会发现,新的Windows更新已影响您的设备,需要更新的驱动程序。 在大多数情况下,Windows会自动查找并安装更新的驱动程序。 如果没有,请访问设备制造商的网站并安装最新的驱动程序。

To see whether your Bluetooth device is installed, you have to check the Windows Device Manager. To do this, right-click the Windows Start button and click “Device Manager.”

要查看您的蓝牙设备是否已安装,您必须检查Windows设备管理器。 为此,请右键单击Windows“开始”按钮,然后单击“设备管理器”。

If your Bluetooth device is recognized, it appears under the category relevant to its purpose. For example, a Bluetooth radio would be under the “Bluetooth” category. If the device isn’t recognized, it will be listed under the “Other Devices” category.

如果您的蓝牙设备被识别,它将显示在与其用途相关的类别下。 例如,蓝牙无线电将在“蓝牙”类别下。 如果无法识别该设备,它将列在“其他设备”类别下。

When you find it, right-click the device, and then click “Update Driver” to search for a new driver.


Click “Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software” if you want to search for a driver automatically.


If you downloaded the driver from the manufacturer’s website (and it doesn’t include an automatic installer), click “Browse My Computer for Driver Software” and follow the onscreen instructions.


If you clicked “Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software,” Windows will tell you if it thinks you already have the best driver for your device. However, you can also search Windows Update for alternatives.

如果单击“自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件”,则Windows会告诉您是否认为您已经拥有适用于设备的最佳驱动程序。 但是,您也可以在Windows Update中搜索替代方法。

To do so, just click “Search for Updated Drivers on Windows Update” to proceed.

为此,只需单击“在Windows Update上搜索更新的驱动程序”以继续。

This opens Windows Update in Settings. Click “Check for Updates” to begin a search.

这将在“设置”中打开Windows Update。 单击“检查更新”开始搜索。

When (or if) Windows Update finds an updated driver for your device, it will download and install it. When that process is complete, restart your PC, and then try your Bluetooth device again.

当(或如果)Windows Update找到设备的更新驱动程序时,它将下载并安装它。 该过程完成后,重新启动PC,然后再次尝试使用蓝牙设备。

删除并重新配对您的蓝牙设备 (Remove and Re-Pair Your Bluetooth Device)

Sometimes, removing the Bluetooth device from your PC resolves connection issues. You can then “re-pair” the device with your PC.

有时,从PC上删除Bluetooth设备可以解决连接问题。 然后,您可以将设备与PC “重新配对” 。

To start this process, open the Bluetooth settings in Windows. If the Bluetooth icon is visible in the Windows taskbar, right-click it, and then select “Open Settings.”

要开始此过程,请在Windows中打开Bluetooth设置。 如果Windows任务栏中可见蓝牙图标,请右键单击它,然后选择“打开设置”。

If you don’t see the Bluetooth icon, right-click the Start menu and select “Settings.” From there, click Devices > Bluetooth and Other Devices to access your Bluetooth settings.

如果看不到蓝牙图标,请右键单击“开始”菜单,然后选择“设置”。 在此处,单击设备>蓝牙和其他设备以访问您的蓝牙设置。

Your known Bluetooth devices will be listed here. Select your device, click “Remove Device,” and then click “Yes” to confirm. This removes the device from your PC.

您的已知蓝牙设备将在此处列出。 选择您的设备,单击“删除设备”,然后单击“是”进行确认。 这将从您的PC中删除该设备。

When the process is completed, restart your PC.


After you log back in on your device, head back to the Bluetooth settings. Click “Add Bluetooth or Other Device” at the top. In the “Add a Device” window that appears, click “Bluetooth.”

重新登录设备后,回到蓝牙设置。 点击顶部的“添加蓝牙或其他设备”。 在出现的“添加设备”窗口中,单击“蓝牙”。

Wait for your PC to detect the device, and then click it to connect. You might need to type a PIN on one or both devices to allow them to pair.

等待您的PC检测到该设备,然后单击它进行连接。 您可能需要在一个或两个设备上键入PIN码才能允许它们配对。

使用Windows 10疑难排解工具 (Use the Windows 10 Troubleshooter)

If all else fails, you can also try the Windows Troubleshooter on Windows 10 and see if it can resolve your Bluetooth issues. It checks your Bluetooth radio and device settings step-by-step, and identifies any issues.

如果其他所有方法均失败,您也可以在Windows 10上尝试Windows故障排除程序,看看它是否可以解决蓝牙问题。 它会逐步检查您的蓝牙无线电和设备设置,并确定所有问题。

If it detects an issue, it will inform you, and either ask you whether you’d like to fix it or direct you on how you can fix the problem yourself.


To run Windows Troubleshooter, right-click the Start menu and select “Settings.”

要运行Windows Troubleshooter,请右键单击“开始”菜单,然后选择“设置”。

From there, go to Update and Security > Troubleshoot > Bluetooth, and then click “Run the Troubleshooter.” Windows will automatically begin working through your Bluetooth status and configuration. If it finds a problem, it’ll direct you to fix it.

从那里,转到“更新和安全”>“疑难解答”>“蓝牙”,然后单击“运行疑难解答”。 Windows将自动开始处理您的蓝牙状态和配置。 如果发现问题,它将指导您进行修复。

If the Troubleshooter can’t resolve the problem, you might want to contact the device manufacturer for further support and advice, as the problem might be with the hardware.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/508895/how-to-troubleshoot-bluetooth-issues-on-windows/

本文标签: 蓝牙如何在Windows