


Despite sharing a name with the slang term to imply that someone is “soft and fragile,” Snowflake, the technology company, has proven to be anything but.


On Wednesday, September 15th, the company went public with the largest software IPO in history with a $70 billion valuation.


Snowflake offers a cloud-based data storage solution that makes it easy for companies to access, manage, and scale their data needs securely, wherever the data is located.


To most, it’s likely not the most riveting subject matter; yet, the company has amassed nearly 170,000 LinkedIn followers that wish to stay up-to-date on what they have to say.

在大多数情况下,这可能不是最吸引人的主题。 但是,该公司已经积累了近170,000个LinkedIn追踪者,他们希望及时了解他们的言论。

Having worked in the data science space, with one of the technology providers Snowflake partners closely with, I was curious how the company went from being just another IT provider to a tech giant with over 3,400 business customers in only six years.


Beyond a quality, visionary product and a clear product-market fit, I set out to understand the less visible, under-represented growth-drivers. Quickly, three areas jumped out at me.

除了提供高质量,有远见的产品和明确的产品市场适用性之外,我还打算了解那些鲜为人知,代表性不足的增长驱动力。 很快,三个区域向我跳了出去。

Here’s what they are, and what companies can do to follow suit.


合作伙伴策略 (Partner Strategy)

According to Snowflake’s website, the company has over 1,300 partners. A glance at their partner pages quickly tells you that they didn’t acquire that many friends by chance. Over the past couple of years, Snowflake has had constant activity with partners, whether its sponsoring events, joint case studies, white papers, or webinars. Just looking at their events calendar over the next two weeks, you can find five partner webinars scheduled.

根据Snowflake的网站,该公司拥有1300多个合作伙伴。 快速浏览一下他们的合作伙伴页面会告诉您,他们不是偶然地结识了那么多朋友。 在过去的两年中,Snowflake一直与合作伙伴保持合作,无论是赞助活动,联合案例研究,白皮书还是在线研讨会。 只需查看他们未来两周的活动日历,您就可以安排五个合作伙伴在线讲座。

By heavily investing in partnerships, Snowflake has amassed quite the sales force of people selling on its behalf. I imagine the level of brand awareness they achieved in such a short time would have been nearly impossible without the support of the broader ecosystem.

通过大量投资于合作伙伴关系,Snowflake积累了代表其销售人员的销售队伍。 我想如果没有更广泛的生态系统的支持,他们在这么短的时间内达到的品牌知名度几乎是不可能的。

So how did Snowflake gain support? First off, by recognizing that not all partnerships are created equal. Instead of lumping all providers together, Snowflake’s technology partners are broken down into three-tiers: elite, premier, and registered, with varying levels of activity, support, and promotion.

那么雪花如何获得支持? 首先,通过认识到并非所有伙伴关系都是平等的。 Snowflake的技术合作伙伴没有将所有供应商集中在一起,而是分为三层:精英,高级和注册三级,具有不同级别的活动,支持和促销。

Snowflake recognizes that for partners to promote their brand, they need to do the same. As a result, you will find that many of their closest partners have devoted pages on the Snowflake site.

Snowflake认识到,要让合作伙伴推广自己的品牌,他们也必须这样做。 结果,您会发现他们的许多最紧密的合作伙伴在Snowflake网站上都有专门的页面。

Beyond technology partners, they also segment out cloud, data, and service partners. Partnerships can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It's clear that they recognize that, and have different types of partners to serve different purposes, with different messaging and goals tied to each group.

除了技术合作伙伴之外,他们还细分了云,数据和服务合作伙伴。 伙伴关系对很多人来说可能意味着很多事情。 显然,他们认识到这一点,并且拥有不同类型的合作伙伴来服务于不同的目的,并且每个组都有不同的消息传递和目标。

客户倡导 (Customer Advocacy)

Similar to its partnership approach, Snowflake has invested heavily in customer marketing. How can I tell? One figure. How many customer stories or case studies a company features. In Snowflake’s case, 134 and counting. That’s the most I’ve seen in my 12-year marketing career. While I can’t be sure, I imagine they offer incentives, monetary or not, for their participation.

与合作伙伴关系方法类似,Snowflake在客户营销方面投入了大量资金。 我怎么知道? 一个数字。 一个公司有多少个客户案例或案例研究。 在Snowflake的情况下,为134,并且还在继续。 这是我12年行销生涯中见过最多的一次。 尽管我不确定,但我想他们会为他们的参与提供奖励,无论是金钱还是不金钱。

Speaking of incentives, Snowflake has a fully fleshed out customer referral program that reminds me of airline awards programs complete with a catalog of products from drones to headphones to MacBooks to choose from.


Exclusively for customers, Snowflake also features “data-driven awards” across nine categories ranging from machine learning masters to best data team. And last year, they rented out Madison Square Garden for their holiday party and invited their customer’s friends & family to attend.

