

Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows

Tags: Swin Transformer
发表日期: 2021
星级 : ★★★★★
模型简写: Swin Transformer
简介: 多层次的Vision Transformer,提出基于窗口(移动窗口的多头自主意力机制)每次先做一次W-MSA, 再做一次SW-MSA
精读: Yes

Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows (ICCV2021最佳论文)


Motivation: unification story for AI (NLP and CV), 追求unified architecture (ViT更适用)

Unification: graph neural networks, self-attention

NLP, CV的统一建模

transformer: 基于图的建模

general representation与domain knowledge的结合


在ViT基础上结合CV characteristics (good priors for visual signals):

Hierarchy, locality, translation invariance


general-purpose vision backbone 通用骨干网络(多尺寸特征),密集预测任务中多尺寸特征是至关重要的。

Linear computational complexity: The shifted windowing scheme brings greater efficiency by limiting self-attention computation to non-overlapping local windows while also allowing for cross-window connection.

Locality: shifted windows, local self-attention.

Hierarchy: Patch Merging.

shifted windows:

cross-window connection: 局部自注意力变相等于全局自注意力

Model Architecture


Patch Partition:转为patch 224x224x3 → 56x56x48,下采样率4

Linear Embedding: 向量维度转为transformer可以接收的值,56x56x48 → 56x56x96 → 3136x96 C=96 / Patch Partition + Linear Embedding == Patch Projection (ViT)

Patch Merging: 下采样两倍,空间维度换通道数HxWxC → H/2W/2x4C → H/2W/2*2C; 空间大小减半,通道数加倍,跟卷积网络对应。56x56x96 → 28x28x192 self-attention+Patch Mergin == CNN + Pooling

Architecture Variants:

Swin-T: C=96, layer numbers = {2, 2, 6, 2} Tiny == resnet50

Swin-S: C=96, layer numbers = {2, 2, 6, 2} small == resnet101

Swin-B: C=96, layer numbers = {2, 2, 6, 2}

Swin-L: C=96, layer numbers = {2, 2, 6, 2}

shifted Window based Self-Attention

The global computation leads to quadratic complexity with respect to the number of tokens. 全局自注意力机制会导致平方倍的计算复杂度。

Compute self-attention within local windows.

Ω ( M S A ) = 4 h w C 2 + 2 ( h w ) 2 C Ω ( W M S A ) = 4 h w C 2 + 2 M 2 h w C \Omega(MSA)=4hwC^2+2(hw)^2C\\\Omega(WMSA)=4hwC^2+2M^2hwC Ω(MSA)=4hwC2+2(hw)2CΩ(WMSA)=4hwC2+2M2hwC

Window bases self-attention比Global self-attention计算复杂度低,但是却丧失了全局建模的能力。

Shifted window partitioning in successive blocks

z ^ l = W M S A ( L N ( z l − 1 ) ) + z l − 1 z l = M L P ( L N ( z ^ l ) ) + z ^ l z ^ l + 1 = W M S A ( L N ( z l ) ) + z l z l + 1 = M L P ( L N ( z ^ l + 1 ) ) + z ^ l + 1 \hat{z}^l=WMSA(LN(z^{l-1}))+z^{l-1}\\z^l=MLP(LN(\hat{z}^l))+\hat{z}^l\\\hat{z}^{l+1}=WMSA(LN(z^l))+z^l\\z^{l+1}=MLP(LN(\hat{z}^{l+1}))+\hat{z}^{l+1} z^l=WMSA(LN(zl1))+zl1zl=MLP(LN(z^l))+z^lz^l+1=WMSA(LN(zl))+zlzl+1=MLP(LN(z^l+1))+z^l+1

Efficient batch computation approach for self-attention in shifted window partitioning

Mask in shifted window attention (Masked MSA, masked multi-head self-attention) 七巧板?




pretrained on

ImageNet1k : 1.28M images. 1k classes

ImageNet22k: 14.2M images, 22k classes

3 datasets to cover various recognition tasks of different granularities

Image-level : ImageNet-1K classification (1.28million images; 1000 classes)

Region-level: COCO object detection (115K images, 80 classes)

Pixel-level: ADE20K semantic segmentation (20K images; 150 classes)

3 levels of comparison

System-level comparisons (不追求公平比较,极致性能,MMA)

Backbone-level comparison

Verify the effectiveness of crucial designs



Swin Transformer V2

Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution

  1. pre-norm下,激活层差异随着模型加深变大,与浅层特征有很大的gap,并导致训练的不稳定性;
  2. 使用余弦相似度代替内积相似度,改善因为某些特征过大而主导attention的情况,因为余弦函数本书就相当于归一化的结果
  3. log-spaced CPB,有助于windows-size的扩展。

基于Swin Transformer的3个改进点

  1. Post-normaliztion后归一化技术,在self-attention layer和MLP block后进行layer normalization
  2. Scaled cosine attention代替dot production attention,使用余弦相似度计算token pair之间的关系
  3. Log-spaced continuous position bias,对数空间连续位置偏置技术

scaled cosine attention:

S i m ( q i , k i ) = c o s ( q i , k i ) τ + B i j Sim(q_i,k_i)=cos(q_i,k_i)\tau+B_{ij} Sim(qi,ki)=cos(qi,ki)τ+Bij

Log-spaced CPB

Motivate: Degraded performance when transferring the models across window resolutions. On a larger image, window size by the bi-cubic interpolation approach, the accuracy significantly drops.

continuous relative position bias:

B ( Δ x , Δ y ) = φ ( Δ x , Δ y ) B(\Delta{x},\Delta{y})=\varphi(\Delta{x},\Delta{y}) B(Δx,Δy)=φ(Δx,Δy)

Δ x ^ = s i g n ( x ) ) ⋅ l o g ( 1 + Δ x ) Δ y ^ = s i g n ( y ) ) ⋅ l o g ( 1 + Δ y ) \hat{\Delta{x}}=sign(x))\cdot{log(1+\Delta{x})}\\\hat{\Delta{y}}=sign(y))\cdot{log(1+\Delta{y})} Δx^=sign(x))log(1+Δx)Δy^=sign(y))log(1+Δy)

本文标签: TransformerSwinVisionHierarchical