

第五章第二十三题(演示抵消错误)(Demonstrate cancellation errors)

  • *5.23(演示抵消错误)当处理一个很大的数字和一个很小的数字的时候,会产生一个抵消错误(cancellation error)。大的数字可能会略去很小的数。例如,100000000.0 + 0.000000001等于100000000.0。为了避免抵消错误,从而获得更加精确的结果,谨慎选择计算的次序。比如,在计算下面的数列时,从右到左计算要比从左到右计算得到的结果更精确:

    *5.23(Demonstrate cancellation errors) A cancellation error occurs when you are manipulating a very large number with a very small number. The large number may cancel out the smaller number. For example, the result of 100000000.0 + 0.000000001 is equal to 100000000.0. To avoid cancellation errors and obtain more accurate results, carefully select the order of computation. For example, in computing the following summation, you will o

本文标签: 第五章演示错误Errorscancellation