Snowflake专门为客户提供服务,涵盖从机器学习大师到最佳数据团队的9个类别的“数据驱动奖”。 去年,他们租用了麦迪逊广场花园举行度假聚会,并邀请客户的朋友和家人参加。

Treating customers like friends is a great way to distinguish your brand and win over advocates in the process. That means delivering against what you say you’re going to do. It means celebrating wins. It means giving them opportunities to guide the product roadmap.

将客户像朋友一样对待是区分您的品牌并在此过程中赢得拥护者的好方法。 这意味着要兑现您要说的话。 这意味着庆祝胜利。 这意味着给他们提供指导产品路线图的机会。

And it looks like it’s working for them. Third-party customer review platforms like Gartner Peer Insights, TrustRadius, G2 Crowd shows customers are very satisfied with Snowflake, with a 4/6/5, 9.2/10, and a 4.6/5 score rating respectively.

看起来对他们有用。 第三方客户评论平台(如Gartner Peer Insights , TrustRadius , G2 Crowd)显示,客户对Snowflake感到非常满意,分别获得4/6 / 5、9.2 / 10和4.6 / 5的评分。

基于帐户的营销 (Account-Based Marketing)

If you look at Snowflake’s financials ending January 31st, 2020, you will see that the average annual revenue per customer was $111,000.

如果查看Snowflake截至2020年1月31日的财务状况,您会看到每位客户的平均年收入为$ 111,000。

With a 6-digit average deal size, it’s no surprise that Snowflake invested early in an account-based marketing and sales framework. Instead of traditional demand generation practices focused on broad-level messaging and leads, Snowflake transformed its department to proactively market to companies that are the best fit for their solutions.

凭借平均6位数的交易规模,Snowflake尽早投资了基于帐户的营销和销售框架也就不足为奇了。 Snowflake改变了其部门,主动向最适合其解决方案的公司进行市场营销,而不是将传统的需求生成方法侧重于广泛的消息传递和潜在客户。

Because of their success, Snowflake was a gold winner of the 2018 ITSMA marketing excellence awards. Based on the ITSMA case study and an interview between Snowflake’s marketing director and martech provider, Everstring, you can quickly see how they could achieve triple-digit growth in a year.

由于他们的成功,Snowflake获得了2018 ITSMA市场营销卓越奖的金牌得主。 根据ITSMA的案例研究以及Snowflake的市场总监与martech提供商Everstring的访谈,您可以快速了解他们如何在一年内实现三位数的增长。

To implement account-based marketing (ABM), Snowflake did several initiatives well. For starters, they got leadership buy-in early, allowing them to align marketing and sales under shared incentives and goals.

为了实施基于帐户的营销(ABM),Snowflake采取了多项措施。 首先,他们可以尽早获得领导层的支持,使他们能够在共同的激励和目标下调整营销和销售。

Secondly, Snowflake created a tech stack that provided account intelligence to quickly identify and prioritize companies. Combining account engagement data from interactions with the Snowflake brand, buyer intent data accessed through Everstring, and firmographic and demographic data, the team developed machine learning models that helped marketing and sales know which accounts to focus their efforts on, when, and perhaps most importantly, “why” — for example, giving context to sales and marketing around why a specific account is a prime target right now.

其次,Snowflake创建了一个技术堆栈,该堆栈提供了帐户智能功能,可以快速识别公司并确定其优先级。 该团队结合了来自与Snowflake品牌互动的客户参与数据,通过Everstring访问的购买者意图数据以及公司和人口统计数据,开发了机器学习模型,可帮助市场营销和销售人员了解哪些客户将精力集中在何时,何时以及最重要的方面,“为什么”-例如,为销售和市场营销提供背景信息,说明为什么特定帐户现在是主要目标。

The third initiative they did well was align marketing, business development, and account executives on a finite account list that they did not deviate from. This list made it possible to do 1:1 account personalization, leveraging the engagement data they were given from the machine learning models. That level of focus and diligence allowed the marketing team to craft hyper-relevant content, where it could have the most impact short-term.

他们做得好的第三项举措是将营销,业务发展和客户主管协调一致,并没有偏离他们。 该列表使利用机器学习模型提供的参与度数据进行1:1帐户个性化成为可能。 这种专注和勤奋的水平使营销团队可以制作超相关的内容,这可能会在短期内产生最大的影响。

Many companies still view account-based marketing, partnerships, and customer advocacy as just after-thoughts, pilot programs, or ideas to give to an intern.


Snowflake provides a nice contrast, revealing what might unfold when you focus on these three initiatives early in your journey.


Snowflake has now claimed its seat with the big boys: Microsoft, AWS, and Google. We will see how they continue to evolve and adapt to keep that seat warm while riding the chair lift to the slopes of being public. I think it will be a long and fruitful ride.

Snowflake现在已在微软,AWS和Google等大公司中占据一席之地。 我们将看到它们如何继续进化并适应如何在乘坐轮椅升降机到公众场合的斜坡上保持座位温暖。 我认为这将是一个漫长而富有成果的旅程。



本文标签: 科技有史以来上市公司关系软件